THE FMICIITC.AN DfATT N ' 17lnAV ,A7=2t.TT 14 1094 Cf +vs s ....a aavr' v vr- a a. a 1.'fllhAX, 1lA1t)I1'J, A100,!+ LOCK QOD1o p 1' T erritorie4 ''s Of United States "Pat" Page Named ~ONEH1 WI~ BND' Seek Concessions Of Congress'!LCoach At Indianat COCRO WT ID (13v Associated Press) !(13," Assac iani Prss) seem to have put aside the idea of i- BLOOMINGTON, In., March 1.-- Orchiestration of Band 'mnler D~one " WASHING TON Mlarch iS.---early depedence, so intense two years ago. ;I1. C. "Pat" page ws selected as head By Capt. Wilfred Wilson all of Uncle Sani's territories and d- and are asking for the privilege of football coach o Indiana university pendent es areknci ga the doors !eetn their own governor fromt 1932!b the alumni athltic committee at of Congr ess demanding one form of on, with statehood as their goal. Many] a meeting today, according to n an-j As the soloist with the Varsity band, "poiticalconcessioni o'another. l influental goups in the Philippines, ! nouncement tonight by Zora G.' Cle- Albert Lockwood, head of the piano-j From the i'iili ppines, Porto Rico,f on the other hand, are as ardent as venger. athletic director.{ forte department of the University! Hawaii, Alaska, and the Virgin isl-I ever for independence. School1 of Music wil}l play a concertoi ands have comze commurn-zicatios rang- I It is certain that very few of these The University of Illinois with 35 with the ?band at Hill auditorium at J lug rom petitions for a simple changef petitions will be "granted, at least at1 points ed the colleges in points scored1 4:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The in the present form of civil govern-1 the present session of Congress. n the last Olymrpic games. number given by the band with my, . mont to requests for absolute judo- Lockwood at the piano will be a "Fan- pendence. jj tasia on the Theme from Beethoven's1 For the first time cit>zens of theOU I1 T O: 'Ruins of Athens' by Lizst. All the( Virgin Islands came this yer before orchestration for this number as well a committee of "Conresst. pitue" L AN I E S as the revision of the score for bandI restlessness in the islands and ask for r CsLdnLb ap.WifedWN[rINESSto o heiladgpen s, dreto of the band. mont. QUALITY, ONLY ITHE FINEST 't'his concert is the secondl of its!I he delega tes to Congress fromh u- hind to be given in Ann Arbor, the, waii and Alaska. have introduced bills Axst being given two years ago when Ito give their respective electorates thle If a clean market,. clean market products, choicest Mr. Lockwood and the band played power to choose their own governor ~ of quality, and right prices appeal to you, then "Concrtstuck" by Weber.' The reas-' generals. In addtion, Hawaii wants on for this innovation is that an at- a readjustment of the immigration r* Y U ME T tempt is being made to get away fromi laws as applied to Hawaians of orin- ,iA the +c ventional type of band marches tal extraction. IAh~'T usually 'presented at such a programj The demands of the P'hilippines andl OUR MVIARET said to present a number that is more Porth Rico have been the most insist- othe symphonic type. l ent of all. The Porto Ricas nowi S HE B CsMR E l a jut Huron S.Phn 4i PRE-S PRI NG0SALE Friday, Saturday, Monday Only. .W alk-Over Men's imported English Broadcloth and Oxford Shirts-- -HrMt at 'White, Tan, Blue-Collar attached or Collar Band- - r teas Values, $3.00 ........................ $1.79 BURLY $10.00 Values-All Wool Blazer Jackets, Collegian Fancy Plaids-Something new for Spring, all sizes . $5.98 - - .. $8.50 Values-Men's all-leather Oxfords-Tan or Black- New Spring Numbers,. pair ...........$4.85 Men's 'Silk Lined Caps, full sweat band, all new spring : numbers. Well known makes Values to $3.50. This sale, only........ ........... ....... $1.59 Men's Athletic Union Suits, $1.00 values........ 79c Suit I Walk-Ov'er's Latest Style Hit PN RBOR DRY GOODS COO. Instantly Popular South MainBe firt to w~ear a pair o the 316 SouhManSaippet, Classiest Soes ever worn in town. -Sorine of the Features-- ____________________________________________________________ _Nde Calf Leather Sole. Wide Toe Sunuer Weight ______________________________________________________Broad "Heel Only Egh-fft: All Wool Pre-Shirunk Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade 1 on elo' he SUITS A D T P O TSUAT $2300 BOOT SHiOP 115 south Nan St. Tailored by A. NASH CO. The Famous Golden Rule Tailors of ('lnelpuat. Ilo TRADITIONS COUNT SPECAL * "BECKY BEHAVE" BOX '.t for March 23 delivery only \ ~ I Orchid (to be worn if desired ) Roses and spring flowers Orders for this 'box must be placed bey m'arch 22r Flolvers by wI-re i, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W- The inetlrr les = ;Wat lest Oval )ffee F nsj1IL iid or ,r , Colonial Tea Kett] Colonial Cold Wat Tea Kett] Colonial Cc Percolator Trays ILer Pitchers Dripless rup Pitcher x Dish Pans d Dish Pans read Paris Loaf anid ake Pans -ep, Square ,ake Pans efrigerator iwith Cover ainers CJoffee Boilers Individual % Teapots Colonial Tea Pot with Ball Round Roasters }oval Roasters Convex Steamers Ca-seroles Oval Roasters with Tray Oblog Roasters with Tray Convex Sauce Pot Round Griddles Double Fry and Omelet Pan Measuring Spoons A // r'4 L Cc Dish Sink Stra . .4 $ r r r , Tube Cake Pans Cast Waffle Mold Colanders Dippers Skimmers Cake Turners Strainer -Ladles Colonial Beverage Mixer with .Extractor and Strainer Percolator Inset with Spreader Inset A5 C y- SOLD).A 7I) (Ai A 1TEEI) BY S TA~TE STR EET HAR DWARE X31 rIT STATE S. UA'LITYr , QL TANTIT Y 'A) PRIGES RIG.. DIAL ,~ f .:. . . . . 0%0%0%#%P.*~ M,.w .. __.._. _. ; .r 6.ii o CHAS. S. MILLEN Milen's Busy Store Dry .Goods - Ready-to-Wear .,. .,, I r t - DE LUXE ICE TB CREAM --the Perfect Dessert T HIS new ice cream creation has won great favor as a dinner dessert. Every- body loves its wholesome richness, perfect flavor and creamy smoothness. It's factory packed in pint cartons for home use. " Surprise your family At dinner to- night--treat them to this triumph in ice crea quality. Choose your favorite flavor De Luxe Vanilla,. De Luxe Chocolate, De Luxe, St. Claire (special vanilla with shaved chocolate and glazed cherries). Ask 4 Ns~.9 MR Your __ 'Dealer Arctic Dairy Products Company :~ MICHIGANa Il sojjtiz MIain S . Ann Arbor )icli. Telephone 941 This Announcement Will Be the Signal for. Tremendous, Response Friday and Saturday a The Most Wonderful Values to Be Find in Ann Arbor at- This Prie )Yan oftheCoats Are Trim med With New ,xummer Frs Now In Vogue $25.°° Dress end MJannish TaiIi oired ;Coats for Worbeviz Ni'1ssvs and J umiors-- and' Stylish Stouts rr The Colors : Thistledown Araby Sandal Woodrose Everglade Green Bluebell Rose, Black Navy, Tan Etc,9 Very smart are somne two-tone effects. with contrasting facings, embroidery or lining. All silk linedi through- out with good quality silk crepe and perfectly tailored. Pictured are but a few of the many ottractivie styles to sel- ect from. Materials Includce .. Lorsheen Twillblocum Twill 4,. a' YI r: .p :S yu Y ,j. l7 ,E iit. i Sum~mer Suede New Ptaids New Tweeds Mixtures, Etc. Poiretshcen .: , ., ; ,. "Cape-back, straight- line and flared models- for tailored wear and." for dressier occasions. Some with fur banded collars of summer squirrel, others with . embroidered borders and fiat braid trimming cleverly applied. Have you seen the lie i ... i I