PAGE airTHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCHf DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presidnt until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 w mi. Saturdays).' Volume V SUNDAY, MARCg 2, 196 :Number 19f Seniate Council: A special meeting of the Senate Council is culled or 4:1 P. M., Tues- day, March 23, in the President's office. F. F. Itoblus, Faculty, College of Literature, Science ad the Arts: The March meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, will be held Monday, March 22nd, at 4: 10 P. M. in Room 2225, Angell Hall. Johi R. Efiiugcr. Students, College of Literatusre, Science and the Arts: Students in the Literary College desiring to apply for a University scholarship, 1926-1927 (value $200) should apply to the Secretary to the Dean, Room 1210, Angell Hall for an application blank, to be filled out and returned by April 9th. 11. P. Thene, Chairman, Sclolawhip Comnittee. Executive Board, G rad uat e Shooel: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School on Tuesday March 23, at 4:00 P. M. A. H. Lloyd. The Investigation Comittee of the Michigan Union will meet in Boom 302 at 2 P. M. on Monday. Henry C. Anderson, Chairan. Iversity ILecCIure: Professor Charles A. Kraus of Brown University will lecture under the joint auspices of the University and the U. of M. Section of the American Chemcal Society on Tuesday, March 23, at 4:15 P. M. in the Chemistry Amiphitheatre. The subject of the lecture is "The Properties of Solutions of Metals and Alloys in Liquid Ammonia." The public is =cordially invited. F. E. JRobbins. DarrowHudson Debate: Mr. "Clarence S. Darrow, of the Chicago Bar, and Dr. Manley . Hudson, Beri Professor of International Law in Harvard Law School, will debate the"'question of American membership in the League of Nations at 7:45 o'clock, Monday night, March 22, in Hill Auditorium. Tickets are now on sale at the State Street bookstores, and may also be obtained at the Hill Auditorium box office all day Monday. League of Nations No-Partisai Association. Foreign Students: The annual spring vacation tour through five Michigan cities-Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Flint-will occur this coming April from the twelfth to the seventeenth. Industries, schools and colleges, and other points of interest will be visited. Ovenight entertainment will be provided in American homes. Those students interested should get in touch with me immediately, either by mail or at my office, Room 3224 Angell H-all, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9-10 A. M., or Thursday, 2-5 P. M. The party is limited to twenty- five. tarltoni F. Wells. Soptoliomnore Engineers: Class dues may be paid Tuesday and Wednesday, March 23rd and 24th. Corridor East Engineering Building. C. 11. Hlamiilton,'Treasurer. Faculty Concert: The University Band under the direction of Wilfred Wilson, Grace Johnson Konold, soprano, -and Albert Lockwood, pianist, will give the fol- lowing program in Hill Auditorium Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock: March "On. the Mall" (Goldman), Caprice "Moon Madrigal (Wileby), Characteristic, "In Ole Arkansaw" (Zimmerman) ; Aria "~epuis le jour" from "L.ouise" (Charpentier) Mrs. Konold ; Waltzes "The Co-d of Michi- gaun" (Sousa), March "United America" (Weber-Delamarter), iariminapiow Solo, Overture "Poet and Peasant" (Suppe), Selections from "The Student Prince" (Romberg) ; Wings of Night (Watt), A Memory (Gang), Te An- swer (Terry), Mrs. Konold; Fantaisia from "Ruins of Athens" (Beethoven- Liszt). Carles A. Sik. Stuidents' Recital: The following program will be given Monday evening at 5:00 in the 'School of ?Music Auditorium by 1'earlo fReimann, pianist, assisted by Myron B lurneson, baritone: Sonata, Opus 27 No. 2 (Beethoven) Mrs. Reiniann; Mly Peace thou art (Schubert), Lied d'Amnour (Guldy), Elegie (Massenet), life and lDeath (Coleridge Taylor) Mr. Burneson; Nocturne, Op. 15 No. 1 (Chopin) Valse, No. 14 (Chopin), On Wings of Song (Mendelssohn-Liszt), Mrs. Reimann. C'harles A. Sinlk. PI'ysics Collquju : The Ph~lysics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. MT. Tuesday, Mlarch 2:;, inl Room 1041, New Physics Building. Dr. W. W. Sleator will speak on "I Iuy- gens' Principle and the Propagation of Waves"--No. u. Anyone interes3ted f is invited to attcnd. IV. F. Colby. I raduaite Englisli Club: The Graduate English Club will meet at 8:00 o'clock Mtonday evening, March 22. in Room 302. Michigan Union.* Professor 0. J. Campblel will read a p~aper on "Shakespeare's Later Transformation of* Italian Coiedy." P. Y. hRrelder. byterlin church. Y. P. S. discussion 1at 6:30 o'clock on "What Is Your Aimn In Life."- Baptist church mneeting at the Guild house, 6 :30 o'clock. Chinese students of tihe University will be in charge. '1 The Lutheran Student club will meet at 5 :30 o'clock at the Parrish hall, corner of Washington street andl fifth avenue. Want a room? Read Page Seven and( use the Classified columnsm.-Adv. HALLER'S I STATE STREET JEWELERS Visit Our Optical Department jUniver'sity of llichigili Band: F iormnation today at 11111 Auditoriu form. Faculty concert. LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise' mentioned in The Daily. Items will be puiblished on two successive days only.7 Copy ,must be submitted t4 the Lecal Eveat. Editor by 4 P. M.. . I am. Three o'clock. Full (dress uni- W ~ ANTED . -Gordon Packer.,'Discarded Suitsc Jewish Students' association meetOvrotan She at 4 o~clock at Jewish Community cen-= HihtCahPce ad ter, .538 North Division street. A sup- = . per will be served. Th Congregation student fellowship, meet at 6:30 o'clock. Topic for dis-cuso.wl b HwRdcaThlT la d r w We Be?" Supper at 5:45 o'clock. 1 STORE 1v E s AnP o e$16ocial hour at 5:30 o'clock in Pros- ttlti ffitiiIfififtllf~iIi UI l aM iiiiiilfln . ' Le oM Estrree Jan ea ORI * V fairety Box I saxnal es o h ad hungry, with its twenty-two different kinds of delicious confections. The box is glor ified with colorful Easter wrap or box band. 1, 2, 3 and 5-lb. sizes, $1.50 the pound, NORRIS Children's r--lckwges, 25e to $2.00. Frcsh shipment just received. -a-yt-, GRIPPEN'S DRUG STORES Three Sotres South Mainm - North Ufuiversily .- Noxlh Mai r ..; I RELIGIOUS Sunday Rev. Frank A. Gustafson or Detroit, will speak at 7:30 o'clock in rooth B, Newberry halal,''und'er auspiccg of Ann Arbor New Church Reading cbir- cle, on "Symbolism in the Bible." Public is cordially invited. Student Volunteers will meet in IWesley hall, at 9:15 o'clock. Thue Rt. Rev. Herman Page, Y.D., bishop of Michigan, will administer the rite of confirmation and preach the morning sermon at St. 'Andrew's Episcopal church at 11 o'clock. At 5 0o'clock, Bishop Page will conduct aspecial admilssion service in Williams Memorial chapel, Harris hall, for pro-r spective members of the ,Episcopal~ I Students' club. Mrs. Page will be fgiven a team from. 4 to 6 o'clock at !Harris hall. All students are cordial- ly invited. Jewish Ethics group will meet at 3 o'clock at Jewish Community cen- ter, 538 North Division street. AT THE THEATERS I I Today--Screen Arcade-"Cobra," with Rudolph Valentino. aMajestic-"The Grand Duchess and the Waiter," with Adolphe . Menjou. I Wuerth-"Flower of tihe Night," I with Pola Negri. !Today-Stage I IGarrick (Detroit - "What Price ! Glory." I Ionstelle Playhouse (Detroit)- I "Why yNot?" . . . . . . . . ............. . . .... Phone 474 1111 South Universty. ~ Phone 4744 EASTER Bie sure your Easter Cards get there onl timie- Secure them now from our unusually complete selection. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns U .Orippe Epidemic preadngOver Ann Arbor. Between 500 and a thousand cases of grippe and flu have been reported by the University health BUY YOUR TICKETS TOMORROW for ' 22nd Annual Production Junior Girls' Play. service. student Nearly one-tenth of the body is afflicted 'With s New Detroit (.Detroit) Best of Us," with Starr. -- "The Frances PAY YouR SUBscirIPI ON NwowI I -t- grippe!i All of the patients re- port . that they. were taken un- awares, that suddenly they began to feel "sore all over." This is the first sign and symp- tomn of grippe-if you begin to feel "sicky" sore all over-in the head, eyes, and body -- you should consult your' physician at once and also go to your drug- gist, and ask for a package of "White WVonder." "White Wonder" is the most recent dis- covery of modern medical science for the treatment of flu and IL It A" ' map% Sale Monday: only, beginning at 2 P. M. at Hill Auditorium. Tickets on. sale at Box Office, Whitney Theatre, beginning Tuesday, WilD BUILDJS-WHIO SELLSP A new car is as good as the manufacturer who builds it. A Used Car is as good as the dealer who sells it. Boxes, $3.00 Main Floor, $2.50 First Four Rows Balcony - - -$2.00 Second, Four Rows Balcony - $1.50 1.H. ALz3E r 205 WEST HURON ST. Moose B1WTHe-s DeALERS SELL SGODUSMCARES ! grippe. It has been prescribed Iby doctors all over the country for relief of grippe and flu. ISwift's, Calkins Fletcher, . Quarry's, Crippen's and the Sug-1 4en Drug. Stores will all recoin-j mend White Wonder to you. --Ad-V. 1 Remainder of Theai W/HITNEY Evenings March I THEATRE 23-24-25-26-27 - - - $1.00 Matinee Saturday II I I ______________________________________________________________________ - ___________________________________________ I I I I 4Z Ilv% A" & / ' - +. d. .. r r' 3 rte. II- j T I V B, Se what 0 if 0^111 1 AVW '10 L ;;i 1 55nmmmoo Fi iM IML-'-JM INNIMMIMMMMMMM"m' El .~'i(IIL~ I ~ U ~Z7.... I I I ~ ff-~'~X- - I I - I LI li~i~* ! Alnr