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April 02, 1926 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-04-02

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'' ,~



Score Total Of 63 Points In State
Senior Championship: Meets
Of Seasonj
Coah Matt Mann's swimmers, with
a total of 63 points, finished first in
the state A. A. U. senior champion-
ship meets held during the past year.
-he final tally was compiled at the
completion of the last meet on the
A. A. U. program Saturday atDetroit.
These meets, conducted by the Mich-
igan A. A. U. started in October and
were held both in Detroit and at Ann
Arbor. Thq Detroit Yacht club with
a score of 39 points, was second in
tle season's race and the Detroit Ath-
letic club, with 37 points to its credit,
finished a close third.
The dates of several of these meets
conflicted with those of the Confer-
ence schedule, and member' of the
Michigan team were unable to com- j
pete on these occasions. Wagner, j
however, who was ineligible for Var-
sity competition and Spindle, of theI
freshman team, swam at. these meets.
The following is a summary of what
lMichigan swimmers accomplished at
these A. A. U. meets through out the
Summaries: 50 yard free style-Dar-
nall, first; Gow second; 100 yard free
style-Darnall, first; Samson, second;
220 yard free style-Wagner, first; 500
yard free style-Samson, first; Wag-
ner, second; Plunge-Samson, third;
200 yard relay-Gow, Samson, Batter,
aid Darnall, first; 400 yard relay-
Gow, Samson, Batter, and Darnall,
first; Pentathlon-Wagner, second;1
300 yard medley swim-Wagner, first;
Halsted, second; Water polo cham-
pionship-Lost by 8-6 score to D. A.
C. in state finals.
Will Hold Annual
Kansas Meet Soon;
With the University of Texas and
Rice institute relays completed, uni-
versity and college teams are now
looking to the fourth annual Kansas
relays which will be held on April 171
in the University of Kansas MemorialJ
Michigan, Nebraska, and Iowa all
have very fast aggregations and will
probably challenge the Illinois and
Kansas quartets this year. The lat-
ter two fought on even terms in the
Texas meet when the Illini managed
to take a slight advantage in the last
The showings made in the Texas re-
lays are good evidence that the com-
petition will be very close. The Uni-
versity of Kansas has entered sev-
eral strong teams, and will attempt
to establish a record win of four

f ...


71 1
.A X
*GSWB~sicf* WSE
Nominating Max Carey
Because he figures on being a regu-
lar of the Pirate team as usual de-
spite the illness which forced him to
abandonkhis trip to the training camp
for weeks:
Because he is the "grand old man"
of the Pirate team-the only old man
in the lineup;
Because he was the man who led
the attack against the Washington
Senators in the last year's world's
series-and was the main works in
winning the final game, his three
doubles and a single being responsi-
ble in one way or another for five of
the nine runs his team scored.
Because he's a star at 36, when
youth is having its day on the Pirate
= And because, without Max Carey the
Pirates will be crippled, mechanically,
in morale, and in the strategic end
of the game.
Led by Patterson, center, who took
high scoring honors, the sophomorej
physical education quintet defeated
the senior engineers by a 23-6 score
Wednesday night at Waterman gym-
nasium, in the finals of the interclass
Owen and Bulmer, forwards on the
losing team, shared the honors for
their five with two markers each, the
former sinking the only basket for
the senior engineers and the latter
scoring two foul shots.

Phi Sigma Delta Leads Race 'Last Five Wolverine Nines
For Annual Intramural Honors - Have Good Preseason Record
With only six events remaining on{ bowling 74, wrestling 93, class A has- Coach Fisher's Wolverine baseball I of Georgia defeated the Wolverines
the interfraternity sports program ketball 90, foul shooting 41, indoor Eddie Collins has announced that he nine holds a decided advantage in twice in 1924, winning one game 10-3,
for the remainder of the school year, track and relay 75. plans to play the veteran Scott where I earned victories over its opponents and the other b a score of 6 to 0.
Phi Sigma Delta, with a total score Sigma Alpha Mu also scored points Everett happens to please him. Get met on the annual spring tour of the The latter defeat is the only time
of 733 points, took the lead in the in every event to place second. The that one? South, the Michigan team having won Michigan has been unable to score in
standing, while Sigma Alpha Mu, with ; team got off to a slow start by failing The big league pitchers who had two-thirds of the games scheduled for a game during the spring season.
701 points, came into second place. to finish in the first four of the speed- salary complaints are now trying to the spring programs during the last The 14-2 Valderbilt victory in 1923
ha_ tournament, bt managed to stay asfive years. was the worst defeat the Michigan
_______________________________________ aill)t mn aed sta hide lame arm ones.
among the leaders and score 87 1-2 Suzanne Lenglen is said to have had In the last five years the Wolverine team has suffered on a tour of the
FRATERNITY STAND points in this event, which is scored a quarrel with her father the nig ni has met 36 southern college South. 19 Georga o a 13-2
PD on an equal basis witmest.h maorha- before facing Helen Wills. All those teams, and has been victoriousin 24 game, while Alabama defeated the
t....... 7 kifathers having daughters know how of the contests. The 1924 Michigan Michigan team 11-2 in 1921.
Sigma Alpha Mu ...70 After being in fiftplace for the argument ended. team was the only aggregation to fall Michigan's largest score was aggre-
Theta Chi ...................684 three months of the schedule, the tean Jimmy Ring says he's down to play- below the 500 per cent mark on the gated against Kentucky in 1923, the
i Beta Theta Pi.............680 stayed within the first five until he ing weight. Philadelphia or Nw southern tour, completing the weeks Maize and Blue nie wining by a
Phi Sigma Kappai..........i start of the basketball season. By York scales? training with four defeats and three score of 23 to 5.
Phi Kappa Sigma......589 I winning all its ames in the prelimin- or cae? rinn
PhI Kappa gm... ...........51 Innynround its eaes the ghttoeler- Business reports from Florida quoe I victories. In 1921 only five games
Phip ii...................02 the sond ro a irigs. to ente a reduction of 50 per cent in the sale were scheduled, the Wolverines win- ZUPPKE FAVORS CHANGE
Phi hi .................. ..:02 the second group pairings. Successive fhtdg.T tsh swatnengtrean sngw.
Delt Ta Upilon......428 winsove. Bta 1 [) p1 CLAl-of hot (ogs. That shows what one Wing three and losing two.
DeltaT Pau Upsilon . . . . . . . . .428 s s Rho Lii, appa Nu, and ilab man's will power can do. Coach Fisher's team has met the Robert Zuppke, University of Illi-
Chi Alpha, along with the final de - Nick Altrock asserts the Senator's University of Kentucky every season nois football coach, in a statement r-
Of the six events still on the pro- et o , i Kappa Sigma team, new speed merchant is more impor- since 1921, and has been victorious jnj garding the recent legislation of the
gram, volley ball and class B basket- ! gave the team the championship and taut that a deacon. He's an arch- every game, except the contest played forward pass, declared that the time
ball have already had their elimina- 150 points. (leacon. in the spring of 1924, in which the has now come for the selection of th
tion and initial round, the former Tme standing may be changed to Manager McCarthy of the Cubs Is Kentucky nine gained a 9-8 victory. football rules on a new and different
tion nd iitia roud, te, frmer The tandnglaborechngedto
event having reached the -semi-finals, some degree by the results of the vol- laboring to improve the team's bat- During the five year period, Coach basis.
and the latter the quarter-finals. The ley ball and class B games which have ting strength. Bruin batting rally Fisher has arranged 11 two game He made is statement as a resul
ight teams left in the volley ball an a i h last year consisted of a base o Y bas series with the southern universities. of the recent gridiron rules pasped
egttaslfintevle balnot been taken into account in this offaciie b.whcielliswr md onrr
tournament follow: Phi Sigma Delta, standing. The baseball season also and a sacrifice fly. Michigan has won one series and lost which he claims, were made contrar
Phi Lambda Kappa, Delta Alpha El- counts with the major sports in the only one, the other nine being halved. to the wishes of the majority of th
silon, Sigma Pi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Al- Iscoring, while the winner of the ten- A "university" of baseball is being Last spring the Wolverines took a tWt coaches
pha Tau Omega, Sigma Alpha Mu, and nis tourney will receive 100 points, planned at Stockton, Calif. Players game series from Clemson, winning
either Sigma Phi or Delta Chi. The i and the high team in the horseshoe will be trained for advancement in the Ithe first game by a score of 8 to0, Little investment-big returns, Th
.game.as.«e.,a. a..usis11 __ca. n-l+1...n., esel, -i OlIrii.. .vnc.r LY i..tIIY t4UiUUA.- QV.




four teams which will meet to deter- matches, 75 points.
mine the class B basketball champion- In the volley ball tournament, neith-
ship are Delta Chi, Phi Chi, Phi Sig- er of the two leading teams have been
ma Delta, and either Phi Lambda Kap- eliminated while Theta Chi and Beta
pa or Tau Delta Phi. Theta Pi, who hold fourth and fifth
The point awards for the volley ball places respectively, have both been
tourney are 100 for first, 90 for see- put out of the race. A win in this
ond, and 80 for third, besides the en- 1 event by either of the first place teams
trance points in the event. The win- would mean a decided advantage in
ner of the minor cage title will re- the race to determine the year's cham-
ceive 75 tallies and the remaining points pion.
will be decided on a basis of four for Entrance points are awarded in ev-
each game won. Entrance points in ery event on the program, and with
this event total 50 for every team that many hundreds of points still out-
played all its games until eliminated. standing the outcome of the race will
Phi Sigma Delta got off to a fast probably remain undecided until the
start in the league by winning the final standing of the baseball teams is
speedball championship, the initial settled.
event of the season. Although in
fourth place before the winter sportsT
had beencompleted, theteam scoreds Local.Events
in every event of the season to ride;
into first place. Their scores run: Saturday
Speedball 150, cross country 40, hand- Student Fellowship club will go on
ball 49, swimming and water polo 121, a maple sugar hike at 1 o'clock.

game as well as a business education. and the second, 7-I.pThe university Dlaiiy Classifieds.-Atty.
Vanioven C lho


Recent Arrivals
from Lngrock
An exceptional assort-
ment of varying shades
of grey-mostly striped.
Without doubt the finest
values we have ever had


in stock.


INatura1ly Preferred
Among Men!

black and brown
Scotch grain on a
new distinctive
English last.


48 and 50


~Atf red J 4

- RUBY Inc.

12 Nickels Arcade






1 O




Comfort In Dress
The man who is very exacting in his
dress takes into consideration not only
the style, the fabric, color, and pattern
of the garment he is going to wear,
but also comfort. The latter is obvi-
ously a consummation of experience
and skill in tailoring. Marquardt
clothes insure comfort. They are tail-
ored to fit the particular individual.

In Stock
Values to $65.00



11 l(


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