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March 20, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-20

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Drys Agree To Hearing Rut Say They
Will Fight Any Move Towards
Modification Or Repeal
(By Associated Press)'
WASHINGTON, March 19.--Open
congressional hearings on the prohibi-
tion question moved a step nearer to-
day with a decision by a Senate ju-
diciary sub-committee to recommend
to the entire committee next Monday,
that such proceedings be ordered.
Under the program agreed uponj
over the protest of Senator Walsh,
Democrat, Montana, the "wets" and
"drys" would be given six days each
in which! to, present evidence and ar-
Carries On ight
Senator Walsh plans to carry his
fight against public hearings to the
entire committee.
Senators Edge, Republican, New
Jersey, and Bruce, Democrat, Mary-

Secret ballots cast in three
Irhetoric classes show that out of
97 students, 39 do not care
whether or not the Majestic
theater bandit is caught; 31 are
in sympathy with him and hope
that he eludes police; while ' 7'
express the hope that he be
soon jailed.
In giving reasons for his vote,
one student said he was influ-
enced by the fact that he re-
cently had been robbed of $30;
a girl said she favored convic-
tion, because a class mate had
been a terrorized witness of the
Blanshard Believes Straight Unionism
With Cirosed Shop And Open
Union Is Solution
Emphasizing the need for more con-
trol of industry by the employee, Paul
Blanshard, '14, gave his sixth lecture
here yesterday aftornoon in Natural


Jandt, leaders o fL e wets are sat- Science auditorium on the subject of
isfied with the program proposed, "Industrial Democracy."
while Wayne B. Wheeler, general There are many defects in organized
counsel for the Anti-Saloon League, industry today regarding the relationI
said the league was not opposed to between capital and labor, said Mr.
a hearing, but would oppose at every Blanshard, in explaining that the
step of the legislative procedure any laboring man is never sure of his job
measure that would weaken or repeal nor guaranteed enough to live on.
the national prohibition act. The total absence of power on the
The sub-comnmittee decided to post- part of the employee, except his re-
pone indefinitely consideration of the course to the strike, was pointed out
bill by Senator Edwards, Democrat, as another evil of the present indus-
New Jersey, for repeal of the Volstead trial system. According to Mr. Blan-
act. This will leave five measures on shard, any tendencies of the worker
which the hearings would be held f to express independent opinion is
with attention given first to the con- completely suppressed by the contin-
stitutiorial amendment proposed by ual fear of the loss of his job. He
Senator Bruce to change the eigi- cited instances during Iris experience
teenth amendment so that the gov- campaigning for the late Senator La-
einment would control the manufac- Follette in which employees were1
ture and distribution of intoxicants, threatened with a shut down of the
vlth the status quo of local option factories in event 1.jle.
restored as it existed when the eigh- election.
teenth amendment was ratified. Three popularly supported cures for
Hearings would then follow on the the present situation were given as
four bills for modification of the Vol- purchase of stock by the employee,
stead act. One of these, by Senator development of company unions, and
Edwards, proposes to legalize four per straight trade unionism. The first, Mr.
cent beer; another, by Senator Edge, } Blanshard stated, was impractical
would legalize 2.75 per cent beer; and j since small savings of the working
still another by the same senator family were generally Exhausted by
would legalize beer "not intoxicating [doctor bills and unemployment, leav-
in fact." The fourth would remove I ing nothing for investment. Company
the present restriction of prescription unions are also unpracticable since
whiskey. the final decision is left to the head]
Confine hearings of the industry, the union acting only
The sub-committee decided that the as an advisory body.
hearings should be confined to bills Straight trade unionism with the
themselves without going into the closed shop and open union, Mr.
general proposition of whether pro- Blanshard feels is the first and logi-k
hibition has become a success or a cal step to the solution of the prob-f
failure. Direct information would be lem. "I believe it is possible," he
sought as to how the pending bills stated, "to bring about a system of
would or would not aid in correcting collective bargaining between organiz-
conditions as they exist with respect j ed labor and the employees which will.
to law violations and difficulties in promote industry." Public aversion
enforcing the Volstead act.; for the union was attributed to the
abuses of the building unions which
deal directly with the public.
Opens -emorialBallIn &asadena;
Addresses Ciast Altinin!
"Some people paint the new Russia
PASADENA, Calif., March 19.- black; others, as the communists, paint
Prof. A. S.- Warth'in of the Medical it white; as a matter of fact, it is
school of (he University of Michigan probably a light gray," declared Paul
gave the dedicatory address at the Blanshard, '14, contributing editor of
Stanley Black Memorial building here the Nation in an address at the Law-
tonight. His subject was "A Theory yers' club last night. Mr. Bl3anshard.
as to the Relat on of Heredity to Can- who recently completed a trip around
cer " the world, also said that industry in
_.. ... .. 1T2,cc~o 1 1 1 . 3 J1th nrnn , ,

Expect Glenville High School 0(
Cleveland To Give Detroit
School Hard Run
More than 260 high school track ath-
letes, representing 26 schools, will
gather in the Yost field house this af-
ternoon and tonight for the second
annual Michigan Interscholastic in-'
door track and field meet to be run
under the auspices of the Athletic As-
sociation. The preliminaries will be-
gin at 1 o'clock this afternoon, with
the drawings for the heats in the track
events, while the finals will be held
at 7:30 o'clock tonight.
The pick of scholastic track pe-
formers will be represented here from
four states, Ohio, Illinois, and In-
diana having schools entered besides
those from all parts of Michigan, with
the result that many new records may
be set.
Colt Sars Return
Detroit Northwestern, winner of
of last year's meet by a large margin,
is again entered, and many of the Colt
stars will perform on the field house
track once more. In capturing first
place in the meet last year, North-
western amassed a total of 51 1-2
points which was more than thre
times the number that Cass Tech,
which placed second, secured. Thisi
year the Colts have already won the1
indoor city championship, and are
favorites in the meet tomorrow.
Of the schools outside the state
iGlenville high school of Cleveland
should prove a strong contender for
the title. This school is sending a
team of 14 men to the meet, and, al-
though not much is known of their
actual strength, it is expected that it
Will present a good team. Both Waito
and Libbey high schools of Toledo
e squads and should
gure near the top of the point scor-
ers. East Hhigh school of Columbus
is the other Buckeye entry, with six
men competing for them.. It is not
likely that such a number will place
them among the leaders.
Indiana Schools Here
Froebel high school of Gary, Elston
high school of Michigan City and
Elkhart high school of Elkhart are
the only Indiana institutions that will
participate in the meet, and these
three have only small entries. Illi-
nois will be represented in the meet
by Austin high school of Chicago and
Thornton high school of Harvey. The
latter has but one entry, while Aus-
tin will be represented by 15 track-
sters. In the meet last year Austin
finished fourth with seven points.
(Continued on Page Six) }
Presenting two performances today,
" Why Marry?" the Masques produ-
tion of the Jesse Lynch Williams com-
edy, will close its run at the Mimes
theater. The performance tonight
which was added at the last minute
1 because of the greaet demand for
seats, will bring the total to five ap-
pearances, marking the longest con-
secutive run of any legitimate student
production in Ann Arbor.-
Seats still remain for both perform-
ances today, according to those in
charge of the ticket sale.
The matinee is being given pri-

marily to allow the members of the
cast of the Junior Girls' play to at-
tend, but the seat sale is open to the
public. This will be the first matinee
!given in Mimes theater, and those in
charge believe that by presenting it,
they are enabling many students to
witness the performance who could
not do so otherwise.
The evening performance will close
early enough to permit attendance at
dances. Reserved seats at 50 and 75
cents for both of the performances to-
day may be ordered by phoning the
box office of the Mimes theater any
time today, and will be held until a
half hour before the curtain.

Simplicity To
Mark BMirial Of
Col. Coolidge
(By Associated Press)1
PLYMOUTH, Vt., March 19.-Col.
John C. Coolidge, father of the Presi-
dent, will be buried tomorrow in the
little cemetery near this hamlet with
simplicity in keeping with his eighty
years of life.
Arrangements for the funeral were
made today after the arrival here ofI
the President, who learned of his
father's death while hastening to his
bedside from Washington.
Services, brief and extremely simpleI
will be held at 2 p. m. in the Coolidge
homestead. They will be conducted
by the Rev. John White, of the near-
by village of Sherburne, who will use
the latest revision of the Episcopal
burial office. There will be neither
hymn singing or eulogy.E
After the burial, the President and
Mrs. Coolidge expect to start on theirr
return journey to Washington, arriv-
ing there Sunday. The special train
which brought them to Woodstock, 16
miles from here, is being held for the
return trip.
League Council Convokes Meeting To!
Consider Reservations
Of U. S. Enutrance
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, March 19.-Disinclination
by certain countries to take responsi-
bility for answering the communica-

l Boxes Of Daffodils Adorn Orchestra
iPlatform; Floral Numerals
Add To Beauty
Slowly proceeding up the ballroom
floor to the tune of "The Victors"
played by Sammy Stewart's/ colored
musical organization of Chicago, mem-
bers of the class of '29 wended their
way four 'timeis (around the dance
floor in the grand march of the Frosh
Frolic last night in the Union, and
came to a brief halt in the center of
the ballroom while the picture was
taken. Miss Dorthea Bachman of De-
troit, a graduate of Pine Manor col-
lege in Wellesley, Mass., and J. Frank-
lin Miller, chairman of the affair, led
the procession and were followed oy
class officers, committeemen, and the
patrons and patronesses.
Fountains Play Light
The ballroom was transformed into
a veritable spring garden. Filled
boxes of fragrant daffodils were num-
erous on and about the orchestra plat-
form and the chaperon booth. Water
fountains near the entrance and at the
end of the ballroom gushed fine sprays
before the colored light rays, and a
flowered " '29" in numerals on a maize
and blue background, made by the
Ann Arbor Floral company, was hung
above the masonry at the end of the

30 Hours To Coast
i: , ..

Pilot Fred Kelley;
A 30-hour air mail service between
Los Angeles and New York will be
begun in April by Western Air Ex-
press, Inc., which proposes to operate;
its planes faster than those of the gov-
ernment. A plane carrying 1.000
pounds at the rate of 145 miles an
hour is being prepared for Pilot Fred
Kelley, shown above, to make the
first trip.
Attempt Tor ay Blame For Shooting
In Front Of Palace On Radical
Movement Of Students

tion of the United States concerning floor. Hundreds of garlands of south-
American membership in the World ern smilax hung from the pillars, and
colorod edoen.sts stcood nar the or-


court with reservations, is believedM in 1 chesta a"l c .L
chestra alcove.
some league circles to have inspired Palms, between which were floral
the initiative of the league council boxes of pandanus and ferns, lined the
in convoking a conference of the I floors of both the main ballroom and
members of the world court to dis- the adjacent smaller ballroom. Pots
mussthes tewnreservations, ad of rambler roses were placed near the
cuss hAmerican sand atron booth at the south end of the
the council's dlecision to request the ballroom and also in the balconies.
United States to participate in the con- Tinted lights from the lanterns in the
ference. balcony played upon the dancers dur-
There was an informl exchange of ing the evening.
views by the jurists of various gov- The light colors of the girl's gownsi
ernments present at the recent league { formed a pleasing contrast to the sub-
assembly, and the idea of making com- imdued background of the floral deco-
mon reply to Washington seems to I rations, and. the occasional increase in
have come as a sequence to these dis- light from the Japanese lanterns be-
cussions. It is learned that the jurists tween the dance numbers served to
pointed out to their ministers the pos- f enhance this contrast.
sibility that a government might un- Due to the late arrivals and also to'
qualifiedly accept some of the Amer!- I those who left early, the ballroom was
can conditions, but hesitate as to I at no time exceptionally crowded al-
others, thus delaying if not rendering though nearly 300 couples were there
totally impossible, American member- . at some time during the evening.
ship in (the court.
{ All governments are described as Given R;ecordbooksI
desiring American adhesion and no Each couple was presented at the
I one government, it is declared, wishes entrance with a miniature recordbook
to take the onus of refusing the Amer- within which was a record and its
icaln conditions, preferring to consult j holder for each dance. The cover ofI
with the other governments before a these "records" of the party was of
reply is dispatched to Washington. leather and embossed with the Michi-
The jurists apparently believe that ! gan seal.
if theAmerican representatives coine The committee, which started mak-
to Geneva and interpret the Amer- I ing arrangements for this affair soon
can conditions to the agents of the after Christmas vacation was con!-
other signatories, a new protocol to I posed of the chairman, Herbert K.
the court statutes could be drawn up Oakes, Jr., Donald W. Easter, Charles
Iand signed by all. Moor, Frederick Winfield, C. H. Bar-
One suggestion is that Washington naby, Jr., Dalton D. Walper, Beatrice
could send an ambassador, several M. Barrett, Helen Rankin, Bernadine
senators, and legal experts to the Sep- H. Malay, and Louise O. Murray:
tember conference for a general ex--
change of views and the drawing up I
of an agreement. As it is realized SUNDE 1riiiM R
that such an American delegation I
probably would be unable to definitely
accept any protocol arrangement, it
is remarked that provision could;emade forsubmittimg the agreement _ _
to the United States Senate for its Prof. E. R. Sunderland of the Law
approval.school left last niht for Aust ,x

(By Associated Press)
PEKING. March 19.-Tme

[ore Authority At Washington Would
Injure Stability Of Government,
Michigan Team Argues
MADISON, Wis., March 19--
Wisconsin' defeated the Michigan
debate tea m in the Midwest league
here tonight. The defeat places
the three teanms in the league in a
tie for first place.
Michigan wasq victorious over Illi-
iois last night in a debate at Hill
auditorium on the subject, "Resolved,
hat the tendency to centralize power
mnd responsibility in the federal gov-
mnment should be opposed." The
dichigan team, composed of Robert
. Miller, '27, James T. Herald, '28,
nd Albert Stern, '27L, upheld the,
flirmative of the question and differ-
Ad with their Illini opponents, Eliza-
>eth Turnell, '28, Herbert T. Owen, '27,
md C. Kennefth Thies, '27, on the dis-
.ribution of power between the fed-
mal and state governments.
The debaters from Illinois favored a
ventral power strong to govern the
vhole country in every respect, while
he local team expressed fear lest
iving the government at Washington
lower to legislate in personal and
ocal matters would detract from its
tability and dignity.
Lone Judge Decides
The decision in favor of the Michi-
an team was cast by tbke single
udge, Professor Emerson W. Miller of
Wooster, O., while Paul Blanshard,
14, visiting in Ann Arbor after a trip
round the world, presided.
The debate was held under the aus-
ices of the Midwest debate league of
which Michigan, Illinois, and Wiscon-
in are members.
Miller opened the contest, describ-
ng the historical background of the
entralization tendency. He main-
:ained that it had been the intention
f the authors of the constitution to
inaugurate a dual system of govern-
rnent in which the states and the fed-
eral government were integral parts.
Miss Turnell than opened the nega-
tive arguments. Like her opponent
she went into the historical side of
the question, pointing out that the
tendency which the negative was fa-
voring had arisen because of eco-
nomic and natural changes in the
The affirmative case was resumed
by Herald, who dwelt on the failure
of the centralized enforcement of such
acts as the prohibition amendment,
and upon the inability of a: body lo-
cated at Washington to impose stand-
ard laws on the people of Texas and
Vermont alike.
Owen, the second negative speaker,
discussed the necessity of standa'rd
education throughout the country.
Quotes Coolidge
The aflirmative case was closed by
Stern, who based his speech on Cool-
idge's statement that "What we need
is ijot more federal government, but
stronger local government." The quo-
tation, he said, stated the position of
the affirmative.
Thies, in the closing constructive
speech, stated that many crisis were
liable to arise in the future tha~t
would demand strong action front
Washington. He pointed to the trou-
bles in agriculture and industry, and
to the wide discrepancies in the laws
of the several states.

In the rebuttals the debaters de-
voted their time to questioning the
practicability of the two plans.
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, March 19. - The great
League of Nations reorganization'
scheme was launched yesterday. The
statesmen noting that Geneva's insti-
tution of peace and international co-
operation was endangered by the past
week's extraordinary events, caused
chiefly by the veto of Brazil against
Germany's entry into the league have
determined that the moment has ar-
rived to re-fashion the league cove-
Germany and her ministers, who re-
turned to Berlin without being grant-
ed the legal rights to membership,


government acted today to repress the R
radical movement among- students
and teachers and -attempted to throw
on this movement the blame for yes-
terday's shooting in front of the ex-
ecutive palace, as a resuit or which
32 persons, including two gi'rl stu-
dents, are dead.
The government ordered the arrest
of half a dozen radical leaders, in-
eluding the director of the Sino-Rus-
sian university, a former minister of
education, and professors in the na-
tional university. It also prohibited
mass meetings, yesterday's tragedy
having followed a gathering of 2,000
students and other radicals to pro-
test against the government's of the
powers' ultimatum demanding clear-
ing of the way from Tientsin to the
Forsythe Sees
No Change In
Grip Epidemic!
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the IHealth service, announced late
yesterday that the grippe situation
was materially the same. While there
has been no increase in either the
number of cases or in the severeness
of the disease, there is no evidence
that relief is in sight. New cases
continue to develop at the rate of 50,
a day.
Doctor Forsythe repeated his warn-
ing to those suffering- with the dis-
ease not to try to get up before th y
have thoroughly recovered, reminding
them that many students have ex-
perienced relapses from leaving their
beds too soon. le advises the vic-
tims to stay in bed, eating as little
as possibile and drinking plenty of
water. Fruit juices and lemonade are
! also valuable. Grippe is highly con-
tagious, and, for the sake of other
I persons, the victims of the epidemic
should isolate themselves as much as


The Stanley Black Memorial was
given by a citizen of Pasadena to the
physicians of the city and the sur-
rounding country to be used for medi-
cal meetings and as the headquarters
of the county medical association. The
late Stanley Black also set aside aI
fund for a lecture each year to be
given by prominent scientists, the first
of which will be given by Professor
Warthin tomorrow night.
Professor Warthin addressed Michi-
gan aiumni of Los Angeles at a lun-
cheon this noon. He is also sche-
duled to speak before the Southwest-
ern Pediatric society of Los Angeles
Monday, March 22 on "Erythredema."
WASHINGTON. - President and
Mrs. Coolidge attended a dinner party
given last night at the Hotel Willard
by Secretary Work.

!tussia hat turned the coiner, ants,
while it is not fair to compare con-
ditions there with those in this coun-
try, it is very evident that Russia to-
day is nearly as well off as it was
before the war.
The extreme war communism has
broken down, in the opinion of Mr.
Blanshard, and in its place there is a
modified system of socialism and capi-
talism which is about three-fourths
government controlled in the cases of
most of the industries. The factories
appear to be much like our own ex-
cept that there is a committee :f
workers which has a voice in all of
the human relations of the factory,
such as pay, hours, and working con-
ditions; and there is a bureau of the
government which has final jurisdi,-
tion in these matters. All labor in
Russia is unionized.
Mr. Blanshard was iintroduced by
Welch Pogue, of the University of

Bell System
Officials To

g 3:1~ CL M UL11L W tU LI, IU .,
where lie will deliver a series of lec-
tures dealing with modern problems
in legal procedure. Professor Sunder-
land, who is considered an authority

M eet Sen ors "on the laws of procedure has given
muchimpetus to agitation for a sim-
plification of the administration of
Representatives of the various justice. Durming the summer of 1924
resemtatihes of the rsyt m oim I- and the following half year he stud-
branches of thme Bell system iull in-ied legal procedure in England.
terview seniors of the Engineering Professor Sunderland will give a
college and of the School of Business series of five lectures both to the stu-
Admiinistration in regard to perma- dents of the University of Texas law
neat employment, and other students I school and to- the student body at
.o ' large. His subjects will be "A Cen-
in regard to temporary work during tury of Law Reform in England,"
the summer next week, from Monday "Modern English Practice," "The
to Thursday. Problem of Jurisdiction," "The Prob-
The recruiting delegation meeting lem of Trying Issues," and "The
engineering students will establish its Problem of Appellate Review."
headquarters in room 109 of the West 1( j+
Engineering building, while another Blood Transfusion
i ;1 1 1 . '-.-.,-. -4-.,-..-f,, I.V'l 0 *



Applications for tickets to the an-
nual Military ball to take place in
Waterman gymnasium Friday, April

(ItrX+h~rMa n

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