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January 06, 1926 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-06

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UNION OPEDA II[L Have You Seen These At The Hop? DEII9O8IVJS MAE
.1-101'(GUESTS WILL 111NrI' "m' 1 (oi.PL1 1), 1 10 TO ol l
FIN; bL PERlFOICRNE FF(NI 1 01 110 11,1,,1t, IN
Critics Of Countsry UniteI(IIri . sss tooind i t san oLoad(Grnsd
of rUnionsOffeering; I ake3 0hs ivitd his byhod E1lenhas o i ar1Anid l tcLiseis lo i.
grt from Tiffin, Ohio. Jke re petecsioc, bot Abrt ha, folishly, asked IA d 114 ,g t
Work (omnosdoed00ebred hr astafullycut. Of he goes home that nce foottall playr ihis ___
course a t, her ysigt did fail, but with si frateec' g geo hy 1las to tad. 'soc tl '', oo
that doen't expli eerything and ty pis. i daca with him. Albert is fy ta1llhlesn
Bty tCottossoSmjitth owa.popiedo tchage oighit best. tGoeouaos deot'atiaos, enticitg 0001-
ioopolara, will Iresentatits fittal pte0r"'w at e obye ft 1 altt tCteto' ttntt oot-
qongthe levcxeingo. 00110 tti atein tirct
forinance at 2:15 o'clock Ithis aftler- , tot '3liesalol tese'are toalingte1927
noon at the Whitneyt heatoer bloelooain EJa-1-101)ttitnoe ttuatll go dolwn in te
audoieoce thtat will be comp~risteitlargtely I Si 4Dt'tt yo ca u.O ociO'aaol fnitoonts a0
af guesta totattendithe 1927 1-110010 to goe'tet,alltotevtothelttat tte
Althoutghi Mimoes has lpresentedasc
oat n ox oo' etooi OOl( 111otfotem ,are io
eritaoofollowaiog thoe 7Jlllop foitthe {' todrettmytw'atoz01070 'otoo ooxo'atiog jaaz
pasttow years, it 0was 001onlo t'tooun-tot 1000000rmoea ~ot eotodacoes.
paalleledsuctcess attaiinedol Iy thisl)a~ ~ tt ,0lta totoul t l fi
year' stutclcnotyfotot tto "a'ex'asoet' tlzomeatot'beamoig iho
yea'smuica cmey hatocason a yotflotglowtothat awitaesssth lei
ad thoeomatinto'soffeeingtoday . firtaatenda'ceot aootf0op1100ratiatfea
Guesta of practically evyta ter -;AB ooooo hogt ca ,w o anstoiot o oilo'oloo.to005 . att o, aoMtot
le o mewt haot dadatO 0(0 looo'ttt ooeolIoe . h( irt t 0 it tooviltlotauputl ;o a 0 tO t nto t ell hoaol pot la r 0ulov tt'aa 00l.to-olr d oei g ootessetlwo. Tloe
nit ah use, ioi the' cty awill lolltboogame omsweeoo his ot 0 rad atth- 0oh e looa tot Mar, has bientto nin00 o t l00000001 s sneoo n912bo . t h eyO' totweartnd a a'e hingo e utyoiiito
Whitneay the'ater tis afteronoo t ta tove at, a tating histagrtolo-o,,o' olo bo t' 0
the colorful produoction that playedi a ! Ot. nto 1.maoe totg cofntraettalo ti
axel- in Ann Abor beforte Chrtastaa I i N Tll :Lilt I..V1O0 O 0 0 OatlltRot oGtUttleIaOtTeSo
antI subsequently appleared ion 13 ctot-; 0 ISL:O J..diu i 1 11 IoIo 0Color lharmtonoy adotdelcte contofast
ies throughout te Middle Nstan J, fle Detoit.Newsta-Ot n m ~~~ K It ioxwathotlgreat pletauor0.tto stteothea anthemou e tofoy tthe
down n thepa0ae0scee0lat'toty, beadcof ffloe.0t'coootengene' atlemae ahioelosoaututotistic lot
donOnflePoUaeTEtotS0otloeW00- UIILLLiJsitf 'oy ofSltMiohgano atelcoomeIot ttt oo toe'loolaloe the
"Tanmboourione"awill got Cl'o 00ibloih- nli3 io'loak tonigho-t~t itt'-goettotetoone't sooial eteot inuraeot'a ifaoyythree tooOths gethe e
igan's lhistory as probaly thoe motsl! - ollof00toe100'e H ctollt atoboya Motogoo' aoig ae00 oafotallrigoaltleot0the g yoalde-
renarkable unodertakiong Alfinoe'ahas . tat xa'ree toothes'a'tioo reomtootfl e coraonss, Basoi, iBooths, Tickets, At oatesetothfe' work olthe 'o'aooooodesint t.a tee'ao t egnmo
over assunmed, 00000go 000 at00000'Allthree''o'of 0te - Faorss, (Guests, Publiciety, IKeep o ivrinoo'tfy hsbeenotepOlaetibliv i oof lugte ttllsoot~e atdeisfloe
Critics aod reaieawersfar aola oe ea0eoa'oo.andI b otrt wisdse,: -a'at o t a'O'foofl'a-ota n--too hgemtofudrwihi h
in mopo'tolitano dailies aitooaoandboontry ourig t'aeaveninog bthIle radto T -- e'tedotsolaetOtougout,othe { II o ooh
odofaoaio argatsiItateI 't'a'teo'atufdoentce'.G r N r '0c'~E~. cooamput.']t]o'e a ilitotoa0rtt wiooothnin, 0000ntranemetto tooteoontiee
aeeklies, have peototd omaony foth'o atous ooe BAoo A1to BEeGtoloAN ' 'proINsefOC0010ToBEaRtaotOasfets
afriptiuoo, interptataion, andoo rtictb tis '1thstoyaoat ilte 1 itae'ao tatir'000 'ofot 'oo xfl o of'oal 10 on t' ar e.p oduced'o ty a spleca sysfemt
of "Tanbourine," aondleven omagazoooso movia e' av'ae lbeeon ateoooil a J- Clminaotting ftheo aorkaeguntoolas I eqal to ftaf dislayed oathe ilotlo. xao aollo' oo hd
have given the showowm'Oientlcony-; 110010 ee 1 lleta'at-ot t eopt lto(fitctobler b the 927J-Hioptrereses lomemittoofee in0'a i ts ok 00n.plan - j "a crt0'osig tto' toaot'e'floor, llofeos
oendafion. 'PTae'Thleateo' omagazne, 000 thou oghouot 'Michigaotandtoth e Imoroae ftaon 35thbits of footooaotcommit-oof- in the0hop.olaf100 1clIitttogeotOuOt O ir omsttagiving 0a
ito Februay issue, oefers tootis'a 0 atourr toloouni g st'aes toose'a et' e fe at-ot n ditoo n toli theoo hundfl e dloooooos jI Th -ite Hop 000one o the o st oa0 00abol o oett sot at a lts o aoit e
year's alter', oposife a full lpageo f geanoo moarcthono the oe or ol boutis of 11000 awok otolonby odi- I glorous'oof Moichigan'staditioton, r ihdlct oos mk n
photographslo fmoenbesof tflit' ' 5 evento of0te ennogThey wiloot ita'tll0 tlome ob'asout'ide of thoeregular isoogotvcoofor fle aoe te tontoc toorebtingooorato0t00hotfloortantI sie
as "perhap'sflemost elabeafe aond poaly beohowotn t t tooolxi t to cltometigs.'he o'm'moaiteeo heaings oil otguest'afo toi l oater 000 italto---touas too bulingois o tr ans-
highly developeod 0011sical comoetdy eeir xxweeks.Tisoavtatootowasa'a hoatlootetohedt awaekly, tbegiotooiog oilt land.l It i t rat-~"ot aooo c ooted oto 000 0ao'toetale'firoyladt.
attempted ionutniversity dranmaticciro- ot ol'madpossible by 'ottagreemtoooo 1t0o'clock itoothot'ev'enting aldootenofca tonothatoweaxetcloeod lotttard Shootrtyafteorotho 'tscoduleotfimae,
cles." Soume hase comptlained of the ixxthlthelocDetrooitNeasoy'avltid asot ftingutioo lte atee somtal ootrofto Ito otakng thiotanloec forve 9.a30 oho a 'ayoMioler'a 14piece or-
plot, others floe music, still ohers the fetch Jo.a '27,wtot hoaotrtmoottof thocfollowi ntg ay sttandalfott 0 ot oth ntei rnooov 0cloots tratoN or ta< cty'tuck upo
htumoto, butfle oconseonsus otopinionothfletotbliciathy',Commoitoteeof tthe IIn ccordoaooce awth oniersity col- 0 RUSotSE'LI C. BAKERl' It fle "Victrs,"0sign'ao o'ioo" tto foetatoion
unquestitonoably places theo presentefa; Ilo.inott, fouroteeno 10000000s'aotke tollthe Hop' Pr eoidentoiooo F ntoeeo ng j0Otfloe h goatnlomarch, atoh I-. Lov-
fioo lota class of ifs own. 'aX'a btooadcasasaotta 127 commioottee ite mteot are cosen feam Cas.efte 71,oo and otiss Eeator Morgan
E. SMoefimter Shute, Roty'H-oyer anod ! tave lengfhansod ana he heard fle lfetirv college, three frooootfle .0 STAtNFORD N PHELPS JR 0 01ftCeveandol1 ihtO.,oa f0)lltowed by
Miss Doroftoy Stoote werefloe tgres e asio lytehotogloaftohot ooMidle cogneertoog college atdooe fromtoeach Prexsodent, Jonooorteody te oteomesof'atthobe J -Hob omn-
behind the scene' in the productooi on Not ifther0mtniotng bx olleges of fhaI Classo.-ooittee lcot heocess0 ~i 'fle ball
of "Tanourine." Mr. Shutter 'afaged Univ_ ___________ teroty.SFollowi ng fle fradiiooal Io000000sxxobotooed x otwaithyeloandolblue
the show-his ninfh ichigan opra, 0 alteronationg rule betaveent he literary-logot-oatto-t---ottg h i totnls
Mr. Moyer, of "Steppinog Stonte',a r-iitandengieering collegeo, the geoeral - 'to eantof ol ooe wendod ito aay;
ranogeadthe dances' aond Moot Stone, of TE~~lOEfiil chairmanso of this year's 10010i05a rep- ~T QTEVDI l outimooea oft cthe fhtlaatd fo-
fle same company, was osponoble f TH GLCONUI LE IITIN rsentotaive of fle engioeerng college, F ILITI E HOL IS i1J Ut LI by awtohto6lbpets0ohn abrat, endeol
for the prologuf. Lester, of Chicago!____ 0Johoo1. Lovete, '27E. All menbers]___wis tt heformotaton oha huge block
waso the only other iodividual connect- ~~h ~ flescodof the -Hop cotonitee are elcted by f"loMotcloso oAfoeHpObew . c0oplteOhtoored twith
The ail wil pulis thesecnd y' t te cocluionof te Hp loe oachto hoattirfclate crried itof
avit th prsenatito aol osnota eohota fiss ooveir i-lodtop ex lfa e ,utre'1.tises s fntheUniversty.girls re requefed tooexit via the fle group l00oodeeIt teintfle pc-
studont. All of thc costumoeo weeot t ooow oooig.Ti aiit il letyfoe iena osyapia
his creation and design. aoto itoeo h rnloorLfins for tickets awere rceived as1 stairway near tepssgayto fue notottftneoibns
Walker Everett, 'If, and Vaentitne I reatewo of Obe danoce by Sir Tobias could be accepted, floor space in the ;aenO lronao abu yoadto oho 00tbe
Davies, '27, were reoponsibbebfloe heTiffinIBart., atoobalo account of the -ft-n gynonrasiunax linmiing fle accept- !,nasitons. After obtainitg their awraps tooImmedaticc C itohe'a aorchs-
book-the co-authors of this yeao oto' ttro foi' lpsciteoby ances that could be issued. The work they are askeod to go upi the tmitn stato tra froonoCocagoatr'ftuckt tp the frt
gonswon t heHo, rittrb ay ofBaobotr gymoonsiumotoahle -dance notoototofflevaxenotgand the
opera, while Milton 1P'tersonot'271,, Beautonomel of noifyitg these people was aomplet-cordettNth oivriyanoe392Hpaaxoottaay Ite
comnposed all of the 30 nmusical tttt Cot aohti dhit obthed-ed before te Chrisftasovcatin un- cvredthey aot-illrejiuverscoeneto 1;'aJoptergywtastuoderthaRyalCnota-
bero played during the show.- 1 h dtsepris eoebrs-oer the sopervision of Harley J Bell,-
liaeredthosptebfore- ra- d7. 0 -- donadiotofavorite',also'obegan to
Much of the credit fr the brolliatotfst Thlose awho have tot yet oroered 27E' /7u "' play adt fromotheit ilot nohfle lato
succeos of "Tanmboorine" is oiven to i01copieotay do so by catlintg 'The Daily, Fiffy-three booths line the wals in iMillter Pl-ays On jfl watatz at 2 ocock ito the o nooing, theo
Dan Warner, '27, who played fle part 121214 before' 7 ocock ltis ootootog.fle tato gytmnasiunms. These have! r -. 1,,,,,.~dance footatll be filedlwatht ra hyth-
of the Princeton, thers faking ead-! ___ ___ beenoditr~fibuotedbby Henoy SS.anl, fWhie Hou e Lawnuictassa'aof exobeaoutyouths.Na-
ing parts in fle cast are Russell Colh-1 '7.o teisftabxohoOo aooo frv
rig 1,a ati fteGtroA r ov1).o -'U(5Jf~ Feomtoan al-csapus conest, the Ihputed to be the otoly jazz orhes elv lTe -opthblotJunor Hop

Barre Hill, 'If6,'on the inlg; atd Rob- o ecoration scheme of a futoritic u- ta of thec country tha has tpayed on j of to casx of 1927, io upreome.
ert Henderson, '6, as the Black too accorodatce witho a clause in the fooe sobmtted by J. ae Darling,! the Whilote House lawt, Ray Milileo' The pendour is heing awittesed
Queen. I cottract, tll decooatoos for this year's I'I6, aas selected and the J-100 set- orchesta has a picure of ifs organi- 0 by tore bhait 1,700 pesos, including
One factor of th' show that waa eventh have beeno fireprotofed atd were ; ting represenftoflat scheme as xe- zafon too action taken oth~e grounds the patronsanod paotroeses. Crowdo
xidely heralded as particuarly out-; given approva today by te tate flree1 cued by Kenneth A,a'iche, '27A, witho' neao the Prexdent's home. ariedehat eObe gatd mtarcho and tn-
standing and certainly rivalling that tIarshal. stObe George P. Johnoson coompany of', Ze Cootboey 0is cotsidered one of the bob 011r 11020 ocockaha constant
at any professional mtusical coomedy -o Hetrot. Tbhe floor cotomittfee hat been greatest novelty pianiss ii the counI treamo of ca ro conttinuetd too tur theo'
wan thoo work of fbe choroses, par- ln B e k t- directed by MichletFloyd S. Park, tyly nmuscal critics. A few ye.s loadsaitto the dooro of the gymntas-
ticularly the wtomen's. The taxvish set- Pl n Br a fst 21, and How ebbRos, '7, ago Ze wax isiing at the hone of 00000
ings, gorgeous costumaes, extetodotog' fido frmt orchestrastoo allfoorlos gatndnoter and saxs aakened'o This istheto ig h n floe.obeyoung
even to the orchestr'a, antohle finesse FSoloationg ote oh the mnayhorado- corotrs oflohe coontry atd Canada jote oight by hearing strange soundx deiohtfint hi o 00sftagooificent social
aw'hicht otarked the entire direction ofI tiost that booe utrounoded JS110P. have been received by Lee . Foale, Ienasoataing fromthe piano, The dseaett of flit veor.'fle atmootophere is
the presentation, were featoures get-1 commtotitees sitce their organization I1'27D, chairman of Obe motsic commoit-'; turbance proved to e the house cat} createob boxtem; it is Obe time wvhen
erally recognized in fle reviewv or r11-back ini the '0's, fle 14 member, ofi tee. Tat-o of the three selected are j walking on the piano keyboard andj joy romtoace, mtagooificoce, atoo beauo
icisno following the perfornmance in Ihio 1927 oooooitteo awitllreafat o- recoroding fr promtitent phonograph bloos the hode of fle famous "Kiten on! ty totote too heping thc'm forget all
every city on floe itinerary gether ofter to-nigbht's ev'ash- (Continuotd on Page Eighth te Keys" aas orn. 1 es.

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