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(fly Associated P'ress)
WASHINGTON, April 2.--
Nine managers may be named by
the House to prosecute before
the Senate the impeachment case
against Federal Judge English of
Thisnumber, two more thtan
originally contemplated, was ten-
tatively agreed upon tolay.
Formal Coinplaiint Will Be Filed Today
Against Auditor, Orchestra
Leader And Wife
With the verification of the confes-
sions of Robert L. McHenry, Jr., audi-
for for the Butterfield theaters of Ann
Arbor, and Alexander P. Strauss,
leader of the Majestic orchestra, who
were arrested in connection with the
robbery of the Majestic, theater March
8, the final phases of the mystery were1
cleared up yesterday. Thomas O'Brien,
chief of police, and Sgt. Frank Keihl,
returned from Detroit last night with
$2,300, of the $4,300 loot, which had.
been deposited in the Dime Savings
bank of that city by' Strauss and his
wife shortly after the robbery.
A formal complaint will be filed
against MeHenry, and Mr. and Mrs.
Strauss this morning,,according to
Chief O'B~rien. Attorney A. J. Sawyer
will represent the Butterfield inter-
131rs. Strauss Impliated
Although Ivirs. Strauss, who was al-
so implicated, has not as yet made a
written confession, Chief O'Brien, who i
returned from questioning her late'
last night, said that she was ready
and would make such a statement this I
morning. :Mr. and Mrs. Strauss were
arrested by the police Thursday night
after McHenry made a written con-1
fession of his part of the robbery and
implicated the couple. McHenry was
taken into custody after several weeks
of surveillance by Sergeant Keihl. It
was found that during the past few
days, McHenry had spent more than
$500 for jewelry, clothing and general
luxuries, every expenditure being
known by Keihl, which led ,to his ap--f
prehension and later confession. The j
police recovered $750 of the loot from
According to the stories of Strauss
and the auditor. the fake hold-un was
Soil Survey
Only Government Offici 11s Will Be
Allowed As Witnesses At
Liquoi Hearing
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 2.--Senatc
wets who are behind the drive for;
modification of the prohibition laws
today received a couple of rather
severe jolts.
rThe first came with the refusal of
the judiciary sub-committee to sun-
mon other than government officials
as witnesses at the prohibition hear-
ing to begin Monday.
The second was in the form of an
administration bill tightening up thei
Volstead act as an essential to more
successful enforcement of the dry
Amends Volstead Act
This measure, containing seven
more or less drastic amendments to
the Volstead act, recommended by
Assistant Secretary Andrews of the
treasury, was -introduced by SenatorI
Goff, Republican, West Virginia, and
Ryall Finishes
Lecture Series
Arthur .1. Ryall, '02L, one of the
leading pub~lic utility lawyers of the AFL I
( United States, presented the third andAVi
last of a series of lectures yesterdayB L ISP E R
afternoon, on the subject "The Prac-
tice Before Public Utility Commis-
In his first lecture, Mr. Ryall dealt (;, yEN CBY ES "TA TE 'led
with "The Procedure of Getting the PIOFESSOR
Matter Before the Commission," de-_
scribing the formation, functions, and
powers of this cainmissicn. In the
second lecture he described the "ac-
tual construction of rates," which he
pointed out are the chief function of
this body. In the lecture yesterday
he concluded the discussion of the
subject of construction of rates.
Mr. Ryall explained that the matter
of construction of rates was a very
complicated procedure. "In this com-
putation," he stated, "such elements
as the amount of necessary gross in-
conme, the determination of gross in-
come, and their constitutents must be
The subject Mr. Ryall discussed is
a "comparatively new one, no definite
courses, specifically dealing with it
are as yet included in the Law school
curriceu 1ur."
1I1re~e (Cm isesO ini~es ar3,
Watier ITo Ancient Cty; :r'lls
Former Editeor Of Atlantic Monthly
Explains Qualities Of "Born"
Teacher By Examples
Personal reminiscences of "born
teachers" whom he had known com-
prised the lecture of Prof. Bliss Perry
of ?'arvard university at the Univer-
sity convocation yesterday morning, at
which the delegates to the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club convention were
guests. Stating that the art of teach-
ing does not depend on such external
factors as professional rank, appara-
tus, or size of classes, Professor Perry
outlined the qualities of the "ethical
mind" type, the "dynamic type.'' the
"erudite group," and the French lec-
turers who excel in a clear, easily
understood, style of expression.
The rank of teachers has nothing to
do with teaching ability, Professor
Perry said, as often instructors of
lower rank have the rare art of teach-
ing, while many prfoessors do not.
Quotes Lous Agassiz
The speaker quoted Louis Agassiz,
saying that the real teacher should
be able not only to write a specialized
Curtis F. Marbut
Survey Bureau Chief Says Civiliza.
tiou has Beeni iuilit On Nature's
14orest Iand
Declaring that civilization has been
tiu L1 "ui Li, L u p 1~ - j Yt-
planmed several days before it took built on nature's poorest soil, )r.
place and was executed without diffi- Curtis F. Marbut, chief of the soil sur-
culty. Strauss came into the office - vey of the bureau of soils in the de-
yst h artment of agricutulre, traced the
the auditor on March 5, said Mc-
Henry, while he was counting the pro- development in the utilization of the
Ceels romth Buteriel tmeaers Iworld's suppldy of land in his lecture
cee arato m thoe b utte fie thc datsug, on "Soil Science, Its History and Re- ;
preparatory to lbanking it, and sug- lat ion to the D~octrinc of Malthus"
gested that if he had a part of the yest euDorie osiMalth
money he could go to Florida as lie yesterday under the auspices of the'
had wished, but that he was then i geography department and the School-
debt. more than $400. It was suggest- masters' club.
ed that McHenry might stage a hold- Although civilization has grown on
up. The next lay arrangements were Poor soil, it has bee young, Dr.
made for the couple to make away (i n Marbut declared, and because of its
March S with the funds from the four youth the land has been capable of
theaters for the previous week-end. I utilizing the materials added to it and !
Robbery Complieted the treatments given it to a fuller ex-
At 2:17 o'clock on that date, ac- tent than if it had been old.
cording to Strauss, Mcilenry dropped( Dr. Marbut then told of the utiliza-
the money, which was inclosed in a ; tion of the humid land by the earliest 1
currency sack, from the window on I European inhabitants and the develop-
the north side of the theater to ments of the knowledge of means of
Strauss, who was standing below to renewing the fertility of the soils
receive it. He then met his wife in througn the growth of leguminous
the front of the building and the plants, the value of careful cultivation
couple proceeded by automobile to and the use of animal fertilizers. The
their home at 711 East Ann street. next step was the practice of allow-
Here the money was hidden under a ing crop land to lie fallow occasion-
bathtub. ally, out of which grew the threq-
The loot was left there for three 'field method.
or four days, said Strauss, and then It was about this time or a little
taken into Detroit by his wife in order later that the theory of Malthus cane
to have it changed into bills of large into existence, just at a time when
denomination. Strauss met her there I the population was increasing -rap-
lhter in the lay. The manager of a I idly and, in spite of all the efforts
pool room and gambling house e(4ect- of the farmers, production of food was
ed the change at a bank, giving them not increasing with the same rapidity.
four $1,000 bills, which were deposited "It was this realization, this depress-
in the Dime Savings bank. About a j ing, discouraging conclusion, this re-
week later, when McHenry considered alization of the inevitable destruc-E
leaving Ann Arbor, Strauss again went Ition that produced cislization's cry of
into Detroit and drew out $1,500, giv- I despair contained in Malthus' theory,"
ing the auditor $1,410 as his share. .,Dr. Marbut said.
The total sum was divided among the At the preeSt time there is little 1
three need for anxiety about a fiuture foodt
will be 'referred to the judiciary sub- Of Four Major System monograph on his science, but should
committee. also be able to write a magazine arti-
Thus it will be open for discussion cle for cultivated people not special-
during ,the two weeks of. prohilgition SEES EVIDENCE OF :ARE ists in that field, and to "take a piece
hearings and the drys are expected to - of chalk in a crossroads schoolhouse
urge it at the same time they are con- Taking as his subject "The Aque- and explain his science so as to in-
demning the liberalization bills of- ducts of Ancient Rome," Dr. Thomas terest plain, ignorant men."
fered by Senators Edge, Republican, The faculty of Williams college,
New Jersey, and Bruce, Maryland, Ashby of the British School of Arch- when Professor Perry was a student
and Edwards, New Jersey; Democrats. aeology outlined his work in Italy in there, was mentioned as an example of
Under the ruling of the sub-commit a University lecture in Angell hall the "ethical mind" type. These men,
tee today, if these senators want to yesterday under the auspices of the hle explained, were called the "gen-
put on the stand witnesses other than Schoolmasters' club.Dr.Ashby first tlemen of thc faculty," and had an
government ofcers, they will have . Ah ltimmense professional pride along with
to arrange to br ig them to w ash- pointed out the aqueducts as ev- a deep interest in their students. They
ington at other than government ex- dences of the diligent care exercised had definite opinions as to right and
pene. by the Roman authorities over prat- wrong in their fields, and one knew'
ters of public welfare. where they stood. Mark Hopkins, the
Attempt To CripleHWets le traced the course of the 11 aque- leader of this group, was character-
This action aroused Senator Edge, I ducts which supplied water to Rome ized as an "intellectual wrestler", who
who nad sulbmitted a list of 18 wit- at some time or other in its Iristory made his students use their wits.
nesses, incding state amid munici- and then turned to a detailed discus- The Dynamic Type
pal officers, whom he desirc to have Sion of the four major water supply The dynamic type, Professor Perry
summoned. He accused the sub-com- lines. Pointing to the extreme age of said, is marked by a driving power
mittee of splitting hairs in favor of I the ruins, the varrons agencies of which makes their classes electric
the drys, and with acting to prevent weathering and use of the materials with intellectual energy. There is a
the wets "from presenting valuable foi' later buildings as evidences of the swift give and take in their discus~
information." difficulty of the work, he showed how sions, and iheir impression is a
On the other hand, Chairman their courses had been traced quite series of shocks. For this reason their
Means and Senator Walsh, Democrat, definitely from their sources to Rome. method has been called a "hypodermic
Montana, said the sub-committee was The distances covered in the trans- style.",
following a long-established practice portattion of water were as high as Ielmnholtz, the German physicist
at hearings on legislation. In such 4. miles, he stated, and often the and other German professors of 40
cases summonses rarely are issued, channels went underground through years ago were spoken of as the "ern-
proponents anl opponents being re- rock and dirt for some distances. In dite type." Their chief characteristic
tirt dfn n nly th1i nan vitn an
Dr. Francis W. Kelsey
Michigan Acadely Elects L. A. Chase
Of Northern State Normal
To Presidency
Dr. Francis W. Kelsey of the Latin
department of the University was
elected president of the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club at the annual'
business meeting yesterday. Louis P.
Jocelyn of Ann Arbor was chosen for
his 27th term as secretary of the or-
ganization, while Catherine G. Hind of
Detroit Central high school and Prof.
J. L. Markley of the mathematics de-
partment of the University were
named by the nominations committee
for vice-president and member of the
board of directors, respectively.
Members of the association votedJ
unanimously not to affiliate with the
State Teachers' association, cutting
short degotiations for amalgamation
which had existed for two years be-
tween committees of the two societies.
Figures Present Ratio Of Scientific
Achievement To Broadmindedness
Of Religious Sects
Indicating that he believes that uni-
versity students have already lit "the
torch of spiritual exploration," Presi-
dent Clarence Cook Little asserted Pi
an address before the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club last night in Hill
auditorium that youth is "on the verge
of a great spontaneous reformation
leading toward more liberal and less
dogmatic views on Christianity."
In speaking of the "lamentably dan-
gerous position of Christianity today,"
President Little referred to a recent
book, "The Religion of Yesterday ant
Today," written by Dr. Kirsopp Lake,
of Harvard university, who recently
spoke here as a lecturer in the Michi-
gall School of Reigion.
"Dividiing present day Christians
into three groups-the fundamental-
ists, the institutionalists, and the ex-
perimentalists-in order of increasing
liberality," said President Little, "Dr.
Lake's general contention is. that
among the fundamentalists the appeal
is chiefly to the intellect."
Leadership Amd Liberality
In support of this contention, Presi-
dent Little hinted that intellectual
leadership is also correlated with lib-
erality of religious beliefs and pro-
sented statistics which he had pre-
pared showing that persons belonging
to certain denominations occur more
or less frequently in "Who's Who In
America" according to the liberality
of their creed.
Using three letters of the alphsbet,
A, M, and W, four groups were tbu-
fated, the medcal men, scientists,
authors or writers, and lawyers. The
results, calculated on, a percentage
basis, were compared with the per-
cntages of the various religious de-
nominations as shown-in the World's
Almanac of 1925" and for the whole
population of the United States.
President Little then attempted to
show by comparing these two propor-
tions whether those of a certain de-
nomination occurred more or less fre-
quently than would be expected con-
sidering the size of the religious or-
Unitarians Head List
"Unitarians," lie. asserted, "occur
more than 28 times as frequently as
one would expect, Episcopalians 10.1
times, Congregationalists 5.8, Uriver-
salists 5.5, and Presbyterians 3.5. In
marked contrast with these are three
churches, two of which are more or
less rent by fundamentalist-modernist
controversy and one of which is al-
most wholly fundamentalist. .These
occur as follows: Methodist, about
three-fifths as many as are expected;
Baptists a little more thani two-fifths;
and Catholics between one-quarter
and one-fifth.
"The difference between the denomi-
nations apparently is greater among
the scientists than among the lawyers
-an interesting fact when one cony
siders that science continually looks
for new truths while law has for its
chief duty the maintenance of the
existing order. Thus; among the, sci-
entists, the Unitarians are 70 times as
numerous as expected and the Con-
gregationalists are 9.4 times as plen-
tiful, while Baptists are about one-
fourth as plentiful and Catholics one-
fiftieth as their occurence in the gen-
eral population would indicate they
should be.
"I do not wish to attempt to do
more than to state facts based on a
very preliminary study," President
Little added. "These findings should
not be taken personally by any one
(Continued on Page Three)
Cestre Declares
Provincial Life
Typifies France
"French life is not characterized by
Paris, but by the provinces about
which the tourist knows little," said
Dr. Charles Cestre, exchange profes-
sor, exchange professor from the Sor-
bonne, in a talk given yesterday at
the modern language conference of thy
Schoolmasters' club under the aus-
pices of the Cercle Francais.
Dr. Cestre traced the history of
France from Romani times through the
C'hase Wills Presideii'ey
qurle osu y nteir own wi nesses. the illustrations accompanying the was an iron diligence and a keen sense Prof. Lew A. Chase of the history
The amendment prollosefI by Assist- lecture, numerous examples of ancient of the value of time. Ile told of how
ant Secretary Andrews, who is iin construction were shown, and often j some of them, old men, would get up department of Northern State Normalc
charge of prohibition enforcement, are j cases where the original portions of at five in the morning, take 20 minutes school at Marquette, who is taking ther
designed primarily to dry up sources the structures had been covered or of dumb-bell exercises, and be at worklplace of Prof. U. B. Phillips in thet
of liquor supply. Perhaps time most repaired in the patching process. by 5:30. They were not of personal
drastic woull permit warrants to is- As for reasons why the Romans did help to students, however, until the ter, was elected president of the
sue for the search of private dwell- not conduct the water from the latter were far enough along in semi- Michigan Academy of Science, Arts
ings on evidence of manufacture of springs through pipes by eans of a nar work to understand their scien- had Letters at the final nceting of th
liquor for commercial purposes. siphon system, Dr. Ashby said that tific thoughts and explanations. academy at 4 o'clock yesterday.
Other Amendments they had probably too litte confidence Professor Perry mentioned his ex- Prof. yarrison R. Hunt of Michigan
Other amendments would authorize in their cement, the waters were hard periences with French lecturers who State college, was chosem tvice-presi-
these steps: and often incr-sted the channels, andI sat serenely at the head of large dent of the academy. Ir. L. R. Dice
1. Imposition of severe penal- that metal necessitated great expendi- classes, talking quietly, with perfect of ti e a a derm t r.l R .
ties for the counterfeiting of per.- tures because of the distance of pos- ' self command, inspiring their stu- Bishop, University librariai, and Prof.
mits, prescriptions and other liquor sble supplies. dents by the carrying power of a clear 1 Peter Okkelberg of the zoology depart-
forms. Dr. Ashby will deliver a second lee- style. They did not employ the "eru- ment were reelected to the offices ofe
2. Imposition of drastic penal- ture at 11 o'clock this morning in dite jargon," of the German scientists, secretary-treasuter, academy librar-
ties upon those who make, sell or room 2003 Angell hall, on the subject Ibut made it possible for their listeners ian, and editor of academy publica-
transport liquor made from de- "Roman Roads, the Arteries of the ito understand concepts in "strange tionsresptivly
natured alcohol or rum. Empire." seas of thought." T espectively.r
3. Requirement of registration meambershmip Prof. Charles Mills Gay-
of buildings amd apparatus wh icm i
have been set up in such a way r eblO d Ou ltes Progress time University of California and
as to make the manufacture of IAautho of "The Yellow andBlue,"
beer possible. (9f "G rea test A ge" A t Banquet Prof. F. C. Newcomb, lrofessor neri-
4. The placing of all cereal tus of botany, Prof. II. S. Jennings, '93,
beverage plants under govern-j director of the zoological laboratory
ment supervision. Characterizing the 70 years during mester public speaking classes with at Johns hopkins university, and Prof.
5. The summary condemnation which he has lived as "the greatest credit, aim innovation among the uii- Thomas M. Marshall of the history de-
of vehicles seized in liquor viola- age in which anybody ever lived," due versities of the world.-1 partment of Washington university,
tions. principally to the advent .and wide- I Prof. H. E. Ewbank of Albion col- St. Louis.
Before having the bill drafted, See- spread use of electricity, Prof. Thomas loge, acting as toastmaster, introduced Section Heads Selected
retary Andrews consulted with Sec- C. Trueblood, who recently resigned Prof. J. A. Reeves of the University I Chairmen chosen to head the sec-
retary Mellon and officials of the de- as head of the department of public' political science department, repre- tions of the academy are: anthropol-
partment of justice, and the measure speaking of. the University, gave the senting the faculty; Prof. Louis M.- ogy, Dr. Carl E. Guthe; botany, Prof.
has the full support of the adminis- final toast at a dinner given in his 1 Eich, representing the public speaking Bradley M. Davis; economics and soci-
itration. honor by more than 75 of his associ- department; and Prof. W. S. Lathers ology, Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson; geol-
In a letter accomupalying time bill, ates, students and friends last night I of Ypsilanti Normal school, speaking Iogy and mieralogy, Dr. Walter A. Ver
Secretary Andrews explained the at the Union. for the teachers of public speaking of Wiebe; language and literature, Prof.
search of private dwellings amend- During this period a great many ; the state. These talks lauded Profes- Charles E. Whitmore; mathematics,
meat by saying that liquor operators changes have been made in educa- sor Trueblood and expressed the love Prof. A. L. Nelson of the College of
dre taking advantage of existing stat- ;'tional methods, Professor Trueblood and respect felt for him. the City of Detroit; zoology, Prof.
utes to use homes as distilleries withi pointed out. Dealing with the changes ;1Charles Creaser of the College of the
immunity. made in the teaching of public speak- N Wo ChanR e Found ( City of Detroit; history and political'
_____________ing, he told of his search in the early science, Prof. Preston W. Slosson. The
80's for some school in which he could In Princess' Statechairman of the two sections on psy-
Casualties Caused I find or create the position of teaching chology, and sanitary and medical
flyi Aish i I1public speaking, and of the present Iscience have not yet been selected.
Company Is Protected
The money which was not recovered
is protected by a bonding company,
it was said, so that the Butterfield }
company will suffer no loss.;
Gerald 11. hong, manager of the
Majestic, expressed his appreciation I
of the work of the local police im ap- I
prehending the culprits. "I aim high-
ly pleased with the satisfactory man-
mer the affair was handled," lie said
'ast night.
LONDON. - Nearly half the prisons
il Great Britain have been closed in
the last 12 years. Since the war 25
jails have been converted to other pur- ;
supply, at least for the immediate
future, Dr. Alarhui asserted. " It is
true , that some attention has been
paid to the matter during the last few
years maimily because attention has
been directed to it by food scarcity
during the war. This is known by j
everyone to be an artificial scarcityE
and the discussion of the subject is
mainly one of academic interest;"
WASHINGTON, April 2.-President
Coolidge feels that the League of
Nations' invitation to the United
Qf f f 1, 4e ; fn i t n 7- 1,1