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March 24, 1926 - Image 1

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sir ivan



, I

VOL. XXXVI. No. 131








Consideration k xpected To Follow
Mims Suggested By President}
To "1unina:ze Education"
Problems relating to the selection
and admission of students to the en-
gineering college will be given con-
sideration by the faculty of the college
in its meeting today, following an ex-
tnsive survey which has been made
of the field by the committee on ad-
missions and eliminations headed by
Prof. W. C. Hoad of the municipal and
sanitary engineering department.
Discussion, it is expected, will cen-
ter about various proposoals for per-
sonal interviews with prospective stu-
dents, intelligence tests, entrance
examinations in mathematics and Eng-
lish, admission of no students with
conditions in mathematics, freshman
orientation courses, and preliminary
freshman week plans. These ques-
tions, it is pointed out, follow along
lines suggested by various faculty
committees which have been studying
the problem of admissions to the Uni-
versity as a whole, and projects I
initiated by President Clarence Cook
Little for humanizing education. 1
Two specific questions, dealing
with the problem in the engineering
college, will be givenconsideration,
the first being worded "should not the
College of Engineering find some ef-
fective means of placing before high
school students a clearer, more com-
prehensi've and better proportioned
picture of what engineering is, and
what its relationships are to our pres-
ent day and prospective future civi-
lization?" The second question which
will be considered deals with a modi-
fication of the aims of the freshman
aaseinbly, so as to"bring before the
student at an earlier date than has
heretofore been customary, accurate
and well ordered information concern-
ing the several fields of engineering"E
In preparation for today's meeting
a nine-page report, compiled by the
committee headed by Professor Hoad
after a study of freshman engineering 1
classes in the University, was dis-
tributed to faculty members yesterday.
The committee summarizes its con-
clusions as follows: "Students come
to our College of Engineering as fresh-
men at the age of 19.5 years, or about
a half year older than is the average
throughout the country.
"About 56 per cent of our students
come from Michigan; 94 per cent are
native to the United States and more
than one third come from large cities,
rural districts being represented only'
by small numbers.
"Our students come from good
racial stock, mainly American and
Northwestern European. For the most
part they come from middle-class9
homes, of distinctly limited mejns and
of somewhat shallow educational and
cultural background.
"Not more than 60 per cent of our
freshman students come from the
scholastic upper third of the high
school classes in which they are grad-
uated, a full 40 per cent falling below
this level. During their high school
years they are decidedly interested in
mathematics and physics, moderately
interested in drawing and manual
training work, and mildly tolerant of
history, English and modern language.
"Nearly all our students make their
conscious decision to study engineer-
ing before graduating from high
school. The prospective alluremens
of a good job at the end of the course
seen to influence this decision vastly
more than is just and proper.
"The so-called intelligence tests in
mathematics, physics, mentality and
general information, such as were ap-
plied to entering freshmen in the fall
of 1919, are of less value than high
school grades as a means of predict-
ing success or failure in college work.
What predictive value such tests may
have in relation to success in the en-
gineering field after graduation re-
mains to be seen.
"Something in the way of an orien-

tation course for freshmen appears to
be highly desirable, especially duringI
the first semester and definitely fol-
lowing upon the activities of fresh-
man week.
"If our engineering curricula are to
meet the fundamental needs of the
students who enter upon them they
must include general educational and

Sandoz, Swiss Tr
Second Lectur
As the second of a series of pro-
grams arranged by the Student coun-
cil for the purpose Vf raising funds
for the Burton Memorial campanile,
Prof. William Sandoz, the noted Swiss
traveler and lecturer will present a
series of three illustrated travel lec-
tures, on Monday, Tuesday, andj
Wednseday, March 29, 30, and 31 in
Hill auditorium. Professor Sandoz is
considered alone in his field and is
declared to have developed the art
of color photography projection to a
remarkable degree of perfection. f
On Monday, March 29,. Professor;
Sandoz will show his slides of France.
He will speak on and illustrate the
historically famous castles of thel
Loire, in the Savoy, in the Pyrenees,
Rheims, Verdumn, and the castle of the
Fontainebleau. The castle of Fon-
tainebleau was inhabited by the kings
of France for a number of centuries.
The French emperors spent large.
sums of money for its furnishings
which have been carefully preserved,
the paintings, porcelains, and even
smaller articles. He will also touch
on the Riviera, Monte Carlo, Monaco,
Menton, and Brittany, the laud of the

aveler, To Give COOLIDGE1 SEES N
e For Campanile
on Spain in which he will show the
masterpieces of the museum of El
Prado in Madrid, the treasurers of
the Spanish Arabian art, Seville, II
Granada, Cordoba, and the Alhambra.
The second part of the illustrated
talk will be on notrthern Africa, RESERVATIONS "SPEAK FOR
showing the monuments of the past THEMSELVES" IS VIEW
'and the tribes of today of Tunis, Al- OF EXECUTIVE
giers, and Tripoli.
The third talk on Wednesday, will 1 "PURPOSE CLEAR"
also be divided into two parts, in the?
first of which he will illustrate the
Orient and the latter, Egypt and the President Doubts Value Of Sending
Pharaohs. I elegate To Discuss Stand
Tickets for the series of three talks,' Before League
which will be on sale soon, are 50
cents for a single lecture or one dol- y ssocia ress)
lar for the series. WASHINGTON, March 23.-Presi-
dent Coolidge sees no reason why the
United States should further explain
the terms upon which it has agreed
to enter the World court.
HEND RSO ,, ISH piIHe believes the reservations adopt-
ed by the Senate when it approved
VISIT CONFE ENCE American court membership speak '
for themselves, and that neither the
League of Nations nor any one else
can fail to see their purpose and ef-
Michigan Representatives Meet At fect.
Chicago To Discuss Problem Consequently he doubts whether
Of Adult Education any good purpose can be served by
sending an American representative
LITTLE SELECTS GROUP J to the meeting called by the league1
j____council to discuss the scope of Amer-
ican ratification of the court.


old Celtic.
Tuesday's lecture
into two parts. The

will be divided1
first part will be

Select Winiier
Of Oratorical
Myron Winegarden, '27, was select-
ed last night to represent Michigan
in the Northern Oratorical league con-
test to be held May 7 at Madison, Wis-
consin. Placing first in the finals of
the local eliminations held in Uni-
versity hall by his oration on "The
Red Death." he was awarded the Chi-
cago alumni medal and the Paul Grey
testimonial of $100. He is a graduate
of Flint high school.
The judges, seven members of the
faculty, awarded second place to Rad-
cliffe Fulton, '26. His subject was, "A
Criminal's Paradise." He received
the Paul Grey testimonial of $50. Hon-
orable mention was given to James L.
Cole, '28, who spoke on the subject,
"What's The Use."
Paul Black, '24, of Detroit, presid-
ed as chairman of the oration contest
last night. After the last oration had
been delivered he gave a short ad-I
dress to the audience on "The Re-
markable Development of Oratory at
the University." He told of his days
in school here, and heaped special
praise. on Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood,
head of the public speaking depart-
ment, who supervises all the forensic
activities here.
The competitors in the local finals
last night have been drilled under the
personal supervision of Professor
Trueblood for the past three weeks.
Winegarden will be especially trained
by the professor before he faces the
representatives of the midwest and
western colleges and universities at
'B k Behave'
Makes Public
Debut Tonight
"Becky Behave," the 22nd annual
Junior Girls' play, will have its first
public showing at 8:15 o'clock tonight
at the Whitney theater. The opening
performance last night, according to
tradition, was given in honor of sen-
ior women.
There will be five more perform-
ances, one every night for the remain-
der of the week, and a matinee Sat-
urday afternoon. Friday night, ac-,
cording to tradition, will be formal.;
"Alumnae Night" will be introducsd
at Saturday night's performance when,
for the first time in the history of theI
Junior Girls' play, former Michigan
students will, attend in groups.

Sen. Edward I. Edwards


State Teachers Club Will hold
Annual Convention Here
April 1, 2, andl 3

Asks Full Probe



"Frankness in 6|ducation" will be
the subject of President Clarence
Cook Little's address to the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club at 8 o'clock, Fri-
day, April 2, in Hill auditorium. The
club will holds its 61st meeting April
1, 2, and 3 here.
At 5:30 o'clock, Thursday, April 1,1
a reception will be held by the mem-
hers of the club in Pendleton library
of the Union for President Little and
Registrar Ira M. Smith. This will be
followed by a dinner in the ballroom
of the Union.
The high school glee clubs and or-
chestra will present a complimentary
performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's
operetta, "Iolanthe" for the members
of the Schoolmasters' club at 8:15
o'clock April 1 ii the auditorium of
the Masonic temple.
Dr. Lewis Perry, principal of Phillip
Exeter academy, Exeter, N. IH., will
speak before the club at 9:30 o'clock1
Friday morning, April 2, in Hill audi-
torium on "A Real Education." At
this meeting also the business of the
,lub will be transacted.
Two University lectures will be
given at 4:15 o'clock April 2. Dr
Thomas Ashby of the British School
of Archaeology at Rome will deliver !

Dr. W. D. Henderson, director of
the Extension sivision, and W. W.
Bishop, University librarian, are to-
day attending a conference on adult4
education in Chicago. This confer-
ence was called by F. P. Keppel,I
president of the Carneigie corporation.
of New York, for the purpose of con-
sidering various phases of the subject
of adult education in the United!
States. The representatives from
Michigan are: President Kenyon L.
Butterfield, of the Michigan State cot-j
lege, and Dr. Henderson and Mr.j
Bishop, of the University of Michi-h
Growing out of the investigations
which are now being carried on by
the Carnegie corporation, President
Clarence Cook Little recently ap-
pointed Prof. T. E. Rankin, of the
literary college, Prof. E. D. Dickinson,
of the Law school, and W. W. Bishop,E
of the Library, to act in conjunction
with the Director of the Extension
division and the advisory committee
on Extension service to make a study
of the subject of adult education in
the state of Michigan, as relating to
the University.{
The committee as now constituted
consists of the following members:,
Dr. W. D. Henderson, of the 8xten-
sion division; Professors J. W. Glov-
er, I. L. Sharfman, and T. E. Rankin,
of the literary college; Dr. A. S.
Warthin, of the Medical school; Prof.
C. S. Berry, of the School of Educa-
tion; Prof. I. C. Anderson, of the
Engineering college; and Prof. E. I).
Dickinson, of the Law school. Presi-
dent Little has instructed the com-
mittee to report later to the Univer-
sity Senate.
The Carnegie corporation of New
York was founded for the purpose ofj
the advancement of general education
Ai ll


President's attitude, disclosed today
at the White House, carried a step
further the development of an admin-
istration policy whose keynote was
founded recently by the state depart-
ment. On that occasion the depart-
ment made no comment on the ques-
tion of American representation in
the Geneva conference, but pointedl
out that under no condition couldI iti
be supposed that the conference
would undertake to modify or inter-
pret the American reservations.
Both the White House and the state
department, however, have indicated'
that full development of the American
attitude toward the conference mustj
be left for the future. The formalj
invitation to the meetings has not yet!
leen issued, but when one is received
in Washington, the :American govern-
mont will lay down its policy dei-
nitely and in terms that it hopes Will
be understood everywhere.;


This authoritative

outline of the


Sen. Edwards Proposes Comprehensive
In iestigation Of Prohlbition
In Al Its Phases
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 23. - New
prohibition flareups developed today
in and out of Congress.
"A full, complete and comprehen-
sive," investigation of prohibition in
all its phases wa's proposed by Sena-
tor Edwards, Democrat, New Jersey,
who asserted that the 12 days the
Senate judiciary committee has given
to wet and dry hearings would do no
more than scratch the surface of ex-
isting conditions.
In another of his daily speeches in
the Senate, Senator Bruce, Democrat,
Maryland, predicted that with a few
more years of prohibition "half the
people of the United States will be in
the penitentiary and the other half
drunk, with nobody left to look after
the commonwealth."
What may prove new leads in the
effort to dry up the flow of illegal al-
cohol were furnished to Secretary
Mellon by Governor Pinchot, of Penn-
sylvania in the form of the names of
scores of persons who the governor
charges are illegally withdrawing al-
cohol in Philadelphia.
The secretary turned the letter over
to Assistant Secretary Andrews in
charge of prohibition who passed it
along to John A. Foster, chief of the
alcohol flying squadron recently cre-
ated in the prohibition unit.
In the few minutes Senator Bruce
occupied the Senate floor he spoke
plainly. Referring to memorials in
favor of prohibition he said Elbert Ii.
Gary, chairman of the board of the
United States steel corporation"wanted
Sprohibition for his emplyeeslut had
a "well stocked wine cellar himself."

Meiklejohn, Sperry, McConnell, And
Fitch Have Been Secured For
Religious Meetings
Definite arrangements for weekly
convocations to be held at 11 o'clock
Sunday mornings during May have
been selected, it was announced yes-
terday by Charles G. Oakman, '26, in
charge of the Student council convo-
cations committee. The innovation
which has been under discussion for
several months and is being sponsor-
ed by the Student council and Wo-
men's league, will bring to Hill audi-
torium non-sectarian speakers of na-
tional and international prominence
who will address the students on re-
ligious topics. The services will be
Iopen only to students of the Univer-
The plan is not intended to compete
with the regular services of the city
churches, but its aim is an effort to
promote interest in religious topics
among students who do not attend
church in Ann Arbor. It will at the
same time offer students an oppor-
tunity to hear men otherwise unavaila-
ble. If the neetings are successful
this semester, a permanent organiza-
tion will be arranged and carried
+throughout the next entire school
The speakers which have been se
cured for the meetings in May and
the date of their appearance are: May
2, Alexander Meiklejohnformer pres-
ident of Amherst college and one of
the country's foremost philosophers
who addressed the student body here
last year; May 9, Willard Learoyd
Sperry, Dean of the Harvard Theologi-
cal seminary and a clergyman of na-
tional prominence; May 16, Albert
Parker Fitch, former preident of the
Andover Theological seminary at Cam-
bridge, and the author of several
works on religious subjects; and May
'23, Bishop Francis John McConnell, of
the Methodist Episcopal church of
I Pittsburgh.
Letters to fraternities and sororities
on the campus explaining the plan
and asking their opinions on the sub-
ject were mailed several weeks ago,
and the houses were more than four
to one in favor of inaugurating the
Five frame houses are being moved
and others are being razed to make
room for the new architectural build-

I uri.. i'~ r.. iu~;e , ~uu i, d~LJ I

as thlehead of te chemical engineer-
ing department in the absence of Prof.s
A H. White, will attend the confer: A review of last night's per- i
once of representatives from colleges fdrmance of "Becky Behave" will
giving chemical engineering courses be found in the Music and Drama
which starts today in New York city column on page four of today's
to consider the various educational Daily.
problems in this field of study.
I The conference is the outgrowth of .
! two committees of the American In- Friday nghts performance and Sat.
stitute of Chemical Engineers, which urday matinee offer the greatest
have placed their approval on the choice in seats. The prices are: down-
curricula of 13 colleges, including the stairs, $2.50; first four rows of bal-
2nnIY drarU i f m Yrw 1 5,JUa dt


t( r
i w

an - -- --s- --tedlectureon- engineering college, and have sum-t
an illustrated lecture on tie aqueducts ject is taken and investigated nation- jall the chemical t remainderof the theater, $1.
of ancient Rome in room 2003, Angell1 ally. Last year they initiated thlis .
hall; and Dr. C. F. Marbut, of the study of adult education iAmeri courses offered by te various col-
bureau of soils, D9epartment of Agri- Ome meeting of r spresentatives wa si ess gr t Reeves To Be
Culture at Washington will speak on held in Cleveland last year, ailoter Pofessor Badger will report to the
"Soil Science, itsriHistory and Rela- was held in New York city, early in renc nd the "oeclte of f
tion to time Doctrine of Malthlus" in th reetyernndtemeeting n Courses," and the percentage of i A'
the Natural Science auditorium the present year, and e n chemical engineering curricula de-
t N cce adirium. Chicago is the third national confer- voted to the various subjects.-Poltics M eet!
be held at the Union in honor of Prof. (nce'.
Thomas C. Trueblood ofthIse plicI[CIWilliams college will hold the sixth i
dress. tics July 29 to August 26, according
versty ectre t 11o'cockSatrda, OHC N~l~ VLLI yrILUU ~to an announcement received by Prof.
Dr. Ashby will deliver another Uni-Jes S. Reevese the pitica
versity lecture at 11 o'clock Saturday ZE U EU U Ult ONeT~N Jesse S. Reeves, of the political sci-
morlning, A nri 3, il room 2003 Angel once department. Professor Reeves,
hall on Roman roads. This will also t tie debt OIL CITY, Pa., March 23.-A gen- who has recently returned from giv
be illustrated by slides. In an effort to wipe outheProt 'eral movement tonight of the huge ice ing a series of lectures at Johns Hop-
Comedy club will revive BernardIesultgfomteSop e gorges which have choked the Allo- { kins university, will be the chairmansn
Shaw's "Great Catherine" for three last December, the finance committee .ghany river south of here tie last of one of the round table discussions,
performances at 8:15 o'clock on April of the sophomore literary class at a j few weeks is believed by observers dealing with the limitation of arma-
1, 2, and 3 in the Minies theater. The meeting intie Union yesterday formu- to mark the passing of flood condi- ments.
committee on student affairs has lated plans for a financial campaign tions that already have caused dam- The Institute, inaugurated in 1921
chosen "Great Catherine" for the play which will go into effect on Thursday' I age estimated in the millions and has under the leadership of Harry A. Gar-
to e pesetedat he imm oftheApril 1. The drive will consist of ai
lss driven more than 150 families from field, president of the college, will
meeting of tle Schoolnasters' cmlu systematic collection of class dues 'their omes. conduct a lecture course throughout
as the most representative campus which are $1. Oil City tonight, however, remained its session, including addresses byi
dramatic production of the year. Only a small percentage of the class a city of apprehension with no way men of international repute. Amongf
has paid dues this year which, whensof predicting what the outcome of the the subjects to be treated in this
Distribution all payments are made, will cancel ice movement may be. Should the ice course are "Chemistry in the World's
the debt and leave a substantial continue to move out freely, there will Progress," and "D'isarmanment and So-
Favors Delayed ""' om im "a f "rgen- he no further flood menace, but if a curity."
cios and any class functions. jam should occur the water may again The round table discussions will beI
for the ad Promenade Members of the finance committee back up Oil Creek and cause a repe- i held three time a week, and will bet
and other delegated sophomore lit-~ tition of yesterday's flood that cover- led by professors from various Ameri-I
will be distributed from 2 until 5 erary students will make personal j ed the central business section with can universities. The topics for these
o'clock tomorrow it was announced calls upon every non-professional fra- water to a depth of 3 to 12 feet. sessions include, "Aspects of the
last night. It was planned by the [ternity and sorority on the campus zWorld Economic Situation," "Interna-
committee to give out the favors to- Inext week for the purpose of soliciting 1 tional Problems Arising From the Di-
day but because of unforeseen con- the co-operation of one member of the ! CV DE II(PCversity of Legal Systems," "The Chi-I
tingencies the date had to be delayed. class in each house in the matter of IV L LhI P IU LIIUIL I nose Republic and the Powers," and
collecting the delinquent dues. Men- CI"Inter-American Problems in Foreign
;hers of. the committee will also re- SUSTIIEOI hICMIINS Policy."
( ur.7rherceive payments in various buildings on General conferences ar to be held
Sthe campus during the campaign. ( considering such subjects as the in-

The senator
Thomas Edison
Jersey lightning
forms of electr
Senator Edwa
form of a resole
seek Senate a
posed an inquir
sional committ
President Daw,2
Prof. A. H. E
department of h
attending the s
nn tin trn

added that he hoped ing which is to go up in the square
who also signed a dry between Haven, Tappan, and Monroe
gas eood a judge r streets. The five buildings which are
gcity" habeing moved, will be placed on land
icity ''t near ' the forestry nursery opposite
%rds' proposal in the Ferry field, where they hill be offered
ution on which he will for sale or rent. Pitking and Mott,
nd House action pro- Cleveland landscape design firm will
y by a joint Congres-R landscape the lots on which the hous-
ee appointed by Vice- es' will stand.
s, and Speaker Long- The Regents, at their next meeting
will probably authorize advertising for
Ibids for the construction of the new
rd Visits i building, it was indicated at Univer-
sity offices yesterday, after which the
I COnferenCe contract will be let. Construction of
the building, for which the legisla-
ture has already provided funds, will
anhwardengineeringis be hurried, though the new school
ighway engineering, i probably will not be ready for oc-
ocond national confer- cupancy next fall
d~ hi h,, ,,, f cuactex al

ence on s reeL anu ngnway sate y at.
Washington. The sessions opened
yesterday and will end tomorrow. I
Prof. Blanchard is a member of the
national comnmttee on "Metropolitan
Traffic Facilities." Other committee
reports which will be considered cover
the uniformity of laws and regulations,
enforcement, causes of accidents, sta-
tistics, and public relations. The pro-
ceedings of the conference will be
widely distributed throughout the
United States in the endeavor to pro-j
mote sound practice, and the adoption
of uniform traffic laws and regula-
Roe Elected Head

Tolstoy League
To Hear Dean Day
Dean E. E. Day of the School of
Business Administration will lecture
at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in rooig 231,
Angell hall, on "What is Religion."
His address is to be under the aus-
pices of the Tolstoy league, and will
be the second of a series of talks deal-
ing with the books of Tolstoy, the first
having been given by Prof. Preston
Slosson about two weeks ago.
Those heading the league state that
speakers need not be in accord' with

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