THE MICHIGAN DAILY eatELm rA T - hJTAT7I Imans ~~airin rAunrnrn 1,1i? l, ,Cr,,, Dvwin u Ir-- (Coutiued from Page One) Lain~g B3 F Raymond .............. 1 Bialmer ................ 0 0 Duffield ............. 1 1 Beadle.......:......... 0 0 Killoran ..... ,.......... 5 1 McGilicuddy .......3 1 Nichols ...... ....... .0 0 Kipk1 .... ..... ..... 0 0 Mlarshall, rg...........04 Witte, if.............. 0 F pNiver, c................... 1 i> 4 i L L 0= Totals ................9J 0 Haple Raidhs 11'Floate, rf ............. 2 7a Berkhousen, If..........(0 0 Parr, c ................ 2 0 Winsor, rg............ 1 -Brown, Ig............. 0 25 Trotals..... ..... p Al euua Defeats Grand 11 ;St. Bernard of Alpena wa:, 2 1 0 5 2 1 0 1 I I1U VV1I11 U I L11 UU IIIULL L (Continued from Page Six) 2-- [c fet 7-8 inches against Yale two weeksj 1 (Continued from Page Six) ;ago, and Dodd and Reed in the pole! 2. Tung is the sather Michigan ent rii'vault ar'e Cornell's best entries in the I , the mile, field events. Bradley should run up, "' In the two mile rtun Cornell wvili against strong competition in Roth of .1 av Ion an Iouhtnwinnr Michigan, who has a high mark of 6 seco)nd and third places respectively feet., while Northrup and' Prout. who inteYlGmeadtes e il are practically sure to enter the pole be upprte byVanerbook Calahnvault for Michigan, have records in -4'Wells and B rig gs are the MichiganI that event which are the equal of the 3zentries in this event., Callahan andz best performances of the Cornell 1 WAells 'finished fourth and fifth re- iflmen. li1 spectively the Conference indoor meet.' M1unz and Lovette' the Michigan Strong, with 6peilman as Cornell's shot putters should have little or no! most promising entry. The latter took trouble. in capturing the first two second place in the Tale meet, be- first ;places in this event, as they are both hind Bullard of Yale, who set a new If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad Thl e charged. TeMichigan Daily reserves the right toI classify all want acts tunder appropriate head ings and to revise or withhold objectionable" Scopy. This column closes at 3 P. At. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given iu time for the second insertion. CASH RATES WANTED WANTED-Three exp'erieaced htigh Grade Shoe Salesmain. Those Nvho know howy to fit and sell shoes in- telligently, to work Saturdays and Holidays. Work all year round re- ga rdless of weather conditions. Apply or write immekliately cjo L. Klein, 1275 Woodward Ave., Amies Co. Shoe Dept., .Detroit, Mich.. 32-33-34. The Lu xenberg Tux- edo is ample proof of the correctness in clothes-smart cut and excellent quality -*that's something every man desires. Tncnsprraigln(othbaioffive average words to the line) for one or two WANTED-College g rls to assist in. insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more$ selling (luring noon hours. Apply insertions, immediately at office rear_ of 2nxd Cash classifieds received at the Daily office lo.Mc o f in The Press Building on Maynard Street. i . lak&C.t' :.n- Totals............ .10 5 ;.rr :B Pooh ....,.... t..~ 2 Adams.............. t 2 Carlsou,................ 0 Hullet ................. 0 Rice ................0 Jaulnsey ...............0 Young ................. 0 r F 1 0 0 1 U 1 1 Blan s the 1"1 of~ e ; team to enter the nna iro11und orJ o Class D baskcetball tourney Ai 1 Grand Blanc bowed to them last ii 0 l bay the score of 26-16. 1 Summary: 1 StL Bernard Ytle vhe6n night capable of heaving the shot over 43; record to win the event. feet. Murry, Cornell's best entry in With the exception of Lasser, the this event, can onWy average around Michigan entries in the high hurdles 40 feet. The other Fred and White! are the same, and these men will be entries in the shot are Curtis, Wright ,opposed by the same Cornellians that and Evans.l are entered in tile highs. Voelker, Lasser and Snider, the Wol- - verine men in the low hurdles will Little Investment-blig returts.,'1h* meet Spellman, Caruthers, Mason and Daily Classiflenas.-Adv. . Showing, at.Oscar's Place_ 1114 S. UniversitY next door to, Van's. Lunch Today D)rop in -whenI i ~w York during Spring Vacation LNat LUXENBER G & Bro. 37 nio n Square, New York Between 16th 6t 17th Sts. tion. t LOST CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applica- WANTED-College men to repre-, sent Wvell known company, largest, of its kind. Earn all your College expenses during summer vacation. See B. S. H-agar, Room 407, Mlich. Ujnion. NOW. Afternoons 'and; 7.7I' Totals...............4' 4 12 Veninai, if ............ IShea,rf . .. Muskegon-High land Park box score: D. Bowen, c .......... . Highlnd Park I Doaust, lg ..... ........ chaffer............... 0 0 4) l H Bowen, rg..... ... . 'alsinger ..... ......... 1 1 3 L' F .7 2 1x 0 1 1 .2 1 0 0 o 11 4 SI"3 S' Manning ............... 1 Crouch.........1 Plykas ................3 Myron................. 4 Totals ............. .10 ltiskegon 1 "0 0 2 ::. Nelson .............. 1ohwedder ........... Veysey ....... .. McDonald ............ McCall............... RloJan .............. .t r ,i , ,7 1 0 0 1 3 1 o o a o 1. 0 2J 101 241 P1 21 1,- Stewart, If.........4 Coggins, rf ............3 Conquest, c............ 1 Gainey, 'Ig ............4 Michelson, rg ..........0 Totals......... 0 0 0 0 2 Totls. ...................... Grand Blanc 1 2! -1 s; Jv +i , I r 4 I I . ! I w Totals ..............10 Lawreiice Wins, Easily Leading from the outset of the coni- PQlJ ,r Q QUALITY. v J S rteom i . test and never very seriously threat-I ened, the Lawrence quintet easily downed Maple Rapids by a 23-15 score yesterday morning in Waterman gym- nasium in one of the preliminary' games of the closs D division of the IntLerscholastic basketball tournament. Summary follows: Lawrence Thne New T ravel Promenade and 4 'Upper main Deck Accomumodations For TOURIST Ill Cabin Passengers CHERBOU1LRO Special Sailings ROUND TRIP$17 May 18. June 8. July 3. Cabin rates on 4pplication For APRIL SAILINGS to COPENHAGEN DANZIG and BALTIC; PORTS aply to Baltic America Line, I 9 rawy ..o oa gna To think about the biri We have some dandie; other s for $1.50. How about the lawn? soil with Smith's Plant In 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.50 Packages. Jno. C. Fischer Hardware Co. Is it in good shape ? and Lawn Food. If not, sweeten the Why not put up a house for themr? A very good wren house for $1.00; I 11 LOST-Small in shaped like Greekl letter Phi. Set with pearls. Re?I turn to Sec'y's office or 719 Tappan. {Dial 3542. 32-33-34. I LOST-Parker Duofold peni in East 1hall, about noon Thursday. W. T. Hinckley, Phone 4765. 34 LOST-Fraternity pin, letters Z B T, initials W. L. C. Call 6956. Re- ward. 34-35-36. LOST-Has anybody seen my glasses? Chin Small, 301 N. State St. Phone' 8747. 34 NOTICE YOU MEN who are working your way through 'Michigan, or who want to earn some worthwhile sidie money---- REI D TITS We are a wide awake organization and we want the part tinme services of some high grade, wide awake young! man. Ours is not a real estate or peddling proposition but an opportunity of real nmerit, worthy of your prompt investi- gation. Write to-day and tell us of yourself in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeable appoiilitments. ! Address Box 70, Michigan Daily BETSY ROSS Snt; serves delicious salads, frappes, porfaits, sundaes and sodas TRY THE~M! 30-32-34. GET YOUR Victor Record of " Vic- tors" "Yellow and Blue" by Univ. of Mich. Band, at- Schaeberle &KSoil Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf. JOE'PARKER'1S CAFE Dancing every night during supper from 6:30 to 8:00 Private parties our speciSI tY. E. 0. D. tf. *PRESSING-Unquestionably the best pressing service in town. Try, us once. Cheer-Up Wahl, 328 So. Mail. tf Fine custom tailored clothes, in- dividual fit, best workmanship, cor- rect style, suit $35.00 and up. Albert Gansle, 118 E. Washington. tf NOTICE-Hats cleaned, shoes repair- ed. Absolutely the most satisfac- tory work in town. Pay us a visit. Washington Shop, 106 E. Washington Arnold's State 8t. sIeweler C. Cook, rf ...... Buskiak, if .... r......... . Spitgk, c .............. L. Cook, r ........... Sill, Ig............... evenings. 33-3-34-. B 0 0 1 5 2 F~' 0 1 0 0 1 P 0 1 2 10 5 1111 105 East Washington St 4' QUALITY. }" ~~ rwrrn~r rs~r"s Phone 414 liii 4' UALITY.4 Q0 ,. stir e ct~g A GOOD woman cook (white) for July and August, ,for a small boarding house at Higgins Lake. Good pay. Also a good woman for dining room. Please write at once to Mrs. E. Chaney, 97 Pilgrim Ave., Highland Park, Detroit. 35-36-37. WANTED-Two boys to work for their room. In one of the nicest homes in the city, 337 Thompson. Dial 6290. 34-35. WANTED -- Janitor or porter work wanted by experienced man. Phone 22388. 34-35-36 l FOR RENT FOR RENT-A large student home, 8 year lease, filled with students, will sell conmplete furnishing to home 30 boys. Also dining room outfit, eight hole Garland gas range, large 're- frigerator, etc. Income $700 a month. House filled in summer but no rent to pay ill July and August. Price for all $2,900. Dial 6292. I ~32v-34-35. FOR RENT-Very attractive double room, steam, heat, fireplace. 522 Monroe. Dial 4546. 34-35-36. FOR RENT-Furnished fully or in. part, three rooms. Very desirabole, $45 per month. 1025 Packard, Dial 6688. 34-35-36. FOR RENT-3 furrnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1011 Bath. Rent reasonable, dial 5696. 34-35-36. FOR RENT-Back from campus, light hoi sek,-ening rooms, well furnished. )Dial 22151. 34-35-36. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished 3 room modern apartment, first floor. 1005 Packard, available April 1st. Dial 21264. 34-35-36. FOR RENT-2 room, first floor apart- ment. Furnished, hot, cold and soft water, gas stove. Rent reasonable, for rest of school year. 1025 Vaughn St. Dial 5571. 34-35-36 FOR RENT-Very pleasant front suite for two girls. 432 Maynard. Dial 21308. 34-35-36. FOR RENT-Suite, two offices, State Street section. Dial 4931. th-sat-tf. FOR SALE FOR' SALE-Man' - bicycle, good con- f .1 i Zuna Oburcb %ervicee I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, I . I i r I - III 9:00 A. M.-Bible Class. iOn 10:00 A. M.-Confirmation services. No other service in the fore- no00n. At 5 :30-7 :20 P. M.-The Student Club meets at the parsonage. Dis- cussion topic, "Morals anad Ideals," Alice Lehtinen, lead- er. 7:30 P. M.-A special Young Peo- pie's service. Daniel Coyner 01I of St. Louis will deliver the sermon. Topic: "The Cour age of the Chiristian:" I t ....... .._...,. . - ....: ._.._ 1 i"' .......j .. I- Is now carrying a complete line of dition, $12.00. Dial 3797. 33-3l4-35 fountain pens-all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need, come in FOR SALE--Radio 5 tube set, coast-to- and see us, we can satisfy you. I coast reception. Good tone and Arnolds State St Jeweler volume. Phone 6464. Ask for 302 S. State St. tf. Riley. 34 A. NASH CO., Golden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and Topcoats ! FOR SALE-Copyright of a Book good $23.00 1 for the movies, good for $20,000 to Style, Fabric, Tailoring Giaranteed' someone, low price made will sell Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. it quick, 337 Thompson. 1 31-32-34-35. SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister PHILIP E. LAROWE, Musical Director 10:45 Morning Sermon "M4ILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" 5:45 Student Supper 6:30 Dr. PrestonA Jamxes will give an illustrated lecture on "TRIPPING THROUGH TRINIDAD" I HEAR "Always" on Victor Record, a waltz, fox trot or vocal number Schaeberle & -Soil Music Rouse, 110 S. Main St. at tf. 5:30 P. M.-Student fellowshil and supper. 6:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Dis cussion Hour. 7:30 P. M.-Lenten service. Sub, ject: "Behold tile Man." PERPETUAL CALENDAR-A magne- tic arrow finds the day of the week for any date. Send 25c ($1 for 5) for this device together with the mathematical formula upon which it is based and rule for calculating results mentally. A. C. Washburne, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Wed-tf. FOR SALE--Frontenao over-head valves. Brand .new. A real buy. Phone 6464. Ask far Riley. 34 FOR SALE-One sixty dollar caress suit and sixty dollar guitar, $35 each. Both in excellent condition. Also '$1600 player piano nearly new for $1,000. 727 Church Street. Phone 8765. 34. 5 7 I 1 I I t r TYPEWRITING & M1IMtEOGRAPHN Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. i£ I t I i i I i IIvwn" cvF . Q - - I ' T- .41- A --. ---mJ - -V x IA I. 3L XI.JIn ' 3L I b L rw~ ine.typewriLer ac oiaiionery Lore anuangs."