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March 20, 1926 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-20

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(Continued from Page One)f
All the times that were made by
the winners in last year's meet,
which was the first of its kind ever
to be held in Michigan, are consid-
ered as records, and although many
of these times are good, it is quite
likelythat some of them may be brok-
en in the keen competition of tomor-
row's meet. Ross, ofDetroit North-
western, was high scorer last year
with two wins, and he holds the rec-
ord in both the 50 yard dash and the
50 yard low hurdles. His time in the :
former event was :05.6 and in the lat-
ter :07. Both these times are good
performances, but it is quite probable
that they will fall tonight. The Coltf
star is entered in tonight's competi-
tion, and providing he is in form,
should agan cop these two events.
The other record holders of last
year who. are again entered in theY
meet are Clausen of Austin high, Chi-
cago, who won the quarter, andf
Hathaway of Kalamazoo Central high,
who won the pole vault. Both theses
men should repeat their performances
this year, although Highland Park ino
Oliver has a vaulter who is capablet
of clearing 11 feet 2 inches.
Robinson's record of 21 feet 4 1-8
inches and Carlson's mark of 47 feet
4 3-4 inches in the shot put shouldf
stand for seve'ral years tol
come. Both these men are Northwes-s
tern athletes. Beage, Thornton's only8
entry is a high jumper of high cali-f
ber, and if he is going right he should
have little or no trouble in breakingP
the existing record of 5 feet 9 1-2E
Inches set by Loving of Cass Tech.v
Seegar, another Northwestern man in
winning the 880 yard run last year
set a record of 2:09.6 for the event,s
and this record will probably stand.
An interesting feature of the meett
will be the races between Arthur
Voelker and Franklin Cooper, both of
Detroit Eastern, in the 50 yard dashG
and the 60 yard low hurdles. The
brothers of these two men are mem-
bers of the Michigan Varsity track1
team and were rivals for honors inj
the same two events when they wereb
students at Detroit Eastern. Emile
Voelker placed third in the Confer-n
ence indoor meet last week.e
A competent group of officials haveF
been selected as judges and timers, w
and the prep athletes will perform'
under all the atmosphere which gen-
erally attends a large college meet. i
Ted Canty of Chicago, famous as thec
announcer of all the Big Ten track
meets will be on hand to keep the
crowds in spirits. The entire meet
was arranged for by James Newton,P
interscholastic manager and Charles
B. Hoyt, freshman track coach and
head trainer.v
The events in today's meet are as l
follows: 60 yard high hurdles, 8800
yard run, 50 yard dash, 440 yard run,
60 yard low hurdles, 880 yard relay, c
mile run, medley relay, pole vault, shot
put, high jump and broad jump. V
More than $1,00,000 is to be spentt
in building one of the largest indoore
stadiums in the world for the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. b
Rogers Hornsby of the St. Louis I
Cardinals has led the National league I
In batting averages for the past six
To insure a dry playing field a coverd
for its gridiron was bought by Ohio
State University.
Notre Dame will play U. S. C. atv
football next year.n

Big Ten Players
Select Doyle
On All Star Team
Spradling of Purdue, and Beckner
'of Indiana were chosen as forwards,
,Doyle of Michigan as center, and
I-aines of Illinois and McConnell of
Iowa as guards, on an average taken
of the all-star teams submitted by 51
varsity players of Western Conference
basketball teams to the Chicago Eve-
ning American.
Experts have been picking teams for
years, but this is the first time that a
plan has been used to have those who
actually opposed the men in action
pick the best players.
On the second team, Kreuger, In-
diana, and Rasey, Minnesota, draw
the forward berths, Fisher, Northwest-
ern, is named for the pivot position,
and Harrigan, Michigan and McDon-
ough, Chicago, are selected as the de-
fensive men.
Contrary to what was expected, the
balloting was unusually fair. Mchi-
gan's votes were scattered between
Doyle, Cunningham, and Fisher for
honors at center. McDonough received
only two votes from the Chicago team
for the honorary position.
The comments made by the players
show a. very keen ability at judging
and selecting the best men. Fisher,
the Northwestern center writes of
Doyle, "Doyle is a great jumper. He
is also a hard man to guard and has
a habit of coming straight down the
floor and shooting baskets just before
he reaches the foul circle. He shoots
so quickly and is so deceptive that
guards are afraid to come out for him
for fear he will 'pass off'."
Spradling, Purdue, was generally
picked because of his fast floor game.
Beckner, chosen as his running mate,
was hailed as the fastest man in the
Conference at bringing the ball into
shooting position. Kreuger, and Ra-
sey, chosen as second team forwards,
were not far behind the leaders, and
it was the great playing of the latter
which was largely responsible for the
sensational finishing spurt of the
Gopher five.
McConnell, Iowa, was almost unani-
mously picked as the best guard of the
Big Ten, being referred to as the
"smartest thinging guard, and the
backbone of the Iowa team."
Haines, Illinois, chosen as McCon-
nell's running mate, had a slight
edge over Harrigan, Wolverine star.
Haines' steady defensive play, along
with his scoring prowess, gave him
an advantage over his op onent who
is also one of the best de nsive men
in the Conference. McDonough, Chi-
cago, who is only a sophomore, was
picked as a very clever defensive man,
and hailed as a comer.
The race which say Michigan, Iowa,
Purdue, and Indiana finish in a tie for
the Conference title also finds the all-
star team evenily divided among the
various teams. If one of the four
leading teams had had two members
on this select group, there is little
doubt that they would have taken the
However, the caliber of men on the
various teams this year was such that
it is hardly fair to limit any one team
to five men. According to opinions
expressed by the players, it is proba-
ble that the second team named would
be able to defeat the first group, if
the two should take to the court in a
Lehigh university has an unusual!
mascot. It is a mud turtle which was
discovered wandering across the field
during one of the football practices.
The Oxford-Cambridge track team
will not participate in the Pennsyl-
vania relay races which will be held
next month.

In an effort to stimulate keen-
er interest in swimming at Michi- 1
gan, Coach Matt Mann, Varsity
swimming instructor, has ex-j
tended an invitation to all inter-
IIested in the sport to enter into
the special activities and class-
es that have been arranged.
Coach Mann will give special in- J
struction in swimming to anyone
who wishes it, free of charge. j
The Michigan Union in co--j
j operation with Coach Mann's
program, has reduced the ad-1
mission fee to the pool from 25
cents to 10 cents on Thursday
nights. According to tentative
plans, there will be four spec-I
iality races on each Thursdayj
night's program, and medals will
be given to the winners in each
event. Members of the Varsity
j swimming team have been bar-j
red from this competition. f
Members of the faculty are
cordially welcomed to join the
faculty swimming class which
nmeets every Monday and Thurs-
day at noon.
1 ..
Intramural officials have announced
that the annual interclass relay races
will be held at 7 o'clock Wednesday
night at Waterman gymnasium. Eight
teams have already entered the meet.
The contest consists of a four man
team, each to run one lap.
Interfraternity basketballteams are j
gradually being eliminated from the
tournament, and only a few remain toI
fight it out for the title.
The games scheduled for Monday
night follow: class A, 7 o'clock-Tau
Epsilon Phi vs. Delta Chi; Sigma Nu
vs. Theta Xi; 9:15 o'clock-Beta Thetaj
Pi vs. Alpha Rho Chi; Phi Chi vs.
Lambda Chi Alpha.
Society league schedule for Monday
night: 7:45 o'clock-Webster club vs.:
Mt. Clemens club; 8:30 o'clock-Ohio
club vs. Lawyers club; Walworthi
club vs. Polonia literary society; Loy-
ola club vs. Akron club.#
The Olympic games were first held1
in Greece, not later than 1307 B. C.,1
and possibly as early as 1453 B. C.I


Smiithi 1Fa11F4In Ieavyweight
NOl Lo ;es In 115


Champions were decidcd in two
weight divisions of the freshman
wrestling tournament yeste=.=tay af-
ternoon at Waterman gymnasiutm and
finalists picked for the bouts to be
held at 3 o'clock today.
Asbeck, the 208 pound giant, won his
numerals in the heavyweight class by
throwing Smith in 1 minute 35 sec-
onds in the final bout. Outweighed by
25 pounds, Smith put up a plucky fight
but he was no quite equal to the task,
for Asbeck had won his way into the
finals a few minutes earlier by se-
curing a fall over Baldwin in 14 sec-
onds. Smith threw Holpuck in 2 min-
utes in the preliminary round.
Hager was crowned champion of the
175 pound class after about 30 see-
( onds of wrestling with "Red" Monroe.
Hager won his way into the finals at
1 the expense of Meese in a little more
than 2 minutes.
Toivonen and Mol, 145 pounds, stag-
ed the feature of the afternoon when
ithey went through two overtime per-
iods without either of them securing
an advantage. In the third extra two
minutes, Toivonen managed to pin
Mol's shoulders to the mat, and win
his way to the finals.
Lamont, who was handicapped by
an injury, won two matches to enter
in the 135 pound finals. After throw-
ing Seaman, he was held even for the
regular period by Englefried in the
semi-finals, threw him in an extra
The other matches were as follows:
Miller threw Reuben, 115 pounds;
Moore threw Mendlesohn, and Sims
threw Marks, 125 pounds; Finley
threw Shore, 135 pounds; Parker
threw Clark, 158 pounds.
The five finals this afternoon will
bring together Miller and Bruce, 115
pounds, Moore and Sims, 125 pounds,
Lamont and Finley, 135 pounds, Miller
and Toivonen, 145 pounds, and Parker
and Warren, 158 pounds.
Princeton may be afforded the spec-
tacleofea coach instructing his var-
sity crews on horseback if the ice on
Lake Carnegie has not disappeared by
the end of the week.


Displaying a brilliant offensive, from that time on the Capital City
Lansing high school defeated Pontiac boys were never headed. At the end
by a score of 35 to 10 last night at Frank Harrigan, "Bo" Molenda, and
Waterman gymnasium and earned the of the first half, due to the sure eye
right to play in the finals of the sec- of Killoran and the close guarding of Richard Doyle were named on an all-
tional basketball tourney. Tonight, Kipke, brother of Michigan's, famous star basketball team which Captain
the winners will meet Ann Arbor, ,who j football star, the score was 16 to 3, Vic Hanson of Syracuse picked from
upset Port Huron last Thursday to and the outcome of the game was the opponents he had faced during the
the tune of 25 to 19, to decide the clearly demonstrated. past season
champions of this district. { The second half started with Kil- Harrigan impressed the Syracuse
Each team, however, is sure of en- loran and Raymond sinking baskets scoring ace most by his close guarding
tering the state tournament that will from all parts of the floor, and the in the Michigan-Syracuse contest.
be held here next week, as both first Pontiac five were completely bewilder- Hanson, finishing the season with an
and second place winners in the sec- ed. average of sixteen points for each
tional qualif'y for the state tourna- Iri the last three minutes, however, game, succeeded in scoring only five
ment. I the Pontiac team suddenly came to points until the last five minutes of
Lansing stepped into the lead im- Ilife, and scored 7 points in rapid suc- the game when Harrigan was taken
mediately after the start of the game, cession, but the whistle blew soon out for personal fouls. In the final
when Killoran sunk a short shot, andI after. minutes he scored eight points.
Va ovenCresA Th




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1 11




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