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March 21, 1926 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-21

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SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 1:26

TH IHIA l, l A. ACy2.12




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TRIUPHS Several Veterans ;pKIRNflUAR,
Return To Purple UIfIUVf i
IflfAI PIAYERSi Baseball Squad F FXPflIIFNT


Five chan'Pionships were decided in
the final bouts of the freshman wrest- !
ling tournament held yesterday atC
Wat erman gymnasium, and the win-
nlers will be awarded numerals. Two
titles had already been decided Fri-
Mliller, 115 pounds, Moore, 125 '
pounds, Finley, 135 pounds, Toivonen,
145 pounds, and Warren, 158 poundls
wvere the men who won in the finals
yesterday. H-ager, 175 pounds, and
_Asbeek, -heavyweight, had previously'
won their deciding matches.
Thle last match of the day between1
Warren and Parker proved to be the (A
feature tussle andl provided an un2-
expected climax when Parker refused
to take to the mat for the two extra
poriods. According to the rules of the 6
tourney, 'a time adlvantage of one
minute is necessary to c'laimn the bout, EGy!1t
aniil, at the end of the regular periods, IEGuhK
P'arker had an. advantage of only 51 ~ fL~I
seconds. LCO
.oivonen _won from Miller at 145
pounds in a slow overtime bout. With-F
out are advantage in the first 10 min-if! Rs
utes, Toivonen managed to pin Miller
in the extra periodl.
Finley and Lamont wrestled the full(WOT
time without a fall, but the former , '?GA
had a decisive time advantage of 31
minutes, 20 seconds to win the 135 _______
pound title.t
In the 115 andl 125 poundl divisions Nominating Retie La Coste
the contests were very fast and each Because he defeated the man who
match was ended by a fall before theI beat Bill Tilden;
time was half gone. C. Miller defeated
Bruce in the former class, while Because his victory in the United
Moore won the other championship *Sast ntoa nor'tunyie
by__throwingSims.__ France the title for the second time
The world's record for the javelin ;In succession;
throw, set by J. Myrra of Finland, I Because he is going to be a formid-
August 25, 1919, in Sweden, is 606.10 able contender this summer for Til--
meters, or about 216 feet, 10 1-4 inches.' den's outdoor crown.

_____ ~i miii LU II Repeating his victory of last year. , Ireland, the runnerupi, and Beardsley:.
Aie b hertrno mn-vt C. Lawrence Pett ibone, '28, won the the tail-ender.
Ralph Greenleaf, world's champion AieIytertir fmn e Oklahoma A. and M., Coach Clifford'scn nulfi i~ ora Ireland won three o' his matches,
pocket billiard player, defeated George rans, Coach Maury Kent, of the ; e' lamtr hlsarcr nIalmost losing to Dempster who forced
Ffed'2,cmu chminina'Northwestern diamond Kenquamaade, hols ecrdi ment yesterday afternoon 11t ter .- him to. concede four touches, for a
F~fel, '8,camuschapin i awrestliing which is without an equal 1mtan gymnasium with a perfect sco"ei grand total of 15 markers. He faled
100 point mnatch yesterday afternoon ;been driving his charges through a1 in college competition. A. and M. has I
strenuous indoor training season in I I of 20 points. Mark relanid, '2, was y to scre at all against Pettibone.
at the Union pool room. He also de- not been defeated in wrestling since, second with 15. Instructor R. V. Finney, of the ae e na2 nefr obektesrn fpo
fetdLevy in apint th ,ee cush- nefrtt rak srngo or1921, and during this longperof o~oit~ of isforFrench department, refereed the
. i cmain wihhaepusedteI Petibone oumatches.ofIls ou
ion billiard match.cmagswihhv puiIlte supremacy has met and conqueired the mths
Grenlaf av a er prtt exi-Purple teams since the time of "Padt- best wrestling teams in the country. oppenents by safe margins, winningj
Grela aeavr rtyeh-dy" Driscoll. In their 21 bouts this season, the;j by a 5-2 score from his first two op- For every article tor sale, there Is
bition of shooting in the first match, For nearly a month, fire 'erlers1 Oklahomans were defeated only twice. Eiponents, and by a shutout score frcm ag buyer, Reach him thru Classifieds.'
making a high run of 66 points. His have enshoig their Sian; at the Ames and West Virginia were num-
record in championship competition ilda lges Among these, ee ceue ervcis nti
1Is 101 points, although he holds the SWhlea slggers hredamon ther vctimsonthi
world's rcoqrd of 217 points. In the Scuargth ueadMls yersshdl.Ae, although hay-
southpaw, both regulars, outclass ( ugonoftebsmatasinh,
match with ' Fifield he consistently r°n ftebs mttasi h
calld their sophomore rivals, Dorchester, Missouri valley conference, was easi-
his sots bforet he ball stop- Bryant, and White, all right-handers.lybaebyasreo1-4
pdmtoshowingthte had per- The aspirants for the 1Purple team West Virginia which boasted one ° TC~'TTI'~IrT TATT
fect scontrol of the cue ball at all number only 25, considerably less than I of the bestndwresling naini aggregations mr
times,. the amount of material needed for a tE atanwsaseaioinht
IteEsn the mated last night GreenleafI well-balanced squad. To some extent, part of the country, was overwhelm-I
defeated S. Metler in another 100 point l however the arnmber of regulars fromrngl eete 84 Service and neat work are the foundation iI
pocet iliar gmean ina 0 Flas yar' agreaton ak upfo The caliber of A. and IV.'s teams is of our shop. Competent Barbers are our
point three cushion billiard contest.I this.i best illustrated by the fact that this thseens
The first match was easily taken by Ellis, a catcher of much ability, will I season's team included five of th means of accomplishingthsed.
Greenleaf, but in the latter, M4etlar holster the squad with his steady eight champions crowned at the na-
led nti th lat iningwhe Gren-work at the backstop position, but a l tional wresting meet a year ago.
leaf rain out. i sophomore, Snowhook, is furnishing;3.~H
After his afternoon match Greenleaf Seine keen comp ,etition for the regular Thewolds ecrdforthDrnnnELS 11 L
gave an exhibition of his repertoire j1csition. I 1101, step, and jump is 50 feet, 11 1-8,
of fancy and trick shots. The chain- Seidel, at first base, and Solbeim, ati inches. It was set by A. W. Wziter 6 NICKELS ARCADE
p~ion wats in fairly good form despite the keystonre sack, will 1101( downi two of Australia, July 7, 1924, at the Olym-'
tile fact that lie has just recovered of the infield positions, while many of pi garrs in Paris, France.rt
from a nervous breakdown. :the new men will make their bidls for _________________
MistMrye.oronheeer elewte the lto clacssiitheintel.eetThefaiyseld. frLyuetr _The____Daily_____sell_____It___for____you__________________
MissMaryK. rown mets Hlen Janet'z, Cohn, and Porterfield, till one Classified columns.--Adv.
Wills in France next mnonth to practice 1veterans, will fill thomietfeld (uties.
for the French championships begin-I So far, their work has not been iregi-
ning June 2. Iar becuse of the fact thatPate
r- gymnasiumn is not larg;e enough toF
PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPT. 1% NOW permit the batting of fly balls. A U U U - - U


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brsrorgret h uti rse
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" Like it?'"
"I certainly do.

Tell me about it."

"It's called the Glen Spray Topcoat. The cloth is
made in Scotland exclusively for the Hickey-Freeman
Company. It's light but warm. I've worn Hickey--
Freeman suits so I know I can'-t go Wrong on a Glen-
"I' certainly smart.''
Make a hit with yours,-If and your girl--get a Glen
Spray Topcoat.

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