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March 19, 1926 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-19

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FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1928



Play H

s 2f1 P roducti ns of "Jane Climbs a Mountain," the old nitude of scale only by the Union

1. !



d &" iLAL RW a fr -A-"A V AP &9(%, 49,W 9,7 tradition was thrown to the winds, !Opera.. Each year the junior women
As H istorical Bd k roun nd."men were allowed to view the per- themselves have had a little more
formances. It is, perhaps, a signifi- to do with the production of their
cant fact that that year marked one: class play. Some of the earlier plays
its pro- praiseworthy, as of the most successful productions were even written by men, but now
Withis twenty-secod annualp- was considered very that had ever been given. Mr. Brumm practically all fields of the production
duction, the Junior Girls' play has well as the duenna of the princess, considers it among the best of the ten are covered by the junior women;
revcrted to its originw I form, a gentle played by Irene Bigalke, in the latter. Junior plays that he directed. with a general play chairman at the
satire of the University campus, and Both junior and senior women attend- The success of "Jane Climbs a head, there is a dance committee, a
fun-making at the expense of it's ed these plays. Mountain" was followed in 1924 by property committee, music committee,
Ieolple and institutions. "Becky Be-
have," written by. Margaret Lord, '2 7,1One o fthe best of the earlier the permanent adoption of the policy advertising and publicity committee,
Owosso, Michigan, has throughout a productions of the Junior play in the of open performances retaining how- every sort of a committee that is need-
local setting; the scenes are laid inlight of musical success was the pre- ever the tradition o an honorary now functions smoothly with an
loa Asetrtin; te ces asre, ad n tperformance for the senior woman the able chairman at the head. The jun-
Ann Arbor, in a local book store, and sentatio in 1914 of "The Treasure of first night of the production. "Thank !or women now go outside the class
iin araternity gardlen.I Tule." "Castles, Fairy Castles," the You, Madam," took on more of the for practically nothing but the di-?
The first annual Junior' play, given song hit of the play, is considered onej type of the musical comedy than had; rector and the music.
on the evening of swing out, 1905, was of the best songs that has ever been been previously the case, with its Mr. Brumm worked long and hard I
an outgrowth of a little entertainment written for a Junior Play. variety of chorus numbers, from the in the interest of the junior women,
dealing with Buster Brown at Michi- The eleventh annual play, "The dance of the old grads, to the messen- and was largely responsible for the
gan, produced in 1904, and followed a Come Back" returned to the theme of ger boys chorus, and the song of the growth of the productions; he it was
suggestion of Mrs. Myra Jordan, dean campus life, representing Ann Arbor little Chinese maidens. who advised them on everything from
of women at that time that the junion in 2002, an institution of learning for The twenty-first annual production the correct inflection of their voices
women write and present a play in of the play, "Castles in Spain," given to the color schemes of their cos-
honor of the graduating class. The women only, all the men having left last year combined the atmosphere of! tumes; it was e who organized the
1904 production, "Everysenior," was years agro to fight in the World War. Is ercm)n~ h topeeo uevi a i h raie h
t4raveston, "he1(raity," play, yea eat ih the returnd of , the campus with the romantic treas- circuses between performances of the
a travety oi the old morality play, The play dealt with the return of the !nre hunt in Spain to discover enough play on days of matinee perform-
and was staged in Barbour gym- men to Michigan, after a long hard money to complete the Women's ances, to keep them from dissolving
nasium. battle with the dean of women. That League fund. The cast was a large into a state of sympathetic tearful-
The following year "Alice in Senior- play was the first to be produced out- one, ,and, with the choruses, numbered ness; and it was he who for so long
land" was given, with various mem- f side of Ann Arbor, making an out-of- 150. Mary Lou Ciller as Jose, the acted as a buffer between the women
hers of the faculty represented by the town trip to Toledo, ,at the invitation dashing young Spanish lover, and and the dean, who was ,at that time
Cheshire Cat, the Mock Turtle, and of the Association of collegiate Jane White, in the comedy role of the prejudiced against the appearance of
the iriflin. The play dealt with the Alumni. It was at this time also thatp rofessor are remembered as two of women dressed in men's clothing.
travels of a freshman through senior- senior women first attended the play the outstanding actresses in last l Amy Loomis, '22, who directed the
land, and ended with the dispatching !wr np year's play.jJunior Girl's play last year, and whos
r inJunidyoraknirl'sr play andar
to cooking school of .a group of sen- in a body, making their first appear- The Junior Play has always had an is putting on this years production of
, who admitted they had become once in caps and gowns, ,and that iphill path; starting with a little "Becky Behave," needs no introduc-
(-nga ged during their college course. Prof. John S. Brumm, of the journal-' farce produced in the gymnasium it tion to the campus; her success with
"Dun Quixote, the Co-ed Knight," ism department, undertook the direc- has grown to "life-size" dimensions, "Castles in Spain" is in itself alone
was the production of 1905, in which tion of the Junior plays, which he and is now a traditional campus pro- 1enough to merit the large box office
Don Quixote and his squire Sancho continued until last year. duction rivalled in success and mag- returns of this year's play.
1anza aiarrived on campus to s'ave The score for the "Yankee Yogie,'
the seniors from being overworked by I given in 191;, was the first complete
iheir professors. With this pirodue- score of a .Junior play ever published.
ion, the play began to attract the at- The play, the theme of which was
titio. of the men, as was shown by strongly reactionaryito the war, was
ws profesd tat t given a second time in Detroit, beore
an audience of women. "Feicia Fin- 1'oLI a UOP ANA IHTP
masculine element of the campus re- esses," produced the following year
s4neldbeingb1redfro "tlegay ewasaotproductheollowingayea
ittEfunionseld under Mrs. J was another reactionary play Springtime nearing means thought about decor-
During the rehearsing of Meddling
With Mars" in 1918 plans for moving atng your home. You want the woodwork and
With the pres(ntation of ":Vichi- the next years production to the Whit- walls to reflect beauty, cleanliness and cheerful-
guse" in 1908 the Junior flay con- ney theater were being carefully con-
tinued its tradition of local setting, sidered. In view of the fact that men ness.
aid began to attract attention with were not allowed to attend the pre-
it's song hits, one of the most popu- sentations of the play at that time, We are amply prepared to aid and advise you
lar being "The Rah! Rah! College and, in consequence, the prospects of
olow box office returns, the future look- in your spring redecorating. Our shelves are
" "ngan," of 1909, was the first i year wa unusually successful, and loaded with paints and varnishes of high grade
Junor latu"of 1909,rsenthe fmrste obfl u h rdcinta ~ '- n rd
.inior play to he Iresented at more the following year found the junior goods for every purpose. Our wall hangings are
han one performance; the first pro- women staging "Gold" in the Whitney
sentation was given for senior women, theater. Not only was the play pro- of the highest grade and patterns, in both import-
and a second fo'r all women on the duced that year for the first time in ed colorings and unique designs.
campus. history at the Whitney theater, but
"I' ds and Co-eds," of 1910, was an- !plans were made for a trip to Detroit
cihir campus play, but 1911 marked with the next production, "Patricia Have you purchased one of our $1.50 pictures
a departure from the local setting, Passes," a trip which has not since for $1.00?
with the production of a Mother Goose , been attempted.
farce of no name. ! The 1921 production, "Selina Sue"
The next two plays, "In Old Bag-| was chiefly renowned for its black
dad," and "In the Realm of Dreams" porter, Sam, and for its catchy tunes,
we"dependingfReputations, and Overhead Ex-
i Ipease." The cannibal chorus of the
fet largely on costuming and music, next production, "Sceptres and Sere-
ailthough the portrayal of the char- nades" an d its sonig, "The Ladies" 203 East Washington St. Dial 9313
acter of Reginald Worthingham of were the play's chief claims to popu-
(xford, traveling in the Orient, played larity.
i . Mary Palmer, in the. former play At last, in 1923, with the production



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Springtime Accessories
For Your Easter Costume
It is such seemingly small things as the cuff on your
gloves, the style of your handbag, the boutonniere
on your lapel, and the hankie in your pocket that
will lend real distinction to your Easter ensemble.
In planning the main parts of your costume, your
wrap and hat, don't overlook the important details
that can add so much to the attractiveness of the
Narrow cuffs turnedl back or flaring are beau-
1ifully emnbroideredI in gay spring flower de-
signs. Plain (doeskin slipons are also very
smart. Many styles at $3.50.
Large pouch shapes with or without a dec-
orative monogram come in vivid reds, greens
and purples that will add a bright touch to
Easter costumes. $3.50 to $10.00.
Slave link bracelets' and Charlot band neck-
laces are quite the vogue just now, but jew-








The Yellow and Blue








University of Michigan Band
The Record with the Real Michigan Spirit!
We are prepared to pack for Parcel Post. Send Yours Now!


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