Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays).
Volume VI FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1926 Numiber 139
Cercle F'raircis Lecture:
The 5th and last lecture on the Cercle Francais series, "Lfa Vie de
Province," will be given In French Friday, April 2, at 3:00 o'clock in Room
1025 Angell Hall by Dr. Charles Cestre, non-resident lecturer the second
semester in the French and English Departments. Dr. Cestre is Professor
of American Literature and Civilization at the Sorbonne, in Paris.
Members of the Modern Language Conference of the Michigan School-
masters' Club are invited to attend as guests of the Cercle.
A. G. Canfield.
"Wet" Candidate
Convocation, Friday, April 2:
There will be a convocation of the University at which the members of
the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will be the University's guests Friday,
April 2, at 11:00 A. M. in Hill Auditorium. Professor Bliss Perry will de-
liver an address on the subject "Types of Teachers I Have Known."
In accordance with the custom of past years classes, with the exception
of clinics, will be dismissed at the hour of the convocation to permit the
attendance of students and faculty.
Members of the faculty are requested to enter by the rear doors of Hill
Auditorium and to pass directly to seats which will be provided for them
on the stage. Academic costume will not be worn.
C. C. Little.
Unversity Lecture:
Dr. C. F. Marbut, Chief of the U. S. Bureau of Soils, will speak on "The
History of, Sil Science and its Relation to the Doctrine of Malthus" in the
Natural Science Auditorium, Friday, April 2, at 4:15 P. M.
The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins.
Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts:
The faculty program blanks for the second semester have been placed
in the campus mail boxes, and should be filled out and returned to this office
as soon as possible. Cooperation in this matter will be much appreciated.
John R. Effinger.
Rouse Parties and house Dances:
The following organizations have been given permission to hold parties
on Saturday, April 3, 1926:
House Parties:
Kappa Nu (Closed) Zeta Beta Tau
Iouse Dances:
Kappa Delta Rho Sigma Delta Kappa
PI Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Nu
Trigon (Closed
.. A. Bursley.
Houso Parties and House Dances:
The following organizations have been given permission to hold parties
on Friday, April 2, 1926:~
House Parties:
Kappa Nu (Closed) Zeta Beta Ta
,House Dances:
Alpha Sigma Phi Phi Kappa Sigma (Closed)
Gamma Sigma Phi Sigma Kappa (Closed)
Kappa Sigma (Closed) Sigma Alpha Epsilon (Closed)
J. A. Bursiy, Dean.
To Students Having Library Books:
1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the Univer-
sity Library are notified that such books are due Tuesday, April 6th, before
the Impending Spring recess, in pursuance of the Regents' regulation:
"Students who leave Ann Arbor for an absence of more
than a week must first return all borrowed books."
2. Failure ot return books before recess will Tender the student liable
to an extra fine.
3. Students who have special need for certain books between April 6th
and the beginning of the recess may retain such books by applying to the
Superintendent of Circulation on or before April 6th.
4, Students who have special need for certain books during the recess,
will be given permission to draw these books, provided they are not in gen-
eral demand, on application to the Superintendent of Circulation after
April 6th.
Wn.W . Bishop, Librarian.
Former students of Professor Trueblood who wish to attend the dinner
on Friday evening, April 2, at the Michigan Union, way make their reserva-
tions by calling the Union desk by Friday noon.
Lionel Crocker.
Geology 31:
On account of the University Convocation on Friday at 11 o'clock the
mid-semester examination in Geology 31 will be given on Monday at 11
o'clock in the usual -lecture room in Angell Hall.
L. 1. Gould.
Geology 31:
Because of the University Convocation the examination which was to
be held Friday, April 2, will be held Monday, April 5, in Room 231 Angell
IV. H. Hobbs.
Forestry 32:
Mldsemester examination will be given on April 2 in the auditorium of
Newberry Hall.
L. J. Young.
iHistory 6:
Midsemester examination Monday, April 5. Mr. Ma nyon's sections Room
1025 Angell Hall by Dr. Charles Cestre, non-resident lecturer the second
Room 25 Angell Hall.
Preston Slosson.
Roger Baldwi1 Lecture:
Mr. Roger Baldwin, Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of
New York City, will speak in Natural Science Auditorium Monday, April 5,
at 4:15 P. M. on "Free Speech or Violence?" The meeting is under the
auspices of the Round Table Club. A slight charge will be made at the
Fred Schumann.
IGrailuatiow 'Recital:
UIope Baer, mezzo-soprano, will appear in a graduationrecital at the
University School of Music Thursday evening, April 8, instead of on the
date inadvertently announced in the columns of The Daily.
Charles A. Sink.
University Club:
Monthly club night Friday, April 2, at 8:00 I'. M. in the Club Room.
Usual program of entertainment and refreshments.
C. T. Johnston.
Economics Club:
Professor J. II. Rogers of the University of Missouri will address the
Club on Monday evening, April 5, at 7:30 in Room 304 of the Union on "Stock
Exchange Speculation and the New York Money Market."
I. L. Slharfman.
Sclhoolmasters' Club:
Professor William Sandoz will offer to the Modern Language Confer-
ence, on Friday evening, in Hill Auditorium, following the address of Presi-
dent Little, an exhibition of colored projections of views in France and
Spain. All members of the Schoolmasters' Club are cordially invited to be
A. G. Canfield.
Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
Four items we save you money on. The best way to find this
out is to give us a call. We have good goods, we are willing and
anxious to sell these goods on close profits. Tp you who must
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plank is a vote-getter,
W. Phillips, Jr., will be
---oro renn.,,
If a "wet"
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mior of Pennsylvania.
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DOUGLAS---THESE SAYINGS OF INE................................$1.50
LAKE-RELIGION OF YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW ........................$2.00
GILKEY-,JESUS AND OUR GENERATION ....................................$2.00
HARRIS-RELIGION OF UNDERGRADUATES .................................$1.2i
PATTON-RELIGION IN THE THOUGHT OF TODAY.......................$1.50
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All the Clothing Sold by Us Is Manufactured by Us.
104 Years' Experience.
ow"Woo .
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We are headquarters for the most popular gar-
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Our prices will interest you.
Also Cravenettes, Gabardens and Topcoats from
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lothing, Furnishings
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Reasonable Prices
a large assortment in grey and tan for ladies and men
Blouses, Blazers and Sport Coats in popular patterns. Our prices are as
popular as our Jackets.
jit U2 boratory Sec"on):
I shall not meet the special section in the laboratory
o'clock. Meeting Tuesday in 3231 Angell Hall as usual.
Friday at 4:40
A. R. Morris.
Breeches, Hiking Shoes,
Puttees, Moccasin
Packs, Officers
Experimental Education C 40:
The regular Friday 2 o'clock section of Experimental Education will
meet today (Friday, April 2) at 1 o'clock instead of at 2 o'clock in order to
allow members of this class to attend meetings of the Schoolmasters' Club.,
Howard Y. McClusky.
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr.. Frank B. Doyle of the Ingersoll-Rand Company will be in Room 221
West Engineering Building on Friday and Saturday, April 2nd and 3rd, for
the purpose of interviewing those interested in positions with this Company.a
If. C. Anderson.
Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
College Stores at
Western Reserve
UniversitV of Michigan
and Army Shoes, Shirts, Socks, Sport Hose and all needs for out-of-doors.
Coverall Suits, Shop and Lab. Coats, Laundry Bags, Blankets, Folding
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