TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1926 THE FMICIGAN fDAILYV ADTE NEDS rench Inestror IGe olgists To Hold Cnvnio anklelow Gives I GetH s Fellowship! Book To Museum 44 c f toi e.i , of the Ihonk .(e c Ia~y" og i t i ~nry wil l xvbanquet Satrday night at the I fion C ha les *W. Maixelow, of Cadillac P vVf OWEi V O VVV EN91 N 1 agae (ektethsbcm md ~oclisffhbnilnention ,ii- jIt isxen o xieee h tdo eili ge m has prIesited th mseu wth a -h edin.£a meia il e-I2 schoos will attend, and that the newly published 1b0k entitled "Moe- ews~ le ie Gve hre E~seti~l'vice feiowship for Fis'ich univers- .aurly Iti majority of them will be from the far (cUsin Tiacks,,, i was aniounced yes- Jelii ie~Ir ivs hre ssntaltiesi Mr. Storer will leave for France' 1 rogam so far as it has been W est, where the ogaization as ts !tierday. Thlis 1)0k eal with the cus- QIualities Of Character in Talk in .tole to spend the first six months ;arranged opens with a luncheon for l largest eresentation. ;tomls of the ancient inhabitants of this At 11111 Auditorim at a. provincial .eAlege. the remain- t he visiting dele gates Friday noon at - state, containing an article -on cop- - - ; ~ing time ill Paris at the Sorbhonne. (the nidin. The afternoon *ill 1)e (lP- ,TI.0 It~ HAGU.-- Q(,ueen ii elr pe. r mining 8and more .than 0 ano1' TWOTE TS ECESARY Tis ellwshps."Vt~re rlsitutd a lvtedt~oa business session with the yesterday appointed Jnheer Ir. A. colIored - illustrations of copper orna- -xthe close c£ the' lth wtiar, -nd are a 1 evning held open at 'the dispositon C. 1). de raef, now mninis~er t,) Wash- nients from MiVanktelowr's collection, mnemorial to moe than 200. mom 901'S fthe visitors.aturday mnorning ington, to be governor gen4ral of the all of them believed to be the work "Power is the frst pre-requisite orf of the American ambulanice cor ps w hol there will be another business :se Dtch East Indies. Iof heIdin oftareo.Th character ine the world~" declared) fell in 1the conflic~t. Twelve hundi ed ri-on, with a complimentary lunche'on ( -- Ivlume has been placed in the arche- R2abbi"Sauel ILi Goldlenson, of Pitts-i dollars is granted each l-ear tio ii by~z the :g,.eological faculty. For tile; AS-ITNGTGI'N.--President tCdolidge olgical library. burgh', atthe University service held ;faculty miembers of Aeric:an uani der-. afterurc-o, a field expedition to study; intends to retain the farm at P!ly- -- Sunda r: in'Hill auditorium under the r ities: the glacial geology arond< Ann Ar- monlcth, Vt. Which i^ father "dded PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOT. auspice of the Jewish Student con--{- (br fnder the lezadership of Prof. to himt shortly before his death. grega oion.t Rabbi Goldenson lectured'Ltlinemnt-g returns, The F rank Levre, of the geology dpr=I-- on"htifhrce? hc u. al lsfeo.-Aav. Imnt, as been planned. TIhe on- Patronize Daily Advertisers.I DETROIT THEATRES jet~ssbtttdfrta rgnlly announcedl, "Life's Dimensions." MI "With power only we cannot go Ee. - Sac to 5250 'very far in the world," li<1eK dded. J.50 "Whenpoe is uniregulated, when I T D Y T R U H V D E D YIWed Mat5ct 15 power is uncontrolled, when power is f Illitled Figiiement-See Its Now 'THE GET WAR COMEDY undrected, when power is merely IS C N N U L M C I A sheer power, it marks a individual S _N , asinedeccentric, person." A person tae-MUSV.IClAL -. WHAT RICE GLOR pitdout as a character has some fe-Mxel Anderson Fe Lawrence Salla"- unusual istinctiveness about hime; ~4 , ~ .7. Ire has power, but it is directed Oifnomc-Abe!sJJtJ f n " 'y0SNi t~ s cthu15 centric lines, lie cannot be classed as 'leIna olownuI .lsat. 792- a person of character. Th n P tF llw u t onllePayos t C®t "Power,. if its direction cannot be . S"JL3~LL O foretold, is useless. However, when ~iA You Startt o i-SJR est OAnlAmerican Comedes" pointed, toward definite ends, it ac- quires stability, the second element of A"The Show Off character." ,Acording to D)r. Gxold- By Geore Kelly. "No Play Can Be Funnier" enson, without stabilty as an element 6r Lataette at Sheiqy of ch aracter, individuals cannot work atAthe Lafayetrgte ,, o$2s InCnUit~ wt ahohrsnea h creamingesL Sat.Mt. o$2o in cnjuctin wth achothe, snce~ Ht m c~Pop TiusMat. 5oc to $i.5o, plus tax, cad. 8705 they ,'re unable to predict a manl's k . omey H ibis SeasonRihr 'S et" alge. actin. Eve~yr )ear that. one a fout "Fe Cohers iii In the Sparkling Musical Comedy "Th m ost im portant elem et in r ellys ?" It, goes ,s i e b n like this: Coh nt l et i d e e e t "'hep i twnd o K l yRu H at b V ten+ tyDa edc out, "is that of power under con-A} use of telling you Only. One, Joke?. e ty _D a " trot in the direction of altruistic endsA The (reaim of the Worlds iHumor has beeni -responsibility." Many men possess U skimmned from ia million jokes and antics. 41Ii11811111111IIitlldll11 great ;power directed in definite di- ]SE? ii ~e umerriment of two naionms basBeen_ rectio s, but they cannot de desi g- .i icked, sorted and" pa(kel for delvery to- ase persons of character unless m Iovie-goers of this city!Y It is A6sed in the fulfillment of desir- _ able Ams, lie said. Napoleon was cited as proof of this point NOlN SocIetTo Hear * I.- Hursley Tonight - flNlllii illt16111111111111111lItilUllltlilll11 i1I Mllllllllllltt1111lII11UltllpiHltllllltNlilil +,,,: wow. j ... A .db. HE1kT Alpha Nu will hold a meeting to- night at 7:45 o'clock in the Alpha Nu club rooms, fourth floor, Angell hall. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Stu- dents, will speak on present dlay in- dustialconditions in America. TOKIO.-The Diet adjourned yes- terday 'without fixing a date for the next session'. r - Have you; the .peppy nov'el that lead college is the talk of the book world this spring? GLITT"ER 'By Katharine Brush Froin sea to sea they're already tall-ing 'of "Glitter" as the real thing in college stories. Read it and you will see that it is no ordi~nary yarn, but a light, seri- ous; firothiy, deep, drab and col- orful picture of college mien and womien as you know them. 100 in Prizes will: be awarded by the publish- ers for the best book reviews of Glitter written by undergiradu- atet. 400 words or less; con- test closes April 30. Tile Judges Dr. Henry Seidel Canby Editor Saturday Review of Literature Frederick G. Melcher Editor Publishers Weekly - H. N. Swanson Editor College Humor Beg, b~orrow or buy the book today and try for one of the six prizes. Send your review to Glitter Contest Editor, Minton, Balch & Co., 17 East 45th Street, New York. Whatever you read, don't miss GLITTER $2.00 at Booksellers 3INTON, BALCHI & COMPANY 17 East 45th St., New York OF D IAD WITH AL CAMERON T A Ann Arbor's (hvn All 31ichig'an Boys, PresentingA G A NOVELTLY ANIM4ATION OF MUSICAL COMPOSITIONSG E ~(As Iii eripreted by- Phil HIimself)E -STIARW'L' I1ltiIDA Y- cThe Story' of a_ Rough-NVeck and ;a Sap Who FoughtI the = Whole German; Army for ,a Girl,;ith the Most Comrical - Musketeers You Ever San'. r~rr I 4* z s wS r AMI rS With Wallace Beery anti Rym1ond HattonI Tihe SuySide of heYar != Stage Presentation- -Also- ~ IMME. D oNATELLA"S A.S.JH r LSTJ01uentilluting, IEntrancing 1fleiaI Melange I r ARNIVAL OF VENICE- IhDepleting a N Ight of Ma r l Gras- Sigor -With- Ml. IViCO A D Wit SinorPietro, Peggy H anlon, 1eVigl:. wIDonatela Bros., Romieo- time $!-X-~lploIist Other Features TooY M rIID°SEASON S Amateur Cont-est Tursday Night I m FE ATURIE 111111, I FIFTH I AVENUE And 6MOANA"5 of the outh iSeai Isles II IDOVBLI;F FEATU~RE BIL lflLl.l I OUR EASTER PARTY WILL BE THME TALK OF ANARBOR STARTING 1 ' SUN DAYQ Sne 's Here In Her Alice Blue Gown IO Vt~ 1(1 ren KINGS OF COMEID QUEENS OF FAS -Step) Down aid 1101 1 . .... . . ______ _ JOEKER'S At last, Men of Michigan, you have a REAL place to go at nights! Cabaret adDnig. with ngo covert chatge. Nothing like this .ever before in Ann Arbor-Every 'Tuesday evening until Easter _vacation, 6:30 to 1015-After vacation every Wednesday, riday and Saturday. Music is continuokus from :30 to 10:15. 75c L uncheons served after 8 p. m. w~17 qmrbh., A& I - - - u m ~ u ~ w