a tt
Receives Gifts From Ford Motor Co.
And Americana Radiator Co.; Will
Estabilsh Memorial Fund
Owing to the fact that four members
of the Board of Regents were absent,
including Regent James O. Murfin,
chairman of the stadium committee
of the board, action on the proposed
new stadium for the University was
again delayed until tre next meeting
in April, at the monthly meeting of
the Regents held last night in the Law
building. The greater part of the
work conducted last night comprised
the granting of leaves of absence to
members of the faculty and the accep-
tance of gifts to the University.
The resignation from the faculty of
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the
public speaking department, was ac-
ceptid ,by the Regents. Professor
Trueblood, who will retire from ac-
tive work at the end of the Summer
session, has been teaching continuous-
ly for 50 years, 43 years of this time
being spent at this University.
By action of the faculty of the lit-
erary college five students were rec-
ommended to receive degrees, the de-
grees being granted by the Regents.
The degree of Bachelor of Science
was granted to Lyman Joyce Glasgow,
John Frank Jellema, and Ruth Emily
Sherman. Celia Forest Ames, was
granted the degree of Bachelor of
Science in nursing, and Florence Og-
lesby Griffith received the bachelor of
science degree.
Frederick Abbott Leisen, was grant-
ed a bachelor of science degree in en-
gineering, and Douglas Dean Loree
was given a master of science degree
in architecture.
A gift of $4,000 from the Ford
Motor company for the transportation
library was accepted.
The contract with Albert Kahn of
Detroit, was signed, for the plans for
the new Museum building.
The gift of a type "A" heating ma-
chine, from the American Radiator
company, of Detroit, was accepted. A
gift of $500 from Frank A. Mammy, of
Boston, for the establishment of the
Mary Bloom Mammy Memorial fund
was also accepted by the Regents.
This fund is for the purpose of pur-
chasing books for the Michigan
League library.
Belief that the grippe epdemic is
now in its last stages was expressed
yesterday at the Health service. Therc
has been a steady decline in the num-
ber of new cases since last Thur.-
day, when more than 50 were report-
ed until yesterday when only six new
grippe patients were added to the list.
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director,
thinks that the disease is now under
control and that campus health con-
ditions will soon return to normal.
A few scattered cases of measles
still continue to worry the Health ser-
vice staff. While the fear that a gen-
eral epidemic of this disease is no
longer felt, new cases are still de-
veloping at the rate of more. than one
a day.
(By Associated Press)!
RIO JANIERO, March 24.-Eighty
passengers, the Captain, and the first
and second engineers, of the Brazilian
river steamer Paesdecarbalhe perish-
ed when the steamer sank in the So-
linoes river, one of the upper forks
of the Amazon river, near Manaos, ac--I
cordirg to dispatches received here to-
day. The disaster was caused by an
Seventy-eight passengers and sev-
eral members of the crew were res-
kM~t47t$&$: 1
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, March 24.--Love 01
Americans for things American may
be seen daily at the Metropolitar
Museum of Art, where visitors throng
the American wing. It has !become
the most popular attraction in . the
''t'here, decorative arts of America
from the Seventeenth through the
jfirst quarter of the Nineteenth Cen-
tury are exhibited in rooms recon-
structed with original woodwork, fur-
niture, metal-work, ceramics, glass,
prints and paintings assembled to pre-
sent characteristic ancestral back-
Spectators express a desire to see
how their American forebears lived.
Most of them at one time or another
gather in the ballroom from Badsby's
Tavern, Alexandria, Va., where Wash-
I ington attended his final birthnight
ball in 1796.
To the attendants who watch visi-
tors day by day, it appears that the
Italian primitives have the most in-
terest for students, while paintings of
later periods attract generally.
The strollers always pause to view
Sargent's portrait of "Madame X."
They spend some time in the WilliamI
H. Huntington collection of portraits
of Washington, Franklin and Lafay-
ette, done in all materials. The Rem-
brandts, 18 in all, likewise receive at-
tention, as does "A Virgin and Child
Enthronged with Saints," known as
the Colopna Altarpiece, by Raphael.
It was ptesented by J. Pierpoint Mor-
Also the gift of the banker is thej
gathering of decorative arts of Eu-
rope from the Gallo-Roman and Mer-
syngian periods to the end of the 18th
century. This collection, which fills
an entire wing, is augmented by a
suite of three Louis XVI rooms from
the Hotel Gaulin at Dijon, which also
is very popular. Another is an ex-
cellent group of Rodin's work, includ-
ing numerous sketches from which he
Since the discovery of Tut-Ankh-
Amen's tomb, many visitors ask the
way to the Egyptian exhibits. Re-
erected in its original form is the.
mastaba tomb which 4,500 years ago
was placed over a Theban dignitary
named Perneb. A series of painted1
wooden funerary models, from the
tomb of Prince Mehenkwetre atj
Thebes, is one of the most remarkable
of its kind ever found.
u. a run rnLELEil
Declares Payment Of 10t,000 Pounds
Daily One Of Most Stupenduous
Tasks Ever Assumed
Vote Will Determine Riglit Of Reclh
To Coffisoite JProperty Ofj
Former Ruling House
(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, March 24.-German -prob-
ably will hold a national plebiscite
to decide whether the Reich and its
component states shall confiscates
without compensation the property ofI
the former ruling house.
An official estimate published today
showed that 12,500,000 voters have en-
tered their names on lists demanding
the submission to the Reichstag of a
bill providing for such confiscation.
This is 8,500,000 more than the num-
ber of signatures necessary to compel
the Reichstag to act on such a mea-
sure. Should the Reichstag ,ail *o
adopt this bill, as it seems likely that
it must, the decision must n xt be
submitted to a national plebisc te. In
such a plebiscite, 50 per cent of the
total electorate or roughly 20,p00,000
voters must take part in order t'make
their plebiscite decision effective.
The result of the preliminary cam-1
paigns is interpreted as showing wide
spread dissatisfaction with the de-
mands made against the Reich and
the federated states by the former
royal family.
For the first time in the history of
the dramatic productions of Le Cercle
Francais, the two plays to be given
this year will be held in Mimes
theater rather than Sarah Caswell
Angell hall. The program, twentieth
of the annual French club entertain-
ments, is comprised of two farces:
Moinaux's farce moderne, "Les Deuxl
Sourds," and, in di-rect contrast, the
ancient comedy, "Le Farce de Maitrel
Pathelin," translated from the old
French by Dodo. They will be pre-
sented April G.
Those who are directing the playl
state that the scenery will be "typi-
cally Mimes," and in every respect up
to the standard set by recent Mimes
productions. Costuming is in the
hands of Van Horn, of Philadelphia,
who supplied the wardrobes used in
the last opera. There is to be a spe-
cial drop-curtain, designed by Fred
Hill, '27, who prepared similar equip-
ment for "Engaged."
Both plays are under the general
direction of Mr. Halfred C. Brown, ad-
viser for Cercle Francais. Assisting
him are Dr. J. B. Cloppet and Mr.
Robert V. Finney.I
The cast of "Lex Deux Sourds" is
made up of William Knode, '26, F. L.
Jewelry from the tomb of the Prin- (By Associated Press)
cess Sat-hather-iunut, of the twelfth LONDON, March 24.-The problem
dynasty, is equaled by only one other of the World war's heritage of inter-
group, now in the Cairo museum. allied debts was given a periodical
airing in the House of Commons today,
anut Winston Chu'rchill, chancellor of
the exchequer and Phillip Snowden,,
SLaborite and formerlchhancellor, who
oppose each other politically, joined
hands in the House in agreeing that
the burden of responsibility for the 1
war debt . difficulties rests on the
Asserts Tad harding Sought Tj United States for refusing to adopt a
IagsertseThat in f gembTrs policy of all around cancellation.
Influceemeleetio Of Memberf s Mr. Snowden precipitated the de-
Of Coumnission Stuffbate in the hope of being able to bring
Great Britain's recalcitrant continen-
CITES INSTANCES tal creditors to time, and he spared
neither the United States, France, nor'
(By Associated Press) Italy in the scathing criticism for
'WASHINGTON, March 24. -- The which he has a reputation. With min- I
Mxrt ar 24 s - Th isterial responsibility associated with
I flexible provision of the tariff was at- his other answers, Mr. Churchill, re-t
tacked as a threat and a detriment to strained his statements somewhat, I
business by Thomas Walker Page, for- and on the whole was hopeful ;of ob-
of the aff m I taining from Great Britain's debtors1
nie ii imn tay co mi t the necessary 33,000,000 pounds of
scion in testhnony today lbefore thesringwihtecutynwi
special Senate committee investigat- sterling which the country now is al
ing its adminsitration of the law. The paying to the United States annually
charge also was made that President c hequeanbelieves the e-
Harding had sought to influence the hB ritish govern
commi'- mnt will be enabled to carry out the
selection of members of the principle of the Balfour note whereby
sion staff and "became very angry" Great Britain declared her intention
when he failed to get tie commission ( of collecting from her continental al-
to accept his candidate for the joa lies only sufficient sums to pay her I
of secretary. . indebtedness to America.
The principal of the flexible tariff Mr. Churchill described the under-
is all wrong, the former Democratic taking to pay 100,000 pounds of ster-
chairman asserted. Tariff should not ing daily for more than three genera-
be flexible but should be stabilized tions of the nation as one of the most
by fixed rates set by Congress, he stupenduous tasks andt burdens "ever
held. assunmdo t sy any country in the whole
During the entire four years of its ;world's history."e
operation, he declared, there has been The chancellor declared that an
only two reductions in tariff rates, extraordinary situation, which would
one on "bob-white" quail and the other not pass out of the minds of any re-
on "nll-feed." sponsible persons either in the Unitede
Pressed by Senator La Follette, States or in Europe would exist whene
Progressive Republican, Wisconsin, I most of Germany's reparations were
for an elaboration on his charges of "drawn from the devasted and strick-
White House influence over staff ap- en countries in Europe in any un-
pointments, the witness said that l broken stream across the Atlantic to
President Harding had sent for a con- that wealthy, prosperous and greatz
missioner and requested him to vote republic." .
to retain a staff man after the com- I(_
missioner had decided to oppose him. I
The commissioner came back from the REPORT7ABILITY
White House, Page said, and voted for OF KIG, '27L
the man.,
At another time, lie related, an out- TO MAKE TRIP 1
sider made application for the job of1
secretary and addressed his apphica-
tion to President Harding and former Despite contrary report,Williamt
Attorney General Daugherty. The coin- W King, Jr., '27L, will be a, member
mission was satisfied with the secre- of the Michigan (debatiEg trio which
tary then engaged and refused to heed7 will go abroad in May to debate Eng-
the request of the President to zre- lish colleges and universities. Prof.
move him for the other man, he said, Thomas C. Trueblood, of the public
__ _s'peaking department:, announcedl yes-
(ByMAssociatd Press)
PARIS, March 24. -Buying up
hoarded gold in France is a pursuit
that can be compared to the bootleg-
gers' industry in America. It is not
so wide-spread but it has correspond-
ing results.
How much gold is hidden away, no-
body can say exactly, but it is gener-
ally placed at over one and under two
billion gold francs. As these sums
represent between five and ten billion
in paper francs, the difference is great
enough to attract many to this new
This commerce, if profitable, is not
free from risks. It is unlawful as far
as French coins are concerned, the
law forbidding buying and selling
operations with the national coinage,
although gold coins of other nations
can be bought with French paper cur-
rency and made into ingots.
"Liar" Hurled At Official Of Roard
Of Teumperance, P1rohibition
And Public Morals
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 24.-Prohibi-
tion debate reached the point today
in the House where the old fashioned
word "liar" came into play with mem-
bers edging forward in their seats like
a crowd watching the end of a tense
The prohibition enforcement unit
and the department of justice became
entangled in the melee and finally the
unusual situation was created where
the sergeant-at-arms was forced to il-
sue a formal statement on the subject
at issue whethrer in wet dad's his chief
duty was to drag drunks off the floor.
Representative Laguardia, Progres-
sive Socialist, New York, started the
battle of words by charging that1
Franklin L. Dodge, formerly a jus-
tice department investigator, had at-+
tempted to dispose of $200,00 worth+
of liquor permits obtained from the
wife of George Remus, convicted Cin-
cimnati bootlegger, and it did not end
until Representative O'Connor, Demo-+
crat, New York, had called Dr. Clar-
ence True Wilson, of the Methodist
Board of Temperance, Prohibition and
Public Morals, a liar.
Dr. Wilson was quoted by Mr.
O'Connor as having asserted Congress-
nen in pre-Volstead days gave the
sergeant-at-arms a hard task to per- 1
form, and as having said his infor-
mation came from the sergeant-at-
arms. Then sergeant-at-arms Rodgersi
extricated himself from the situation
by saying he did not know Dr. Wilson
had come to work in the.House since
prohibition became effective.
In making his charges, Representa-
tive Laguardia asserted that a general
dry law enforcement investigation
should be made and that the prohi-
bition units and the justice depart-
ment would be good places to start
Medical Society
To Bring Bardeen
Here For Lecture
Dean Charles R. Bardeen, of the
medical school at the University of
Wisconsin, who, will speak here
hursday, April 1 under the auspices
-f Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon-
orary medical society, has changed the
subject of his lecture to "Making Use
of Measurements in the Clinical Study
of Build" it was announced last night.
Dean Bardeen's address will be the
third on the annual series of Alpha
mnega Alpha.
The dean graduated from Joh'ns
Hopkins university in 1897 and imn-
mediately afterwards became an as-
sistant in the anatomy department
there. In 1901 he was made an as-
sociate professor.
Three years later Dean Bardeen
went to the University of Wisconsin
as a full professor of anatomy and
in 1904 he became dean of the medical
school, a position he has retained
Dean Bardeen is a member of the
American Society of Naturalists, the
Society of American Anatomists, the
Society of American Zoologists, and
the American Association for the Ad- I
vancement of Science. He has made
a large number of contributions to
scientific journals on such subjects as
human and comparative mammalian
embryology, experimental morphology,
and physical anthropology.
The chief langer comes from the
umen eiigaged in the business. Sad
stories are told of how men have been
"torpedoed" by gold high jacks more
often than troubled by the police. At
a meeting in a quiet saloon, when a
100,000 paper francs were being hand-
ed over in exchange for 1,020 gold
franc pieces, the police appeared.
"Hands up!" they commanded, and
the inspector heading the police
seized the money, gold and paper, and
marched the bootleggers off to the po-
lice headquarters. There the inspec-
tor ordered them to sit on a bench
in a corridor, after which he hung up
his hat and cape and departed into an
adjoining chamber.
About two hours later a caretakerl
asked them; what they were waitingj
for and they realized that the inspec-
tor was false, their money gone and
themselves unable to take any action.
In a case of this kind at St. Etienne,
the men arrested by the false police
were handcuffed in such a way that
the real police had to take them to a
blacksmith to release the cuffs., The
men, compelled to explain their pres-
ence at the police headquarters were
tried and sent to prison.
The gold smelters do not escape this
sort of trouble. One day, in Paris, as
the metal was fusing, one of the smel-
ters went out for some cigarettes and
burst in, on his return, shouting "Po-
lice!" Everybody disappeared so no
one saw a man emerge from a cup-;
board, wrap up the heated mass in1
wet rags and in turn disappear.
Director Of Bureau In Deparlinent Of
Agriculture Will Glve Two j
Talks On Soil
Dr. Curtis F. Marbut, director of the
bureau of soils of the department of
agriculture, will deliver two address-
es Friday, April 2, under the auspices
of the Michigan Schoolmasters' club,
the Geography conference, and the
Michigan State Council of Geography
Teachers. These latter two groups
are meeting in a joint session at that
At 4:15 o'clock in Natural Science
auditorium, Dr. Marbut will deliver a
University lecture on "Soil Science,
Its History and Relation to the Doc-
trine of Malthus." At 2:15 o'clock on
the same afternoon he will speak
before a gathering of geographers,
meeting in room 6, Angell hall. The'
subject of this talk will be "Soil as a'
Geographic Factor."
Dr. Marbut is nationally prominent
for his work on soils and their rela-
tion to geography and geology. He
has studied extensively in Europe,
was formerly director of te soil sur-
vey for the state of Missori, an a
former president of the Association of
American Geographers.
It is through him that Glinka's the-
ory of soils has been put into prac-
tice, and he has been chiefly respon-
sible for the reorganization of the
United States department of soils
along the lines of Glinka's theories
and his own, which have changed the
notion of soils from a purely geolog-
ical one to an ultimate dependence
on climate. Dr. Marbut in addition to
his position as director of the bureau
of soils at Washington, teaches cours-
es in geography half the year at
Clark university, Worhester, Mass.
House Leaders
Hinder Canal
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 24.-Republi-
can House leaders flatly refused to-
day to give legislative right of way at
the present time to consideration -f>
the all-American canal proposal that
would link the Great Lakes with the .
Atlantic via the Hudson river.
At the same time, it was disclosed
that Henry Ford looks favorably both
upon this proposal and one to connect
the lakes and the Atlantic by a chan-
nel down the St. Lawrence river.
W. B. Mayo, of the Ford Motor Cor-
poration, in a letter to Chairman
Dempsey, of the House rivers and har
hors committee, said the all-American
route would serve the central West
as a whole and have the advantage of
being free from ice for one month
longer each year than the other, but
he also indorsed the St. Lawrence
I - - .
Agree To Make Freshman Assembly
Gain Greater Cultural And
Vocational Advantages
After hearing and discussing the re-
port on engineering students at the
time of entrance to college given yes-
terday afternoon by Prof. W. C. Had,
of the civil engineering department,
the faculty of the engineering college
agreed to talte steps toward giving
high school students a more accurate
view of the engineering profession,
and to modify the freshman assembly
to obtain greater vocation and cult-
ural advantages.
Definite action was formulated in
two resolutions passed by a unani-
mous vote of the assemblage. The
first provided that "the engineering
college find effective means of plac-
ing before high school students a
clearer, more comprehensive picture
of what engineering is, and what its
relationships are to our present-day
and prospective future civilization."
In part, the second formulation
which deals with the present fresh-
man assembly would start action to
"bring before the student at an
earlier date than has heretofore been
customary, well ordered and accurate
information concerning the several
a fields of engineering." This resolu-
tion also provides that greater em-
phasis be laid upon the "human re-
I lationship in engineering," the value
of good written and spoken English,
and "the cultivation of intelligent in-
terest in extra-engineering matters."
Resolution Important
The importance of the first resolu-
tion was stressed by Registrar Ira M.
Smith by reference to the report of
Professor Hoad which shows that 90
per cent of the entering students
come from high school; and that four-
fifths of these decide to enter the
profession from one to four years be-
fore graduation.
At the present time pamphlets are
being prepared by the registrar's of.
fice which will explain the entrance
requirements and the first year work
to prospective entrants. Under the
present program, high school stu-
dents will receive these pamphlets at
the beginning of every academic year.
It is expected that this education will
eliminate the unpreparedness in re-
quired subjects which is now preva-
lent among entering students. As the
information which will be prepared
under the first resolution is formu-
lated, it will be included in this pam-
Deplores Early Decisions
In discussing the conclusions of the
investigation, Professor Hoad also de-
plored the early decisions of high.
school students which are made on
"flimsy bases," without an adequate
understanding of the field to be en-
tered. The remedy was pointed out
to be in a policy of "aggressive se-
lection" rather than in a negative
elimination on the basis of high school
The nine page summary of the in-
vestigation of the sub-committee head-
ed by Professor Head lists the average
age of the entering student, the geo-
graphical location of his home, his
racial, social and economic back-
ground, previols scholastic record,
educational guidance, and interest and
aptitude for various studies. The in-
vestigation is primarily an amplifica-
tion of the one phase of the report of
the Society for the Promotion of En-
gineering Education which was pub-
lished three years ago. Material for
the research was obtained from ques-
tionaires answered by freshmen ter-
ig the engineering college in 1924,
and by members of the class of 123 at
the time of their matriculation and
graduation, as well as from informa-
tion collected by the department of
English and the department of me-
chanism and engineering drawing.
Consider Admissloi Of Students
This investigation is one 'of four
which are being conducted under the
general guidance of a committee
headed by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of
1the English department, to study the
various phases of the national so-
ciety's report. At the conclusion of
all the reports, a general plan of ac-
tion will be formulated to definitely
meet the problemis relating to the se-
lection and admission of high school
students. It is expected that the con-
clusions may be effected before next
Third Appearance
Of "Becky Behave" I
Scheduled Tonight,
"Becky, Behave," the 22nd annuali
Junior Girls' play, will have its third
performance at 8:15 o'clock tonight1
in the Whitney theater. There will be j
four more performances of the play, I
one every night this week, with a 1
matinee performance on Saturday. j
A review of last night's per-
formance of "Becky Behave" will
be found in the Music and Drama
column on page four of today's
terday. E. R. Gomberg, '27, and . G
E. White, '27, will be the other mem-
hers of the team, with Elmer Salz-
man, '27K, acting as alternate.
It was thought for a fewdays that,
because of certain objections raised
by his family to his leaving this coun-
try, King might not be able to make
the trip to England, Professor True-
blood said. Salzman was expected to
take King's place and was asked to
do so, according to the head of the
public speaking epartment These ob-
jections have now been overcome and
King will resume his place on the
The debaters are diligently at work
on both questions: "Resolved, That
this House views with alarm the en-
trance of women into the learned pro-
fessions and statecraft" and, "Re-
solved, That this House opposes th
growing tendency of government to
invade the field of individual rights"
which have been submitted to the
English schools to enable their debat-
ers to prepare cases.
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister will accom-
pany the team abroad and he with
other members of the public speaking
department are directing the training
of the debaters.
The team will leave here April 30,
and embark the next afternoon on the
S. S. Regina from Montreal. They will
land at Liverool, and expect to have
their first debate with Liverpool un-
iversity. They will return by way of
New York before the final examina-
tions in June.
Scotch Professor
1 0
The performance Friday night, ac-j
cording to tradition, will be formal.
Alumnae Night will be held Saturday
night when, for the first time since}
the Junior Girls' play was inaugurated,
former Michigan students will attend
the play in groups.
Tickets in all sections for every per-
formance are still available. The
prices are: orchestra, $2.50; first four
rows of the balcony, $2; second four
rows, $1.50; the remainder of the
theater, $l.
Will Begin Bridge
Contest Tuesday
Play ini the Umnioni bridge tourna-