0 ESTABLISHED 1890 itb ati MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 136 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ,anunni enuuuutmmI1 u Ui HEAR 'BLISS IN TALK ON HARVARD FACULTY i REPLACE BROTH ADDRESS HE VYILL PERRY I FRIDA i IE)BER TO ER IN IE BRIDGE TOURNAMENT WILL TART TONIGHT AT UNION With 140 entries in the Union bridge tournament, play will open at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the assembly hall of the Union. The play schedule is posted on the bulletin board in front of the main desk in the Union lobby. Two trophies have been pur- chased for first prizes in the tournament, one to be awarded each of the members of the win- ning team. The second round will be played tomorrow night, and the final Wednesday, April 7. Smokes will be provided dur- ing the play. HONOR TRUEBLOOD Series Of Dinners, Talk By President, And University Lectures Also Included On Program Due to illness, Dr. Lewis Perry, principal of Phillips Exeter Academy will be unabletto address the members of the Schoolmaster's club Friday morning. Instead, Dr. Ferry's brother. Prof. Bliss Perry, of Harvard univer- sity will speak at 9:30 o'clock Friday morning in Hill auditorium on "Types of Teachers I Have Known." Profes- sor Perry is a member of the English department at Harvard and was edi- tor of the Atlantic Monthly, 1899-1909. The 61st meeting of the club will open with a reception to President Clarence Cook Little and 'Registrar Ira M. Smith at 5:30 o'clock Thurs- day in Pendleton library of the Union. This will be followed by a dinner in the Union ballroom. Two University lectures will be giv- en at 4:15 oklock Friday. Dr. Thomas Ashby, of the British School of Arch- aeology at Rome, will deliver an il- lustrated lecture on the aqueducts of ancient Rome in room 2003, Angell hall; and Dr. C. F. Marbut of the bu- reau of soils, Department of Agri- culture at Washington, will speak on "Soil Science, Its History and Relation to the Doctrine of Malthus" in Natural Science auditorium. At 6 o'clock Friday a dinner will be held at the Union in honor of Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the public speaking department, who will retire from active duties after fifty years connection with the University at the end of the 1926 Summer session. At 8 o'clock Friday in Hill audi- toriuni President Clarence Cook Little will address the members of the club on "Frankness in Education." Dr. Ashby will deliver another Uni- versity lecture at 11 o'clock Saturday m1orning in room 2003 Angell hall on Roman roads. This will also b illustrated by slides. SLOWY, DOCTOR REPORTS; (By Associated Press)I SANTA ROSA, Calif., March 29.- Luther Burbank, originator of a new horticultor and an author of some striking new theories on the hereafter, is slowly mending tonight, from a slight but persistent illness brought about by nervous strain arising from the furor created by his recent state- nients on the final destiny of men. The attending doctors cautioned rest and quiet in order that tired heart might rest and shattered nerves nmight be restored to something like their original vigor. In the mean- tine letters and telegrams piled up in an adjoining room; answers to Mr. Burbank's statements on religion. He slept at periods last night and had an unbroken period of four hours slum- her today. His health, temperature, and respiration are satisfactory al- though there is some :abdominal pain which is engaging the particular at- tention of his physician, Dr. Joseph II. Shaw. AhSHBTO ISUS ROMAN AQUEOU CTS Former head Of School Of Arclaeol- ogy At Rome Will ''ell Of Ancient I Roads And Conduits IS OXFORD GRADUATE Two University lectures on aque-j ducts and roads of ancient Rome will be delivered by Dr. Thomas Ashby, late director of the British School of Archaeology at Rome, Friday and Sat- urday in room 2003 Angell hall. Dr. Ashby is a James Loeb-Charles Eliot Norton lecturer for the Archaeological Institute of America. PROU(UIN UNUSUAL IN ThA'T SUB-TITLES EX1PLAIN ALL PWCTURES . LECTURES TONIGHT BY Inrations, In Natural (olor, )epict lives i Napoleon A4N Joserhile; War Scenes Inc uded Glimpses of the scenes of French I history, views of modern France in- cluding both the war devastated areas and the picturesque southern regions. and reproductions of famous paintings by artists of that nation were shown; to the audience that attended Prof: William Sandoz's color projection en- titled "Bewitching France" last night at Hill auditorium. The projection was the first of a series of three be- ing sponsored by the Student council for the benefit of the Burton Memorial fund. The production was unique in that Professor Sandoz did not appear on the platform or speak a word through- out the evening. Sub-titles were thrown on the screen to explain the! various pictures, and Philip La Rowe,! S. of M., played the organ throughoutI the showing. There -were views all in natural, clear colors, of the famous castles of the Loire, of the woods and parks about Fontainebleau, and of many of the famous rooms within the I 7ir. v a 1 W-. v , d--q . . Ir a W-% *Is ir, i . I $234),oo0 Mistaie Of Senator Smoot In Interest Figures Occasions Commissioi Accusations G. O. P. PLATFORM HIT1 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 29. - The Italian debt settlement kicked up a real rumpus today in the Senate with rules going by the board as senators engaged in a running crossfire of attack } and defense. Premier Mussolini came in for a few broadsides and the con- flict even extended to who was re- sponsible for writing the Republican party platform of 3t924. While the debate of three hours was reaching its climax the Amercian debt commission was accused of having used a "new system of mathematics in figuring the Ita ian settlement." This accusation name after Senator Smoot, Republican, Utah, a member of the commission and generally regard- ed as a financial wizard had made an error of $23,000,000 in calculating yearly interest on a hypothetical set- tlement. Before the discussion ended, Sena- tor Reed, Democrat, Missouri, offered a resolution directing the Senate for- eign relations committee to investi- gate Italy's ability to pay her, war debt, the extent and terms of private American loans to Italy, and the IStalian IebtSettlement Bill Sti rts Intense Senate Debate, NI(GtfT HAWKS CONTRACTED TO PLAY FOR SENIOR BALL Following consideration of musical organizations in all sec- tions of the country, the Senior Ball committee announced yes- terday that they have contracted Coon-Sanders Original Night Hawks of Kansas City to play for l the annual senior event, May 21. The Night Hawks come here di-I rect from a two years' engage- ment in Hotel Congress, Chicago. Originally instituted at the 1 Nighthawk club in Kansas City, this musical organization has played in notels, cafes, theaters and ballrooms in all parts of the country. - E N O ENOCMETBL BILL INTROD0UCED TO SETTLE CLAIMS, TREASURY PLAN PROVIDES FOR IMMEDIATE PAYMENT OF MILLS FOSTERS BILL Measure Permits Goyerniment To Bor- row Money Necessary To Pay Bills Presented By Citizens (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 29.-The treasury plan to pay immediately the $190,000,000 in clains of American citizens against Germany on its own account, something to a refunding by the collection' of German reparations, i i ;, 1 J t ii 4 1 1 t 13 I , palace itself. There was a series f amount of mone spent for propa- After being graduated from OxfordsNtp pictures depicting the lives of Naz- university with high distinction, he poleon and Josephine. Views of the ganda in this country. was elected a Craven fellow and ba- i places where these two spent their Both Senator Reed and Senator gan work as a student and teacher time and many historical paintings Robinson, of Arkansas, the Democratic of archaeology at Rome. He has been showing important incidents in their connected with the British School of respective careers composed this part tIadelay inei ohe deb t Archaeology in that city since its in- of the program. Bested delay in anon oi the debt ception in 1901, having served as di- The third part was made up of settlement until afer the projected rector until June, 1925. views of Rheims, Verdun, and many disarmament conference to ascertain Dr. Ashby holds a membership in I other scenes of the late war, as well Italy's attitude on the question of the German Archaeological Institute, as of many views along the southern and the Academis Ponteficia di Storia and northern coasts. Monaco, the world peace. Patria. He has conducted excavations Berri, and the port of Marseilles were Senator Robinson asserted that Mus- on the island of Malta and at several followed by pictures of Brittany anvd I1solini is formingconibination s that Roman sites in England. Nolrmandy. Iiere were also many threaten the peace of Europe and both As the subject of the first lecture, slides of colorful sunsets and pictur- he and Senator Reed averted to the which will be delivered at 4:15 o'clock esque landscapes scattered through- premier's speech of yesterday at the Friday, Dr. +Ashby has chosen "The out the program. se-'nth anniversary of the birth ^f Aqueducts of Ancient Rome"; and for The second and third numbers in fascism in which he urged Italians to the second, to be delivered at 11 the series will be presented tonight be ready when the "wheel of destiny" o'clock Saturday, "Roman Roads, the and tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in turned. Arteries of the Empire." Both lec- Hill auditorium. Tonight's lecture has Adverting to the appeal last week tunes will be delivered in room 2003 been divided into two parts, the first I of Senator Smoot riot to make the dent Angell hall, and will be illustrated dealing with "Marvels of Artistic settlement "a football of partisan poli- with lantern slides made from recent Spain" and the second being entitled tics," Senator Robinson said the Re- p. "isions of Africa." publican party war debt platform plank was an invitation to political "Great Catherine" Itinerary D r support in 1924 on the basis of the J C ryIn r r D rnBritish debt settlement. Then the Re- Spring Vacation Is Now Complete publicans supporting the Italian set- tlement were charged with violating ""- the platform pledge in granting to Senator Smoot Who yesterday deianded investiga- tion of the Italian war debt. Untoward Events Reveal 'Weakness Of Briand Cabinet (By Associated Press) PARIS, March 29.--lntoward events today again cast their shadow over the Briand government on the eve of the crisis in the discussion of financial restoration for France, the seventh such crisis since Etienne Clementel abandoned the finance ministry one year ago. The government was defeated in the chamber today on the question of credits for nilitary operations in Syria, and the franc again sagged to a new low level, because of the impres- sion created by the communists' sue- c ss in yesterday's Special election. The cabinet did iot pose a question of confidence on the request for the Syrian credit, so the defeat did not involve the fate of the Briand gov- eminent. It wa,; regarded, however,j as a significant revelation of the gov- ernment's weakness on the eve of an-j other struggle to ob tain parliamentary sanction for new taxes. WASHINGTON.-The Chilean gov- ernment has declined to concur in the suggestion of Sec. Frank B. Kellogg that the plebiscite to settle the Tacna- Arica dispute be suspended during the proposed conference of representa- tives of the two countries in Washing- ton. was put up to Congress for approval Passes Measure Which Will Place today in a bill introduced by Repre- 3tost Of Proldbition Officers Undt r Of Pro icon Ofces sentative Mills, Republican, of New Under Civil Service Rules York. The program provides for a com- TEXAN OPPOSES ACTION plete settlement of all war claims - between Germany and the United (By Associated Press) States, including the return of pro- WASHINGTON, March 29.-Out of perty of German nationals held by the continuing din and clatter of the , the alien property custodian and the prohibition controversy there emerged payment of German owners of ships, today some definite action by both radio stations, and patents taken and Congress and the administration to used by the American government. further reconstitute the much recon- It, authorizes the government to stituted enforcement machinery of the borrow the money necessary to make federal government. such payments and provides that all The House passed without a record receipts received from Germany on vote the bill fathered by the treasury ! account of -reparations and the task of and favored by both wets and drys 1 maintaining the American army on to place all except the highest officers the Rhine shall be applied to a liqui- of the prohibition forces under civil dation of this debt. The $30,000,000 service. Confidently Assistant Secre- resulting from interest on money de- tary Andrews created and filled two posited with the alien property cus- new posts in his enforcement staff. 1 todian prior to 1921 also would be One of the pew officials will have ! applied. Thus the treasury proposes supervision 'over brewery permits to wind up within eight years, the time and the other over the permits for it is estimated will be required to the withdrawal of wine. Even though meet the proposed debt, all fiscal dif- the leaders were in agreement in ferences between Germany and Amer- support of the civil service bill, its Ica resulting from the war which passage was opposed by Represent would take 80 years under the Berlin ative Blanton, Democrat, Texas, who treaty and the reparation program. supplemented his remarks by reading a letter from a minister, accusing an- other minister of going on a drunken spree. In the Senate both wets aid drys held their peace while they 1 repared for next week's committee hearings on pending modification bills. The wets summoned Assistant Secretary Andrews and District Attorney Buck- ner at New York as the first witnesses to appear next Monday, and promised that other distinguished personages would be asked by them to appear later. Senator Borah, a dry, introduced an, amendment to make more specific a pending referendum proposal. i 1 I Jr }l}. t+ !( S l i . .j i' I }. f 1 Shaw's Farce, With Productions Tis Week, Will Finish Longest Ruii Of Any Campus Play GIVE 18 PERFORMANCES: Final arrangements for the tour of Bernard Shaw's ":Great Catherine" through Ohio and Michigan during the spring vacation have been completed by the Alumnae council of the Uni- versity. The itinerary will include the following cities: Thursday, April 8, Scott high school, Toledo; Friday and1 Saturday, April 9 and 10, The Play-s er's Club, Detroit; Monday, April 12, Dearborn high school, Dearborn; COMPLETE PROGRAM FOR Tuesday, April 13, Pease auditorium Italy much better terms than those Ypsilanti;. Wednesday, April 14, Cen- given Great Britain. Fa tral Weschy, Apri 1, Cen- Senators Bingham, Connecticut, andt Final Radio Program From Campus tral high school, Flint; Thurs Edge, New Jersey, Republicans, dis- April 1,Cnrlhg co1 a a' '~'29 pb To Be Broadcast Tonight By WJR' Arl15, Central high school, Bay puted this contention amid the Demo- J City; Friday, April 16, Junior high crats were supported then by Sena-- school, Saginaw; Saturday, April 17, tor Borah, Republican, Idaho. Abbot Announces That Programs Will hot, of the rhetoric department, di-E Central high school, Kalamazoo; and i 1 Be Continued If Lecturers Go rector of broadcasting, to continue Monday, April 19 (matinee and eve To Detroit Studios the programs throughout April, if the ning), Central high school Grand SCHOU L faculty lecturers can be induced to go Rapids. H I 111ANN lSTARTS AT 9 O'CLOCK to the Book-Cadillac hotel in Detroit, "Great Catherine" is also being re- iu_where the studios are located. vived with a modified {cast Thursday, T MH R "Michian Night the eleventh a Of special interest on tonight's pro- Friday and Saturday evenings of thi" ]asichERani," hereleamnth ne gram, will be a talk by Prof. Charles week in the Mimes theater. The per- --- e - p Cestre, of the Sorbonne, Paris, who formances are in honor of the School- E. J. Mather, Varsity basketball broadcast from the University caipus, will give a French professor's concep- master's club, which will be in session ( coach, will address the members of will go on the air at 9 o'clock to- tion of the war debt controversy. during these days, but the production the Ann Arbor high school basketball I night over stations WJR, the Jewett Professor Cestre, is delivering a series is also for the general public. This team, their coach, manager, and che'r Radio amd Phonograph company of of lectures here upon American poets. will make seven performances of the leader at the regular Chamber of Pontiac, and WCX, the Detroit Free The second radio talk will be given Shaw farce, the longest run of any Commerce luncheon today. I Press. These programs have been by Dean Edmund E. Day, of the legitimate production ever produced As second speaker on the luncheon broadcasted every other Tuesday School of Business Administration, on the campus. program, Clara Youngs, head of the I night from the top floor of University J who will speak concerning the contri-I "Great Catherine" -viii be preceded home economics department of the hail, and it is planned by Waldo Ab bution which a professional colege by an original comedy, "The Little public schools, will describe the fune- -training can make to the possibility Dog Laughs," by Paul Osborn and t ions of her department in keeping of success in the industrial world. Walter Donelly, both of the rhetoric the boys fit. Miss Youngs has had I i 'lIIPUNS IOR U 1 UDean John R. Effinger, of the liter- department. The cast "will include previous experience at Columbia uni- 1 Lff aU I ry college, who was recently elected Lillian Bronson, '26, as the wife, and versity, California State Norminal npresident of the Association of Ameri- William Bishop, '2-, as the husband. school, and several other public U0I1VTO BD CLMPLETEV can Colleges, will discuss changes that Reserved seats for the three per- ;schools. he has observed in student types and formances are now on sale at Wahr's --!studies. Graham's, and Slater's bookstores, Meeting to make final plans for the The final talk will be given by Prof. priced at 50 and 75 cents, coming Student Christian association ! Carl E. Badgley, of the Medical school. XLULU TU U! imlLIfi I financial canvass, the entire campaign The music for this program will be , , T Out organization of more than 200 men furnished by Sigma Alpha Iota, one Swillgather at 5:30 o'clock at the of the musical sororities of the Uni- Date TannouncLdHT L AMethodist church. At this time each versity School of Music. DAn!worker will decide what men h will - PracticesOf College Stars Bring Confict (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, March 29.-Conflict between athletic directors of the western conference Big Ten and the National Amateur Athletic union de- veloped today over the practice of college undergraduate stars appear- ing under chub colors in A. A. U. coma petition. Protests against such practice cou- pled with a request that the A. A. U. take measures to prevent it, recently were lodged by C. P. Clevenger, of Indiana university, spokesman for the athletic directors of the Big Ten. In a letter made public today, Murray Hulbert of New York, president of the A. A.' U., characterized the pro- Iposal as "unreasonable," and denied that the situation warranted any cor- rective measures by his organization. While his letter did not say so, it was intimated that Mr. Hulbert re- sented the implication that the dire;- tors coupled the A. A. UI with profes sional football. Booth Fellowship Problems Will Be Given April 12-25 Problems and specifications for the competition in design for'the George E. Booth Traveling Fellowship in Architecture will be made public April 10, according to Prof. Emil Lorch, of the architectural college, ( chairman of the committee in charge ( of the fund. The competition will continue until April 25. Each year a fellow is picked from among the seniors or graduates of the ( architectural college. He is selected by a jury of nine men, three of whom must be practicing architects, on a basis of the design he submits, of the written statement that must accom- parry the drawing which calls atteni- tion to the parts of the design be wishes to emphasize, his scholastic standing, and the comments on his de- sign that the students of the archi- tectural college send to the jury. "The purpose of the fellowship, said Mr. Booth, on creating the fund, "is to encourage advanced study and, help provide a broader preparation for - .,rehitneetral nracticg. With definite word yesterday fromj O both James Schermerhorn, former edi- tor of the Detroit Times, and W. A.j IN fflVIUfT I". John, '16, that they will be able to speak at the fourth annual Gridiron WASHINGTON, March' 29. - The Knights banquet next Tuesday night issue in the Steck-Brookhart Iowa I at the Union, the program is pract!- senatorial election contest finally wasI joined today with the filing in the Seml- ate of the majority and the minority repoits. Seeking to give only the in-1 tent of the voter and sweeping asidel all technicalities and irregularities,y the majority held that Daniel F. Steck, the Democratic candidate, re- ceived a plurality of 1,420 votes. Oil the other hand, the minority re- port contended that Senator Brook- hart had a plurality of 1,131 oil a proper count of the ballots before the committee, in the light of the law of Iowa. cally complete. Mr. Schermerhorn will reply to Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the Col- lege of Engineering and Architecture, when the latter advances his argu- ments for the 'Abolition of the News- paper of Michigan." Mr. John, former editor of the Gargoyle, well-known for his humorous talks when a student at the Univ'ersity, has consented .o answer lhoward Mayberry, of the psy- chology departmeni, who will urge the "Abolition of Co-EdUcation." . '1 '{ Military Ball ticket applications will visit and will receive final instru- I Illness Prevails Tryouts to detern ne who will rep- be distributed from the desk in the ijtions. sent Michigan in the national oratori- lobby of the Union today and Wedues- This "clean-up campaign," during Faai y, cal contest on the United States con- day from 1 to 5 o'clock. All applica- which an attempt will be made to col- stitution sponsored by a Los Angeles tions must be in the coimmittee's lect that part of the $5,500 goal which organization will be held April 8, hands by April 2. None will be ac- was iot realized by the original drive, (By Associated Press. Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the Icepted after that date as acceptances was necessitated by the fact that, dueli LONDON, March 14.-The unusual public' speaking department an- will be mailed, cut not later than to the University calendar, the Janu- prevalence of sickness among the nounced yesterday. .r AilS.l ary campaign had to come at a timem Thme winner of the local chinin tI 8 m cmag hdt cm ta iemembers of the royal family causes Thewinerofth loalclmnaios t. was further announced by jiist preceding examinations and so will represent Michigan at the state ongo C. Weitzel, '26, general chair- I consequently imany of the men who Imuch anxiety. Te public had hardly eimihinations to be held a later daine. GergeC. .