s THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRN. TO BE HELDTOA ala'oli A "MY llTEcet Two-StoryI IiiI"(i. 'I(P ll a iities fundamentals c cooking, sewing; 'can be taught,' kitchen, shower use of the Girl f home economics a dining room andan chl riin ERSN baths, rooms for thti Guardls,andl a band c STATE 9T CDNF[HENCE1 Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law . school, Arthur H. Ryall, of Escanaba, and Wade Millis, of Detroit, are thel three men who will represent thel State o1: Michigan at the conference.[ if C WILL COST $30,000 C nremonlies for the laying of the- corn er stone of: the Salvation Army buimig, under construction at this corner of East Washington and Soup ii Pifth streets, will be held at 2 o'clock tdday. Comn. William Feart of Chi- cago, territorial commander of the or-' galhization, will lay the corner stone.l 11ov, Arthur WV. Stalker, Charles . . Ii.I Only half of the present site is be- lii u~~lforth costuctonCommissioners on uniform State LONDON. - Bermondsey, a London' teLaws will bold their annual confer- I lOoglreyihbtdb okn buildinig with tentative plans ar-3 people, has decided to fly the red flag ranged t:o that a second unit can b ene-Juto6-worD ever,Cat othe -f over its g own hall instead of the union adde=d at any time. Two beating codn er-jck, thus following the examp~le of plants a:re being installed with-- u t ary's office of the Law school yester- its sist er borough, Battersea.C ticient capacity to care for ,the heat- d ,y This conference is composed. of ______ ______ ing ri luirenients of botuit. three lawyers from each state, and Thedeict~n ereonestoaythe work of the body is that of re- PARIS.- Georges Clemenceau is Th eicto ermne tdyistating the state laws, writing a theosophical treatise. will be preceded by a luncheon at the W Chamber of Commerce inn, at which i Mayor Robert A. Campbell, treasurer! of the University, will preside, and iL U M R W R commissioner Pear' will be the prin-! Several hundred college men have found sell- president of the Community Fund as- I'gFle rdcsduigtersme a sociation, Rev. Kenneth B. B~owen, cation great training and profitable, So will s Starting -Matline es 10c, 25c, 35c Today 7-Z2 -q nIan - Now Showing Greater and Jore Thrilling Than The Stormk ll~iutzel, W. Hackley Butler, and Colo- representing the Ministerial associa- nt~E Wood will also speak at the cera- tion, and W. Hackley Butler will also nrohies., give short talks.. -The new citadel of the Salvationj Commissioner Peart will address a. Ari y is being erected at a cost of public meeting on the subject "Factors $310,000, officials of the organization in the Success of the Salvation Army" said, and will be a two-story brick at 8 o'clock tonight in the Masonic building fully sqjuipped to meet thei temple. There will be music by the r'eeds of the Salvation Army in AnnI Detroit' Citad~el hand, an organization Aribor. Included in the building will composed of 50 pieces. be~ anr auditorium" with a seating capacity of 250, another seating 150,________________________ emergency rooms which will accom- D tETROIT THEATRES ntoWfate 15 people overnighrt, a home T H I W E E K IE'iue roomi equipped with gas rang- es al sewing machines* where the! you. Talk it over withh one of the following : Myron W. Barnes W. E. Taylor 445 South Fifth Ave. 913 East Huron St. Phone 7574 Phone 9207 M. L. Shadley W. Glenn Donaldson 806 Sybil St. 1408 Washtenaw Ave. Phone 8565 Phone 6717 II I i 17 I@ I I o., RAE Today anId FrI'day '. o See c"t'Hl PA('E THATRr ILLS"9 (Ver'y Fast) Withii tl,"-N LYONS aind MARY ASTOR Also hIA I hAMILTION1 RAEI RI C ed. - 500 to .50 i.~ A RI C Wed Mat.50c to $1.5 ARTHUR HOPKINS toes$nt 0 WHAT PRICE GLORYA By Maxwell Anderson & Lawrence Stallings Nights 75c t,;.ue . 5elr Bonstelle Playhouse iMaa.Su ZWoodward at ]$lot Tel. Glendale 9792! SECOND AND LAST WEEK; The lDONSTELLE CO.* 1a~ a Gentle Satire on Divorce Laws "Wetr VHy NOT?" By Jesse Lynch Williams Schubert Lafayett' ae :~ttO$atShel Popp Thurs.Mat. Soc to $1.50, plus tax. Cad. 8705~ Richard 'Skeets" Qallagher In the Sparkling Musical Comedy ""Bety Dear" QF [ELD(NQJ / 0.4I- Of JA~l populr I~srog md- o ipa Iii -r I 11 I 11 / '(I ,, : c t - ..--..-"_ [ I' " 1 at GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. ~36South..State'Street Ann. Arbor, Midi. lasfs and atterns exclusive~ our own ldes~qn WHITEHOUSE & H'LARDY. NCORPORATED BROADWAY AT 40r" STREET 144 WEST42"° STREET METROPOLITAN OPESRA IlousE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BIlLDING 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREETq AI fla who have made their mark in the world are not satisfied with ordi- nary clothes. They must have something " different" -- some- thing individual. 'They want clothes that set them off from the common- place.. Men desiring clothes of this sort can have their wishes fully sat- isfied by ..The .. English - American Tailors of Bait imore The fit is right ! The style is right! The tailoring is right ! The price is right ! A . GBarth 619 last Williams I *I If )you have attended college to become fitted to enter the business world, the question you, must now decide is where to start. This is a matter not to be considered lightly. During the past few wveeks, opportunities for college men in the Kresge organiza- tion have been brought to your attention' in this publication. A few of the college men who are now enjoying success in this great national institution have briefly told you of their experiences. In a very short time, we expect to have a man from your own college to inter- view you, if you are interested in learning, first hand, more about the opportunities offered for training. and promotion in the Kresge stores. Write at once for an appointment. Our repre- sentative will tell you frankly whether or not he thinks you will fit in. Upon the decision you, make now probably depends your entire future career. Personnel Dept SS KRSGECO0 34 t04 134 STOPES" U * t*10'i612 STO r%ME Krsg BIu1Idi WYANA HALY WALTER MCGRAILj A thirillin~g mielodraima. of the great North Woods wvith the miost marvelows forest fire ever filmied. .The craciikle and spit of the searing' flamtes is in every in ch of Hloarse Peters' most spetacuIlar -Ai)DEI) FEATURES- How would you fit in? ORCHESTRA ii A Side Splitting Comedy jLatest News /' ' , ,. ,, . , ,- _ w "" " "ROLLING HOME" STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE SIMON H. WAUGAMAN from high school teacher to manager Louisville Store After attending Mercersburg Acade- my and graduating. from Franklin and Marshall College in 1917. Mr. Waugaman enlisted with the regular army and servecd more than two years. Following the war, he taught school for a time but was unsettled and restless to make a real future for himself. Here is what he has to say: "While in Grand Rapids, I heard a lot about the Kresge system of train- ing for store managers, and oppor- tunity for advancement. The future that was pictured could not help but attract me. So I applied for a posi- tion in the stockroom of that store. "Many of my friends and associates who had nevee~known of the Kresge Company, as a place where a real future is offered to the man who is .willing to put forth real effort to attain success, gave me little, if any encouragement. My mind had been made up, however, and i stuck. "The future is unlimited, as I posi- tively know, and there is always that incentive to keep on plugging'. The man who is ambitious cannot pass up such a proposition as ours. And on top of it all, the Kresge Company is one of the most Demo- cratic organizations where results alone, and not influence, get you chere." *:<:" } CONSTANCZ BENNETT pd r , rx' .-.;": 1 ,.' ... .h . .;. . :f i ': AND I IN JOAN CRAWFORD SALLY O NEIL- A~N 1) ON THlE STAGE STYLE SHO AND FASHION REVUE With Sally, IRene and Mary and Other Living Models 11. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t s S- _ __r THE jm : :. , . .} , ., . IT I t z The Funniest Farce Comedy You Eb7er Saw (WE PROMISE) EDITH CLASPER ... _. _ _ v. _._ . . _ _