ESTABLISHED 1890 1 Ar A6F 4 da t t al MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS -- --------- VOL XXXVI. No. 138 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS PRICE FIVE CENTS NoEL WILL Discuss 'EPIC Of EVEREST IN SPEECH TONiGHTI Attacks On Premier Mussolini Mark Debt Settlement Debate I 2 SHIPS CRIPP[[ IN ATLANTIC GALE;' OMAN, DREDGE, LOST ............._ ___.. (By Associated Press) Italian premier were given more NOTION PICTURES AND WILL TELL STORY EPIC CLIMB SLIDES OF CONCLUDES SERIES Speaker Was Oricial 1Photographier Of 1924 Exlpedition To - Mount Everest Capt. John Baptist Noel, official photographer of the 1924 Mt. Everest expedition, will give the concluding lecture of the Oratorical association season course at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. His spbject "The Epic of Everest" will be illustrated by the use of motion pictures and slides.I The expedition is graphically drama- tized by Captain Noel. As the pic- tures are thrown on the screen, he tells his personal story of the aims, accomplishnents, and tragic results of the famous expedition. . Captain Noel was nicknamed "Case Iron" by his companions for his daring in se- curing pictures under the most ad- verse conditions. He took 14 eanleras of all kinds and sizes so as to be able to photograph every phase of the ex- pedition. In the larger cameras be used large 20 inch telescopic lens which were capable of photographing views seen at a distance of two and a half miles. Captan Noel was one of the few who saw Irvine and Mallory disappear in their attempts to climb the last 800 feet of it. Everest-what then befell them is the mountain's secret. When 23,000 feet above sea level, at which point, physically incapable of going a step higher, he put a telescopic lens with a two mile range into action and went on making pictures of Irvine and Mallory fighting their way to the sum- mit of a mysterious ice-clad mountain., The pictures which Captain Noel, will use tonight show not only the actual work of he attempts to scale Mt. Everest but also visualize the people, their customs, the land of the Lamas, the quaint country of Tibet,, and other things of interest. In show-1 ing pictures of Lamas, Captain Noel presents the land of the sacred val-; leys, "The Jewel of the Lotus Flower,' the Mani stones, the quaint monaster-1 ies where the Lamas dwell in solitude1 and meditation, and also portrays some of the religious customs of the Buddhists. The audience will also be given a glimpse of the personnel and organiza- tion of the 1924 expedition on which' Hon. C. G. Bruce, C. N., a man of wide experience in mountain climbing was in command, but left the actual climb- ing to younger men of which Colonel Norton was in command. Besides Captain Noel, Dr. Hingston, a nat- uralist, Irving and Mallory, who slept il the snows near the top, Odell, Mc- Donald, Somervell and Beetham, names which have been especially recognized, there were 500 others who took active part in establishing food stations, camps, and equipment relays. Captain Noel is a sparsely built man 36 years old. He is an English public school man, and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical society. He became a kinematographer for the express pur- pose of accompanying expeditions. Warthin Returns From California" WASHINGTON, March 31.-Vigor- money "he probably will plunge Eu- ous attack on Premier Mussolini rope into another war." marked Senate debate today on the Cancellation of debts also figured in Italian debt settlement. the Senate discussion, Chairman Senator Harrison, Democrat, Miss- Borah, of the foreign relations com- issippi, declared the Italian premier mittee, declaring there was a cam- threatened the peace of the whole paign in England for cancellation of world, and that if this country assist- the British debt to the United States. ed Italy in obtaining more loans, the Senator Copeland, Democrat, New premier would make war on Germany York, who with Senator Bigham, and other European countries. Republican, Connecticut spoke in "Ile talks fight, he dreams fight, he favor of the Italian settlement, de- thinks fight, he makes war," shouted Glared the United States would be the Mississippi senator. "shamed" into concession to the "He is mad for armaments. Ile debtor nations within 25 years, He wants to see Rome again sitting on i added that after this country had re- its seven hills." I tired its own debt it would be asked Senator Dill, Democrat, Washington, to forgive the remainder of the for- also expressed the opinion that if the eign debts. 1 i t J 1 ,I BRITISH FREIGHTER VESSEL IS ROLLUNG ON BEAM EDS RADIO BRINGS S. O. S. Mauretania Speeds To Laleham's Aid; Seaman Is Swept From Coast Guard Patrol Boat (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, March 31.-March died on the Atlantic ocean tonight in a REPORTSj ~J~n Innriam On April 1, 1916-ten years ago today-James Burrill Angell, a former Michigan Iresident and one of the outstanding educators of the past century, passed away. With his death came the con- clusion of a career almost with- out parallel both from the stand- point of longevity and of diver- sified service to mankind. Ile was inaugurated as Presi- dent of the University June 28, 1871. From this time until his retirement, 38 years later, he de- voted the major part of his activ- ity to furthering the interests of Michigan. During this period- the most crucial in the growth of the institution-the University developed from a state of compar- ative obscurity into the position i i I OF o SCIENI OPEN AN RECEPTION WILL BE SESSION OF C(LUl-i WILL FOLLOW SMITH WILL s WISCONSIN DEAN TO TALK TONIGHT Bardeen, head Of Mledical School Will 1)Iscuss Clinical Study Of Build WRITES MANY ARTICLES "Making use of Measurements in the Clinical Study of Build" will be, the subject of the lecture to be given by' Dean Charles R. Bardeen of the University of Wisconsin medical school at 8 o'clock tonight in Univer- sity Hall. Dean Bardeen is coming1 here under the auspices of Alphai Omega Alpha, national honorary medi-1 cal society, and will give the third speech on the lecture series of thea society.1 Dean Bardeen is a graduate of Johnst Hopkins university, receiving his ied - icaldegree in 1897. After graduation he remained with the university for seven years rising from the position of assistant in the anatomy depart-t ment to associate professor in 1901.- In 1904 Dean Bardeen became full, professor of anatomy at the University of Wisconsin, and in 1907 was madez dean of the -medical school there, at position he has retained eve since, He is still, however, actively connect- ed with the anatomy department., The lean has gained a reputationt for himself through his many contri-~ butions to scientific journals. Thet subjects which he has treated in his articles include human an'd compara- tive mammalian embryology, experi- mental morphology, and physical an- thropology.I He is a member of the Americant Society of Naturalists, the Society ofr American Anatomists, the Society ofc American Zoologists, and the Ameri- can Academy for the Advancement Ofe Science. Smith Explains Business Side Explanations of the more importantr phases of the business side of the Uni- versity management were given by Secretary Shirley W. Smith, in anf address before the freshm an engiPe- ering class yesterdhay. Secretary Smith was introduced by his sont Donald Smith, '29E, who is treasurer of his class., "The University of Michifan isf unique in that provision for its Re- gents are included by the constitu-. tion of the state rather than by thet legislature, as are other state uni- versities," declared Secretary Smith. The Regents are thus a constitutionalt corporation. This measure practi- cally divides the state government in- to four departments; one for educa- tion, besides the usual judicial, ex- ecutive, and legislative bodies. The purchasing department is one of the biggest factors of the businessr organization of the university, accord-c ing to Secretary Smith. Everything in this division is worked on thec requisition system. Whenever a uni- versity representative requires an art- I icle of equipment, the requisition ist first sent to the university chemical,i hospital, or general storehouse. If the article is not in stock, it is pur- chased. f A a I t t t S S }l P l mighty convulsioi of storm tossedI which it holds today as one of waters which sent one coast guard the nation's major institutions of PHOF.RIGGS G IESthlearning. This progress was due seaman to his death, sank a dredge off largely to the inspiring leader- the Delaware Capes, ana crippled two ship of President Angell. luckless freighters. On.this anniversary of his death, After several weeks of comparative Michigan honors the man whose quiet, a snow, sleet and rain freighted career forms such an integral gale, swept down from the northeast part of her history. There can be Engineering Staff Discusses Problems which sent in-shore shipping scurry- no other feeling than, one of rev- Of Professional Practice And I ing for shelter. Fromn mid-ocean , erence in contemplating a life Staff Relationships ships' radios stuttered messages of thus spent in promoting the high- distress and threatened disaster. est aims and ideals of our civil- INCOMES CITED AS LOW The British freighter, Laleham, mes- ization. sagted that she was rolling almost on her beam ends, 400 miles southeast of Problems of professional practice' Halifax. All of her life boats had 'S 9 [ M Y 0T outside of the University work and the been carried away by the storm and securing of lbetter social relationshipswater in the holds was gaining steadi- s ur g f b t r so al r at ns i s ly, t e m ss gita e . among the staff, were the outstanding Shortly after the distress call was 11W questions discussed by the Engineer- received Captain Arthur H. Rostron of' ui LiG ing and Architectural school faculty the Cunard liner, Mauretania, wire- _ in their meeting yesterday after Prof. lessed that he was making full speed H Et . . Ito the rescue of the Laleham. le N'w York Serate (orlrmmiittee To Bring I. E. Riggs, head of Le civil engi- gave his position as about 180 miles Referendum Resolution neering department, read the report of distant and said that under ordinary I Up For Vote his sub-committee on engineering conditions he should be able to reach I teaching personnel. The questions the scene in six or seven hours. APPROVAL IS FORECAST taken up included the problems of s- Another S. 0. S. call was picked up .' m by naval communication from a steam- 3 curing the most capable teachers, de- by saonic.aifro tetam-s (,y Associated Press) reltioshis - Ship signing S. S. Blair. No dhetails veloping better relationsips'Iamong were given and the call was not re- ALBANY, N. Y., March 31.-Oppor- them, assisting younger teachers in I peated. The Blair is a freighter own- tunity for the people of New York. broadening their experience, the sal- ed by the American Export lines, due state to pass upon proposed modifica- aries and methods of increasing and here from 1luelva, Spain, about April 6. tion of the Volstead act moved a step supplementing them, and finall the Tire coast guard patrol boat 169 nere.'today when the Senate judici- matter of outside professional prac- miles off the coast of Connectict r yn tice by faculty men. wirelcssed that it had been caught in ary committee voted 10-8 to report Professor Riggs read the report n the storm and had lo4t one seaman favorably the.resolution calling for part and requested an opinion on it'; overboard. The vessel, whose base is referendum on thie Karle resolution. conclusions. It was poanited out ir at Staiten island, s'aid she was in no Five Republicans joined with five I I I the report that according to authentic statistics only 30 to 40 per cent of the teachers of engineering subjects have engaged in professional work of some capacity. Consequently the committee urged that "to be of the greatest value danger, and expected to make the Long Island coast tonight without aid. BOSTON, March 31.-The British tanker, Shirvan, was attempting to rescue time crew of the British freight- er Lalehim. sinkina 400 miles sonth- as teachers the teachers oi engineer- west of hal, the coastgam-tI ctt- ing subjects ought to have from 5west of Halifax, the coast guard cut- to 10 years of engineering experience ter Tampa reported by radio to the and practice before reaching the rank I Navy yard here tonight. of professor." It was further empha- The Tampa is on winter ice patrol sized to be of great value to the teach- diuty in northern waters and messaged er to have close contact with the pro-' she was in the vicinity. No further fession at all times and to be con- details were given and owing to local nected actively with engineering so- interference, operators here had great cieties and organizations fostering difficulty in picking up the Tampa's contacts between the men in conmem- signals. cial and university work. Officers considered it unlikely that t r she would leave her patrol station How the University could best meet rsnfuhrdeastngt.Te this prob~lem was next taken up i the or send further details tonight. The1 report. The comaclusionx was'eached Tampa reports twice a day at 4 repot, he cnclsionwasreaceilo'clock iin the morning and at the same' that it was the best policy to pay the hourkatht.h highest salary possible, and permit the hour at night. faculty men to supplement their in- n comes from consulting practice. Spec- |T gal note was made of the credit r Uf UUL U L t flected upon the University by thle Prof. A. S. Warthin of the patho- logical departnent in the Medical school has returned from California where he fulfilled a series of lecture engagements. On March 19, Professor Warthin gave the dedicatory address at the Stanley Black Memorial building inI Pasadena speaking on "A Theory as to the Relation of Heredity to Can-j cer." On the following day, he gave the first address on the Stanley Black lecture series discussing "Syphilis of the Heart." Professor Warthin also gave severalj lectures in Los Angeles before the Southwestern Pediatrics society, the staff of the Los Angeles hospital, and a group of Michigan alumni. HONOLULU.-Pineapple growers in the Hawaiian Islands are looking to the day when the territory's pineapple crop will be worth $100,000,000. Ou eatherTuajn work of such men as Thomas M. Cooley in the organization of the In- terstate commerce commission, Henry C. Adams in the developing of uni- form accounting for railroads and public utilities, and Dean Mortimer E. Cooley in the development of valua- tiou practice.j COMEDY CLUB TO REVIVE SHAWGS FARCE TONIGHT; As a revival of the season's most representative production, Comiedy club will present George Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" at 8:30 o'clock tonight at the Mimes theater. The first production of "Great Cather- ine", which was given in January, was I the first cambIus production to run into extra performances. The cast has been revised to some extent, although the leading roles of Catherine II, empress of Russia, and Prince Patiomkin, her prime minister, aCe played by Amy Loomis, '22, and Robert Henderson, '26, as before. The rest of the pa'ts have been recast, al- though Phyllis Loughton, '28, who was in the original production will play I the part of Varinka. The play itself} is a farce and is typical of all Shaw's I work. The action is concerned with the arrival at the court of Catherine II of an English captain who has the Scenes of the Orient and Egypt were shown to the a udience that at- tended the last of the three lectures given by Prof. William Sandoz, Swiss traveler, last night in Hill auditorium. The projection -last night as. well as the other two was given for the bene- fit of the Burton Memorial fund and was sponsored by the Student coun- cil. The lecture was divided into two parts, the first dealing with "VisionsI of the Orient" and the second with "The Egypt of the Pharaohs." The enmtire performance consisted of the showing of pictures in colored photo- graphy, the scenes being projected1 through a specially constructed nia-j chine . Deputies Withhold Petroleum Action (By AssociatedPress) PARIS, March 31.-The Chamber >f IDeputies today approved in principal the institution of a petroleui monop- oly as outlined in Deputy Margaines' bill, but, hesitating to plunge into oil complications, at once decided to hold tihe election at sonic future date, pos- sibly April 1, 1927. The natter willj be referred to the committee on mines for working out of details. OF THREE LECTURS Democratic members of the committee in voting for the measure, thus as-- surmg passage by the Senate when the proposal comes up for final action. The question which would be asked of the voters at the referendum elee- tion set in the resolution for June .3 is: "should the Congress of the United States modify the federal act to en- force the 18th amendment of the con- stitution of the United States, so that the same shall not prohibit the manu- facture, sale, transportation, importa- tion or exportation of beverages which are not in fact intoxicating as determ- ined in accordance with the laws of the respective states." Former Secretary of State Elihu Root is understood to have drafted 'the resolution. Prohibition leaders threaten to. bring a tax payers' action against the state to prohibit spending the money necessary for the referendum. ISBELL, '26L. WILL HEAD 5,CA4 FRESH AIR CAMP Eibert Isbell, '26L, appointed last{ week as superintendent of the S. C. A. Fresh Air camp, issued a call yester- day for volunteers to spend two or, more days in camp during spring va- cation to help in preparing the build-3 ings a'nd grounds for the summer ses- I sion, which will begin June 25, last- ing until Aug. 4. j Men are also wanted to serve as' tent leaders, expert counselors, na- ture study instructors, and camp doc- tor. Isbell and Homer h. Grafton,, i business manager, will have office hours at Lane hall every afternoon to meet those who wish to apply for positions. Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engineer- ing mechanics department has been made chairman of the camp commit-I tee, and will devote his time to im- proving the sanitary system of the camp. The Fresh Air camp is in its sixthI season, having had 463 boys, mostly from Detroit, at last year's session. The season is divided into sections of 12 days each, and the capacity of the camp at any one time. is 120 boys. Operated by the S. C. A., it is en- dorsed by alumni associations, rotary j clubs, and other organizations in De- troit, Flint, Jackson, and Ann Arbor.1 President Mil Deiver A "Frankness In Educ Tomorrow Nigh Beginning with a recept o'clock today in Pendleton the Union, the Michigan tern' club will open its 6: lhere today. President Ca Little and Mrs. Little, an Ira M. Smith and Mrs. Sm the guests of honor. The reception will be fol dinner at 6 o'clock in the1 room, at which Registrar discuss in detail the n freshman admission. At 8:15 o'clock tonight th a special complimentary p of Gilbert and Sullivan's c "'olanthe," for' the memb club by the high school gle orchestra in the Masonic T torium. At 9:30 o'clock tomorro there will be a meetirg o in Hill auditorium for the of business and reports ofc committees. Prof. Bliss Perry of Ha versity will speak at the convocation at 11 o'clock t( hill auditorumin on "Types rs I Have Known." There will be two Univ tures given at 4:15 tomorr junction with the meetingo Dr. Thomas Ashby of th School of Archaeology at give an illustrated discuss aqueducts of ancient Rom 2003 Angell hall. Dr. C. F. the federal bureau of soils, in Natural Science auditor the auspices of the geograp ment on "Soil Science, Its H Relation to the Doctrine o A dinner will be given a tomorrow at the Union in Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood lie speaking department, w tire at the end of the 192 Session after 50 years of teaching in the University. President Little will deli dress at 8 o'clock tomorro Hill auditorium on "Frankn cation." At 11 o'clock Satu ing in room 2003, Angell ha by will deliver another Uni ture on "Roman Roads, th of the Empire." State Senate Will Speak Dental Snn State Sen. Burney E. Jackson, chairman of the s mittee on finance and app will be the principal spea smoker of the junior dent 7:30 o'clock tonight at the will discuss "State Finan- ator Brower was recently as a candidfate for the att eralship of Michigan. Other speakers, as ann George Meads, '27D, presi class, will be Walter M legal department of the B company, who will speak Jurisprudence," and Dr. W son of the Medical schoo discuss "Educational Phas tistry." Music will be fur Sweeney's orchestra. This social event of the year of class of 1927. Average Donat In Drive Is RESSES ACADEMY CE1 SCHOOLMASTERS, NUAL MEETINO TODAY, GIN 61ST DECLARES STUDIES IN GENETIC DINNER ANALYSIS HAVE ADVANCED CANCER KNOWLEDGE SPEAK WATERMAN TALKS kddress On Prof. Cooley Disensses "Roots Of tion" Social Knowledge" In President's t Speech ion at 5:30 Addressing the opening session of i library of the Michigan Academy of Science, Schoolmas- Arts and Letters now convening In 1st meeting rence Cook Ann Arbor for its 31st annual meeting, d Registrar Presient Clarence Cook Little de- ith will be clared that studies in genetic analysis have advanced greatly and should con- lowed byy a ,inue to advance our knowledge of Union ball- cancer and its possible prevention, Smith will yesterday afternoon in the Natural ew plan of Science auditorium. The meeting was also addressed by here will be Prof. Warren G. Waterman of North- erformance western umiversity whose subject was omic opera, "Sleeping Bear Point, an Unique Dune ers of the Area." e clubs and President Little, in discussing the emple audi- "Genetics of Cancer" pointed to three great advances that have been made w morning iin our grasp of the cancer problem of the club in recent years: The first of these is transaction the general acceptance of the belief in officers and the possibility of common processes at the basis of uncontrolled growth rvard umi- in plants as well as animals; second University the recognition by the medical pro- omorrow in fession of cancer as a biological prob- > of Teach- lem; and third the development of genetic analysis. ersity lec- The President pointed out then that ow in coi- cancer was an uncontrolled growth, of the, club. and stronger than the animal support- e British ing it. Romme will He then described numerous experi- ion of the ments tending to prove that cancer e in room was at least in part a Mendelian in- Marbut of herited characteristic; that this was will speak true in particular of the more com- ium under mon mammary type of cancer. Ho hy depart- also cited statistics that seemed to history and point to a distinctly higher occ-rence f Malthus." of the growth in cancerous families t 6 o'clock than in the population at large. a honor of President Little added that while h of the pub- did believe that, through genetic ho will re- analysis great progress was being 6 Summer made in this field, he would not ad- continuous vocate the practical use of the heredi- tary factor as an eugenic measure in ver an ad- man at the present tinme. .. w night in Professor Waterman illustrated his ess in Edu- lecture with slides of the region rday morn- around Sleeping Bear point. These ll Dr. Ash- slides showed the dune and rock for- versity lec- mations which were being described. me Arteries This area is, Professor Waterman be- lieves, the most unique dune region in the United States and he is at pres- ent taking steps to have it made into or a state park aid preserved. Prof. Charles H. Cooley of the Z A t sociology department, president of the academy, gave the presidential ad- aoker dress at 8 o'clock last night in Natural Science auditorium. Professor Cooley, who spoke on "The Roots of Social Brower of Knowledge," mentioned the conditions enate com- under which the mind is forced to de- ropriations, velop and then explained that knowl- ker at the I edge is of two types, material and al class at human. Union. He The material knowledge is that type ces." Sen- which we rse in the exact sciences, announced the knowledge of things, and the hu- orney gen- man or personal knowledge is that type which comes to use through the ounced by emotions and through contact with dent of the the minds of other men. eek of the The child is born with a capacity Detroit Gas for life, Professor Cooley explained, on "Dental! and has emotions, sentiment, and in- alter Simp- telligence born in him as the outcome sl who willI of evolution. The method in which es of Den- I the child grows may be likened to a game of tennis; without someone to nisehd by return the ball there could be no is the first game, and likewise there could be no E the dental development if it were not for the re- sponse which' the human being makes to every condition. Our knowledge of S. men is a behavioristic one. iOt The human mind is a mental' social ds complex, and this mental social com- $2.4 plex is nature. We understand only by a synthetic knowledge of ourselves, ajorship of Prof. Cooley said. There is no yard- eported the stick in the measurement of social in the first sciences, for yardsticks are objectivo t Christian because they provide for an absolute e .Budget" measure. The measurements of the made last social sciences are those which can -erage con- be made from behavior, that is, voice, $2.54. words, and gestures. "I am a be- entire or- haviorist as far as I think I can be, 5:15 o'clock without being a fanatic," he said. o assembly The speaker concluded by a brief summary of what there is that is new in the contempora-y social science. re The principal factors are: first, the Will Sell April Gargoyle Today Sale of the April Gargoyle, campus humor magazine, which was postpon-I ed yesterday on account of adverse weather conditions, will start today, weather permitting, according to Gar- Team I under the m- Matthew J. Hudson, '28, r( largest receipts yesterday I day's work on the Studen association "Complete th campaign. Compilations night showed that the av tribution had amounted to Report meetings for the ganization will be held at5 today and tomorrow in th room at Lane hall. A A1rob" D1ni3o 1