WFD)NSDAY, M1ARCTT 24, 19263 TI-IF MjTICH IG.AN !DAI L Yi r .. ., .. .F. ... -- _t - ~- Frep 'eams To flay Herel Good Used Gars p ,', ! ! I Cardinal Ho es For Pennant hi, ' M p ftC Staff! By Poor Hurling 1)4 !~ i ~ n~ i as ~ rn A nid iiusk (c go i) Fi'ml ld t dlu FOUR GAMIES TOMORROW! Three Detroit high schools and five state high schools have earned the right to comnpete, in the annual class A bask etball toiurnament with willl1 be held in Waterman gymnasium March 25, 26, and 27 by winning first and second. positions in their rospective regional toutrnaiilts. At a me(eting of the representatives of the teams enteredl in the tourna-E ment yesterday, the following pairings were made. Iii class A at 8 o'clock Ann Arbor meets Detroit Northwestern anti. at 10 o'clocklHolland meets D)e- troit Sothleaster~n. At 9 o'clock, Fri- day morning, Flint Central meets Lansing, andl at 11 o'clock the same morning 'Muskegon meets Highland+. Parr. In the class D) tournament at 7 o'clock tomorrow, Hersey meets Grand Blanc and at 9 o'clock St. Mary's meet Alpena. At 10:30 o'clock, Friday,1 Maple Rapids meets Lawrence, an dat 1:30 o'clock Marysville meets Mich- , Igame. The Detroit high, schools include Southeastern,, Northwestern, Holland, and Flint Central. Southeastern', defending champions, are again favored to, win the tourney With Muskegon as the team who will furnish the Jungaleers the most for- midable competition. Southeastern boasts a season's record of 13 wins and one defeat, and they defeated in a -later game the only team who de- feated them.. Most of Southeastern's victories have been by decisive mar- gins. There has been little oppor- tunity to compare the performance of Southeastern with prominent state teams because the team has confined its play to the opposition afforded by the Detroit high schools. Muskegon has played 17 games dur- ing the season winning 15 of them. They had the best record of any team in 'the Kalamazoo district. The last time the Muskegon team played in the Ainal tournament was in 1924 at Ann Arbor when Benny Oosterbaan cap- tained the team. They were defeated by' Southeastern in the semi-final round, but later went to Chicago where they entered in the national tourney, where Oosterbaan was placed on the mythical all-American high school team at center. PLY SEMI FINAL GAME IN 1FRATERNITY LEGUE1 Phi Kappa Sigma and Theta Xi are scheduled to play their semi-final round tonight in the interfraternity basketball race, on court 2. This game is also for the champioinship of the upper bracket, 'and the winner will meet Sigma Alpha Mu for the leader- ship of the league. t The results of Monday's games are are. follows: Class league, Sopho- more Physical Ed. 26, Upper Medics, 10; Society league, Lawyers' club, 2, Ohio club, 0; Walworth club, 2, Pol- onia club, 0. You will not b for any Use 1924 + 1920 1917 1918 1 1924 1923 be asked to pap a single cent more ed Car that it is actually worth. CHETROLET TOURING DODGE SEDAN DODGE TOURING BUICK FOUR TOURING FORD COUPE FORD COUPE Rementher-Spring Yacallon is Comfng Rai. Your Car Now Prives From $90 to $290 I Terms R. fl. NLBER 'off ) W. ltur nt St. bodge BrOthers Afof (.r Cars Dome BFt01"l eRS IIEI4LER.S SELL SOOn U5C-n GARS The members of the St. Louis Cardinals hurling sraff who are being developed at their southern camp in an effort to win the pennant. Al tl Q flog 04 Earn Extra Credits During Summer Vacation The change and recreation so necessary to every- one are here combined with superior oppor- tunity for educational advancement. Boating. swimming, tennis, concerts, dramatic performan" ces, inspiring lectures, etc., areall available. Organized excursions to industrial, financial and art centers of Chicago. Courses covering full year's work in General Chemistry, Physics or Zoolog p for students interested in Medicine, Dentistry or Engineering: SUMMER No e SESSIOW ON THE SHORE OF LAKE MICHIGAN Opens June 21, 1926, and Includes: Graduate School Law School College of Liberal Arts School of Music School of Commerce School of Speech' School of Education School of Journalism Send for FREE Booklet Booklet, "Education Phis Recreation " describes the courses of NORTHWESTERN UNIifERSITY SUM- MER SESSION and its recreational and educational advantages. Address WALTER DmL Sea", President NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 604 University Hall EVANSTON, III. LSE IL7XE ICE CREAM -When Friends Drop In ERE'S Mends. reat that is always sure to pleas one's De Luxe Ice Cream de. lights the discriminating guest - so smooth, so rich and flavorful. It wins instant favor with lovers of fine ice cream. This triumph of ice cream quality is factory packed in pint cartons in order to carefully protect its perfect texture and delicate flavors. When callers drop in just phone your dealer for "'""." De Luxe Vanilla, De Luxe Chocolate or De vv Luke St. Claire (special vanilla with shaved chocolate and glazed cherries.) Ask Dealer ' YQUr Arctic Dairy Products Compariy. MICHIGAN " 0'1' i CE H !3 t 't I' l .: . it P x t , 1 It t~ t tl'CT; l '-lE ee+ u ,a -. 1 ei"t"t a zT 17, Gjboul. 11 p. in. at t'ilti of lies 0 StaLt 'If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie j hit IV;11 anis Sts- i) . T. i' mg- the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad for(i eras struck by to ani ,wnobj e. will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to Several people CC a{a dig ft; r flciE,, till i classify all want ads under appropriate head tve re W ,esSes. r t . 1~ang"^rk} 1fi i12 ings and to revise or withhold objectionable 4 copy, Ip1?reeiate tiny on) who saw the This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- i acc°id"nt will iclcl, . nc hini. Dial ing publication. Notice of any error must lie 4951 31.412.33, given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of T..niversity Of Nliclliga.n 'Band playing five average wards to the line) for one or two "Victors- "ycliot I ins, ertions rt'rl lilut" oil Vic- Nine cents per reading line for three or more fo: Record. Etnsertions. f'e'.>?.e'uet le . 'tY t i 1 ,iE= tDn h tf _ Cash classifieds received at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES PFRl ETTAI, CALENDAR-.-.A magne- Special standardized rates given on appiia- tie arrow finds tllt" slay of the week titrrt.- _- for any (late. Send 25c ($1 for 5) - for this device together with the LOST j mathematical formula upon which it is based and rule for calculating, LOST-Small black leather note-hooli t esuits mentally. A. C. Washburne, north corridor of Mason Hall. Find- Piasheld, R"Iassachusetts. Wed-tf., er call 5575. 31. -' TYPEWRITING & 1 IAfEOGRAPJIINGi LOST-Gold fountain pen. Initials. Promptly and neatly done by eom e- M. L. K. Call 21225. 30-31-32 ! tent operators at moderate rates. College Work a specialty for seven- LOST-Saturday, glasses in case teen years. With the name Prange, Optometrist; ! 0, D. MORRILL, Kalamazoo. Dial 7640. 30-31-32. 17 Nickels Arcade, t ! The Typewriter & Stationery Store LOST-Qn March 6, a plain gold i tf band bracelet.-, Keepsake. Reward. 30-31. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and second hand 62 all makes LOST-A girl's whte, old lace shawl. I bought, sold, rented exchanged, Disappeared from girl's _ room at 1 cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- Frosh Frolic, Friday night. 13e- est stock and best service depart ward. Call 21684. il. I anent in Ann. Arbor. O. D. MORRILL, LOST--A topaz setting for a ring; 17 Nickels Arcade, somewhere on the campus. Finder The Typewriter & Stationery Store please call 5246. - 31 2-313 Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona NOTICE WAN g E j) YOU MEN who are working your way through WANTED-Student-to work for meals. Michigan, or who want to earn some Apply. Court Cafe. 103 E. Huron' St. worthwhile side money---- 30-31 READ THIS We are a wide awake organization WANTED-Opportunity for ten men I and we want the part time services of for Spring Vacation employment. !IIIsome high grade, aide awake young See Dockeray. 437 Maynard. 31 man. Ours is not a real estate or peddling WANTED-Student to open store proposition but an opportunity of real mornings 7-9. Also work Sunday merit, worthy of your prompt investi- 7 a. m. to 9 p. in. £;lue Front Cigar gation. Store, corner of State and Packard. Write to-day and tell us of yourself 31-32. in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeable appointments. V61tt RENT Address Box 70, Michigan Daily --- ---LL- - - POR RENT-A large student home, 8 BETSY ROSS SHOP ( year lease, filled with students, will serves delicious salads, frappes, 1 sell complete furnishing to home 30 porfaits, sundaes and sodas boys. Also dining room outfit, eight TRY THEM! bole Garland gas range, large re- 30-32-31. . frigerator, etc. Income $700 a month... House filled in, summer but FELLOWS! no rent to pay in July and August., Don't Miss This Price for all $2,900. Dial 6202. Suits $38-Extra trousers $45 32-34-35. Guaranteed to fit Custom made knickers $10 FOR RENT-One single room, clean C. T. DOUKAS, 1319 S. Univ. and warm. 516 Creever Court. Be- 26-27-28-30-32-34-36 38 39 hind the Union. Dial 7073. CLEANING-Dark 29-30-31. garments gather the same soil that shows on light FOR RENT-Ten room house, newly ones-$3.50 for $5.00 in work at decorated, modern, rent' reasonable. Chemical Cleaners, 426 Thompson, Block from campus. Dial 7022. Dial 6898. E. O. D. tf. 28-29-30-31-32-33. l A SPECIAL FOP~ RENT-Furillslred or partly fur TAILORED SUIT, $35.00 nished apartment, light housekeep- M. IV. MILWAIID ing, private bath, steam heat. 1033 332 S. State, over Pratt & Dann Packard. Dial 5754. E. 0. D. tf. 28-29-30-31-32-33, NOTICE-Mell Gillespie, teacher and FOR SATE i soloist, thirty years ' experience, Mandolin, banjo, guitar, and chord FOR SALE-A Ford Sedan in very j construction. Telephone 4757. good condition, $125. Call Chase, j Wed~ Fri., Sun., ff. 3818.9 29-30-31. NOTIICF.-The Arbor Fountain ser- FOR SALE-Ford Touring, good con- ves the best lunches in town. Try dition, price "reasonable. Call 6349. them at 313 State St. 31-33-35. 706 Haven. 29-30-31. PRESSING-Unquestionably the best FOR SALE-Two Islands on Georgian pressing service in town. Try us Bay, motor boat, new log cabin, once. Cheer-Up Wahl, 328 So. Main. $1,000. Phone 8891. J. E. Maddy, tf ( 1918 Berkshire Road. Phone88 91. 31-32-33 Fine custom tailored clothes, in- dividual fit, best workmanship, cor- FOR, SALT-Copyright of a Book good rect style, suit $35.00 and tip. Albert for the movies, good for $20,000 to Gansle, 118 E. Washington, tf someone, iow price made will sell Areal aan's watch for REAL Men! r .ate ~;r? -'"'X" r , t .. 1 g - Geen or whItego ld fille( ca se;S 15ejwel U LOVA$ $'5 02 Movmet We SEE Ji our group of college stu- dn instructors, alumni and ,Efli~nbdfriends who will tour Eturope this .iglame for $366~. ncluding all necessary Ilaa~* expenses. Free side trip (via Toronto) to VISIT Nagara PFalls. Opportunity to see Leanden trea and picturesque Quebec. Amtsterdam Ocean voyage on board Canadian Brueeela PacifiC teamshipa~w lthAmnerican Pa oir pist. muslao. iPentycof deck space far oa InterH= ms dancing. recreation, deck promos. dramaues. Comfortable bertbha. Appetizing meals. Two-day voy- age do5wn the mighty St. Law- rence. Only four days open sea. Lauding at Liverpool we visit Chester and Leamington. J By mnotor to famed 'English Pastes, the Sb kespeiire co.unty, rural Etnglan~d and Oxford University. Your days Visit the Hague, Amsterdam and Scheveningen In Liul- land; lBrussels tBruges Zoebru ge.Ostend gx~d other points Iu nBiligum . t3y tr ain tlirot hk . bttlei eda to Paris. whore we spen~d a wee!'. witb trips to Versailles and the A-erican baa ie sector. Ample tinie for individwal aiguc= eeing and Return sailing front Cherboucrg. Soetors if deaired, at $260 and 9330. Etensions to 8iterad.Grmtn andtaly at moeate coa, N.otels. prc.Management arranges all details; books t-anor. ,ain eue desirab,e hotel acconaimoda- Li; pecre alconducts Party. r Art ACr aftBuild 'ar~tol Bureau, Dept. 123 800 North Desarborn Street, Chicago, Illinoits. Gentlemen: Pleas" send mie. without oblge- i tioft on tony part. full detailsi of your Colegiatet Name----------a------------------------ IAddress------------- ------ City------------------------------ State--- ----------- --- ---, he ave aco mpletes election of thesel fmous BULOVA Strap Watches.t lfa syles an dshahps,from $28.50 to $95.00.T Tadein Yo urOl dWatch.S hian derer & S e y f r iedJ JWELERS3 34 SouthMainSt ." tf 4.. as n;. Z' 1, - i 4 c i rti ' / t s: - ,.1 _.: ' '! ..ti , / ", + ' t i i f ; ll . '. = i. , . .i -- , jv s f ,^, _ Back in the days of Dobbin .. . when the college sheik (then known as the "dude") gave his best girl a great whirl around the campus on Sunday afternoons, Anheuser-Busch was nationally known among good fellows. And today, when we do sixty miles an hour without hurrying ... and good mixers are popular everywhere, BU(SC" PA LEDR.Y is the favored drink of college men because, like the college man, Busch Pale Dry is a good mixer everywhere and every time. i 1!1 tr F i . ,/ '' E _ Arnold's State St, Jeweler Is now carrying a complete line of fountain pens-all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need; come in and see us, we can satisfy you. Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. tf. A. NASH CO, Golden Rule, Tallors Sprfng Suits and !'opcoats $23.00 Style; Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. HEAR "Always" on Victor Record by George Olson and his music at- Schaeberle & Son illusic House tf. E E VICTOR Single Face Red Seal Rec- ords, 3-10 in. records for $1.00; 2-12 inch records for $1.00 at Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf. LEAVE your order now for the new Victor Record played by the Univ. of Mich. Band at Schaeberle ad t Son Music House, 110 S. Main St.I tf. NOTICE-Will share pleasant apart- 1 j meet with one or two university I students or business girls. 593S. . __ -. h Read The Daily "Classified" Columns F I " M III