WEDNESDA, MA"I T . 192 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ - Pam" 00 -nom WAv .._.,, DISCUSS S RK aI FIELE M1ss AnnCa Owers Speaks Off Need O Social Service Trining For Y. W. Workers EXPLAINS POSITIONS "We are interested in finding seniors and graduate students, who have majored or graduated in sociology or the social sciences, to fill admi-nistra- tive positions," states Miss Anna i i )I i Winning Teams To Be Dinner Guests At Joe Parkers Second Swimming Meet Of Year To Be Held Tonight N O TICES Leadership commission of the Y. W. C. A. will meet at 3 o'clock today in Newberry hall. The costume committee of the fresh- manpgeanst""ilcmmieeat oclocksIInterclass basketball will finish its man pageant will meet at 3 o'clock I season with the following schedule for today in Barbour gymnasium. I this week: 4:15 o'clock, today, sopho- more vs. junior second team, and at The canoeing class scheduled for 1 '5:15 o'clock, sophomore vs. junior first to 3 o'clock Tuesdays will not be held team; 5:15 o'clock, Thursday, sopho- unless a group of 24'have signed up by more vs. senior first team. Owers, secretary of the personnel bu- reau of the Y. W. C. A. "Women with training in social service are needed for positions in the Y. W. C. A. so that they will regard this organization as an institution, holding a position in the community similar to that of the church, and schools. Also they must look at its problems and work in re- lation to girls and women, as a sci- entific proposition, and not merely from the standpoint of desiring to do good in a community." Work in the field of the Y. W. C. A. has been so vast that workers with speciazlied training are required to carry out the present program. Three general types of positions are open to graduates in sociology. The administrative secretaryship, the busi- ness of which is to arouse the inter- est of the people in the community, so that they will support /the organia- -tion; the departmental secretaryships which carry out their program of ser- vice among groups of people, such as irl Reserves, women in industry and Pusiness, and among foreign born Thitizens. Executive positions in the nternational Institute are also open o- women who have had training in uase work. Assisting staff secretaries -n this work are women of different nationalities, based on the various groups of foreign people represented in the city. Here Smarte for Eas YI of these flares.I capes. S of cour coming around. are fas fabrics A *6oPOPu (Se R / / ~- 1/'\7 First and second squads of inter-I Miss Pauline I-Iodgson, of the physi- class basketball, and the two intra- cal education department, is in charge f mural teams which competed in the of the intramural swimming meet to ;finals of the annual intramural bas- be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the I ketball tournament will be guests at Y. M. C. A. pool. This is the second the annual basketball supper to be intramural swimming meet of the given at 6:30 o'clock Friday at Joe year. Sixteen houses have signed up P:arker's. The affair, which is to take for the meet, with teams ranging fromj this year the form of a dinner danc;: one to 14 in number. Each houseI s will be attended by a smaller number entering the meet will receive five than in previous years. It has former- points, with one additional point for ly been the custom to include inter- each entrant. Winners of first place class and intramural teams and any in events will receive 10 points, see- women of the University who cared to ond place, seven points, and third attend; this year tables will be re- place, five points. All points will be I served imly for the above mentioned counted toward the house, not the in- teams and for specially invited guests. dividual. jFrances DunnervinR, '27Ed, the W. Franes ~une~i& '2EdtheXV. The first event will be a free style A. A. basketball manager, is in charge Tae followed by te re, le of general arrangements for the sup- yracessic Nixon,the omic race,re per. Harriet Donaldson, '27, is pn will be run off as an elimination con- charge of the ticket sale; Marian Vani test. The back stroke race will be the Tuyl, '28Ed, decorations; and Sarah th eaterhevetv Bonine, '2SEd, is in charge of the pro- third event. The fourth event, diving Iram. will consist of one required dive, aI gram. s front dive, and two optional dives. A Gjuests at the supper will include# relay race will be the last event. Wio- the members of the physical education ys faculty. Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss men may enter the diving event and! facuty.Dr.Marare Bel, issone race, or only one race. Womn Laurie Campbell, and Miss PaulineH, pe- enterte comicraceay nt en Hodgson, of the physical education de- ter any other event. partment will be speakers on the pro- Miss Laurie Campbell, of the physi- gram, and te captains of the bas- cal education department will be the ketball teams are planning special en- starter for the meet, whle Dr. Mar- tertainment. 2 o'clock, April 2. Tuesday and' Thursday riding class- es will begin April 1, at the fair Fgrounds. Monday and Wednesday classes will start April 15. garet Hawkins, '28. Timers for the meet will be Miss Ruth Figge, Miss Ethel McCormick, and Miss Janet Cumming. Recorders will be Helen Rutherford, '28, Helen Wooten, '28, and Susan Stork, '29.l I 1 - The Girl Reserve committee of the city Y. W. C. A. is to postpone the tea announced for the committee and ad- visors, which was to take place to- morrow at the Y. W. C. A. The date will be announced later. Patronize Daily Advertisers. r . Make your party dis- tinctive by using our place cards, nut cups and tallies. It 4 +1 Portia and Athena Literary societies will debate tonight for a silver loving cup, now in the possession of Athena. The cup was presented three years ago by Ruth Houston Whipple, '1, first president of Athena and is to be given for permanent possession to the winner of the majority of six debates. Mrs. Della Kilbourne of Detroit will speak on "My Experience on Juries" at the meeting .of the Ann Announcing The New VA-PER MARCEL Direct from the East. The Simplest, Safest, and Most Scientific system ever placed in the hands of the Hairdresser. Without use of Electricity or Gas. MISS FANDREI MIRROR BEAUTY PARLOR Cutting Apartments Corner State and Monroe. .M Something New DeMilo, Milk Mask Facial Culture- Ask Us About It. TH E BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP APPLIED ARTS 2 Nickels Arcade The Shop for Unique Gifts 11 I I I i Masques To Hold ITryouts Tomorrow Annual tryouts for Masques dra- matic society will be held from t t 5:30 o'clock tomorrow in Newberry hall. All women of the University are f eligible for membership, and will be chosen on the basis of dramatic ability, and general usefulness to the organiz- ation. All members of the society are urged to be present to assist in the selection of members. The two plays which were presented garet Bell, Miss B. Louise Patterson, and Miss Annis Hall, will act as judges. The scorer will be Mary Alls- house, '27Ed, and her messenger, Mar- by Masques this year were Sierra's "Cradle Sog," and "Why Marry," an event of last week. Nickels Arcade Phone 9616 I- I A P;4-ca 4-n Lr4- Te a PI IL L U oom and Something )i J(1 L Sweet b are the +'.t .st CoatsR iter Mores ARINGLY chic. Ador- ably youthful. Rich in embroidery. Fashion has outdone herself in the variety and beauty new spring coats. With Inverted pleats. Saucy im collars. Scarfs. And rse, the universally be- , ever popular wrap- Handsomel]y lined, they} hioned of the new soft and the new dusty tones, lar for spring. .00 to $11.00 cond Floor) I i a . RiOOM S I a a: TAW 0 Iees - Sodas - Sundaes Fountain Specials Try our home Cooked Food--Served as You Like It. Noon Luncheon - Afternooi' Tea 11:00 - 2:00 2:00 - 5:00 ARBOR FOUNTAIN 313 South State St. t I1 (r In the creed of the fashion- wise woman, accessories are always important. They lend variety in the most. in- expensive form and add a dash of smartness achieved in no other way. In a very true sense they are the fin- ishing touches to a perfect ensemble. A Vag Holds All'. Your Vanities The newest bag in tapestry, pin seal or leather is -exceed- ingly smart and comes in many colors to match or contrast with your Easter costume. a- 1 i 1 +l t t D kWLWl, )bOd44hj AOA Iebwad2 c Lfh M "iwrp p IM .. Goodyear's I wwAomb THE J. L. I-UDSON COMPANY - DETROIT 124 SOUTH MAIN TELEPHONE 4171 \ / I - N. 11 I I ii i K }}i i SUPER L4R SZ4Z.Iy I A Dress Can Be Smart Yet Priced at Only $25 0 A Handkerchief Adds Color A dainty detail of the springtime frock is a lovely frill of a handkerchief trimmed in lace and bright- ly hand painted. Surpris- ing what a dash of color will do. Jewelry Copies Old Antiques The smartest thing in neck- laces is doubly effective when accompanied by a I r -To HUDSON'S For Your New Easter and Spring Frocks! The modes of Paris-for YOUTH! In an Indi- vidual Section for Misses (14 to 20 years) at Hudson's-you may choose from the smartest fashions, true to their Paris inspirations. Sketched here ate two clever new frocks for Misses. (Left)--A Drury Laine frock expressing the vogue for pleats, $25. (Right) -A two-piece frock of flat crepe with new 11 I I The Graceful Easter Gift Goodyear's present erate price-every found-a diversity amply proving that a collection fashionable of fabrics a Dress, to of dresses at this mod- style feature may be to select from. And be smart, can be inex- The most welcome remembrance at Easter can be selected from these-specially decorated packages of 11 -pensive. Baau~e and PBolero Fffects~---flared ad nA e hac~k .II 11 ,. I 1111 I