TRURSDA's"Y. PRTIL 1,1926 THRi MICHIGAN DAILY PAGH 4, FVEN 'any branch of sport as a member ofl arger schools in the East and West.1 PITBR nLIanr varsity or freshmazn teams ." The one year residence and the three MN l'IJ he trans;rer rule bha : heon Undler ycr competition rules have been in 011" 41 TH1T[ connsldcrati~n l here fow i n e fe, and caffect for 10 %years. AHEI is -jt01f1 1lk(T 'i LI I~lltWIL fIIIILI iil oe on a par wil H n 1:1 he;P 'VYOU ' SUBSCRIPTION NOW. I M~ nlational Institution P o o s oo l All t he Clot hing Sold by Us Is Manufactured by iUs. 10' Years' Experience. Pittsburgh, March 31.-Athletes wvho have competed can a varsity team at. another instituti'on W1ll be barred} from representing the University of Pittsburgh on a varsity or freshman squad after Sept. 1 of this year, ac-; cording to a rule passed by the loeal Athletic council. This will not a)l y1 to students now enrolledI in the tali - versity. The exact wording of the; new restrictions is as follows: "Any student who transfers another college or university which i grants degrees and who has repre- sented that institution in varsity ath- letics shall be ineligible to comp~ete in PROFITABLE SUMMER WORK Several hundred college men have found sell- ing Fuller Products during their summer va- cation great training and profitable. So will you. Talk it over with one of the following: Myron WV. Barnes W. E. Taylor 445 South Fifth Ave. 9113 East Huron St. Phone 7574 Phone 9207 4M. L. Shadley WV. Glenn Donaldson 806 Sybil St. 1408 Washtenaw Ave. Phone 8565 Phone 6717 t f t I 1 I ~ i~irp~zz ~ai11 -NOTICE {fQ1 lI t l ,l r r i nTYPEWRITERS - Rebuilt and second hand of all makes {if you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie~ bought, sold, rented, exchanged, the Ad-Taker, D)ial 212=4, and your want a cdnd epie n ebit ag Wlbecharged. 1cend eardadrbit ag Te Michigan Daily reserves the right to est stock and best service depart- classify all want ads under appropriate head- eninAn rbr ings and to revise or withhold objectionable rutInAnrb. copy. ©. D. MORRILL, IThis column closes at 3 P. AT. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be ;17 Nickels Arcade, given in tine for the second insertion. The Typewriter & Stationery Store CASH ATESDealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more FUTI E N insertions.FONANPNI Cash classifieds received at tre .Daily office infhe Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES Buy your fountain pen ink at Rider's, Special standardized rates given on applica- E en Slioj and you ;11 get REAL ink, tion.! fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself in the paper and won't fadle r entirely dis- LOST appear after it has stet. w"h'en mnoistre is applied. Ink substitutes are dang- 3. r s 3 IJust Published- Theseu An Interpretation of the Teachings of Jesus By LLOYD C- DOUGLAS BOK STORE LOST-Rider fountain pen, nam~e El-I-erous and spoil your pens. mer E. Oestrike on barrel. Reward. ! IDEREIS PENSHOP Please r~turn. Dial 8243.y Pen and JInk Speccialls ixs 315 S. State 36-37-"8 'Pu. 'Th, Sun.-tf. LOST-Blue Scarf in Mr-j. Sunday af- ternoon. Call 6292, ask for McAlpin Reward. 38. j NOTICE YOU .11EX who are working your way through; ?Michigan, or who want to earn someI worthwhile side money---- REAl) TIS WANTED B~rowning .King's WANTED-Experien ced stenograph- ers, typists and di(taphone operat- ors for lpart time 'Work. Apply at Secretary's Office in Univ. Hall. 37-38-39. WANTED-To rent closed car evening of April ;0th, must be in goodl con- dition. Box 75. 11ehigan Daily. 38-39-40. WANTED-Man or W oman with ex- perience in selling ;hoes. Apply at office of MAjck and Co. tf.' FOR RENT MINN m .... 1 t{ i Remember the folks at home on L§JOS TE R III New Spring A SMART snap brim, hat in all the new light shades and colors. Just t~he hat for early sr ing Comfortable andl easy in effect the *Mohawvk nmay be worn on all but the more formal occasions. The Londoner at $10.00 319 South Main Street Opposite Wuerth Theater We are a wide awake organization and we want the part time services of fsome high gradle, wide awake young man.i Ours is not a real estate or peddlingj proposition b~ut an opportunity of real1 merit, worthy of your prompt investi- jgation. Write to-day and tell us of you~elf in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeable appointments. Address Box 70, Michigan Daily i t FOR RENT-Pour ]"o")ms and bath,; unfumished, heat andl water, mnod- ern. Packard near State. Dial, 8752. 37-38-3 . FOR RENT-Four room modern: apart- TELLGRAP Yonr Floral IOrder thru our Store Prompt Delivery Guaranteed. SJOE PARKER'S CAFE IDancing every night during supper from 6:30 to 8:00 Private parties our specialty. ! E. 0. D. tf. PRESSING-Unquestionably the best pressing service in town. Try us once. Cheer-Up Wahl, 828 So. Main. I tf IGET YOUR Victor Record of " Vic- tors" "Yellow and Blue" by Univ. of M ich. Band, at- S h e el ;S n '1 sc H u e 110abei S. Mlain St. tf. I Arnold's State St. 3eweer Is now carrying a complete line of fountain pens-all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need, come in and see us, we can satisfy you. r ment, steam heat, unfurnished, $40 per month. 424 Soh. Main, Phone 4197. 38-39-40 FOR RENT--Large, pleasant, furnish- ed front suite, $6 per week, garage $4 per month. 10<33 Packard.. 3 6-37-40. FOR RENT-Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Dial 3119. 36-3'7-38 FOR RENT-Suite, two offices, State Street section. Dial 4931. th-sat-tf. FOR SALE F- 7. kjr iRlnrnknrr 1 E .} PI-ONE 6030 "Flow'ers to All the World by Wire." STATE AT LIBERTY Students'"peia $200vlusSlkNekear,95 $20 aus ik N c waall new Spring shades..... ..... ..9 C .. ..... .o MWMWA"Wo i E .i Added Iceasure I 1 comes to all who smoke Lucky Strikes. Their flavor is superior - as you will learn when you try them- Men's Athletic Union Suits~, all sizes . . . . . . . . $1.00 value Silk Sox, all new Spring Shades, two pair Men's $3.00 Silk Lined Caps ...... Original B. V. D. Union Suits, Friday and Saturday ........ . 59c *..$1100 X . 1.50 10 .s1,15 j Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. t4, INOTICE-Hats cleaned, shoes repair- ed.p Absolutely the most satisfac- Story work in town. Pay us a visit.' Washington Shop, 106 E. Washington y eod-tf. A. NASH CO., G~olden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and Topcoats $23.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. 1 Men's Imported English Broadcloth Shirts in white, tan, blue. Fast colors. f Values to $3.00 ................ $,89 {f' 1 i DENTIST-Excellent opportunity for young Dentist. Nicely arranged of- fices in connection with doctor's of- fice, same reception room. Good location in thriving city. Dr. L. Mei- Kendree, Bowling Green, Ohio. 38-39. 1 f, ANN ARDOR DRY GOODS CO. 316 South Main 9. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water 1Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING { When your pen fails to work prop-! erly, remember that Rider's Pen Shop because of its complete equipment backed by real Pen Makers service, is the logical place to have it corrected. Every pen we repair, regardless of make, receives the same skillful at- tention and all work is guaranteed. No waiting to have it sent to the fac- tory or what is worse, chance of in- jury from inexperienced workman- ship. Rider's Pen Shop Tues., Thur., Sun. tf. TYPEWRITING & MIEOQAPING Prom ptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. FOR SALE-1922 Stutz Bearcat, must sell before Friday regardless of cost. Four new tires, many extras. Good running condlition. Dial 8956 and make an offer. 37-38. FOR SALE---Collegiate Roadster, price just won't scare anybody. Phone 9571 at six. 36-37-38. FOR SALE-Stearns Knight Coupe, fine condition. 1129 Martin Pl., dial 21678. 36-37-38., FOR SALE-Ford Touring, model 1921 good condition. $50. Dial 6957. tf. FOR SALE-Ford Coupe, 1922, fine motor, tires, finish, clock, heater. $100 catsh or suitable terms. ,~ Dial 8374. Simpson. 38-39-40. {I AT THlE THEATERS Today--Screen Arcade-"The Cohens and the Kellys," with Vera Gordon. Majestic- "Behind the Front," Wallace Beery. Wuerth -- "Sally, Irene, and Mary," with Sally O'Neil. Today--Stage Garrick (Detroit)--"What Price Glory.'" __ "The Show-Off." Shubert Lafayette (Detroit) - "Betty Dear," with Richard "Skreets" Gallagher. New Detroit (Detroit) -- "They Knew What They Wanted," with Richard Bennett and Pauline Lord. I Of over 200 brands, Lucky Strikes are the only cigarettes offering this added enjoyment-toasting develops the hidden flavors of the world's finest tobaccos. That's why ;, ?~ Lukis"taSte so good A reason can't insist 0. D. MORRIL L, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. We pay highest prices for mren's used Clothing, Call 8040 STUDENTS TAILOR SHOP Cor. N. Univ. and Thiayer Tues, Thur., Fri., tf. HEAR "Always" on Victor Record, as a waltz, fox trot or vocal number at Schaeberle & Soni Music House, 110 S. Mai St. tf. PERPETUAL CALENDAR-A magne- tic arrow finds the day of the week E UCrg Occasion' 'CAliSfr rSEA ISLAND. For everyday or dress-up wear your' college haberdasher will recommuend shirts made of'Sea Island Mills Imported Broadclotl. This "Aristocrat of Shirtings" is fine its weave, lustrous in finish, sturdy in service. Insist upon the Sea Island Label ..' &tster orin A Y or flo~wers will add that insl touch