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March 28, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-28

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ANOI ii sHO Ads Burton Fund



Orchestras For
Military .Ball.
Ray Miller and his ten-piece orches-
tra, late of the Club Maurice of New
York, Ed Wynn's Carnival, and the
Follies Bergere, will be the principal
orchestra of the Military ball, to take
place Friday, April 23, in Waterman
gyminasium, it was announced yester-
lay by George C. Weitzel, '26, gener-
al chairman.
Miller's orchestra is said to top the
list of the Brunswick recording or-!
chestras, having played for that com-
pany for several years. His band
has been playing for both theatrical

SCORE IS 26 To 20
T readi And I olman Lewd Fast Attack
As Alpiena Drops Class D
Title 27 to I

Subjects include Pic ures Of France,
Spain, Northern Africa, Egypt,
And 'he Near East
Prof. William Sandoz, Swiss trav-
eler and lecturer, will present a series
of illustrated talks tomorrow, Tues-
day, and Wednesday in Hill auditor-
ium, as the second of a series of lec-
tures sponsored by the Student coun-
cil for the benefit of the Burton
Memorial fund. The three programs
will consist largely of the showing of
color photographs secured by Profes-
sor Sandoz on his travels through
Europe, Asia and Africa.
At 8 o'clock tomorrow night, Pro-
fessor Sandoz will show his slides of
France. Included in these will be the
pictures of the historically famous
castles of the Loire, in the Savoy, In.
the Pyrenees, the castle of Pau, where
Henry IV was born, Rheims, Verdun,
Arras, and other notable monumenls
of the history of France. Other slides
will show the Castle of Fontainbeleau,
which was inhabited by the kings of
France for many centuries, and which
all the furnishings, including paint-
ings, porcelains, and even smaller
articles have been carefully preserved.
France Shown' First
The royal quarteres, the famous
halls of Francis I, Louis XIII, and
Napoleon I, the Hall of Maps, Napol-
eon's library, all will be depicted n
colors. Then he will picture the Ber-
ri, the land of Georges Sand, the il-
lustrious writer, the Riviera, Monte
Carlo, Monaco, and Menton. Brittany,
the land of the old Celtics, with the
souvenirs of the Druids, Dolmens, and
Mephirs, will also be shown.
The . first part of the lecture on
Tuesday night will be on the "Marvels
of Artistic Spain." On this excursion
tIrough Spain 'will be shown the im-
prints of Moorish civilization and the
great Emperor Chales V. The pic-
tures of the masterpieces of the mu-
seum of El Prado in Madrid, the
treasurers of the Spanish Arabian art,
Toledo, Seville, Cordoba, Granada and
tle Alhambra, the palace of marvels,
will be shown on the screen.
The second part of Tuesday's lec-
ture will illustrate northern Africa.
Professor Sandoz has secured pictures
depicting the monuments of its past
and the tribes of today. The colored
'PJItographs will show the ruins of
Carthage, and El-Dem, the carpet fac~-
tories, and the streets and cities of
Tunis, the oasis and its inhabitants in
Tripolitany, and the famous tomb of
the Christians, th Atlas mountains,
and the Moorish interiors of Algiers.
has Pictures Of The Orient
The last lecture of the series will
also be divided into two parts, the
first of which will he "Visions of the
Orient." In this part he will show
slides on the Mohammean East, in-
cluding Turkey, Syria and Palestine,
and the Christian East, comprising
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Damascus.
Th'e second part of the lecture will be
on "The Egypt of the Pharoahs." In
this illustrated talk, Professor San-
doz will take the audience on 'a trip
to Cairo. Other slides will show the
great ruins of antiquity, the temples.
tomnbs, and mummies of centuries ago,
'the Nile, the Sphinx and the Pyramids
and other monuments of ancient
Tickets for the lectures are now on
sale at the campus bookstores, the
price for a single lecture being 50
cents and for thle series, $1.
Spring Vacation
Is Deadline Set
On Gown Orders
Only those seniors who order caps
and gowns before spring vacation, can
e given a sure guarantee that the
equipment will be here before Swing-
Out, it was announced by the commi-
tee yesterday. Each outfit is shipped
in labeled individual boxes.
Contrary to a prevalent conception
on the campus, there is no deposit re-

quired at the tine the order is giveni.
Senior law students are especially
urged to place their orders immediate-
ly at Moe's Sport Shop on North Uni-
versity avenue.
[L2wa eMi

Prof. Wihihmni Sandoz
Swiss traveler, who will make his
second appearance in Ann Arbor to-
morrow, Tuesday and - Wednesday
nights at Hill auditorium. This time
his programs are being offered under
a the auspices of the- Student council
and the proceeds will be devoted to
the Burton Memorial fund.
Date Extended
For Accepting
Gridiron Bids
Because there seems to have been a
misunderstanding among students who
received invitations to the annual
Gridiron Banquet, which will be held
Tuesday, April 6, at the Unon, as to
the date when acceptances are due,
the general committee has decided to
accept all such notices until next
Wednesday, it was announced yester-
(ay by Joseph Kruger, '26, general
chairman. Wednesday will be the
final day, Kruger said, no acceptances
being received after that date in any
case. Judging from the number of
acceptances from faculty members,
out-of-town newspapermen, and
townspeople, the assembly hall will
be filled foi' the banquet, the chair-
man predicted.
It is expected that W. A. P. John, '16,
of Detroit will be another speaker
during the discussion session. Mr.
John was known for his. wit and hu-
mor when in attendance at the Uni-
versity and is a past editor of the
Gargoyle and writer for several of the
Union operas. Definite word from
Mr. John will be received tomorrow.
Music for the banquet will be fur-
nished by Herman Boxer and his
seven-piece orchestra, it was an-
nounced yesterday. They will play at
intervals throughout the program.

productions 'andU hotels5o)that lea- I1Detroit Southeastern and Michigame
tures and novelties a'e included in won the state championship in their
their repertoire. respective divisions last night at Wat-
McKinley's syncopators, a colored erman gymnasium in thrilling games
seven-piece hand from Toledo will before a capacity crowd. Southeast-
assist Ray Miller in furnishing the ern scored 26 points while their op-
music. This organization has been ponents were scoring 20, and Michi-
broadcast from Cincinnati, has played game defeated Alpena, 27 to 15.
in Cleveland, Columbus, and is now Led by Daniels and Shaw who scor-!
fulfilling an engagement at the Ar- ed 15 of their team's points, South-1
cadia in Detroit. I eastern unleashed a fierce attack,
A few applications are available
and may e secured from John I.
Lovette, 1923 Geddes avenue or fromj
George C. Weitzel, 1805 Washtenaw CLASS A ALL-STATE TEAMS I
avenue. Reimaining applications will'E
1e distributed from the desk in thehIFirst Team Second Team
lobby of the Union from '1 to 5 o'- Positionj
clock Tuesday and Wednesday. All Barnard, N. W. Myron, II. P.'
applications for tickets must be in by Forward
April 2. Tickets are priced at $5.50. Daniels, S. E. Ruhl, S. E. I
The ball is not for the members of Forward
the military units alone, but any stu- Nettinga, Holland Taylor, A. A.
dent on the campus, either formal or Center
military dress being worn. I Rojan, Mskgn McCall, Mskgn
y s.G uard
SpringerS.. McGillicudy Lnsg
scored first, and held the lead through
the contest. Daniels started the scor-
Tng for the Jungaleers from the foul
line. Then followed one of South-
eastern's characteristic passing for-
Ser-iee In 11111 Auditoriumi IRoe mations which culminated in a basket
Conducted in Accordance With from the field by Daniels.
Je1wish Custom f At half time Southeastern led 10 to
7, and after their ten minute rest, they
IS RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY started a spurt which netted them six
Ipoints while their opponents were
"Life's Dimensions" has been chosen able to get only a single tally from
by Rbbi Si nmu H r' (_old r-.n n of the foul line.


Campus Radio
e Programs End
jTuesday Night
Broadcasting from the University
campus for the remainder of the se-
mester will be brought to a .close
Tuesday night when the last of the
present series of Michigan Night pro-
grams goes on the air at 9 o'clock.
Tributes to the success of the pevious
programns, according to Waldo M. Ab-
bot of the rhetoric department, pro-
gram manager, have arrived in the
form of more than 1,900 letters of ap-
Tuesday's program will include ad-
dresses by Prof. Charles Cestre, of the
Sorbonne, Paris; Dean Edumund E.;
SDay of the School of Business Admin-
istration; Dr. Carl E. Badgley of the
Medical school, and Dean John R. Ef-
finger of the literary college. Music
for this, the eleventh Michigan Night,
will be provided by Sigma Delta Iota,
one of the musical sororities of the
University School of Music.
Of particular interest will be the ad-
dress of Professor Cestre, who' is de-
livering a series of lectures at the
University on American poets and who
will on this occasion give a French
professor's conception of the war debt
repayment controversy.
I a a
O:rgnization Of 200 Students Wl
Interilew Those Not Readied I
In Jadiunry Campagn
Intent upon visiting every man who
was not canvassed at some tinre last
January, an organization of more than
200 students under the leadership of
Harry hlawkiiis, '26E, will conduct a
financial canvass this week for the
Student Christian association. This
canvass will be made as the clean-up
of the January campaign, at which
time only about half of the students
were reached. An attempt will be
made to collect that part of the $5,500
goal which was not realized by the
original drive.
Five general sections, divisons U,
M, S, C, and A, and one other special
division which will get in touch with
fraternity men solely, have been
formed and are under the leadership
of majors M. J. Hudson, '28, Ezra
Young, '26, W. K. Shannon, '26, R. H.I.
Freyberg, '26, and Joseph Grandy,
'28L. In each division are six cap-
tains, each one of whom heads a team
of five solicitors besides himself.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday
noons of last week the majors and
captains met to make plans for the
coming work. Tuesday night the en-
tire organization will meet in the
Methodist church to make final ar-
rangements before launching their
Each worker is to visit ten men
during the week. Report meetings
will be held at 5:15 o'clock Wednes-
day, Thursday, and Friday evenings at
Lane hall.

Uy t a1n. a1t& 1. J . eA sUMtt.OV U 0
Pittsburgh, as the subject of his ser-I
mon to be delivered at the University
service at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hill
auditorium, under the auspices of the
Jewish Student congregation. Rabbi1
Goldenson, who is head of the larg-
est Jewish congregation in Pennsyl-
vania, has achieved a national repu-
tation not only as a scholar, speaker.
and citizen, but as an authority on
the philosophy of religions.
Rabbi Goldenson is particularly In-
terested in educational and civic work.

The Lineup:
Ruhl, rf................ 2
Daniels, If..............U
Springer, c............. 0
Shaw, rg ............... 3
Fournier, lg............1
Totals ................ 9
Nelson, rf ........* .,... 1
Rohwedder, if-.......... 0
Voysey, if-..............1
MacDonald, c........... 4
McCall, rg.............. 1
Rojan, lg ............... 0
Totals................ 7

Capt. Freyberg, Feinsinger, Jung
And Voelker Break Records
In Favorite Events
By Josepli Kruger
ITHACA, N. Y., March 27.-Michigan's Varsity track team scored a sig-
nal triumph at Drill hall here tonight, when the Wolverines conquered the
Cornell track squad 58 5-6 to 36 1-6 in the traditional dual meet between
the two schools.
Michigan accounted for seven first places, while the Red and White
squad captured three first places, the bole vault ending in a deadlock.
A host of old marks were shattered in the thrilling competition, the
outstanding record breaking performance going to Capt. Henry Russell, of
the Cornell team, when the lanky sprinter was clocked in 7 2-5 for the 75
yard dash.
Although there could be no verification that this was a new world's



The committee in charge of the largest o adeination intoith-
radio program to be conducted during largest of any d.,nomination in Pitts- !
the dinner has totbe conduted d burgh. The rabbi was recently given
thediner maspractically conipleted the degree of Doctor of Hebrew Laws
arrangements for a wide variety oft derew Uono l of Ca-
broadcasting pertinent to characteris- by the
tics of prominent guests attending the cinnati
banquet. The ritual service will be conducted
according to the traditional Jewish
manner, precisely as in the synagogue.
C ry oThere will also be the traditional He-,
1.o ru]la r v brew responses. evnnIil10fr
ichigan-s Author Music for the evenin will be fur-
On Auo Ind str m ished by eightniemb~ers of time1
On Auto Industr """" '' ""'" !""
Temple Beth El choir of Detroit, un-
Ider the leadership of Mr. Williami
DETROIT, March 27.---ILawrence H. Rowland, baritone, formerly on the
Conrad, of the faculty of the literary faculty of the University School of
college of the University of Michigan, Music. Dr. Leo M. Franklin, connect-
may be the novelist who will write the ed with the 'emple Beth El and sup-
story, waiting to be written, of Mich- ervising rabbi of the Michigan Jewish
igan's automobile industry. Student congregation, will read the
This Detroiter (he was born in ritual service according to the Union
Royal Oak) already has made a start prayer book.
toward this. industrial chronicle. His !
"Temper" was a first novel that dealt Burbank Improves
with the efforts of an Italian-born
immigrant to adJust himself to condi-
tions in and out of the factory. It (By AssociatedI Press)j
was received with both praise and SANTA ROSA, Calif., March 27.-_
adverse criticism, but was generally i Luther Burbank, famous horticultur-
regarded as an honest effort to por- ist, suffered a slight heart attack last
tray social and industrial conditions night. His con dition was reported
in Detroit. "improved" today. He is being at-
""ucrad writes of induitrialism tended by a special nurse.
from actual contact. For many mionthzs
She was a workma" in a Detroit auto- 'WARSAW.--Reduction of the mil-
! mobile factory, touching elbows with ( itary service term from two years
men of all nationalities, living the life to one is provided in a measure which3
of the workman and sensing his so- the finance minister will present: toI
cial, as well as workaday problems. Parliament.

mark, it is the belief of most of the ol
Russell is the first man to ever be
clocked in 7 2-5 for this distance on
a board track.
Michigan closed the successful eve-
ning's competition by capturing a
thrilling race in the one mile relay
event when Nate Fen-
singer came from the
rear to nip Worley by
one foot at the finish.
Ohlheiser, running the3
first leg for the Wol-
verin four, handed the
l baton to Mueller with
a three yard lead after
he had sprinted by his
man on the final turn.
Mueller, running in
competition with Rus-
sell, gave Herrnstein a
one yard lead. Herr-
stein, pitted against
Goodwillie, ran a fine
race, and the two hand-
ed the batons on to the
men for the final leg
almost simultaneously, I
with Werley, running
ta anchor for Cornell, tak-
Freyberg aing the lead. Feinsing-
er reserved his final
sprint for the last half lap, but he
found Werley also posssessed consid-
erable reserve power and Ine found
difficulty in cutting down a four yard
lead. Coming around the final turn.
Feinsinger showed great power and
1 barely passed Werley two yards from
the tape. The time of 3:28 sets a
new record for this track.
The other five new records were
established by Wolverine entries.
Chester Jung established 'a new dual
meet and track record in the mile;
Feinsinger set a new mark in the 440
yard dash for this track for the Michi-
gan-Cornell dual meets; Emil Voelk-
er broke the dual meet record in the
S75 yard high hurdles and equalled the
track mark; Capt. Dick Freyberg set
= a new track record in the half mile;
and the Michigan one mile relay four
ran to a new track record in the event.
Henry Spellman tied both the track
and the dual meet records when he
captured the 75 yard dash low hurdle
Capt. Dick Freyberg, of the Maize
and Blue team was the individual star
of the competition registering a vic-
tory in the half mile and takng an
easy second in the one mile races.
Jung Sets Record
Chester Jung gave a remarkable
exhibition in the one mile run when
he raced to victory over Capt. Dick
Freyberg and Higley, Cornell star,
and established a new track record,
running the distance in 4:26, a sensa-
tional performance for a board track.,
Jung started in second place, with
Freyberg in third place, and the twol
Wolverine runners held these posi-
tions for two laps, when they slipped
back one place. Jung appeared
strong throughout the race, continu-
ally fighting to take the lead.
lie succeeded at the start of the I
fifth lap when he passed Firey and
McGill of Cornell. Once in the lead
he increased his speed and opened up
a 20 yard hole. Freyberg, taking
things easy in order to save himself
for the half mile, coasted into second
place turning around. The old mark
was 4:34.
Second Mark Falls
The second track record to fall was
the mark in the quarter mile event
when Nate Feinsinger raced to Mich-
igan's seconid win of the evening, his
record breaking tinme being 512-5, an-
other remarkable bit of running on a
board track. The old record was
513-5. Goodwillie, running his first
440 race, took second and Herrnstein
of Michigan finished third.
Goodwillie got off to a fast start,
with Werly, famed Cornell runner in!

d timers present at the meet that
George "Buck" Hester, star
Wolverine dash man and indoor
champion of the Western Con-
ference, was scratched from the
75 yard dash in the Cornell meet
yesterday, because of a strained
leg suffered in a recent practice.
It had been expected that the
Michigan star would furnish
strong competition for Russell,
SCornell dashman, who set a world
record in tie 75 yard dash.
Coach Farrell took Hester' on
the trip in the hope that his leg
would respond to treatment, but
was forced to Withdraw him
from the competition at 'the last
The annual banquet, held a a
feature of the dual ,meet, was
called off in order that the Wol-
verine team might return to Ann
Arbor soon after the close of the
competition. I
Vie Leshisky of Michigan followed
Russell across the finish line.
All of the watches but one caught
the fleet Cornell leader in 7 2-5 while
the lone exception clocked him in
71-5. Although there was no oppor-
tunity to check up on the old mark,
the track experts here were all of the
opinion that Russell's time sets a new
record. Russell turned in the same
time in winning his first heat.
Voelker Wins Hurdles
Another record breaking perform-
ance was recorded in the 75 yard high.
hurdles when Emil Voelker added an-
other Wolverine victory being timed
in 9 3-5, this being a }ew dual meet
mark and equalling the track mark.
Caruthers of Cornell took second
and Mason of Cornell finished third.
George Snyder was shut out in the
preliminary heats.
Charles Munz took first honors in
the shot put event when he heaved
the pellet 43 feet 10 inches. Jack
Lovette, entering into his first com-
petition of the year, took second place
with a heave of 42 feet 11 inches. Mur-
ray of Cornell took third with a mark
of 40 feet, 5 inches.
Michigan chalked up two more
places when Roy Callahan finished
first in the two mile event with
Charles Wells, a sophomore of con-
siderable promise, close behind him
in second place. Pond of Cornell took
third. Beals, the third Wolverine en-
try, was fourth.
The three Michigan entries, Calla-
han, Wells, and Briggs, alternated in
setting the pace for the first mile
when the latter weakened and drop-
ped back. Callahan and Wells con-
tinued to lead the pack opening up
with Pond considerable of a lead. The
two Wolverines sprinted on the final
lap and drew away froni Pond.
Michigan Captain Wins -
Capt. Dick Freyberg set a new track
record in the half mile when he raced
to victory in 2:00 4-5 seconds. Higley
finished in second place and Ted
Hornberger took third. -lornberger,
running a half mile for first time, ran
a splendid race, staying in front until
the final lap, when Freyberg's final
spring proved too much for him and
he was forced to (drop into third place.
Cornell totalled her greatest num-
ber of points for any one event in the
running high jump. Berry and Brad-
ley tied for first place, at 5 feet 9
inches, while Roth, Michigan, Ger-
man, Cornell, and Keet, Cornell, tied
for third place.
Phil Northrup and lodd of Cornell
tied for first honors in the pole vault
when they both cleard 12 feet but
failed at 12 feet, 3 inches. Huff of
Michigan and Reed of Cornell tied for

Led by the slashing attack of
Treado and Holman from the center
and forward positions respectively,
Michigamme, champions of the upper
peimnsula., swept through to the chain-
pionship of the class D division by
defeating the previously unbeaten St.
Bernard of Alpena quintet by a score
of 27-15 last unight in Waterman gym-
lT.eLinaeu :
St. Bernamrd


Shea, r f ...
Vannini, If ...
. Bowen, c
1. B~owen, Ig
Iaoust, r,

.... f
............. f

4 1
2 0t
0 0
f) 0

Members of the finance committee
of the sophomore literary class and
all others who have been requested
to work in connection with the com-
ing campaign to wipe out the debt
resulting from the Sophomore Prom,
will meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow after-
noon in room 302 of the Union. All
I details for the drive, which will start
April 1, will be disposetd of at this
Because only a small percentage of
the class has paid dues this year, the
finance committee at a meeting last
week decided to make a concentrated
'effort for the collection of the dues

iM mhigaummc
I F P1
iHoliman, rf ............. 4 1 . 9
!Beale, If................1 2 4j
Treado, c............... 5 0 10
IBall, rg ................ 2 0 41
Salonen, Ig..............0 0 0
i Totals ................12 3 27
IAfter the contest ended officials of ;

Student Conference Closes In
Deadlock On Issues Of League

the Interscholastic picked the follow- whereby the debt will be readily can-
ing men on the first two all-star celled. A systematic, campaign will
teams: be carried on throughout the fratern-
--ity and sorority houses in addition to
1 - Class D All-State Teaus receiving payments in various cam -
. FirsMt Team Seondf 11(1 In pus buildings.


Michigan's firrt International Trib- for the latter the members split on
unal closed last night in a deadlockI the issue of universal membeshil in
the members divided on the issue of tie league, or cmreation of a separate
league for time Oriental countries. j
the league as a parnacea for the ten- Members of the committee express
dency toward imperialism, expressed I satisfaction with . the results of the
in the violation of the integrity of ; program. Nothing startling was un-
China, and the oppression of the covered, but insofar as the membersj
peoples of Syria, India, and Korea. were given a vision of the immense!
The conference, which was opened 1number of conditions attending world


- . Ilosition
Vannini, St. lceri'd Hoffman, St. Mary
Hlolmuan, Michigamme Stuart G. Llan
Forward FEC
Treado, Michigamtme Spink, Lawrence flhlflPST
Treao,'enter I LIfV FRNH D~ L
Gainey, G. Blanc Daoust St. Bernprd
Guard PARIS, Mai'rch 27.-Ready cash for
Wheeler, St. Mary C. Cook, Lawrence the French treasury to the amount of
Guard 1 3,000,000,000 francs, which must bej
found before the 1926 budget can beI

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