PAGE FOUR "O[MOEtVEI lavo ni'sKn THE ICH-IGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1926 1 '011 '11, Alm Arlbor,;riaI.Cr verse,00linAror;MajreCrk 13oothiiNo. 80...Si ima No 31111, Annl Arbiio; 1 r .1ndMrs. Karl1 1)1h1011, Detr11 o1i1t1; 11ialla 11 incoln,1 Chcg'Ill .; li i 11F?110 llickoiis Rochester, NI).; 111111301.e, Ci f1i111111111; 11 1 (:01 .An rewsDetrit, BlligIooth.1N11101111 11)111(Au 11 at1r01111: All.. and011111111 iou lilim Marue~orie insortih, 1111111 Creek1 em11, 1110111111,1111Vigiia Ilaris Cleveilnd, 011 l~ii 11, 11 iiiiKal Renkeinilclol'ii, Yliiliiio Iiii li.iiiRIth D(I oit l ; Li l < il 11 hl, il,:Ann Ar ior Ch i'lot I t "untCaere 31 :sniaM.Clb , 11011a11, N. Y.; Ann Arbor; Virginia Tice, Ann Arbor; Ash, Muncie, Ind.;1 Mildred E. Scama- 0 1 1111Anill rorl1; Ifelenl (11011 Barbiara Took, Flushing; Helen Stew- homne, Steubenville, 0.; Isabell tC. . N 1. ,1i' 311 3liii 11r1, Aurora, Ill.; Florence Wuertel, Field, Detroit; Gertrude Mt. M~h . felIni .; - Oso,i tlionbiirg,O. Valeria Dickenoon,, gie, Bad Axe; Francis A. Vincent, La- * iNora J. C l11 ,1'irioPontiac; Margaret IBallarid, litte-.peer; Iha M. Eyre, Detroit; RthlC_' I'1 1 .1 1'1Constantlline obrglhIa, . Mary Looioe Cooney, Curl, SptiringfieldI . ol 'v Wido, Ont.I; 1oai11ryn lHighilanid Park; Laura Taylor, Stock- )lHaugh, Granid Rapids; Martha 1I. ;sns 1, 3311010, ID'- bridge; Heleno Van Renneselaer, New, Johnson, Detroit; Lillian Lake, lDe- o lraie lli 01113 101113 ; RtiiYook, N. Y. troit; Dorothy B. Van Stone, Detroit; 1 iO Vm .;" 1,10011003etSi-j Jesse Williams, Detroit; Mro. Muriel 1 (IolI '1110 lion 13, I'a- IBooth No, 16-Delta Sigma Pi !S. Van Stone, Detroit. Pa~trons- Mr. anid Mrs. Robert A. Campblilell, Anon Arbor; Mrs. L. J. Her- i lBooth No. t7-Uhi Sigmsa Eappa 1olI; ' . , . 131 1 1h01, UCicinati, 0.; Mtrs. I1. E. Doff- !lPatros-Mrs. U'. 1H. Aubrey, Ann 'one I i..'Ind '. 11. Moc- nian), Muncie, Ind. Guests- Misses ; Arbor; Prof. and Mrs. H. Merricks, Ann 1 o -l;1.i% nI:MI3 1. ,.,RIth E 3. Nelsons, Saginaw; Esther R. (tContisued on Page Five) Ill illT 0 lwl 1. A oes, 'l'an 1 11111, i; Ei za- AI< "111or4.'N. 11111'r Wo l.,Q.;Mr. 101111ra- 11011131t ..............................;*'1W s t:1 I s1111i 111 1 0l will i ve ii 11 31 1 1)( 1 1 ,o i loth011o.i 11 13 l T B oh N . 1I 1Pela 'p o .31,10l0aar r .; "11 3 \ 0(130;% Mas. Him omli 13c- 3 1 Ni. 1 il 10 'Iri 13(011111 1t ' n t; 1 ) r.1an Airs..\Lb~ o-it I Yo I i w , I0.; m, I 110,,17 1 I I Na 11111 11, 3).; ac110171 b 111111Vel 1 wI, 1 eri.; M M S lioglo 0 lrk3 )tri;Vign J- HOP FLOWERS THE girls with the most beautiful corsages, the houses most at- tractively decorated, will obtain their flowers from the Ann Arbor Floral Company. We have a boun- tiful supply of flowers and acces- sories in readiness for your J-Hop requirements, Remember we are experts in floral decoration and ar- rangements. Ann Arbor Floral Co. Store 122 E. Liberty Dial 6215 Iari, .adAisis ach1I 11t wvaT l~lin Aro;1 ) l o i A r b r .3 o h u o i 4 is e F, ( r n c e3 3 e m p l , D e t r i t. ;Iii t Ia, 11,11Y r Ic J llis lMt i neG 1,1 11 ,()1 3; 1111131, l . f t J s er .Ny c. -.Y ;I1 1p ;J yn0113 311,_n i, 1d;Es J m stw ,N.Y ;1tri ( ............. ......... .................. A (id; llliiiDor 11 'li, U ba a IIItttttttlt~t GRxE, Sone I~IIoE ~ Ma'rd1 i l ltlticlt1t i - buoii F:IIII~hlI~~l b 31 Y 11 Eiias ili)and Aro. G100 5t5ii ' is Illo 1 0virin: I SmilIr, F1r1 33000, sloag, llkhairt,Ild,; I '1 111I13111 rn li('k Carlotte o Iloj, Ann lArior;, 1at111een1 1 Hot ILunches 11:000 - 20 5:00 - 7:30 Solads, Sondwviches and F~ountain Setrvice. Afternoon 0)nd11E.ve10ing. t: Special Sund' EviAtlng 't 1r1311 Id ~4:30- 1 1:0 'Ibe mnW)) tSand valtses a real savien , will 4 be interested. ~INAL CLEARANCE liililt cthe orinoary0sil twehav~e itcluded I Jou s a11d1fanc13 weaves ini ill tieletode-11 suns. No restr ictions here0 ; make youir10)11seilctios 1 1'Si UertyS) Wrts b ai it 1 ( J {l A" '0. u N The Importance of Having the Right Costume! The right costume? How very important it is. And how very important that her costume express the newest and most authentic tendency of Fashion ! How necessary that the ward- robe of those clever young women who are the social lead- ers follow the correct lines that have been recognized as vogue for 1926! To choose your costume properly demands minute at- tention-but more than that it requires shopping where gowns, wraps, and all the things that complete the costume are style -and where there are indivi- dual costumes for every type. Such selection is possible in Ann Arbor at 'N9 klĀ© N - I ~GArc/NXf vo _ z w R I, - -'---.-. J1 'I