. I ' SUFOC 2,12 EIS STUDE T S Will investigate Flexible Tariff~ AN STATE TOR H f i Men ~7rom Seven Nations Will Vist elilgan (lilies Iduring Spring< I LL LEAVE APRIL 2 St vents on the campus from sev- ~..* *. en foreign nations have signified their inten ton of going on the annual springI vaca bn trip, including visits to five) Mich an cities, which will b.e conduct- ed ui Per the direction of Carlton F. S"Y:Well ;~ of the rhetoric department. The our will star~t Mvonday morning, April;}12, and the students will re- 1turn 'o Ann Arbor on April 17. Prof.. . A. gC. Hildner of the German dle- i part ont will also accompany -the part Th cities to he visited on the trip are .ttle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand p api ;,s, Lansing, and Flint. t Started in 1422 - r Th tour is an annual event, intro- duc duingthesprng acaionof Sen. Joe T. Robinson, Democrat, 1922.ets urposte spinoge vcthon fr Arkansas, is organizing an investiga- eign tudents better acquainted with to ft~Uie ttstrf on (Micbh1an and the United States by mission andl the flexible tariff, lHe ," hvn thmvsttpclidsrewas namedl chairman of a special in-i Stour linteresting harts of the cities, vestigating committee after Republic and "feet Americans in the friendly ans joined the Democrats in forcing hospi 4lity of their homes. an investigation of the body. En rtainment will be provided the umi nd friends of the University. nf n r ri- Acco {ing to Mr. Wells, the Chambersti4.[1UU41I Sof C m cerce in these five cities are T u nil Rrn1 TIr'IrN j co-0p sting with him in arranging IIRLR t 1 nrlrsm prga o h tu- Sdents 9tluring their stay.. , Battle Creek First Advertising will be the theme of the antthe Celwhich will be visit- seventh vocational lecture to be givenf ed o the first day, the party will next Tuesday afternoon in Natural bi e eorti. rtainedl at the 'Postuni Cereal Science auditorium under the auspices1 Cornph y and at the sanitarium, the of the vocational council committee f large in the world. In Lansing, the of the Student Christian association.[ state apitol and the Michigan State Gordon W. Kingsbury, '1, present ad- { colle4 will be visited. vertising manager of the Kelvinator The(dndustry of interest in Kalam- company of Detroit and formerly con- azoo' III be the large papter "mills, and (nected with tho Diamond Crystal Salt in G 4nd Rapids arrangements have company of St. Clair in the same ca- been , de to have- the party taken- pacity, has been secured to deliver throwugh the Berkey and Gay Fi ini- the address. i' ture pbmpany, Mr. Kingsbury, who was president Resrvattons for the trip have been of the Student Christian- association j limite~ to 25, and only foreign stu- in the year of 1910-11, also held otherr dents are invited to make,. the trip., campus positions, having been busi- Trhos .'interested in making the tour Iness manager of the Michiganensian 1 may et in touch with Mr. Wells 'and manager and editor of the Student Thur lay afternoons from 2 to 5 o'- Directory. clock,: dn room 3231, Angell hall, or from to 10 ,o'clock in the morn-I HAVANA-The two per cent tax ing o i Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat- Ion raw sugar at the mills has been urday~' in room' 3224. suspended by presidential decree. ODNYiUODELR I AT THETHEATERS i ,- T HOLDD MEETIN8HERE 1A Toay sese ndthsj Ann or o Hve irs OfSeris O Kelys" wth eraGordon. x ((Majetic- "BhindtheFront," hol irs week by the Michiga Auo "Sly Irene, andl Michigsrean ana fAture Mary," with Sally O'Neil. motiv .Trade association. 'These re-1 of th iwork of the State Dealers' as-.Tdy-tg 4 sociat on, their object being to bring Garrick (Detroit)-W tPrc to the dealers new thoughts and busi- Glory."ric cress Alps which they can make us ___Glory of in ieir own organizations.ShbrLayet (Dro)- fWil iam B. Burruss of Washington, I I 'Betty Dear, with Richard j rD. C. w ill be the principal speaker) "Skeets" Gallagher. of th pmeeting in Ann Arbor tomnor-j row, hich will be held in the Mas- i Bonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)- j onic ile. Mr. Burruss is the sales "Why Not?" consi ant, for the National" Automo-. bile ealers' association. W. D. Eden- Neieri Dtot Te burn, mnanager of the Michigan Auto-!, Knew What They Wanted," s inotiv Trade association and, Law-'j wt ihr ent n rence A.Rosksin, both of Detroit, will Pauline Lord. acco ,pany him on his tour of the l l state.. Following this first regional meet- RAE ing ibich will be attended by. menRA from hle counties of Hillsdale, Jack- son, ,enatwee, Monroe, Wasljtenaw, Today Only and t$ewestern portion of Wayne; HOOTi/ GIBSON TIMes ay, Grand Rapids on W~ednes- ieeti~"TH willL be~'t hedaKKlmzo" clansing on Thursday andI FAiDLE ,AK cm Friday. ; Tlard--illr-! ! ! TO$~O. -Theprine rgenthas Mondaiy, Tuesday, Wednesda y com ntted to life imiprisonment the TEIO d eath; sentence 'of a Korea~n and 'his 0?HRSE'l' Japaikse wife for plotting against theRA NDSatgNt 50c to $2.00 41CEEK. Wedl Mat W~ to $1.50 WHAT PRICE" GLORY THE GREAT WAR COMEDY SH UBERT -LAFA YETiTE THEATRE ' DETROIT, MICH. Phone Cadillac 8705. W M. CARYL Presents THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRMU ) TWO__COME"OUR;S1 C ____ __ kCHIGNuMU , Q 'H 28th r i VIARC 4 ON ND ANNUAL SCwRE 3ICAL 'PROGRAM____ EN O I, HIGHLY INTELLECTUAL' AUDIENCES ACCLAIM IT A BSOLU TELY' PERFECT COMEDY CHARACTFERIZATION! .Did j' ever Heaer the Story A bout ihe Irishman and J' the Jew? Well, This Is It at It 's Finest and Funniest! v erhLuh amdIt h 1000 ScreamiugestComedy of the Year / p- - , N (4 , -I' , ' r s,.y f> -. ,A ,i 1 49/it FEATURING GERE SIDNY ?A UNI'RSAL JEWEL PICrURE. t.-4e J-b .d KATE PRICE, NATT CARR AND OTHERS A HARRY POLLARD PRODUCTION There's -a hundlred thousand, Cohens. And several thousand Kellys. Arnd you've heard a hundred thousand jokes. About the Cohens and Kellys. And you'll get a hundred thousand chuckles. And several thousand guffaws. When you see the Cohens and Kellys. ' r .,% , /1 y!l L.. '- s POLICY 1:30 - 30 4 :40 7:00 -8:40 ALL SEATS 50C CH'IILDRE N 25c WEE7K DAY MAT 2:0- 3:35 10('-34450 Sc PHIL 1 F " AND HIS IAMONDANDA7M0N With AL CAMERON, the Blues Tenor ALL 114'lHIC AN 1POYS-=A1'! ARBOR'S ~W-RSNlN A NOVELTY ANIMATION O MUSICAL CQMPOSITIONS 1!DS (AS INTrERPRETED AC'T WILL WVORK Ii CONJ UNCTWN I':TAI EADDED S(17 EN EYENT : ; , n .. <. _. r ::.