SITX T" 'I. MCIGANDAILY SATURRDAY, APRIL 2, 1926 R, I . ueiii i -MONSOON" . .... - (77'S r yy y q k E < "" gab 3 t [' : a a s Y r ,~ 7 n ~c k a ' I it pom B TBMNlBenny Tryon To GOFSUDWL BATEHYM[ ~i Play For .Braves BOX ERIS 'iO) NTION Al1M Wnter Weather Forces Track 1PFR ?' CHI TAM Team To Remain In Field 10ou1se UUHLIII il! l n , I IP DORPTIP[ UUUI UUIIIJb UUM Ouiscfelers To iWork ITa Opn Next Wk .'k Regarde.s Of(Conit ion 01 plying Fied 15 MEN TO GO SOUTH{ Facing the piobem f t taking a; Wolverine baseall team on a spring :training tour of the South without having previously practiced on an out- door damond, Coach Fisher has an-j nunced that he will give the pitching and catchng staff a wvorkout today uder the South stands of Ferry field. Inclement weather has seriously theatei ed Michigan's chances of suc- cess 6n the spring trip, as Coach Fisher has been unable to take any of the candidates out of doors. Last{ season the Wolverines had several weeks of preparation on the Ferry fid diamond before they entrained fr the South. T~he pitchers and catchers will pra. tice under the stands practically ev- ery day next week so as to get their arms into condition for the opening g nie of the season with the Univer- sity of Kentucky, Saturday, April 10. Unless the playing field dries out next week the infielders may not get a chance to work out before the team leaves April 9. Alle outfielders, however, will work out next week regardless of the 'condi- tibin of the playing field, Coach Fish- er is anxious to see his outfielders perform on the regular diamond, ao that he can pass (definite judgment upon themr when they practice with fly, balls. the outdoor practice will largely determine the personnel of' the team which will make the southern tril. Coach Fisher will t w e15 men, but is 'yet unable to select the best of his sduad,, t has been the experience of the coach that many of the men who perform brilliantly in the practices held in Yost field house show poorly on the regular playing fel, andl many of the 8-called fair players turn out to be regular Varsity, players when they have an opportunity to play on the outdoor diamond. Coach Fisher considers this seas- on'1's- aggregation "just an average team," and is none too optimistic about the outcome of the southern tour. Ohio State just completed its spring training trip and failed to win a game in the South. In commenting on the strength of the teams of the southern universities, the Buckeye coach said convincingly that "we met some real teams dlown South." Somne pre-season idea as to the rela- tive strength of the various Big Tn baseball teams can le ascertained1 with results of the game with the University of Georgia. Michigan and Illinois have games scheduled with the Georgia nine during the spring vacation period. Ohio State met the Georgians last wck and found, the southern nine too powerful. 91E0Y BIG TEN COLLEGE INS TITLE DUING 1YEAR1 Every membe of the Big Ten Con- ferenice won some kind of a title ni the winter season just closed, h ec- ords show. This record serves. to again testify to the keenness of the competition which members of the Big Ten offer to one another. Probably the keenest of all copeti- tion was evidenced by the closeness of the recent basketball race, four schools, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Purdue tying for the title. Indoor track honors went to the Iowa squad which took the recent indoor mleet &t Evanston. In swimming, the Minnesota tan- mrren captured the Conference title after a spirited meet eld in the Union Coc Sullivan -lftys terdy I/°II I/ IL I I [IIi1 for Bost on in carge o he ;ich - 1 Seethes pC5tat ('o ci S.eve Fer!a a I:al in e, ad qua r einile tea n UD I5 MT Uigan boxers who will {ke art rtll had o geting hi trac(k team out 'wi limpete. It i proal' t111 8 ---in the at ion a 1A. A. I'. nec I (O(100orsithi 'w(ek wereia ltittered by I es lat e -m;will enerI I le sani ¢ . -1' .Q " "ud( tapei-om .h'l ! ,ec. e&t cv!ay' slowia H which ga"ve Fery ai nial , a Fei sjlg r of lheinile t'iIl Zii 1 d .JMe , The s disc ~s' f field 2a in I -wiio r spect. qua ^rtt m~ta al o >c-oIrn)e't e cle'heli ;i Itilfly i tlhose en \vio won il 111(-'21'e- With the Kansas ad Oho olua s mletea3ll, . a t< aleastnI UVof l .., specive (liosj iSat the ree year.s team. Newm iian and C1.oe iirc f. c1,1111t t una ii ale E'aCh ay in OI'11- srn aa11,also apuearn,-iugi~ good formi~. lyl to eep in condition. }.. ii be thoro)tighly discussed, s well wites orsela efomesMchige:arn xwilriot lbe eprsented by- s the methods to le employed in the (alancesai~~ewat mtr I t' two mile relay quart et, while such fnal selection of. the sontad. . m r-el i ~~5!~l~~p f orme01 iIs as F ne yb nry, J ung, C018- t The A eic,;"k tb l la uen Ax ~*-' ~ ~ I stieOlfinta i uaiyn ae ihanwiiilie yei a srong ;iia-n, Henberg r, find Relik' islle i Il(? new rotssi(nal assocd'iaton, will have roiuiidl present tile coily method bye team this cyear.ft wisurgtent thatho,,e' fou guile teai. teams in New Yorki city, Irooklyn which the players can be accurately delipi1ia, Bostonhe. iclvetn roiroaChicagols dlt~ m io~. T e~(esiro s of com hlet in i e q alt - T e o v r ne r;la l il l o Phila l ia Bo t n D e r tC c g , dn ,ter.* uaifin .;. srivorsftheOtliO- u rounds le preseit at :15 o'clock eter the tile eaY eveit at (n'of Clvelan, Buffalo, \iaish- ' astral Press Photo uaifing oinas will make up tie(tghthcanvlndiisIprble a go ndFt'WyIi. Varsity squad from which, in turn, usy lgttth iiI.thcanvlndiisInailtatntoadFrt\a'em. - --- - - therepresentative teamnoi furme ill becoe.Ti year, as form- Among the greatesti fighters Iin ring All iteresting training (-aull glimpse encly, several places on the squad will! history to cone from California areI of Benn y on, relative (f 11h0 fain-!be0 open to freshman golfers. James T. Corbet, -~ fe. 1. .eferies, oils Eddie of Colga1 .d oothll ftame. )~osect." for a suzecessi team this Abe At el,\Vii Rich e, T ranie Neil.; Benny, who starrecd in fcotoall ait well year have been increased with the re- JToe Rivers, JoC heynski, Jimmiie iBritt as baseball at the University of Vr- I turn'i to school0 of Aleit Vyse. Vyse and Fidel La Barba. mont, is receiving the once oven Ili - HALIV dl11111]I HfU I IU i n a ~ em .~ibl u i'i 1111IProgh i{'ffoft iai ces of ti spud g pi ci ce yeterdy. ii icie N ret "(w"kThe plio k othe fresh - 11'.< teawx!)n x'ill1joiniieVarsity in. daiy wrkotsmost of whic~h will be conlfined t,' foo tball fu~ndamentals. (lily olie :school is C (perl~inent ng xvitli new c~a('h, thatben Indiana, w o cently signed FlatPaeformer Chcag o star, an1d( later direct or of jath it cs at. Butlecr unaiversity. P age has ; ad (' onsideralie success at the lilll iapohs Institution, and with any t'x1I( ii(( ( material should tairn out -winning ;tea)ms for his ne0w school, The two new coaches of last year,