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April 01, 1926 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-04-01

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- Vt .t.S*,.' t. SStflt'

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:80 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays).
Volume V1 .l 'tHUSDAY, APRIL 1, 1%A> -Number 138

anal;ysis of the Personal record,, of tlroshidifini h the Scho(Il of 'Busines
Administraion which vvill be or interest to all members.
iterwiii II. Wa termni, Presidentl.


English Op2:
I 1hallinm

ncet the class today.

0. ,J. (a iiiplbell.

the Outdoor Soison. Evecry a14 ence is reported as a cut and a double maktle-
up will be required. No defers granted except through Dr. B3ell.
Ethel 3cCorticik.
Students interested iin learning more about the *World Cruise of the S. S.
University are invited to the luncheon at the Michigan Union, Thursday,
'April 1.
Lionel Croclher.
To All Stuidents:
Students desiring counsel as to vocation, studies, or personal prolelms
are invited to confer with the Vocational Counsel committee between 4 and G
anyj afternoon at Lane hall.
j Vocational Coun sel Committee.


of 190A

solil iis:

Convocationa, Friday, April 2:
There will be a convocation of the University at which the members of
the Mi1chigan Schoolmasters' Club will be the University's aguests Friday,
pril 2, at 11:00'A. M. In IHill Auditorium: Professor Blissj Perry will de-
liver an address on the subject "Types of Teachers I Have Known."
In ,accordance with the custom of past years classes, with the >exception
of :clinics, will be dismissed at the hour of :the convocation to permit the
attendance or students and faculty.
Members of the faculty are, requested to enter by the rear doors of Mill
Auditorium and to pass directly to seats which will- be p~rovided for them
on the' stage. Academic costume will not be worn.
C. C Little.
Action of the Adl1UIaistrativ43 Board:
The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts has voted to suspend Mr. Kenneth E. Hathaway for the rest of the
present semester, because of dishonesty in the written work of Rhetoric 2.
dir. It.lumtphreys.
University Lecture:
Dr. C. F. Marbut, Chief of the U. S. Bureau of Soils, will speak on "The
History of Soil Science and its Relation to the Doctrine of Malthus" in the
Natural Science Auditorium, Friday, April 2, at-4:15 P. M.
The public Is cordially invited. F. F. Robbins.
To the Faculty:
Letters !giving notice of appointment in. the budget for,1926-1927 will be
mailed today. These letters bear date of ,March 12. They have been h eld
jininailed, pending the final, settlement of . number of questilied item . TIn
those cases where these letters of appointment require an acceptancc within
"two creeks from date," it should be understood that the','period for reply;
will be two weeks from dlate of actual mailing, or .until April 15...
Fraternities and Sororities:
The attention of all fraternities and sororities is. called to the following
regulation of the University:
"Since the interests of the University and the fraternities are neces-
sarily closely related, and since the University is working on the develop-
ment of a comprehensive plan covering the general housing problem of the
whole student body, any fraternity or sorority desiring to make a change
in its housing situation must obtain from the Senate Committee on Student
Affairs permission for such change before taking any definite steps in the
miatter. This covers a change in location of the fraternity house, anly='mna-'
terial change in the present house, or the purchase of a lot on which it is{
proposed to build a new house, immediately or in the futurTe. Failure to
observe these regulations will lay the fraternity liable to discipline."
J. A. Bursley.
House Parties anid House D~ances:
The following organizations have been given perishsion to hold parties
onl Friday, April 2, 1926:
House Parties :I
Kappa Nu (Closed) Zeta Beta Tau
House Dances;
"Alpha Sigma Phi Phi Kappa Sigma (Closed)
Gamma Sigma P'hi Sigma. Kappa
Kappa Sigma (Closed) Sigmra Alpha Epsilon (Closed)
J. A. Bursley, Dean.

A. I -T

Senmitics No. 104 mects today in 2219 A. I-i. and 154 will meeot in 220",
Senitics No. 102 on Friday Will be held in 1021 A. 11.

'lhe ('lia leston. 196,The 1WS1TY
WidIow Wa ltz. Adult ('lasses Every
Monday and Friday. ]Fifteen One.
Hour Lessons, $.00.
122 Wuertbt Areade
For appointment Dial 8 328

Faculty Concert:
The University Symphony Orchestra, Samlu~el Piers~on Lockwood," Con-
dluctor ; Emily Mutter, Violin; Andrewv Haigh, P iano; will give the follow-
ing pro-gram in Hill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon, ,April 4. at 4:15 o'clock:
La Fete de Seville (five Spanish Dances) (Tiavan-Marc het~); Violin
Concerto (first movement) (Mendelssohin) ; "Fingal's Cave" Overture (Men-
delssohin) ; Second Piano Concerto (Rachmnaninoff).
, :.' Cliarles A...Sink.,.


St. Olaf Lizttieratn Choir Concert:
The St. Olaf Lutheran Choir under the baton of F. Melius Christiansen
will give a program of'-choral music in the Extra Concert Series in Hill
Auditorium, Wednesday, April 7th, at 8:00 o'clock, as follows:
Sing Ye to the Lord (J. S. Bach, 168r-1750) ; -Misericordlias Domini (Anthem
for two choirs) (Francesco Durante, 1684-1755) ; Benedictus qui venit
(From Missa Choralis) (Franz Liszt) ; Put Up the Sword (F. M. Christian-
sen); Yea, Tho Through Death's Gloomy Vale (Anthem for six voices) (G.
Schumann) ; Come, Guest D~ivine (Anthem for eight voices) (G. Schumann) ;
From Heaven Above (A Christmas gong for six parts) (Schumann, 15139);
Whence, Then, Cometh Wisdom? (Motet for eight voices) (G. Schreck); 0
Sacred Head (H-. L. Hiassler, 1613) ; Deck Thyself, My Soul, With Gladness,
(Johan Cruger, 1649) ; In Heaven Above (Solo for tenor) (Norwegian Folk
Melody) ; Praise to the Lord (Choral anthem for double chorus) (Peter
Sohren). Y.,
Charles A. Sink..
Members of- the R. 0. T. C. Rlile Tc'a~i who. fired in _the 6th Corps Area
'rifle Meech fill (ir-tbe Hurst Trophy Match and Intercollegiate match, both
to be conipleted b~efore April 7th. The ranig+e will be opajn Friday and Sat-'
urday all dlay. Monday 1 to 5 P. M., *7 to 10 P. M., Tuesday 3 to 5 P. 11 , 7 to
10 P1. M., Wednesday 7 to 10 P. M.

When you and spring
are thrilling to the opening game
of the year- and your favor-
ite player drives out a
homer-as the stands
rock with cheering
-have a Camel!

AV. C. LoulselL.

;a '

Tolstoy League Lecture:
Professor ll. ID. Wild will lecture Thursday, April 1st, at 4:15 in Room
2u1, Angell Rail, on "Christianity and Patriotism." The, public is invited.
F. S. Onderdonk.
IDelta Sigma Rho:
'there will be an important meeting of Delta Sigma Rho Thlursday,
April 1, at 4:00 P. M. in Room 302 MNason Hall. All members are urged to
~be present.
_________________Miriani 111. Olden, Sec'y.
Forestry 32j:
Midsemester examination will be given on April 2 in the auditorium of
Nowberry Mall.
L'. J. Young.
Econonfics Club:
IProfessor 1. I1I. Rogers of the University of Missouri will address the
Club on Monday evening, April 5, at 7:30 in Room 304 of the Uniion on "Stock
Exchange Speculation anid the 'New York Money Markct."
1.1'. Sharfinaui.
Former students of P~rofessor Trueblood who wish to attend the dinner
on Friday evening, April 2, at the MAIchigan Union, may make, their reserva-
tions by calling the Union desk by friday noain.LinlCoe.
FreshinanIWonen :
The last tryouts for the F+reshmian Pageant will be hield Thursday, April
1, from 4-6 in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
Janet' Cumming.
Ushers for Oratorical Associntlon Lecture Course:
All ushers will kindly report for duty at 7:15 o'clock tonight in 1-ill
Owen Rindfusz, Head Usher.
: attention Fresiuen, Sophomore, Junior Women. Physical Education Re-
Through a misunderstanding some women have not been reporting for

WHEN the first ball game
is here. And the heavy
hitter cracks the ball
shrieking into deep cen-
ter for a home run haeaC ml
,For Camel adds the
magic of its -own fra-
grance to life's most fes-
tive days. Camels are of
such choice tobaccos that
they never tire the taste
or leave a cig aretty after-
taste. You'll get more
contentment, more plea-
sure out of Camels than
any other cigarette.
So this fair spring day
as a redoubtable batter
lofts out one that it seems
will never stop flying-
oh, then, taste the smoke
that means completed
Have a Camel!

Our highest wish, it
you do not yet know
Camel quality, is that
you try them. " We in-
vite you to compare
Camels with any ciga.
rette made at any price.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
Winsta-alN. CQ

Mr. Arthur 11. Ryall, law 1902, one of the leaduig public utility lawyers
of the country, will give a series of three lectures upon the subject of "Prac-
tice Before Public Utility Commissions," beginning Wednesday, March 01st,
End. continuing through Thursday and Friday. These lectures will be given
in'Room C of the law building, at 4:05 P. M.
Henry IN. Bates, D~ean.
Faculty, College of Lilerature, Science and the Arts:
The faculty program blanks for the second semester have been placed
in the campus mail boxes, and should be filled out and returned to this office
as soon as possible. Cooperation in this niatter 'will be much appreciated.
John It. Effinger.
Business Adjuinist ra iomi Clumb:
Full attendance is 'requested at the regular business meeting to be held
Thursday evening at 7:30 in Room 302 of the Michigan Union. Following
the business session Prof. Yoakum will give a talk based on a statistical

Into the making of this one cigarette goes all of the ability
,of the-world's largest organization of expert tobacco men.
Nothing is too good for Camels. The choicest Turkish and
Domestic tobaccos. Tht~ most skilful blending. The most
scientific package.' No other cigarette made is like Camels,
No better cigarette can be made. _Camels are the overwhelm-
ing choice of experienced smokers.





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