it ivan
VOL. XXXVI. No. 130
Production Will Continue Every Night
This Week With Matinee
"Becky Behave," the 22nd annual
Junior Girls' play, will have its pre-
mier showing at 8:15 o'clock tonight
at the Whitney theater. The first per-I
formance will be for senior women,
who will attendI en masse, wearing
their caps and gowns for the first
time. A senior banquet at the Union
will precede the march to the theater.
This year's production will have six
prformances, one every night for the
remainder of the week, and a matinee
Saturday afternoon. While it is cus-
tomary for Friday night's performance
to be formal, it is not strictly so, ac-
cording to the central committee.
Honor Alumnaej
Saturday night's performance will
be given in honor of Michigan Alum-
nae who will be guests in Ann Arbor
for group homecomings. "Alumnae
Night" is a new feature of the Jun-
ior Girls' play this year.
Musical selections from "Becky Be-
have" arrived in book form yesterday
from the Remick company of Chicago.
They will be on sale at the theater
during performances and afterwards
at the University Music house. A fev
numbers which are expected to prove
most popular have been published in
sheet music. These include "Beautiful
You" and "Michigan Man."
Among the box holders for tonight's
performance is Jessie Bonstelle, di-
rector of the Bonstelle playhouse in
Detroit, She is attending the opening
performance as the guest of juniorf
women. Miss Jean Hamilton, ean of
women, and members of the office t.f
the dean of women and physical ed-
cation department will occupy other
Has Campos Setting
"Becky Behave" will introduce two
innovations in Junior Girls' produc-
tions, the return to the local campus
setting and an emphasis on feminine
roles and choruses. Local "collegiate"
atmosphere will pervade both acts.
The first act is laid in a campus book
shop, and the second in the garden
of J !fraternity house. The b)ook is
the work of Margaret Lord. Amy
Loomis, '22, has had charge of the di-
recting of the entire production. Irene
Field heads all committee work in
connection with the show.
Helen Reece, business manager 1
states that desirable seats are still
available, for Thursday and Friday
nights especially. The box office of
the Whitney will be open every after-
noon for ticket sales. Prices for the
production are as follows: downstairs,
$2.50; first four rows of balcony, $2;
second four rows, $1.50; remainder of
theater, $1.
N on-Resident Lecturer Will Deliver
Address In French April 2
As honorary guests of Cercle Fran-
cais, teachers of modern languages
who will be here next week as dele-
gates to the Schoolmasters' conven-
tion, will hear a lecture by Dr.
Charles Cestre, professor of Ameri-
can literature and civilization at the
Sorbonne in Paris, who is here as
non-resident lecturer for the second
semester. His address will be given
at 3 o'clock Friday, April 2, in room
1025 of Angell hall; he is to speak in
French, his subject being "L'influence!
Americaine sur la France."
The lecture has been scheduled for
some time as part of the year's pro-
gram for the Cercle Francais.
Steamship Lines
Deny Fusion Plan
HAMBURG, March 22.-The Ham-
burg-American line officielly denied
rumors circulated in Bourse circles
that it was planning a fusion with
the North German Lloyd.
r ' 3TAa-+z 2Me
Krim's Forces
Still Hostile
Toward France
S(By Associated Press)
PARIS, March 22.-The question of
peace with Abd-el-Krim and his in-
surgent Moroccan tribesman, in
which interest has been revived by
reports of peace ovetures coining
from Tangier, Rabat, and other points,
was declared in official circles today
to remain in exactly the same posi-
tion as when hostilities were sus-
pended last year on account of bad
At the foreign office, it was stated
that the French government has rea-
son to believe that all of the Riffian
chieftain's activities ostensibly look-
ing towards peace, are intended to
impress his followers with the idea
that peace is impossible and hence
they must continue to fight.
Obstruction Tactics Used By Certain
Powers Are Frankly Criticized
By Stresemnaun
(1y Associated Press)
BERLIN, March 22.-The League of
Nations has been plunged into a grave
crisis by the breakdown of the league I
negotiations for Germany's election,
Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemanu
declared in a governmental statement
to the Reichstag today..
He frankly criticized the obsrtuc-
tionist tactics employed by certain
powers at Geneva in keeping Germany
from the council seat promised her at
He told the Reichstag that Germany
reserves the right to withdraw her
application for entry into the league
in the event the decision of the new
commission regarding reconstruction
of the council does not correspond
with Germany's expectations.
"The outcome of the past negotia-
tions must be deeply deplored, because
the chief mourner, after all, is the
league itself," he said. "Whether we
consider the league an efficient instru-
ment for the promulgation of peace
and the promotion of humanitarian
ideals, or whether we recognize in it
a newly invented diplomatic contri-
vance calculated to further the special
interests of individual states, the fact
remains that as a result of the events
in Geneva, the league has suffered i)n
both directions."
The adherents of the league, the
foreign minister said, should have
subordinated all other considerations
to the formalities of receiving Ger-
many into membership.
With the engagement of Cook's
Casino Garden orchestra of Chicago
plans for the Varsity band formal to
be held Friday at the Masonic temple
are nearly completed.
* As at last year's affair, a special
score of the "Victors," arranged for
orchestration by Capt. Wilfred Wil-
son, director of the band, has been
t sent the orchestra, and this number
will be used for the grand march.
The leaders of the grand march wili
be Edward Hoedemaker, '29M, chair-
man of the general committee and
Miss Gertrude Theurer, of Three
Rivers, Michigan. Members of the
band will wear the maize and' blue
band capes during the grand march,
It is expected that there will be a
larger attendance than usual this
year, since most of the 160 invitations
issued have been accepted. The
patrons and patronesses of the affair
will be Mayor Robert A. Campbell and
Mrs. Campbell, Captain and Mrs. Wil-
fred Wilson, and Mr. Albert Lockwood.
Applications for tickets to the sixth
annual Military ball to be held in
I Waterman gymnasium, Friday April
23 will be distributed from 1 to 5
o'clock today and tomorrow
from the main desk in the lobby
of the Union. The dance is open to
students of the campus as well as
those of the military units. Tickets
will be $550. Annlications may also
Coaches Decry I
Restriction Of PRI BIWI
Forward Pass
nrrnnr nn~enhIIrTrr
Senate Aroused By Houghton
Report Of Gloomy Conditions
Oversea;_Secrecy Is Flayed
COLUMBUS, March 22 -Restriction'
of the use of the forwaid pass udder
the change in the football code adopt-
ed by the football rules committee
Saturday is "somewlh t disappoint-
ing," to Dr. J. W. Wilce, head football'
coach at Ohio State university, he
said today.
"Restricting the use of the pass,"
Coach Wilce stated, "will detract
from the spectacular features of the
game and will place a greater burden
on the coach who annually is asked#
by alumni and press for more varied.
offensive style. Personally, I am
somewhat disappointed with thei
CHICAGO, March 22.-Infliction of
a five-yard penalty on a football team
for each incomplete forward pass will'
retard the development of scientific
football and will eliminate the offen-
sive p~ossibility of the game Jess
Hawley, Dartmouth football coach,
Hawley, whose big green eleven j
tossed forward passes like shrapnel
fire to clear its way to national emiii-
nence last season on the gridiron, ex-
pressed disappointment today in the
action of the football rules committee
restricting the aerial game.
Wets And Drys Will Be Held Strictly
To Subject Of Bill At Issue a
During hearing
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 22.-The pro-
hibition issue which has agitated both
houses of Congress at this session as
has no other question, is to be given a
public airing before the Senate com-
mittee during the two weeks begin- I
ning April 5.
This was (determined upon today by
the Senate judiciary committee, which
approved with but a single dissenting
vote the program recommended by its
sub-committee of five for hearing on
the pending measures for modification
of the dry law.
Have i Days Apiece
Senator Means, Republican, Colo-
rado, will have charge of the hearing
and he will attempt to hold both the
"wets" and "drys" strictly to the sub-
ject of the bills at issue. Each side
will have six days for the presenta-
tion of its case with the "wets" taking
the stand first.
Besides approving the program for
the hearing, the committee endorsed
the action of the sub-committee in in-
definitely postponing consideration of
a bill by Senator Edwards, Democrat,
New Jersey, for repeal of the Volstead
act. This measure was pigeonholed,
it was explained, because its passage
would leave the government without
authority to enforce the dry constitu-
tional amendment.
The first measure that will be con-
sidered will be that by Senator Bruce,
Democrat, Maryland, proposing to
change the Eighteenth amendment so
that those states and communities
which were wet when the dry law
went into effect again would be wet,
but would have to depend upon thel
federal government for their limited
supply of intoxicants.
Then the beer bills and the Edge
measure to remove the restrictions on
prescription whiskey will have theirI
inning. There are three beer bills
proposing 4 per cent, 2:75 per cent,
and beer "non-intoxicating in fact."
Senator Edwards is tie author of the
first, and( Senator Edge, .Republican,
New Jersey, fostered. the other two.
SolicA Opinions
(By Associated Press)!
WASHINGTON, March 22. - The
Senate 'got itself into an inquisitive
frame of mind today on the European
Ambassador Houghton's observa-
tion to newspaper correspondents,
painting a rather gloomy picture of
conditions overseas, formed the basisf
of more than an hour's debate with
Chairman Borah, of the foreign rela-
tions committee, and Senator Ha-r-
rison, Democrat, Mississippi, as the
central figures.
Half a dozen other senators parti-
cipated and there was both plainly
spoken criticism and vigorous defense
of the American ambassador to the
court of St. James.
At one point, Senator Glass, Demo-
crat, Virginia, lightened the weighty
dscussion by demanding that there
be "no secret agreement" among sen-
ators. He referred to a brief whis-
pered conference between Senator
Moses,, Republican New Hampshire,
and Senator Borah during a colloquy
between the Idaho and Virgina sen-
Senator Borah had made a point
of "secret agreements" among the
European powers at the time of the
Locarno public agreement ^and de-
clared that these were responsible in
large measure for present conditions
in Europe.
The chairman of the foreign rela-I
tions committee gave it as his opinion
that when Brazil "defied" the other
nation's and blocked Germany's entry
into the League of Nations she had
silent support from the great powers.
Member Of Fatal lountain
Will Contiude Oratorical
Series April 1
Skirnish lVith 1)utch Military Costs
Insurgent Leader His Life;
Tientsin Evacuated
(By Associated Press)
BATAVIA, Java, March 22.-Thir-'
teen Chinese rebels have been killed
in a fight with a Dutch! military de-
tachment sent to Achin, Sumatra,
where trouble broke out early this'
Anong the rebels killed was the1
leader of the band which attacked a
Dutch patrol on March 3, killing 10
soldiers and wounding six. One Dutch
sergeant was killed and three soldiers
of the relief force were -seriously
wounded in the latest clash.
PEKING, March 22.-The members
of the cabinet which resigned on Sat-
urday, are retaining their posts tem-
porarily at the request of the chief
executive, but it is assumed there will
be a realignment shortly.
The evacuation of Tientsin and gen-
eral retirement of the Kuominchun
(National Army) forces are reported
at their headquarters here.
Decisions Cancelling Leases And Con-
tracts Which Doheny Negotiated
With Fall Involved
(By Associated Press)
WAShINGTON, March 22.--The Su-
premne court agreed today to review
lower court decisions cancelling the
oil leases and contracts which Edward
L. Doheny negotiated with Albert 1.
Fall as secretary of the interior.
Involved in the case are the Elkj
Hill naval oil reserves in California
and the contract between Doheny'.;
companies and the government, by
wl-icf the oil magnate has construct-;
ed huge oil reserve tanks for the
navy at the Hawaiian naval base at
Pearl harbor.
While agreeing on cancellation, the
district court and the circuit court in
California disagreed on the questionI
of compensation for the storage tanks.
The district court allowed $10;000,000.
Besides this question the Supreme
court is expected to go into all phasesj
of the case, and particularly that as
to the legality of the executive order
issued by President Harding, in effect
transferring jurisdiction over the
naval oil reserves from the navy to
the interior department.
Appearing here as the final lecturer
on the Oratorical association series,;
Capt. John B. Noel, will tell the story
of the fatal 1924 Mt. Everest expedi-
tion, April 1 in Hill auditorium. The
explorer will illustrate his talk on
"The Epic of *it. Everest" by the use,
of motion pictifres.
The journey over Tibet, the visit
to the fortress monasteries of the
Lamas, the ventures into the valleys,
snowfields, and glaciers never before
seen by man, and the final climb jo
the top of the highest mountain in,
the world will be some of the inci-
dents portrayed to the audience by theI
Colonel Norton was in commnmd of!
the expedition while Captaii Noel was I
the official photographer. It was Cap-
tain Noel's camera that caught the3
farewell photographs of Irvine and
Easterner Points To Accomplishmets
Of International Body To
Justify Contentios
Declaring that the development of
a feeling which would "cause us to
look upon ourselves as a part of the
world, the building of an imagination
encompassing the problems of peace,
and the elimination of selfishness"
would be the only things that would
help toward world peace, rather than
a League of Nations, Clarence Darrow
opposed the emtrance of the United
States into the league in his debate
with Manley 0. Hudson on that ques-
tion last night in Hill auditorium.
Dr. Hudson advocated the United
States' entry into the league on the
grounds that there was already a
"world league" on questions of agri-
culture, problems of public health,
and in matters of communication, that
the league already had six years of
successful operation, that 55 nations
have thought it the best means of
solving world problems, and that it
is not passible for the United States
to keep out of the world questions.
Professor Hudson, holder of the
'Traces League Idea
Bemis professorship at Harvard, at
present a member of the legal staff
of the Secretariat of the League of
Nations, and long a champion of the
league, opened the debate with a 30
minute speech in which he traced the
growth of the league idea and treated
of its work. le mentioned the or-
ganization of the Universal Postal
Union and the International Union of
Weights and Measures as being "the
first great" leagues of nations of 50
years ago. He then spoke of the work
of the International Institute of Agri-
culture and of the International In-
stitute of Public Health, formed about
20 years ago. Professor Hudson char-
I acterized them as being "all success-
ful leagues of nations" and then
showed the development of the tra-
dition and habit of calling confer-
ences to settle disputes, and the pre-
ent work of the League in various
m~atters. Professor Hudson concluded
his first talk with the statement that
Ithe league was not a super-state, a
new state, or a sub-state, "but a
mnethod by which 55 nations of the
world today seek to deal with com-
mon problems as they arise."
Mr. Darrow, noted criminal attor-
ney, then answered Dr. Hudson. He
began by asking just "what is the real
nature of the League of Nations" and
characterized it as being "as nebulous
and uncertain as heaven." Mr. Dar-
row in reference to the conference
method of settling disputes, stated
that there had always been confer-
ences but that they had really ac-
complished nothingrin the way of
preventing war. Mr. Darrow main-
tained that the present World court
{ was not binding on the nations and
that no nation would ever arbitrate
anything vital to their existence, that
they never had and never would. He
maintained further that a method by
which world peace could be had was
by organizing all the strong nations
and maintaining peace by coercive
measures. He advocated, as measures
in obtaining world peace, the removal
of the inducing causes such as selfish-
G ness in trade, and the development
of friendly spirit, and more ideas of
internationalism rather than national-
Calls.It Step To Peace
Dr. Hudson then spoke for 30 min-
utes in which he refuted Mr. Dar-
row's arguments and said that he be-
lieved that while the League of Na-
tions might fail in the immediate pre
vention of war he had enough faith
in the efficacy of human effort that
it could not help being a step toward
tter andl freer world of the futumle.
Mr. Darrow then cited the Greco-Bul-
garian trouble of last fall as an
example of the coercive methods of
the, league. He maintained that the
world had grown better by conflict
and that human nature demanded
that men fight.
Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical
school acted as chairman of the de-
bate which was sponsored by the
local branch of the League of Nations
Non-Partisan association. Following
the debate Dr. Hudson left immedIate-
ly for the East.
Mallory, who lost their lives in the Wet leaders have no hope that th'eI
deep snows near the peak on the comuittee will report any of the bills
mountain. It was he who recorded favorably. They ask for the hearings,
the whole drama of the expedition they explaim, So Congress caml elicit
with the motion picture camiera. officiarly the opimions of enforcement
Critics havesaid that Captain Noel's j officerss, educators, ministers, and
story, through movies, still pictures, others as to how tie dry laws should
and the spoken word, have told mre be amemded so as to mmake their e"-
graphically than any written record, I forcemiment less difficult.'
Ste epic drama of tie time. The "x- Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana,
porer is coining direct from London, who voted against the hearings, based
with his pictures andtstory, foram a his opposition on the ground that they
limited number-of Ame ,ican enga were requested merely for the purpose
Im1 nm eiof mrica engg g, of Spreading wetpragna
ments. The pictures have been, the opropagana.
s.ensation of London, Paris, and Dier- -
lin during the past year.
The London Times, quoting Prince UIMIVIITIfI I4I In I
Henry of the royal family, said: "Th
expedition was indeed fortunate ir>
have so experienced and able a pho- TO' DK lL IUap Nn
tographer as Captain Noel. Under the
most trying conditions he had takenrs T
those marvelous photographs which I Properties 0f Speeific Solutions To
give some idea of the obstacles faced I Be Discussed By Professor
and the hardships endured. Their
efforts had most interesting scientific In an address sponsored jointly by
Columbia Philosopher Lectures
Friday On 'Emergent Evolution'!
Dr. William Pepperell Montague of bert of the philosophy department of
the philosophy department of Colum- the University.
bia university, will deliver a Univer- The philosopher graduated from
sity lecture on "Emergent Evolution," Harvard university in 1896, taking the
at 8 o'clock Friday night, in Natural degrees of hmaster of arts, and doctor
t nNtra of philosophy during the two years
Science auditorium. Dr. Montague following. Ile was associated with the
will also speak on "Evolution and Re- philosophy departments of Radcliffe
ligion," at 4:15 o'clock in the same college, and the University of Cali-
place, under the auspices of the Mich- fornia for four years, beginning his
igan School of Religion. The latter present association with Columbia un-
lecture will be given in connection with versity in 1903. lie held the Johns
the seminar in the moral issues of Hopkins' visiting professorship in
modern life, at present conducted un- 1922.
der the direction of Prof. C. B. Vib- In 1920, Dr. Montague was chair-
man of the delegation of the American
YT T n + IPhilosophy association to the Interna-
F vlY.COMPSfI E Itional Congress of Philosophy held in
INL ORATORICA L Oxford, Eng. le was president of that
organization in 1923, and is associated
CONTES T TODA Y with the Aristotelian society. The
philosopher is also known as a tech-
nical author, having collaborated in
From five students who have sur- "The New Realism" published in 1912,
vived a series of eliminations, Mich- and has been a frequent contributor
them to
able w
I)ue t
iron Ki
held T;
were u
in reac
!for ace
the end
eral ch
extra d
well a
sm ails,
1 tire li
and Captain Noel brought I the unmversity and the local section igan's representative for the Northern
ithe screen for us, a remark- of the American Chemical society, I Oratorical league contest to be held
ork." Prof. Chailes A. Kraus, of the chem- j May 7 in Madison, Wis., will be
istry department of Brown university chosen in the final contest at 8 o'clock
will discuss the "Properties of Solu- tonight in University hall, it was an-
M ONS FO RIIO tiomis of Metals anid Alloys imn Liquid mipounced yesterday. Those who will
Ammmonia" at 4:15 o'clock this after-I compete arc: Radcliffe Fulton, '28L,
noon in the chemistry amphitheater. ( Dorothy P. Pudrith, '26, Robert S.
Professor Kraus is nationally con- Miller, '27, MyronW Winegarden, '27,1
A sidered iauthority in labratory and James L. Cole, '28.
z chemical work. In 1898,. after his __________
to the fact that some of the in- graduation from the University of
is to the fourth annual Gri-1- Kansas he became a fellow in physics Cannon Fire Anew
:nightsbanquet, which"will becatJohns Hopkins university, remain-f Into Ranks Of 600'
'uesday Api-il 61 at the Uniomi ing in that position umtil 1900, whe~nI
navoidably delayed a few days he returned to his alma .mater as a'
hing the mails, the time limit I research fellow. After filling this J LONDON, March 22.-Three thou-
eptances will be extended until place for only a year he secured a sand British soldiers will re-enact the
* of this week, it was announced position as instructor in physics at charge of the light brigade at Gala-
ay by Joseph Kruger, '26, gemi- the University of California. In 1904 klava, the Battle of Agincourt and
airman. The extension of two I he went to the Massachusetts Insti- i the battle of Hastings in a spectacular
ays will apply to the summons tute of Technology as research as- military show at Aldershot in June.
were delivered in person, as sistant and associate in physical
s those received through the ' chemistry and in 1912 became assist-C
ie said. amt professor in the Boston schol
program for the banquet is He became professor of chemistry andt
nearing completion. The en- director of the laboratories at Clark .For Fathers'D
ist of faculty members, and university in 1914 and is at present
who will participate in the I director of the Newport Rogers lab- 1
to the Journal of Philosophy, The
Monist, and the Philosophy Review.
Entries In Union
Tournament Close
Entries have closed in the Union
chess and checker tournament with 48
mien participating in chess and 47 in
checkers. The first round matches
must be played off before Thursday
All of the entries have been paired
I and the complete schedule has been
posted on the bulletin board at the
Union. Participants in the chess tour-
nament will only play one game to a
match, while in checkers the winner
must take two out of three matches.
y Come To City
)ay Banquet Talk