PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY ;Till-I P? D)VY.*-M R('I .7 1 f)>{ FRAYER TO-OPEN FIRST Explosion e INTERNATIONAL MEETING, ia 42 Prof, William A. Frayer, of the his- tory department, will officially open Michigan's first International confer- ence at 7:30 o'clock Friday night in Lane hall. He will speak on the "'World Since the 'War," surveying and sumnmarizing the worldh situation as it appears through the eyes of the his- torian, and showing the relationships govcrning the present international entanglemients. ~The concurrence is the first of. its kinid attempted at Michigan, according to 1Luis Bustamenute, '26, general chair- iin, and the plan to be followed is similar to that of the Hague Tribunal. Any student may attend and will ac'ta ee ae o h ai n le rp e sents. On Saturdaivmorning, follow- ing the opening' address, the national embassies will (determine their prob- lems and policies which will be pre- sented at the following general ses- sion. At this session, where the; tables are to be arranged in "peace confierence" fashion the rep~orts will be supplemented by general discus-j sion. In the afternoon, delegates will. reassemble in groups to discuss the problems. The 'flndiiigs of these groups will be presented by a spokesman atj the following general session. ROME. -Thel capital of foreign stock companies in operation in Italy, it. is officially anlno~unced, has increas- T'he Screamigly °unny Comed"y And T'acey biroke Every "on 't inented And Subslitted 'J! - ., 1 f a , 'a , / '3. " _ 41,y , 'p . .. p } N' 1 , 4 1 y$ig a!' .{f y .4 y} J Nr /. , ". t J .. 1 . x 1 $~ { ' . ' .. + i ++'. +.+ w . / ._ ._.. ill-.W'eekIFnu i I' 'illI O--AdedEvents to ImMaIpy-It jForty-two persons ve-:e seriously hurt in. Posen, Prussia, when this gasr tank exnloded and .took fire. The roof of the tank was catapulted some dist- ance away, wrecking rt building. ed since 1913 by 103,000,000 lire, the lresent total being 691,160,398 lire, or about $27,784,650 at the present ex- change rates. 7ms; ; . . \i' -.t{ Caornwell.--Coal--Coke Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since i~ was established. The secret is "GIVING ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS." x We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. Coruwell .. Coal -. Coke Phones 4551 and 4552 Office, Cornwell Block ; Del PreteCol legiate Sh op RUP&ERT HUGHES' production great story of his Policy 2 :00 M)~)(: 8:40 50C 'h il dren 0c (Successor to "EXCUSE ME") with Sally 'I\i*it the wonder .. y y .; girl . . ..0 and Bert R'oach Are Clothes that the Michigan Ma FOR .SPRIN( I t 1- 1 : N. ,...-. ." 1 i ti .3 'Because o other over' offer the clothing. Just arrive of light si light gray gladly pay 'Cs an Prefers. )f our low rent and head expenses, w e b s b y " i ,ed-new shipment wjits, new tans and ys at prices you Pants Suits m 1 5 to $50t' opcoats 25 - $35} :ra Long HATS .STYLES $5.50 ES $ 1.00 .,g AND 7-ADDED EVENTS-7 MICHIGAN LOCALS PICTORIAL NEWS MAGIC CARPET SAWDUST AND SPANGLES ARCADE REVIEW ORCHES TRA rs FICER VNI 4 D'AY 7WIAT a wvhirli 'd of laughs this id 'ne fascinating flapper, jus : spoi~lng cN agood time-surrounded by an army' of Don ts" and "Nuts." She couldn't follow every rule-sap she broke themn all! She drove her parents back to good old-fashioned spnikng -but she'll give you the most hilarious timec of your life with her mile-a-minute Il escap~ades! , / _ ",.. .f:.- ,, r. t . 4 ~/',(7V &1\x ,4f 14 ~Z -~ K ~NtS.wOSSW."' . ,.S'fh.A .ain AI111fA1 h SECD N 4I3LUL MUOH Ad NUJJUAEL OGi 3m , ,ti f ' i" ,tea StaringSunay arch 28th "rMON 0 l tH E STAG E %m wovwwwA dD VI ("TESC EN A, Two]I $3 rI ' in Blues, Tans and Grays-Extj PHIL DIAMOND AND HIS SIXOFDAO S Mi'li'aIBoys-Anni Arbor's Own Preseiitinia a A Novelty Animaionof MusicalCompositions ONCE EACH YEAR IT HAS BEEN OUR POLICY TO ARRANGE COMB INA- TION BILL- FOR YOUR PLEASURE AND THIS T q I TT NEW SILK SCARFS l ALL $2.50' -r $4.50 TI] ptu N, 7 rs v 1' _ I I