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March 21, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-21

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Published' every morningĀ° except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Edisorial
'ITht Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
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Omces: An. Arbor Press Building, May-
rd Street.
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(harman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
y Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield
iN:w dito". ..........Manning Houseworth
........Helen S. Ramsay
- Fdor................Joseph Kruger
'Li~nb .-Aitor..........William Walthour
2 'us nd rama.......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors1
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Uobert T DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin: Patterson
Assistaat City Editors
irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

G rtrude Bailey
C!! res Behymer
V iliam Bryer
L llip Brooks
tnum Buckingham
Stratton Buck
rl Burger
Edgar Carter
X11 eyer Cohen
, ton Champe
1. :_ifas Doubleday
E gewn II. Gutekunst
A drew Goodman
resenl T. Herald
esl Hitt
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik

Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehouse
Margaret Parker
tanford N. Phelps
imon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
anet Sinclair
Courtla rd Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske


Telephone 31314

Avertising...............Joseph J. Finn
Advertising............Frank R.hDentz, Jr.
Advertising..................Wm. L. Mullin
AdIvertising..........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
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George H. Annable, Jr.
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I\, J.' Co
Marion A Daniel
Wary Flinterman
James R. DePuy
Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth Haven
Harold Holmes
(Xeo, A Tose
Frank Mosher

F. A. Norquist
Loleta G. Parker
David Perrot
Robert Prentiss
Wm. C. Pusch
Joseph D. Ryan
Stewart Sinclair
Mance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
Wm. J. Weinman
Margaret Smith
Sidney Wilson

SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 1926
The Lord's Day Alliance, of Detroit,
i convinced that for the good of the
world in general, and the state of
Michigan in particular, Sunday movies
xst go. They are cutting down Sun-
e, ening attendance at chu'rches
are "riding roughshod over local
tate laws." The motion picture
u ,try is the greatest lawbreaker
w United States, according to Rev.
Wayne WIomer, secretary of the or-

through the medium of the silver
screen,-without the continual cut-
ting of censors.
The moving picture industry and
moving pictures have done much for
the great American middle-classes on
Sunday as well as during the week.
The Congressional committee study-
ing the situation may rest assured
that the arguments of the Blue refor-
mers are not supported by the people.
Strange that one should find cling-
ing to a number of schools and col-
leges whose character is essentially
non-military, today, nearly eight
years after the signing of the armis-
tice, the appearances of that same
spirit the nations of the world de-
manded of young manhood during
those awful four years. Recently, how-
eTver. quite audible murmurings of dis-
satisfaction among the student bodies
of several institutions which still in-
clude compulsory military training in
their curricula indicate a tardy but
proper reaction. In a campaign to
abolish military training in the Uni-
versity of Nebraska, a committee of
100 students has been formed to ob-
tain 235,000 signatures to initiative
petitions to bring the issue to a vote.
Similiar action is to be undertaken
at Indiana university.
That war can be abolished by
treaty, legislation, or other means
seems, at present, an idle dream
hardly worth the mentioning.. Too. few
will"deny the necessity of prepared-
ness, actual and potential. There re-
mains for us to create only the f or-
mer our enormous resources form the
basis of a real preparedness. How to
reconcile the spirit that made Loc-
arno and talk of a large standing
army and great sea and air forces is
a problem. Quiet, inostentatious pre-
paredness, if such a thing be possible,
may be the solution.
At any rate, the feeling of hate that
made possible, the war that made ne-
cessary, marital instruction in the
universities have both passed. To. the
majority, a military life, even a sem-
blance of a part of it, is, in peace
times, most irksome. For the few who
enjoy it, to whom the attraction of
the uniform is irresistible, there are
any number of military institutions in
the country. The less show that is
made of things warlike, the nearer
real will the vision of an eternal
world peace become.
A pastor in Wisconsin ousted from
his church for calling a women's play
immoral planned to continue the
argument over radio, but the directors
of the station he was to preach fro",
say they won't allow it. Woman gets
the last word even with the radio.
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
O O V C T 0 To the Editor: l
I for one am not "praising God" for
the blessing of the new plan of the
Student council to hold University
convocations on Sunday mornings, as
the author of "Flyer in Religion" in
last Sunday's Chimes invoked us to
do. I take this attitude, ,not because
I am averse to innovations, but be-
cause I cannot see this one to be an
unmixed blessing. The reasons which
I am about to give for such a stand
are, I believe very nearly the senti-
ments of those of us who did not
register our approval of this under-
taking when the vote was taken in
campus houses.

This action proceeded from the de-
sire to promote interest in religion
among those who are not now evi-
dencing any such. The same author,E
in his article predicts that "probably
student support will be too general."!
I am rather skeptical about his con-}
clusion. Probably until the novelty
wears off, it will have an enthusiastic
support. Students from my knowledgeI
of them, do not absent themselves
from the churches because they fail
to find in the services any appeal, butI
they do so for far more prosaic rea-
sons than that,-to study, to go hik-
ing, or to "sleep in."'
At the monthly convocations at
which there have been appearing
worthwhile speakers of nation-wide(
reputation, the average attendance1
has been around 1,700, according to
the report of the S. C. A. A glance
over the audience shows you that if
the townspeople were left out of the
count, the number of students would
be even far less-a small percentage
of the student body. And of these, I
dare say a large majority are the reg-
ular church, attenders. If these con-
vocations fail to reach the class ofI
students who do not take an active
interest in religion elsewhere how
can we be so optimistic as to hope
that similar convocations on Sunday
mornings would enlist them?!

"'t/, 4 4 L

The other day we were in a classj
vnhere they go in for this Psychologyl
stuff. You know, some fellow in the
class rises hastily, yells "Peas Por-
ridge Hot!" and shoots a blank at the
Prof. and exits via the fire-escape.
Then the man in the row behind
screams "Make it for two!" and
chases the first one tugging a baby
howitzer after him.
When all this has quieted down
and the Prof. has finished acting ter-
rified He rises and with a solemn ex-
pression says: "Now we must have
a complete account of this from every
member of the class," and then pro-
ceeds to write a series of questions
on the board such as "Where was Mr.
Moses when the light went out?"
(Moses -being one of the two boys.)
And "What did the prof. say after the
first five shots?" and all that sort of
Then the class, if it behaves the way
they have it all doped out it should,
will state that there anywhere from
thirteen to twenty seven men leaving
the room and in the eyes of some the
gun play will assume the proportions
of the late war. This pleases those
in charge, who grin from ear to ear
and say, "See testimony is always
wrong!" and then go and write a long
report or even in extreme cases a
book on the result.
Well, in this particular class a cop
came in and gave the Prof. a Sub-
poena ,which as most of the class
knew was on invitation from Sigma
Delta Chi to the Gridiron Banquet.
The cop entered and in stentorian
tones asked the Prof. whether his
name was whatever it was. The Prof.
looked as embarrassed as he could
under the circumstances not having a
great deal of histrionic talent or train-
ing, and the class mildly glanced up
and resumed writing its exam. The
Prof. seeing that the experiment
(which was probably impromptu) did
not seem to be getting over as it
should acted annoyed all over again
and said something about being used
to that sort of thing. The class
smiled boredly and agreed thinking
that he was referring to the experi-
'Tle next meeting of the class he
rose and with all the seriousness in
the world wrote a series of questions
on the board which were typical.
What did the Prof. say? What did the
cop say? Was the Prof's. face red
afterhe came in? and so forth. But
t he class fooled him. It was near
noon hour and they were hungry. Be-
sides they, too were used to that sort
of thing by now. So they merely
wrote after each question "I don't
I know" and left five minutes early.
Probably two volumes will be writ-
ten on that.
Ann Arbor, U. S. A., Earth; (Special
to Rols)-After a week in the ether,
Rolls Own Expedition, under the
command of Prof. 1771 Series K, ar-
rived on the Earth today, and work
began immediately. The purpose of
the investigation is to discover the
ruins of the university believed to
have existed at this site many cen-
turies ago.
Here in the midst of the great
American desert the explorers are"
digging through the sand dunes and
drifts. No trace of buildings is to be
seen on the surface, but it is thought
that they lie not far under the sand.
Near by are the great holes that
were once the Great Lakes. The Chi-
cago drainage canal is blamed by his-
torians for this situation. The only
vegetation to be seen for miles around
is at Ecorse and Haintramack, su-

burbs of Ann Arbor, where there are
a few weeping willow trees. Over in
Canada, the desert is gradually over-
running the shady roadways, and in
time will be as bleak as it is in thisf
country. Customs officials at the
borders have little to do, but have to
remain on duty as the immigration
act is still in force.
Water is brought to the expedition
from the North Pole Artificial Ice
company. Bootleggers of orangeade
ply their. nefarious trade with head-
quarters in California, which has the
hottest and sandiest deserts of the
The only sign of tle former civili-
zation at Ann Arbor is a Ford auto,
the forerunner of the Fordson air-
plane and etherplane.
* * *
It's getting so that whenever one,
fraternity brother meets another lie
gives him the grippe.
Sir Toby Tiffin.
not. He will have become isolated

sity Band under the direction of Wil-
fred Wilson, with Grace Johnson-
Konold, soprano, as soloist, in 11111
auditorium at 4:15 o'clock.
At its meeting yesterday afternoon
the Committee on Student Affairs
granted permission for a revival of
Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" in
the Mimes theatre Thursday and Fri-
day, April 1 and 2, for the benefit of
the Women's League building. 4
Following its initial success last 1
January there has been a persistent
demand for additional performances.
It was also desired that some pro-
duction should be presented duringI
the sessions of the Schoolmaster's
Club, and "Great Catherine" was se-
lected as the comedy most represent-
ative of the activity in dramatics on
the campus this year.
* * *
The following cast will appear in
the twenty-second annual Junior
Girls' play, "Becky Behave," which
is to open a week's run at the Whit-
ney theatre Tuesday evening:
Becky ............... Minerva Miller
Bill ................Angeline Wilson
Bob ................... Doris Selleck I
Jerry ............ Margaret Sherman
The Twins:
Mary ................Marion Leland
Millicent ............. Ruth McCann

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Moving pictures have for years}
been the targets of reformers, for,
more than any other form of amuse-
ment, they are the favorites of the
people. The legitimate stage, while
coming in for its share of censure,
does not affect the great masses, as
do the movies, and consequently, is l
not so repulsive to those who would
'reform" the American public, and
transform Sunday into a universal
day of prayer.
The average American has no sym-
pathy for such efforts at reform. Blue!
Sundays, with no amusement, as well1
as no prayer (for the abolition of the
movie would not force people to
church) would be much worse than
the present Sunday. Moving pictures,
instead of being, the dangerous influ-
ence that is uinderinining the morals
of the nation, as the Lord's Day Alli-
ance would have us believe, are an1
innocent form of entertainment that
keeps the citizen amused on a day
when he is not occupied with busi-
ness, and thereby keeps him out of the
trouble that always beckons the idle.
The fact that the moving picture
may be an agent for good is illus-
trated by the fact that one of the
prominent local churches regularly
presents a motion picture service on
Sunday evenings. The theater and
the church may well be allies, and
suct4 movements as the Blue Sunday
campaign are misdirected.
While it is true that many of our
modern movies are not up to a stand-
ard that might be expected, they are
most certainly not the agents of crime
and immorality that they are painted.
And foolish censorship has contrib-
iuted as much to the ridiculous aspect
n' main ncturesa n nnv nthnr nne

Enielie Oppenhein
Chloe in "Becky Behave"
Mr. Pipp ........ Elizabeth Anderson
The Freshman ...Francis Dunniwind
Chloe............Emilie Oppenheim
Waltz-Norma Snell and Florence
"Work"-Becky, Jerry, and Chloe.
Russian Specialty-Dorothy Tish
and Ruth Driver.
"Beautiful You"-Jerry and Mary.
"Some Men Like It"-The Twins.
"Woiking Goil Blues"-Becky and
Jazz Specialty-Chloe.
Ballet Fantastique-Ballet group
and Chloe. * * *
Mrs. Perle Reimann, pianist, and
Myron Burneson, baritone, will pre-
sent the following program at the
Students' Recital tomorrow evening
in the School of Music auditorium at
eight o'clock:
Sonata, Opus 27 No. 2....Beethoven
Adagio Sostenuto
Presto Agitato
Mrs. Reimann
My Peace thou art.......Schubert
Lied d' Amour ............... Guldy
Life and Death.....Coleridge Taylorj
Mr. Burneson1
Nocturne, Op. 15, No. 1.......Chopin
f Valse, No. 14 ................ Chopin
On Wings of Song. Mendelssohn-Liszt
Mrs. Reimann
Ray Faulkner, Accompanist.
* * *-
Martin Flavin's "Children of the
Moon," which Professor Hollister is
to present as the first number in his
Play Production course Thursday and
Friday, March 25 and 26, in University
hall ,is not-as its title might indicate
-a fairy tale for young boys and
girls. There is, in fact, much more
to this than a flat pun, in that the
New York run of *the play invariably
fou'nd the theatre packed with mothers
and babies for the matinees.
"Children of the Moon" is, rather,
a study of insanity, and one of the
most amazing, startling plays written
by an American in the last genera-
tion. I remember that during its per-
formance in Detroit the audience,

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Include Sentiment with leauty
Special Becky Behave
i go ;Corsage
Sweet Peas, Roses, FORGET-ME-NOTS
Only the BEST is good enough for the
,, ka

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