SATrURDA 4A~ ~ C '7, 1926 : rr : ,r ri . .VAnIV ... t tL 1L 11 % 1 tAA.. ,RA~JLIN J.A-X1L L... O'Alt u 'ff1DU P I Dry Leaders, A t House, Talk Tighter Enforcement In the face of newspaper referen- dumus on prohibitlion (which they de- nounce), and spirited new attacks from a "wet" bloc in Congress, Anti- Saloon league' officials are receiving efforts to tighten tip enforcement of the Volstead Act by having the., feder- al prohibition forces made a separate unit of the government. This and oth- er devices were taken up when (i. to r.), A. H.1 Briggs, San Francisco; A. J. Barton, chairmani, and W. M. Forgrave,1 Boston, constituting a sub-committee of the national executive coipmmittee of the Anti-Saloon league, called at the White house for a conferen~ce with the President. They are 6iiit the exec- utive' mansion entrance. TOKIO.-A Korean and his Japanfese wife were sentenced to death for plot~- ting against the throne in 1922 and trying to import bombs from Shanghai. HALLERI STATE STREET. JEWELE S S Vislit Our Optical Department ~~ IPAY BEST PRICES For NIeu's Ued 1. Clothinig. Phone 4310. Wi I1 _ . Washington 7i. BENJAMiYN"" Zoologists Hear Heilbrunn, Hobbs Prof. L. V. Heilbrunn and Carl L. flubbs were the speakers at the meet- ing of the Zoology Journal club last night. Prof. Heilbrunn gave short discussions on "The Action of Hlypo- tonic Solution on Protoplasm" and "The , Effect of Heat on Various jStages of Miitosis." dlr. flubbs spoke 5 u ',n What :'bi x1cnogy? , LISBON.-A new comnmercipl agree-: ' nient, which goes into force .April,1 be- tween Germany and Portugal, was of- ficially gazetted yesterday. It provides most favored nation- treatment and } permits free entrance ox1 Portuguese wines into Ger'many. DETOITTHEATRES ITHIS WEEK ed Eves. - 50c to -,2.50 AR R C K WedMat. 50c to $1.58 Sat. Mat. SOc to $2.00 ARTHUR HO PKINS presents WHAT PRICE GLORY) By Maxwell Anderson & Lawrence Stallings ;9aht 75c to $ Bons e li iynui 142 ats.Tues.,Thur. Buselery u~ axd Sat.,5-7c Woodward at Filiot Tel. Glendale 9792 4COND AND LAST WE>EK pin a Gentle Satire on DvreLw By Jesse Lvnrh Williams I ( I' i .. . .,,..e. - ~- .. I 8EVENTS LAST TIMES TODAY 8 EVENT'S " t'1 tj Z" ou are in doubt about Ho w Did Your Garters Look, This orning? Ann Arbor ,Shop Shoes Repaired Hats Blocked and Cleaned- Hightat Grade of work Lowest Prices 6,25 East Liberty of the No 's on sign rshould you approve See SAL Y 0 'NE ILL As thre Girl and More 4 t IW EAITIROACHT as Uncle Natt in d 111 . A mmmm A Pai j .1 1' r of i i i PuS -ANTD IN ADDITIO'- AGRII'PA - WEB makes garter~s act In ant entirely new way--and 'only. in Bostone caro this 'web be had. ]Ev pn when worzt verv loose, it will not slip. It cannot cu~rl and yet it is retmarkably. sok gand lig tit. Here inv, fact is a practical, comnfortable, iventilated-web garter.: In many pleasing colors, 56c the pair. GEORGE PROSTCOMPANY MAKERS B2OSTON~ ea the Want Ad's m -----_r I p a 1101111m i I i LAST TIMES TODAY YOUR LASTS" 'CHANCE Oxfords For Easter C*MPUS P r+rr.... -- Matinees 2:00-3:40 Prices 1.0e, 25e,,3ic ,MICHIGAN LOCALS PIC'TORIAL NEWS "OFFICER OF THE DAY1 Fast anid Furious, "StAWI)UTST AND SPANGLES" lfatgic Carpets Rteviw Orchestra UER NigIIt Prices. 10e, 35c, ,.Oic age= ISUNDAY MARCH 28 SECOND ANNUAL MICHIGAN MUSICAL PROGRAM STAGE AND SCREEN A IISOLUTEL Y SUNDAY, 4AR CH- 28 Gi I' reciter and J1or~ Thrilling Than I / .- - 4 , f 4' 4 TheStorm" I Perfect 'Co edy Characterization! DOOTERY 3 304 S State Ate You Going Into the Bond Business? The re is a cycle of fashion ntonly for the hats col- lege men wear but for the ling of work into which, they go. Bu your jca4 ha -o fit your head as well ais your hair for it has 'to fit 'your state of mnid. Like your hat also, your kjob needs to fit your purse. Thorefore, why not choose one that brings not only satisfaction in service but in financial return. Selling life insurance is one of the few modern busi- nes-ses that does just this. It t4kes: Intelligence, ;Zest *anid Ab~iity It ,gives: .ifrerty 'o acL'on, the phjosophic satisfaction of sel ,n g future security and present serenity to living peo.ple, and a response, im- medliate and tangible, in monietary as well as mental reward. Complete and confidential in!- formation, without any obligation nnvn,rhrt ,-canbe obtained blv I { s i I i }# I iI t t I'IEAT£ r Y9;s jx - / '' - m '(I; .I f 1' / n//i -- ' All the hImor,am siud (e-splittinog hlaughter of a.hiundredI thouisanid Cohenis andt!several1 Ithousanid ellys lhas Jeen capa- Itured ini lhis perfect chlaaterizatioin of~ these tivo famous famailies. I's a race p~icture- i ih everybody ini the cast racing to see 'wich can lproi-ide the miost laughs. 11111. ALL-STARl CAST OF COMEIINS IiCL UDlINU AtTrtIVEIiSAt. XtWELPICTUPE ' i ' 11 f r !I lh+i+ I r _. i r:; A LNIV'v SAi. JBW LFIL;'t URE -- G r. GEORGE CHARLIE VERA with HOUSE PETERS WANDA HAWLEY WAL'TER MCGRAIL A thrilling nmelodramna of the great North Woods ivith the most marvelous forest fire eves filmed. Tlie crackle and spit of the searing flantes Is in ev ery' Inch of" House Peters' most spectacular picture. MURRAY GORDON U P ( f .--.* ~s4 H-;