FAGr : F VrN' TI-n MTrTWAM DAILYV "- .,.- .t. - .$:._.-. _a A AL..4 aWAA..L £aav s tA hA ae ..._ .. .. I Y E When you are in for your s#enior Cane wse wvill be pleased to show you the new siring oxfords. $10. WAONER& COfXPN Jor [lien cz&xSince 144 If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie! the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad will be charged.j The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all want ads under appropriate headF ings and to revise or withhold objectionable copy. This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two; insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more insertions, Cash classifieds received at the Daily officeE in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES tion. LUST LOST-A gold pencil and redl Water- man Tien. Please return to 1227 Wasltenaw. Phone 4624. 39-401 NOTIC11 Pr._By your 1u~ter (candies5 at Arbor Fountain. Delicious choc- olates, b~onblons, mints and hard, cand~ies. .39-40-41-42.;- IF YOU Nf~t UERIAL cleaning and pressing service at reasonable prices Dial 7814 (CHEER VP 11 ll LN328 So. 31aiin NOTICE 1923 1924 1 920 191.9 191.8 1924 1920 1920 1922 1919 NOTICE z YOU IE r ! ho are working your way thbrough U'SE1D CAIN SALE Ford Roadster........... Ford Sedan.............. Buick Touring........... Buick Touring........... Velie Touring............ Chevrolet Sedan .......... Dodge Sedan............. Nash Touring............ Scripts Booth Touring.. Packard Twin Six, 4 passen- 29 125 V4) 15i0 t . NOTICE CLEANING--Dark garments gather the same soil that shows on light - ones-$'.50 for $5.00 in work at Chemical Cleaners, 426 Thompson, Dial 6898. E. 0. D. tf. NOT'I'E-Let us do your Easterl cleaning early. $3.50 for $5.00 ini work. The Dire W4a h Jack Chem-[ Sical Cleaners. Dial 5898. ' 30-32-25 tf. Read the Want Ad ger spoirt .............45 1920 Studebaker Special Touring. S) 1924 Jewvett Sport Roadster...... 5,45 1924 Hupp Coupe ............... i~k0 1924 Buick 4 Touring ...........40 1922 Buick Six Touring ..........015 1923. Hudson Coach.............451 Dlrop, in and Look these buys over. There is surely something in this Ii LAiv ill shiltyou. Open "Nights and Sundaiy ALBERT M. GRAVES Paige- Jewett-Johrdan 3,-2 E. waislington St. .Phone 7-414 39-40-41.. GOOD FRIDAY PASSION SERVICE 12:00 -- 3:00 St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Division and Catherine Streets. Conducted by~ Protestant Ministers of Ann Arbor TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second band of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- Sest stock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor.I i I i Michigan, or who wvant to earn some wor'thwhile s1ide mney---- We are a. wide aware organization and we want the part time services of some high grade, wide awake young1 man. Ours is not a real estate or peddling proposition but an opp1ortunflity of real merit, worthy of your prompt investi- gat ion., Write to-day and tell us of yourself in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeab1)1e appointments. Address Box 70, Michigan Daily PRESSING-Unquestionably the best pressing service in town. Try us once. Cheer-Up Wahl, 828 So. Main. tfj We (lean and block hats as a specialtyI Have yours made like new before ! Easter. Special ServicQ to Stuldents WASIIIN(X1ON RAT SHOP, 1106 E. Washington 35-37-39. GET YOUR Victor Record of " Vie- I tors" "Yellow and B'lue" by Univ. of Mich. Band, at-- S Seluieberle & ;Son .1Music house, 110 S. Main St. tf. HIGH GRADE clothes, custom tailor- ed, latest styles, perfect fit. $40 and {up. C. T. Bliaus, I131) S. University. l 39-40-41. .Arnold's State St. 3reweler' Is now carrying a complete line of fountain pens--all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need, come in and see us, we can satisfy you. Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. t. UNUSUAL I collection of classical mu- sic, Columbia Master Series, featur- ing, Landond String Quartette, Sym- phony "From the New World" ALL. 1ENIHINtER MUSIC SHOP, Soo5 Maynard. 39 A. NASHI CO., 'Golden Rule. Tallofs Spring Suits and Topcoats $2X3.00 Style, Farc Tailoring GuaranteedI F al 6746 or 9736 tf.I WLLYS KNIGHT 1923. ROADSTERt, New green (dueo paint, good winter curtains, all accessories including nickle-plated radiator and head lights, good cord tires. This is a- regl classy looking job and it. runs as good as it looks. A denmonstration will prove to you its, merits. $164 w dlownland1 $22 per inonth. CHEFVROLET 1925 DE LUIXE touring, cord tires, dluco tin ish, grey. uphols- tering, good curtinus, bumpers, windshield wiper, andl spotlight:. Driven only 9,0)00 miles. Motor just nicely broken in. You will like to dIrive this little car. Only $102.50 clown and $2-1.44 per month. OVERLAND 1924 TOU,:U NG, good cur- tains, cordl tires, net or and finish in good condition will appeal to you. Take it out anid try it yourself. The price will please youi too. Only $82 (own~ and1 $21.44 per month. j UTDSON 1921) Sport touring, shock absorbers and ma~ny other extras. Just the car for yo a. $30.50 dIown, $21) per month., MAXWELL,, 1922 Toutring-here is a Icar that we are really going to sac- Irifice. You can't ,:how us another in town that is in a;; good condition and can be)) 'ought for as little, money. $82.00 dlown and $20.15 per month. GOOD I-Sri)(CARlS I, a Advertise in "The Daily" f Th ( AUTO PARTS For' All Makes @1 Carsy. TIRES FOR SALE. 1 JUNK CARS BCUCHT "~. PRONE 3035. KESSLER. BROS, Canal Street MARTHA WASHING'TON CANDIES Fresh Every Friday TICE'S 709 North University . . . 0. D. MORRILjL, 17 Nickels Arcade, he Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona tt. PAY TOtR SUB9CRIPTION NOW. III --nit I $9 On Display by Mfr. R. E. McDER)IOND) "Thurs., Fri., andi Sat., April 1.2.3 at iHuston's 309 South State St. INCORPOP-AD. s- RLO. U.S. PAT.-0OM? Stores In New York, Brooklyn, Necak and Phliadelphia 'c' Address for Mail Orders, 191 Hudson et, New York City F11 R , /1 Comes just once a year-wvhy not let flowers carry your message this year? v'ers to all the world by hvire Vith our facilities for handi- ig flowers we can guarantee ,ie best in quality, plus effici- DENTIST-Excellent opportunity for - young Dentist. Nicely arranged of- flees in connection with doctor's of- flee, same reception room. Good location in thriving city, Dr. L. Mc- Kendree, Bowling Green, Ohio. 38-39. NOTICE-Mell Gillespie, teacher and soloist, thirty years experience,; Mandolin, banjo, guitar, and chord construction. Telephone 4757. Wed,, Fri., Sun., tf. TYPEWRITING & MIMIEOGRAPHIJNG SPromptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. INOTICE-Easter candies of all var- ieties at the Betsy Moss SShop. Pick Yours Now!? 39-40-41-42.I FORD 1924 TOURING-Looks like new and shows real care. are good, extras included. gladly let you try it out. you've driven it, you'll claim your own. just xres Once it for CHEVROLET 1922 COUPE-All ac- cessories, 5 new balloon tires, 2 stoplights, natural wood wheels. $117.50 dlown, $21.44 per month. OVERLAND Touring car, tires, runs fine, finish down, $1.5 per month. 1923 FORD TOURING 1922 FORD TOURING 1924 FORD COUPE 1922, good fair. $50 FORD, 1923 ROADSTER-And she's. a, bearcat on the road-can kick uip dust for half a mile away. Dust you'll be proudl of too-First come, first servedl, men. $21.50 (down, $20 per month, LOTS OF OTH ER FORDS HUVDSON SALES AND SERVICE 310 E. Washington OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 9195 3~,9 HEAR "Always" on Victor Record, a waltz, fox trot or vocal number Sehaeberle & Son Music Mouse, 110 S. Main St.1 atI tf. .. Whitney Theatre 3 Nights, Commencing Thursday, April 8 Seats Nov' Selling in tf ent, prompt 11 I FAREWELL, TOUR of the EMINENT TRAGEDIAN ROBERT B. MANTELL Supported by GENEVIEVE HAMPER And Specially Selected Company in Shake- spearean and Classic Plays t service. CUT FLOWERS /' PLANTS An extra pair of pants doubles the life of your suit, we match any cloth. M. G. WILD, 109 E. Washington E. O. D. PERPETUAL CALENDAR -A nmagne- tic arrow finds the day of the week for any date. Send 25c ($1 for 5) for this device together with the mathematical formula upon which it is based and rule for calculating results mentally. A. C. Washburne, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Wed-tf.' TYPING WANTED --rb esee, themes ; papers, notes, etc., neatly, accurate- Engelhardt. Dial 7275. e. o, d. tf ly and promptly typedl. Call Mrs. Engelhardt.' Dial 7275. e.o.d.-tf. A SPECIAL TAILOJRED. SUIT, $35.00 ' M1. W. MILWARD) 332 S. State, over Pratt & Dunn E. O. D.tf.! 'ANTED WANTED-Experienced stenograph- ers, typists, and dictaphone opera- tors for part-time work. Apply at Secretary's Office in University Hall. 39-40-41. WANTED-Experienced stenograph- ers, typists and (dictaphone operat- ors for part time work. Apply at Secretary's Office in Univ. Hall. 37-38-39. WANTED-To rent closed car evening of April 30th, must be in good con- dition. Box 75. Michigan Daily. 38-39-40. FOR RENT FOR .RENT-Nicely furnished, all Sconveniences, hot and cold ,wa4ter, !re-nt reasonable. Phone. 5594. 607 E. Hoover. 39-40-41. FOR RENT-A south, east single room on second floor at 1020 So. University. Dial 5938. 39-40-41 FOR RENT-Furnished living room andl kitchenette. $9 per week. Bed- room could be arranged on third. floor. 1033 Packard. 39-40-41 FOR RENT-Four rooms and bath, unfurnished, heat and water, mod- ern. Packard near State. Dial 8752. 37-38-39. FORX RENT-Four room moderm apart- ment, steam heat, unfurnished, $40 per month. 424 So. Main, Phone 4197. 38-39-40 FOR RENT-Large, pleasant, furnish- ed front suite, $6 per week, garage $4 per month. 1033 Packard. 36-37-40. FOR RENT-Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Dial 3119. 36-37-38 ;FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ford Coupe, 1922. Fine motor, tires, finish, clock, heater. $100 cash or suitable term's. Dial 8347 Simpson. 39-40-41. IFORSALE-Ford Sedan, good condi- tion, $75.00. Phone 3818. Mr. Chase. 39-40-41. FOR SALE--Ford Touring, model 1921 good condition. $50. Dial 6957. tf. I (Z~r ~ AT.TI_' i.-...A n fo 99 in billies Primroses Li, EgihGresDrDarwin Tulips Daffodils SI For-get-moe-Hots "Cbe Ilies win Tulips weet Peas Roses Daffodils Violets billies of the Valle y I REPERTOIRE: Th'lursday 'Night " HAMLE'T" res 'I'bis '11ile the First Time Here of This Version Friday Night finrrti'Li r'V I T99 'iuu j perience in selling shoes. Apply atI office of Mack and Co. tf.1 I ii I I1