FRIDAY, ATAUCII 19, 19.116 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE t rvr.N w Ji~RIDAY, MARCH 19, 1926 PAGE tEVEN .. ..a....r.:..a.. g icLg n ntre ready sent word that they will enter F UI~1 IILIII Michigan Enteredati tes. The program of events con- I In Kansas Rela s i:,t- of 15 relay races and nine special{ tra ck evenlts. TOUHNEY ITAM 1S TODAY t Practically allofuteual_ mot ofear soVagai all uofl. ohteo1the issoui Val ties, colleges, junior college's, cud le- cnfrecetemswil 1aain send 1 E l , tnt, ; 1. Il ? lk L1flk., and .L rtT*,,fZ atn MVore than 30 men have weighed in for the freshman wrestling tourna-j anent to be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon and tomorrow in Waterman gymnasium, and from these aspirantsI will be picked the seven numeral win- huers of this gear's squad. Some of th'e most pr"omising wrest- ler's have not had their work confinedI to practice in the gyminasium.hbut have furnishing most of the comspeti- tion for Coach Keen's, Varsity squad. With this added experience they should show up well in the tourna- meut.E Coach Botchen said yesterday that this is the largest of Michigan fresh- man mat squads, with 54 men in training at the rbeginning of the prac- tice sesvions. With the men to fur- nish competition Coach 'Botchen sees a Conference chamnpionship 'probableI for 'next year. PAQ YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. hi Ih schools that sent athletes to the Iowa, Illinois, -innesota. Wisconsin, Kansas relays last ycar have indicated and NorI 11 xv n xae the Big Ten uni-r intentions to enter the fourth annual ° vcr itic ; which will enter the carni- outdoor track and field carnival to ire al held Saturday, April 17, at the Univer- ; Fieldim" 1-1. Yost, dirctor of at- sity of Kansas Memorial stadium. leti;es at the Uaiversitv of Michigaij, In adldition to these. institution ;, will be r~eereMof 01: 1 L Kansas relays more than six,- new schools have -,I- for this year. E1ry STUDENrTS' SPECIAL. dour piece knicker suits with regular trousers and Plus four knickers. Very light fancy colors. $50- WTIor TIen C '.LSince 1&4 8 1aitu___ _______ 0.; .lxn f I ;. u g~t i j L NOIIE---Mell Gilles};, techeltr and I sloist, thirty years exrin, If yon are a telephone subscriber call I ignuIe Man dolin, banjo, gutitar, and~ chord the Ad 1T" ker. Dial 2214:and your want . ontucin.Tleh n_77 vi be charged. cnticin eei zn4a7 The Michigan D~aily reserves the right to Wed,, Fri., SUnT,, tf. clasify all want ads under appropriate head - 1 ing and to revise or withhold objcctionabicl Tc-TeBts osSo n copy,.C'II-1eBtyRy hp'n Tihis column closes at 3 P. AL.edate preced- vi o.s you to taste their delicious ing publication. Notice of any error must be toastwiiches, strawberry shortcakes, given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES,- frulit sundaes andI saladis. 26-27-28. Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two VICTOR Single Face Red Seal Rec- * inertins.ords, 3-10 in. records for $1.00; 2-12 jNinie cents per reading line for three or more inch records for $1.00 at Schaeberle insertions. Cash classifieds received at the Daily office' & Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. in The Press Building on Maynard Street. tf. CONTRACT RATES __ _ ___ Special sta~ndardized rates given on applica- NTC--asceud he ear tion. NTC -ascend he ear ed. Absolutely the most satisfac- ILOST tory work in town. Pay us a visit. Wasliugtoii Shop, 1,)(IE. Washington LOST-Theta Kappa Psi pin, black eod-tf. and gold, with pearl border. Re- ward. Phone 3497. NOTIICE-Annia Cay; e', (406 E. Lib- 22-23-24-25-26-27-28 erty) is called to Montreal on busi- ______________________________ -ness, expects to be back in ten days. jLOST-A child's locket and gold 26-27.____________________ chain 10 days ago. "Reward. Dial 9489, 610 Thompson. Mdrs. J. E. LEAVE your order .now for the new (Martin. 25-26-27. Victor Record played by the Univ. } -. of Mich. Band at Schaeberle and ILOST-Large black traveling bag on Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. Ferdon, Washtenaw, or South Uni- Ete. versity. Rewaird if returned to 1613 - -___________ South University or call 6726. j PERPE~TUAL CALENDAR-A magne- 25-26-27l tic arrow finds the day of the week _________________________- for any date. Send 25c '($1 for 5) A Complete Line of Ihosiery for both Men and Women Special Pure Silk plated over Rayon. wide double mercerized ravel stopped, seamed leg, double sole, womeI's hosiery. Men's Caps in All Spring Colors $1.50 Values, $1.00 Suitcases of Unusual Quality at Reasonable Pries> t i), xScientifically .Selec ted and Prepared Foods Hours 11:40-1:34}, 5 :00-8:40 (Grre np i i I i HOME SUPPLY C O. F~REEL 1)1LIVE RY 2100-211 East Washington St. Diail 721:3 t ,.,., k"m Prepare for ILeadership / IIF Corner Liberty and Maynard Put an 7J" on the Register When you register at Motel Fairbiairn put an "M" after your name. It will assure you of that cordial welcome and courteous attention g accorded to all the men of Michigan who make the Fairbairn their headquarters while in Detroit. Right Downtown £ $1.50, $1.75, and $2 Daily Fror Sprg- Society rand Suitsand Topcoats Buy Your New Spring Clothes on the T'en-Paymn l You will find it more convenient to buy your Spring Clothes at Wadhams & Co. on the ten-payment plan and Columbia at John R. DETROIT Open to Men and Women Will you. eventually be a leading business executive.- or just a good employee? As a college man your chances are above the aver- age. Your academic work will serve as a solid founda- tion but, in addition, you should have special training that will enable you to elim- inate years of apprenticeship in the business world. Leadership requires a knowledge of fundamental business 'laws plus the ability to apply these laws to practical business life. Babson Institute offers an inten- sive one year course in the study and application of the fundamental laws of Finance, Production and Distribution. The institute con- centrates on training for Business leadership. Babson Institute students are young men who look forward to positions of responsibility and trust. They desire to be pre- pared so that they can fill such positions with credit to them- selves and their industries, Babson Institute Ai scientific Institution organized, niot for profit, under the educational taws of Massachusett~s. 318 Wellesley Ave., Babson Park, Mass. - Note Students may enter FOURZ TIME FS A YEtAR. Spring term starts March 29. Summer term, June 28. Course covers nine consecutive months. NOTICE YOU MIEN who are working your way through Michigan, or who want to earn some worthwhile side money---- READ TIS We are a wide awake organization and we want the part time services of some high grade, wide awake young man. Ours is not a ,real estate or peddling proposition but an opportunity of real merit, worthy of your prompt investi- gation. Write to-dlay and tell us of ,yourself in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeable appointments. Address Box 70, Michigan Daily PIANO TUI VG A TD FINISHING We repair any kind of musical in-E strument. ALLMENDINGER MUSIC! SHOP, 305 Maynard St. 26 CLEANING-Dark garments gather, the same soil that shows on light ones-$3.50 for $5.00 in work at Chemical Cleaners, 426 Thonmpson, Dial 6898. L. 0. D. tf.j for this device togother with the mathematical formula upon which it is based and rule for calculating results mentally. A. C. Washburne, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Wed-tf. MONA. BEAUTY SHOP 409 E. JEFFERSON. DIAL 22159 FRENCH MARCEL 75 CENTS I SOFT WATER SHAMPOO 50 CENTS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO HAIL, CUTTING EVENING APPOINTMENTS TYPEWRITING & MIIEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store . I tf. THlE ARBOR FIOUNTAIN invites you to try our special lunches, 'our delicious sundaes and frappes'. 26-27-28. t take ten weeks to pay. Nothing could be easier! No m interest charges, no red tape ! and topcoats for Spring are h See them. The new Society Brand suits ere. Nothing could be finer ! --and SEA ISLAND The Sea Island "label" stands for more than a manufactur- er' s trade mark. It stands for acceptance as "The Aristocrat of Shirtings". Sea Island Mills Imported Broadcloths are fine in weave, *lustrous in finish and sturdy in service. At your college haberdasher--ask him. "Insist Ulpon the Label" SEA ISLAND MILLS-INC. New York, N. Y. V 111111111 I Send for It explains the unusual methods peculiar to this instittion by which men are fitted at a minimum expenditure of time for ex- ecutive positiots . Fill in attached coupon. Babson Institute- 318 Welleley Avenue Babson Park, Masa. _ Send mue, with-out obligat~on, -"Training for Busines3 Leader- = rship" and complete particulars about Babson Institute. IName ........................ xAddress......................... =city ............................ M@ Staf@.....:.......... Corner Mai and Washington for $1.75 a load. In basement $2.00. rPhone 22388. 26-27-28.r FELLO WS! 1 ~Don't Miss This, Suits $38-Extrat trousers $45 Guaranteed to fit Custom made knickers $10 111.t DO1UKAS, 1.319 S. Uiv. 26-27-28-30-32-34-36 38 30 SAMPEL Victor records :played by the{ Univ. of Mich. Band, now being demonstrated at SCHAEBERLE &~ jSON MUSIC HOUSE, 110 S. Main St. tf. A SPLECIAL TAILOEDI SUH'I, $35.00 1 rs li. W. NHAWARI) '- 8332 S. State, over P'ratt & D~unni E. O.D. tf. 1Saw Buys .Most and Pays M1ost We Pay Cash for Your OLD) CLOTIHING Old Jewelry j ~PHONE '4306 Call Us Before You Sell, 121 E. Ann 2 6-27. PRESS5ING-Unquestionably the best pressing service in town. 'try us once. Cheer-Up Wahl, 328 So. Main.' tf LANE HALL TAVERN-Open under new management, strictly Anieri- j can. Dinner and supper parties and Banquets. 26. _______________G_ TYPWRIER NOTICE-Ashes hauled from outsideI Rebuilt and second' hand of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged,, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg-1 fest stock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORIRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona F ,t We pay highest prices for j men's uised Clot hing, Call 8044) STUDENTS TAILOR SHOP Cor. N. Untiv. and Tlhayer Tues, Thur., Fri., tf. j WANTED', WANTED-Junior or Sophomore who can devote two hours daily to sell-, ing% party programs and favors. Op- portunity for connection that will pay' your way through school next year. Call Friday, 3 to 4 or 8 to 9. Mr. Reeves, Hotel Whitney. 26 LAUNDRY-Washing and ironing,/ all clothes dried out doors. Dial 21764. f23-24-25-26-27-28. WANTED-Experienced cook would like a position in a fraternity. Call 22152, from 2' to 4. 26-27-28. WANTED-Young men desirous of making good money selling clothes. !Quick selling line at reasonable prices. M. G. Wild, 109 L+.' Washing- ton. 15-17-24-22-24=27"' j FOR RENT FOR RENT-Room, near two bus lines, 1202 Granger, nurse or in- structor preferred. Dial 7296. 25-26-27 fir f .... tnarrararaartuartraamnruu~rranrurrruanrar (U m Eprope, Orient, etc, ALL LINES AND STEAMERS One way or round trip in 1st, 2nd, Cabin or tourist's 3d class. BOOK N1OWT. Small deposit hold$ Space on tCunard, White Star, VT. S., French, Canadian 'Pacific, United American, Holland Amer. wcail, N. G. Lloyd, ]Royal Mll Swiedish. Scandinavian, Norwe- gian, Atlantic 'transport, Admi- ral, Oriental, Dollar, T. K. K., Iaimport & Holt, Grace, Faber, Italian 'National, etc. Any Line, Anywhere: To Niagara Falls, Quebec, So, Duluthi, Chicago- in season. Agpent for Thomas Cook & Soil, American Express, Clark a3d any Tour or Cruise adver- tised anywhere, 1st, 2d or Tour- is 's 3d class. All Travelers Checks, Tour- ists Accident & baggage Instir- nuwe Free Passport & Tisae in- fer~nlitioii to clients. Stfeili Oi ) rates same as in New York.. No charge for my 2Z1 1 South Main Street Meet your double-Looks / just like you- exactly 4 I your size and color. Lots4 of character and style! - I ~j .~ A suit that was made / for you and to fit you. f It's one of the new spring N -, KUPPENHElMER S U ITS! " 3e I Two Trouser Suits $50,7 5, 6 fFine custom tailored clothes, in- kdividual fit, best workmanship, cor- rect style, suit $35.00 and up. Albert Gansle, 118 E. Washington. tf NOTICE-Cisterns cleaned and re- paired by expert cistern men. Dial 22388. 26-27-28.* Arnold's State St. Xeweler Is now carrying a complete line of fountain pens-all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need, come in and" see us, we can, satisfy you. Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. tf. A. NASHI CO, Golden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and Topcoats $23.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf.j FOR SALE rn. FOR SALE-Ford Touring, model 1921 good condition. $50. Dial 6957. 26-27-28. F'OR SALE-Stutz Special Bearcat Roadster, new tires, many extras, reasonable. Call 8956. 26-27-28. FOR SALE-1923 Ford roadster, ex- cellent condition, extras, $100. Dial 6117. Pinckard. 26-27-28. i i N I P' Special Release on Victor Records- "Dinah" by Jenn Goldkette and his Orchestra; "Always" by Geo Olson and his music. Schaeberle & Son Music House. tf. The Leading STUDENT TOURS to Europe All. Expenses Afloat and Ashore $290 Up T RAVEL Student fashion, with us, the only organization having the, entire Tourist III Class of two acan Liners reserved exclusively. Find ourt the reason. Our greatest Student Sail- ings, with special orchestras and enter- tainments: S. S. ANDANIA .............June 30 IN: 11