PA WO THE MICHIGAN, DAILY._______ .rte Gold Seekers 'Jump Off' For New Eldorado I-' STUDENT STUDY OF NSTYRHGE i i . I. E: jE t . ham :ollege, and arrangements have been made to grant three hours cr edit for those engaging in the experinment. SMr. TLlanshard stated that appr oxi- i iately 610 studlents of the University of Michigan have signified their in-I tention of taking part. Any ot hers EUiterestedl may secure further infor- n at.iom by get tinag ini ROuch with Ati- old Anderson, '27, of the Student Christian association. MOSCOW.-Grovernmentgraina pur- chases in February wNere. slightly i .more than 1 ,000,000 tcns. Make your party dis- tinctive. by; using our 1_ A 'Il place cards, nut cups °i('1 sc c. v (f r u ill) Of Proposal BLANSHARD HEADS PLAN Paul Dianshard. '14, left inn Arbor yesterday after concluding his series 'talks at the Union with a discus- -ion group on "Students in Industry." ihthe intent ion of giving Michigan college students an insight. into the; existing condlitions of industry, Mr. ilanshard stated plans have beenI E Made to conduct a study of the ?n- dustrial system in D~etroit this suns- I muer. Headquarters will be maintain- ed1 in that city from June 28 untilj Labor Day. tla u tnn jwork: from headquarters, secnuring po - sitions in Detroit factories on an equal! basis with the regular laborer, associ- ating regularly with them, and living in the came conditions. The workersI willgather at- least once a week for informal discussion of their findings.i Detroit headquarters will be under the! direction of Professor Morris of Earl- T've Shop fo~r APPLIED. ARTS '. ' i ickcls Arcade Unique Gifts I . DI Luncheon Afternoon Tea Dinner Tel. for Reservations 225 South Thayer Despite intense cold( and great difficulties along the route, prospecto rs are flocking into Ried Lake district of Ontario, Canada, where gold has been discovered in great quantities. P hoto shows Hudson, on the Canadian National railway, the "jumping off" place, and a. dog team starting out over the six-day trail. Behind Hill Auditorium Dial 394 1 Martin Haller FURNITURE --RUGs 11 2 E. LIBERTY ST. STARTING TODAY A F EAM E NOW SHOWING NESTED TABLES Are Most Popular These handsome tables, made of mahogany or TODAY CONTINUOUSj PERFORMANCE 2:00 P. M. to 10:30 P. M. PRICES 25 c--0c LrEAj WEEK DAY MATINEES 2:00-3:40 IPrices T109, 24c(, :i)c NIGHTS 7 :00~~8 :40 Prices 1(f, l =), 50c £? Romance of, the Gold Rush.D y of '49, lvi t Pola as a fiery Spanish Belle maple arc handy for cards, as occasional --for the hall. tables Nest of three tables-as pictured-in solid Mahogany .... ................$22.50 Nest of four tables--tapering posts-in solid Mahogany ...... .............$25.00 Nest of four tables-Spool turnings-in Amber Maple................. $29.00 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns I _sI AND AVICTOR RECORD MADE BY Jai yV, OWAND Autographed by WILFRED WILSON--DIRECTOR Now On Sale-Neatly Packed Ready To Mail University usic House THE MUSICAL CENTER OF ANN ARBOR Story by Joseph Hergesheirner Author of "TOLUABLE D1AVID" and "THE BRIGHT SHAWL" <,jp , Ig~9aram l ol ^1 2j !q, 1" Good Comedy "THEGOLF BUG -Latest News. Orchestra k1 PHONE 7615 ~THURSDAY--HOUSE ]PETERS as BLAZE BURKE in "COMBAT" '1 All, I' 111118 i WWI Uc Dae r" Htll A uditorium l~onay, arch 22 T a 6'