t A fl ?' Tf Tt.TT. MTrt-1Tc.AN T'IATV CATURTDAY, MARCH 27, 1J A AES&J5M UJJ.Ei'I.~l'&3 1,. ll 4 1 . N V L''1 . -mom :.. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. in. Saturdays). Volume VI SATURD~AY, MARCH 27, 1926 Number 134 University Lectures; Dr, Thomas Ashby, late Director of the British School of Archaeology at Romne and James Loeb--Charles Eliot Norton Lecturer for the Archaelogi- cal Institute of America, will deliver two University lectures, as follows: (1) "The Aqueducts of_ Ancient .Rome," Friday, April 2, at 4:15 P. M., in Room 2003, Angell, Hall, (2) "Roman Roads;, The Arteries of the Empire," at 11:00 A. M., gat- urday, April 3, in Room 2003, Angell Hall. The lectures are illustrated with atern slides.; The public is cordially Three Mentioned As Pope Considers Naming Fifth American Cardinal League To Exhibit IPictures In Lane Hall Until Monday SMore than 250 pictures illustrating war and social problems are now on exhibition under the auspices of the T olstoy league in the auditorium at Lane hail. The exhibit, which will be open to the public until Monday, con- taims pictures taken from the collec- tioni of Dr. F. S. Onderdonk of the architectural college, and is being shown in connection with'the Inter- national Student conference. meeting 'l oday in Ann Arbor., The exhibition includes a wide hishop Gurley of faltimore, Archbish- op Glennon of St. tis, Arclibisho Hanna of San Franicisco. T'ihere nov are four United States wearers of the hat. rz,. , ~range' of artistic schools, showing many pictures of Pre-Renaissanco dlays, as well as a series of 15 modl- iernistic sketches by Otto Dix. There is a series by CGrotter, representing AUTO PARTS, For AilMakes of Cars. TIRES FOR SALE. JUNK CARS BOUCHT. PRONE 305. wr'i ~lrR RRIlt Psml V~rnnI various aspects of war. KUL) n UIU..9 441141 3110 The Czech artist H-olarck, the larg- Hostn l contributor to the collec-LANT AC tois representedl under all three LANT AC heads, largely by pictures lilustrating at the the contrasts of life. There is a 11 series showing the history of Ihf Terrace Garden World war, in which is included a ta~i' 1~} facsimile of the first mobilizationiD nigSui. 1 order signed by the Kaiser, a picture 220 Wuerthi Arcade Phone 8328 ,~ of* Emperor Franz Joseph praying for We teach all modern, fancy, bal- P success-in. his "defensive" war, and a, let and stage dancing. We special-i number ,of paintings portraying the iz in teaching children. woes of the masses. There is alsoa series of" 12 pictures illustrating the Open Daily iIrony 'of giving war the blessing' ,f 10:00 A. M. to,10:40 P. M. Christiailty. The Dix group is made up of* .sketches done during actual For every article ror sale, there is I fighting between 1914 and 1917. ai buyer. Reach him thin Classifieds. invited. Prank E. Robbn s. Fellowships, Michigan Schiool of Religion : j There are a limited number of - fellowships which may be awarded to graduate students of high scholarship who are preparing for important fields of religious activity. Applications should be filed by April 1. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Faculty, Colleges Engineering and Architecture: Mid-semester reports on all students who are below passing should be filed in the Secretary's office by April 1. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. j The duPont Fellow ship ini Chemistry:E Graduate students of proved experience may apply for appointment to this important fellowship. Blanks for application may be had at the officet of the. Graduate School. Applicants are -advised' to confer with Professor Gomnberng or Professor Bigelow of the Department. of Chemistry. Applica- I tons should be filed with me before April 5. Alfred H. Lloyd. university Service: The seventh University Service for the present year will be held in Hill Auditorium Sunday evening, March 28, at 7:30 o'clock. The sem'mon will be preached by Rabbi Samuel I-I. Goldenson of Pittsburgh, Pa. This meeting is, in charge of the Jewish Student Congregation. Temple Beth El Choir will sing. John Elliott. Ann Arbor Art Association :1 The exhibition of the etchings by Ernest Roth, and water colors, prints and etchings by Grace R. Dean, and by Ernest Dean will close Sunday, r March 28thi. It is free to members, students of the University and children of thme schools. Warren P. Lombard, President. Off Campus Practice Teaching: All candidates for off campus practice teaching must inform me of their personal plans ,immediately. A final meeting of the group is hereby called for Wednesday, March 31, at 4:00 P. M., Room 110, Tappan Hall. C. 0. Davis. Soc. 154. Modern .Social Problems: Through pan error on my part the midsemester has been announced in some discussion sections as scheduled for next Friday. This is a mistake. lt will be given Friday, April 9.: L. J. Carr. Rhetoric' 1, Mr. Vander Lugi's Sections: Monday there will be an exarhination covering thme work in Exposition. G. T. Vander Lugt. University of Michigan. Alumnae Tea: The University of Michigan Alumnae returning for "Alumnae Night" of the Junior Girls' play will be entertained at tea at Martha Cook dormitory at 4:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon, March 27. . Mrs. J. 0. Sehlotterbeek, Charmian of the Ann Arbor Group. Burton Memorial Lecture: On Monday, March- 29, Tuesday, March 30, and Wednesday, March 31, at 8:00 P. M. in Hill auditorium, Prof. William Sandoz will present his famous and unique Eu'ropean pictures in color. This is the second of the series planned by the. Student council to raise funds for the Burton Me- morial Carillon. Student Council. 3, rl Just Published-- T'hese Sayingsfmn An Interpretation of the Teachings of JesiusBy L O D .D UG A $1.050 W S 00K STORE Vacancies in the Sacred. College, caused by the deaths of five cardin- als within a few months, have revived reports that Pope Pius XI will name another American cardinal. Men mentioned for the honor are Arch- i I i 1 I ' {{ i :* -U---- COLLEGIATE CLOTHES s'HO P 0..A, .S C@ SUITS and TOPCOATS for SPRING p" ' E i i 1 I I i E ji i I I 4 I s i i I (( M 1 f I The Is as Near Varsity Service As Your Telephone SIX DELIVERY TRUCKS AT YOUR BECKON Part Of the excellence_ of the +c, YID j ': E 4: {. i .w e +. r i ." '' F 6 'varsity service lies in the ef- ficien~cy of its delivery system. 'drivers Intelligent, courteous gulide the. fleet of six modern delivery 'trucks with 'prompt- ness that is fitting. Truly the FOREASTER -A new Suit and Top- varsity service is as near as LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned in1 Thie Daily.. Items will be published on two successive days only. Copy must be submitted to the Local Events Editor by a P. M. GENERAL Saturday J'. H. Murray of Detroit, will dis- cuss. his experiences with Esperanto, the international language, at .5 o'- clock in Lane hall. RELIGIOUS Saturday Student Fellowship club will leave on a maple sugar excursion at 1o' clock starting at Pilgrim. hall. Sunday Hindustan club will meet at 3o' clock in Lane hall. dents at 5:30 o'clock, followed by al Y. P. S. meeting at which the sub-a ject, "Is a Kampus Kolorline Kris- tian?" will be discussed. Baptist guild will discuss the "Kam-} pus Kolorine" at 6:30 o'clock at the G Guild house. - The St. Paul Student club will meet, at 420 WVest Liberty street at 5:30 o'- clock. Student Fellowship club will mieet' at 6:30 o'clock. ."Is a Campus Color Line Christian?" will be the subject for discussion. Supper at 5:45 o'clock. ! A special feature film, Jackie Coogan in "A Boy in Flanders" will be shown at 4 and 8 o'clock. COPENHIAGEN.-The former kaiser has asked permission to travel to Denmark for the funeral of IDowager coat. An exclusive line of specially tailored garments from R. & W. now being shown at your telephone. Phone 4219 I LAUNDRY co> Tom Corbett's Collegiate Shop 11 Liberty at Fifth -'4" . 2 -2 - 116 E. Liberty II, . II, -- D. Social hour for Presbyterian stu- Queen Louise. ___________________________________________ "II#11 111 ItI111111 i il II 11111111111111111111 11111i 18I~I~1111II11111111111111111l11121 ltl111l11111 1111 1111 1 11111 11 1ti{1111 11111111111! 111111f111111111111111f1111111111lilt 11181111111 II~ il 1111111111111111 1111111111111tH1111111 iililil1111 111111118111 iii d ead What the Criltics Say. of "BECKY BEHAVE," then see It TOD DERI ESMCIA AL ANN ARBOR TMES-NEWS MICHIGAN DAILY DETROIT Whlmanann teaaer"What matters is the charm of the "There Is spontaneity, the freshiness In -he frst lac, if any one can "Michigan Junior iec "is.nasumng ast, he imadbat o 4ot,-n' bveala produce a more charming, more ador- last night in "Beck Wair sought, ' Becky Behave' introduces pectsuasmntath snbutofyum ndbvelln -aoleitatoheetacabepie costumes and the beautiful garden trimtursns ween 1es tihe-- able l-mre .appealing ead'ing lady anual mrusical ro' ==obtained no other place than on a set. Nothing is elabrate or prete- -- harm of the Junior ,ir' play, than Minna Miller, we'd .like to meet adienice, which. is .: college campus. The scenes, them-Bek vnw Y" g selves, laid in Ann Arbor, depict tos t s o' rih aad f --'ey teae' Hrnowsl vthereatrit tatoepdersn'thpe s~e Co-pe, thef s atriumhto f I.collegeevr tuetknw ol nocne Tegrl r s oe should e ist ini a college town. ''The-l y t look upon-young and pretty toce f>rof essiofalisnm To see ermaditsjcuethtpso' ftrprean acostk.tepr.fstdns n and sweet-all tiedoly words you this deli$ Itftzl musical comedy is to sense of humor is warped, and in the 'Be cy' far abovea - -there are several choruses,- the "Sick- view chle life through rosy glasses, third place Mary (Mk ria Leland) is cessors." e r," "The Ladies of Literature," "The will-that it seems impossible they ~cthagipeo ott ie h-bs okn hn ncmu ih Ref-Headed Chorus" and the "Michil--- shoud have come tramn this Gargoyle --a ml urnedt tmlt vr - gan; Man Chorus" that carry ot the campus.fothtiebngtouhheril - ideawell. and fiun of school days." masculine ,heart.".' 1 cfP6rDermnru--cMmmi*ins end Evenina Today AY!v 'TIME S co-eds triumphed cy Behave," theirw luction. 'Tfhe .first '- - traditionally re- women, was .treat- -- lingering melodiefs, dancing that sets any of its prede -