.11 .1 "A"Mm- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. nm. (1.1:30 a. in. Saturdays)- Volume TI SUTNDAY, 3 ARCHI 2S, 1926 Number 134 Dean's Advisory Commnitteec, College of Literature, Science and the Arts:~ There will be a meeting of the Dean's Advisory Committee in the Dean's Office Wednesday afternoon, March 31st, at 4:10. John fi. Effinger. Mfeeting of the Adr:ihistrtaflie hoard, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: There will b~e a meeting of the Administrative Board on Monday, March 29, at 4:10, in Dean Iiffinger's office. _. t W. f. luiplhrcys. The duPont Fellowship in Chemistry: Graduate students of proved experience may apply for appointment to this important fellowship. Blanks for application may be had at the office of the Graduate School. Applicants are advised to confer with Professor Gomiberg or Professor Bigelow of the Department of Chemistry. Applica- tions should be filed with me before April 5. Alfred Il. LloydI. University Ser ie: The seventh University Service for the present year will b)e held in Hill Auditorium Sunday evening, March 28, at 7:30 o'clock. The sermon will be breached by Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson of Pittsburgh, Pa. This meeting is in charge. of the Jewish Student Congregation. Temple B~eth- El Choir will ing.John Elliott. Studentmi, College of Literature, Science and the Arts : Students in the Literary College desiring to apply for a University scholarship, 1926-1027 (value $200) should apply to the Secretary to the Dean, Room 1210, Angell Hall for an application blank, to be filled out and returned by April' 9th. 11. P. Thieve, Chairman, Scholarship Committee. Physics Colloquumi: The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4: 15 P. M. Tuesday, March 30, in Room 1041, New Physics Building. Dr. W. W. Sleator will speak on "Fluy- gens' Principle and the Propagation of Waves"-N\o. 3. Anyone interested is invited to attend. W. F. Colby. Acolytes: Dean Lloyd will read a paper to the Society Tuesday evening, March Stith, at 8 o'cock in Room 106 M. H. on "Science and Mystery." G. T. Vander Lugt, Arch-.Acolyte. XIen's Educational Club: Meeting Monday night at seven in Room 306 of the Union. There will be a talk by Supt. W. E. Olds. All members. are urged to attend, and other men interested in education are invited. Ralph Van Iloesen, President. The Professional School of the Physical Education Department for Women will hold tlhe Annual Indoor Meet in the Barbour Gymnasium on Monday evening, March 29th, at 7:30 P. M. All are invited. L~. E. Campbell. Starts In Early Smith and *W. ;.c McAdoo to beth subject of a 1.93$ presidmitial boom is is Albert C. Ritchie, governor of Mlary- land. lie is being advocated on a res--! toration of state's rights platform. LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned in The Daily. Items will be published on two successive days only. Copy must be submitted to the Lncal Events f Editor by a P. M. GENE RA L Sunday Leonard E. Osborne will speak on "Comfort for the People" ini the city Y. M. C. A. at 7:30 o'clock, under the auspices of the International Bible Students' association. RE LIGIOUJS Sunday 1Ilindustan club will meet at 3 o'- clock in Lane hall Social hour for Presbyterian stu- dents at 5:30 o'clock, followed by a Y. P. S. meeting at which the sub- ject, "Is a Kamnpus Kolorline Kris- tian?" will be discussed. AO Baptist guild pus Kolorline" Guild house. will discuss the "K~am- at 6:30 o'clock at the ..R. Reeves. lassiied AFOR SALE-Eight cylinder car, run A ~ siie ds 9,000 miles, all new tires! Cheap. Call 8785. 35-36-37. The St. Paul Student club will meetI at 420 WVest Liberty street at 5:30 o'- clock. Student Fellowship club will meet at 6:30 o'clock. "Is a Campus Color Line Christian?" will be the subject for discussion. Supper at 5:45 o'clock.1 A special feature film, Jackie Coogan in "A Boy in Flanders" will be shown at 4 and 8 o'clock. "Is a Kampus Kolorline Kristian" will be discussed at the ?Methodist guild at 6 o'clock. Jewish Ethics group will meet at 3o'clock in the Jewish Communityj center, 538 North Division street. The Jewish Students' association w~ill meet at 4 o'clock. WHITNEY * THEATRE 'I'Iiree IN Iglus Coniti; 1IT'RSDY, APRIL 8 'AIL ORDERS NOW FAREWEL.L TOUR ®n FOR SALE--Highly gree police pup. 438 Maynard. registered Phone pedi- 3469. 35. FOR SALE-Top coat, Size 38. E2 Lawyers' Club. 35 It quick, 337 Thompson. FOR SALE-Ford Touring, model 1921 31-32-34-35. good condition. $50. Dial 6957. ti. S I Hall ITavern Thursday, April 1 ierican Management TING PLACE ORDINAIRE" excellence, we have secured the dAs Cuisines" of the Detroit Oak- of unexcelled quality will be our ret prices will not be what you nig' your guests here to dine, with at you -are treating them to the 4 oftithe ROBERT B. MANTELR 8up~ortod by GENEVIEVE HAMPE hi ehasepa.Ireako and, { 44ic Ph,s Note: REPERTOIRE THURSDAY NIGHT "HAM LET" (Modirn Garb) Fiirst Time Here of "hlamlet" iii Present Day Attire FRIDAY AIGHT "RICHELIEU" I Parties Arranged For SATURDAYNIGHIT "MERCHANT OQF VENICE" Coumplete Scenic antd Costuic Production of All Plays i PRICES' $1.10, $1.64, $2.20 _ _ __ _ __-___ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _1__ __ _ _ _ _I iif V /1 w * t (/ a,- I I /f A F I / I i 4 See what Al ex II I i~......... -- - I ~ I I I I I - Hivn fn i i