f ( _FflI1DAY. M AACTI 26,l1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY May Select Gornez Gfeea A"" j'iezwo a sonm nd i ofte Me ic fit g r riso duingthe ateLieIa Hert re bellon, ill robaly b Mexco' Photograph ic Supplies We can supply anything you need in the way of kcodaks or films.' Devel- oping and printing done promptly. L .YTAD LIsffE1905 i T~he New easy Way toefrlaintain All hr y Hardiwo od F loors Johnson's- Vaxr% Electric, Floor Polishers .1 Is the ultimate 'refinementi in cari, of floors. -It produces a burnished lustre impossible to obtain' by hand and= works many times faster. It is light" handy, and can b'fe used _aiywh ere.; It requir'es no care and wvill last a lifetime. The secret of beautiW,,~floors j to put them in perfect condition. You can purchase the Electric Floor Polisher at our store at a cost of $42.50, or, you can rent one at the rate of $2.00 per day. H-ow can you keep your floors in a better condition than to use the Electric Floor Polisher? State Street Hardware Co _,.. ... .. . -j next president, according to the plans Little investment-big returns, The of the Mexican political "bosses." Daily Classifieds.-Adv. 310 SOUTH 'STATE DIAL 5015 Quality, Quantlity and Prices Right. 3/ ^ 1 t The Ann Arbor Floral News Si Vol. 1. I~o. 4S. Published Ever~y Friday by Anni Arbor Floral Cohilmny Wshy pay more when you, can get the best at these prices. Not: only do you get the best flowers but you *also get theme from Ann Arbor's finest' flower shop. An institution the flower buyers of Ann Arbor are proud of. POTTED PLANTS Lilies, per bloom, 4Oc Spireas Rosebushes, $1.50 up Cimerarkas.3 [Hydrangeas, $1.50 up Made up Plant Baskets, Tulips, double and single, gift deluxe, $5 to $15 large pots, $1.50 Corsages, neat and nifty, Daffodils, $1.50 $2.00 - 5.00 Darwin Tulip, $2.00- Snapdragons, $1.50'- $2.00 Hyacinths, $1.50 Roses, do ., $1.00 - $5.00 Feed your birds and 'plants. We carry the most complete line in the city in bird supplies. Fresh bulb seed always on hand at 15Sc per lb. Our liquid plant food for your house plant, per can 50c.. Remember your credit is always good at our store. Just phone. Flowers Delivered in a Few hours TO YOUR FRIENDS OUT OF TOWN To friends who remembered you. during the holidays, why not send a beautiful plant? Nothing' would be more welcome-any day of this long month. ,just Telephone US WeAre the Telegraph' Florists oft Ann Arbo Store: 122 East Liberty Street Greenhouses: 1021 Maiden Lane Phione 6215 Phone 21715 FINER ROSES MAXE FINER GIFTS REMEMB ER YOUR MOTHER ON HER. BIRTHDAY i SUNDAY, MARCH 28 v / OUR SECOND ANNUAL .Michigan Musical Program ecl 4y 1. ES s pec h Se iN EIGHT TODAY AND "SATURDAY E IGII EVENTS A ' ig Mid Week' Prorain ]EVENTS She Wantedl Fun, Thrills -Lile : I -- and Oh boy, she S HE found all the exciting alings of life labelled "Don't." But she didn't believe in signs--this irrepres- sible girl of today. So she started out, like a young- tornado, on a series o mile-a-minute adventures, chockfull of love, laughs and thrills! Rebellious youth! Feast, flapper li f e! You'll love every second of, thij uproarious comedy! rat's Great! got gF em Matinuee 35W loc FEvening 50c Chlilidren l~c N Ilo II Frmthe stag by ~ Kd Q1 I rV UER .:. x:. .' II UTTE , Feat Uring, SA LLY* O'NEILL BERiT ROACH Andl I xcelet Gast of Beal 'oniOdiau's TheAn Arbor Floral Comnpany 1 ;, t I ,..... ! i f igA FOX PAESENT3 An m ri~AtComed 7 A11> IN A~I))ION !'MICHIGAN LOCALS Sa wdust Pictorial ac angleses sCarp~et spzilsReview Orchestra ......... . .... __... .:... .®... .". "Ten Floors of Woodwerd- Al.dan Shoe Service"''RDETROI1T Made inL .lan,.smar lyli 4 sJ tyled! ' e'sy f oiFyfej i~s 4 11 11 SECOND MICHIGAN MUSICAL PROGRAM ills!$1STAGE AND -SCREE /00,I9t~ i3 WHAT ASHOW I EARNthe economy of buying a. Stetson. Style on a foundation of qual- On the Stage PHIL DIAMOND Am] Is SIX OF DIAMONDS A NOVELTY ANIMATION OF MVUSICAL COMPOSITIONS: Xs Inlterp~reted Jby Phil himself 11 /""" I .9 A .9 -; ,, .r .r i .r 4. 1.4 II~ ~ U_~S 11