PAGE ,1; r : THE MICH-IG AN DAILY __________ THUITRSDAY, APRIL 1, 1929 t Ce tr C lljs U iv rsty r~feIof theseimotnadvtl featuresI scribed by Dr. 'estre, who laided it Cestre Calls University f life the French student; highly. "It is the first time in cen- - " knows nothing." !tunies that France has realized a likeG In F4rance .highly IntellectualI France differs from America in that ideal It is to be a living center for ' a aa _____________there i not tesm widespread in-stdnsih dormitories, a cafeteria, / _ tnAe iTc.trd loviteLtn uatriterest in1 education on the part of pub- recreation facilities, and an athletic HO/l M ich11al is lic('authoreities andscawealthyl oindividuals, quplant. sysemofunvesi1 hih inc t( f ars.Domiores college halls, IWhile inAmuerica the educational iY atr war has htersitmecharefnotnknown.n ,stitutions are bounteously supplied lbyAd es OnF a e iahshasomcinuneUOiC cs the result is that there is more both late andl individuals, it is seldomd rs O F an eL k cance, a r hre (sn,~ cnnton onactual 1)0k-learn- ta eatyrecha a lei-Iilals change professor from the Sorbonne, ling, but of the work outside his bar- educed to add funds to the scanty state This 2 Sering? :((Vliifieldivtrsiy1life inFrance," klittlei'that Ge does not have the same sense As the final speah ..r on. the Cci de tined 111 Cetre "i moe itenely Those so criticized activities ap- of iidebtedness5 to the community that Francais lecture series, Po. Chailes peared to have met the approval 'f I hs American brother has. But the Cestre, of the %orbonne, Paris, visit- Intllctl''ay~u~tlFn~t ri oal i~rtl)r. Cste, although hle does be-'splendid examples set by tha Ameni- ing professor here, will address the M r is eXerte ,,the com r.1adeship of A m enr- lieve that they are rather overdone. Canl universities, encouraged by the.j organization on "La Vie de Provense"1 fOn u i rst e wh h d v lo s g d l v r ha e I e n a b t er m t ur( o e c n a t b t e n t e t o c u - at 3 'l ck t d y in o m 10 5 A g ll '" citizeniship i5 lacking." performance than that which 1 Iwit- KrieCs sdae the war, hasdin incited !x all. I Skiding LG arters' Dr. Cr'et1 ( ephasized F tnh e d ove-ni.n din'hyMar?'"hle said Ven- French millionairestogdonate a1t mu-nthe______________________in__WhyMarAGRenPAreWEB makesongarters acnate an mi viduabi 1iihrFCihelctn thusiastically. "'hat is just an ex- iron francs toward the founding of a T.AJ-etrlnwwyadol i otn a Ouuivri ear raue hosmpofteenfthchierived group of halls in the model of an PAYI this web be had. Even when worn very loose where t s-s 4ud6, its oMe to acquire fronm activities. Then there are the American campus. It is to be called REST PRICES itwiill not slip. It annot curl and yet it is special and lri olessiontil knowled e.o muiceal clubs, the debating teams, the "Cite Universitaie"-university or ' a t remarkably soft and light. ere in fact is a serious 3titr . There is little. bon, athhetics, and the various studient nub-1 town-and is now being constructed ! Ee ell .GORE FROST COMPANY practical, comfortable, ventilated-eb garter. I tact bet)4ein the students, who are lications. To better express it, the i on the outskirts of Paris. Iae41 lW ahigo aasI aypesigclrSl h ar __________________________________________________________________________________________ university here is a world in itself. This unique institution was de- HI. BENJAMIN BOSTON MARHAStarting TodayZ TASH INGTON 1 I CAND)IES I 1. Fresh Every Friday XTRA! n"' hw. (,Ll AMATEUR4 f" CO*NTEST TIC 'S, 709 North University_" _ Ig Addition to ,.._________________ sal Big Bll. at luFon ,1,a 309 South State St. / IMCORPP . --.DASXD , R .EG S. PAT. D01'?.- Stores in NewlYrk Brooklyn, Ne ~k1t : and Phladelhia ~ Address for Madt "rits, 1(1 Hudson t New York City IDETROIT''THEATRES'1 AR RIG Wed Mt He to $1.50 THE GREAT WAR COMEDY H AT PRICE GLORYHe ! Hy tsh 14 was, By Maxwell Anderson & Lawrence Stalhings t~d ~ Itai 1J6nra yoc I }®, e ever Ngts7et$15PY IQ v W VMats.TiieS.,Thur. Boestelle Playhousean a. 0-5 Woodwaid at Eliot Tel Glendale 9792f i o r e o Ti n s t e T e 4V T EC*I "ept 0f All American Comedles" "The Show Off" wind comedy sensation of the year -- a By George Kelly "No Flay Can Be F'unnier ScuetLiyf aaat m nadcap tale of 'modern m arr age that atMat 5 C$200 uta.Cd895Pop.Thurs.Mat. Soc to $i.So, piu A . cd.7a Richard, "Skets" Gallagher start-S at sixty miles an hour anmd grows ithe Sparkling Musical Comedy ~Bty ear wt faster t the end. Whine.Tea ®eCLA XR11IN SO You don't know how fumly a picture can b ni o'ese 3 Nights. Commencingr Thursday, April 8 an CO RAD AGE this fast-stepping tale. A husband who leves to dance with any- Seats 'Now S elling d body but his wife- and the mysterious masked dancer who sud- F Q E« Qdenly comes into his life, and as strangely disappears! All played of theagainst a background of the gayest haunts of gayParee! EMINENT TRAGEDIAN! ROBERT B. MANTELL Supported byI GENEVIEVE' HAMPER1 And 'Specially S5Iec11e, C"mpanyF e Shake spearrnn n s1hisli ih Added Sreen BllI Tonight; "On theg - CAPAI r a_ - r- Moio Pitue ra I oft -r - - r UV .7o A . I Mount, f ar ra I vees r Exeiinaa 4 -r - yCAPTAIN - ~ r r r r a ra r~r r W y r _ r a. r r r r _ r Thrilling! -r.m.U*. Y Pa Y Y Y Y Ya r r~a =Ia I HILL I ar 'I. AUDIORUM 8PM "a w Ea i r Y ra :ice Y ii w Y +a E= Y at Slater's and Grinnell's EReserved seats sold:= at Auditorium box off ice, 1-5 p.'Im wn I