ESTABLISHED 1890 Admommommumd " ilE r t4 gan 4kw oattu MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No.26 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS POWERS INFRINGED BLANSHANiD URGES IMMEDIATE; WITHDRAWAL OF AMERICAN1 ARMED FORCES CAUSE OF TROUBLE; f ;RING ELECTIONS SET FOR WEDNESDAY, MAY 12 Setting dates for spring events riel as yet provided for, the Stu- dent council, at its meeting last I night, designated Wednesday, May 12, as campus elections day; Sunday, May 2, as Cane day; and Wednesday, May 5, as Swing Out. The proposi-I new constitu- tion for the council, drawn up byj Charles Oakman, '26, and George Ross, Jr., '26, and submitted two weeks ago, was again postponed for further investigation before final ado ntion However. if an {piJt4 atvJJ , . *.&wefl J. a, p - Thinks Chinese Should Send Students proved by the council next weekt Here To Teach AmericansIs hew To the offices to be filled by the Fight For Social Justice I elections of May 12 will be alter- ed in order to permit the inau- American guration of the new regime nexti Immediate withdrawal of meicn all.j troops from Chinese territory was ad- vocated by Paul Blanshard, '14, in his opening lecture in University Hall1 auditorium yes t e r d a y afternoon,C peasking on the subject of "China's TE Fight for Freedom." Mr. Blanshard said that the respon- sibility of riots and disorders in dhina today is very largely on the foreign) troops themselves, and claims that the BrandH Squad To Leave This Morning western powers have occupied China;BrntSq adgeeThisng by force, and that- they ar now pay- r eage M idWs ing the price of their imperialist League Meet policy. He spoke of being in Shanghai dur- ILLINI WILL COME HERE; ing the great strike of last summer, sand said that he was convinced that . Michigan's negative team in the the student movement, which causedss the upheaval, is as fundamentally Midwest debate league composed of right as the Boston Tea Party was Emanuel Harris, '27, Raymond Olson, right. 1 '27, and Hugo Hustad, '26, will entrain "The Chinese student movement is this morning for Madison where it. an inspiring movement," he said, "be- will meet the University of Wisconsin 1 cause the students are making great trio tomorrow night. Carl Brandt, of | sacrifices for the working, people as the public speaking department, willc well as for the nation." They are accompany the debaters as coach.- working for better labor conditions, The debaters from the University oft wages in China being the lowest in the I Illinois who will meet the Michigan world, according to Mr. Blanshard. affirmative team tomorrow night in1 He offered for an example of these Hill auditorium are scheduled to ar- low wages little boys and girls work- rive here late tonight. The personnelr ing for as long as fifteen hours a day of the visiting team will be: Elizabethc for onl fifteen cents a day. J. Turnell, '28. Herbert T. Owen, '27, He believes that the Chinese stu- and C. Kenneth Thies, '27, according dents ought to send missionaries to to a letter received yesterday by Prof. our American universities to teach Thomas C. Trueblood, of the public our American students how to fight speaking department. for social justice. They are not in- Emerson W. Miller, of Wooster col-x terested in Bolshevism, but becausei lege, Ohio, will be the judge of the - of their interest in the working man, debate here. The Michigan team 'to they have been misunderstood and debate in Hill auditorium is composed have been accused of being Bolshe- of: Albert Stern, '27L, Robert S. M -' vistic. ler, '27, and James T. Herald, '28.j He is particularly interested in the Harris, who was alternate in the idea that the United States should Central league debate here, is theE stop her imperialistic policy of send- only member of the negative team ing soldiers to protect American in- who has varsity debate experience.1 vestments abroad, stating that we do For two years he was on the city not send an army to Florida to rescue championship debating team at North- our money when it is lost and we western high school, Detroit.P ought not to adopt warlike measures Olson is ,a graduate of Nicholas against Mexico or China. Senn high school of Chicago. At thist In his evening lecture, Mr. Blan- school he received his first training shard gave sonc intimate glimpses as a debater.f of the living and working conditions of the labor classes in Japan and Ft Soviet Russia under the topic "Around the World in Steerage." He adopted ° i this means of t'ravel so that he might ~ better study the psychology and feel- f II EO B 1 t ings of the lower classes of society. I "The startling rapidity with which the industrial system of Japan is MADISON, March 17.-Prof. Oscar changing is very noticeable to the J. Campbell; of the English depart- traveler," Mr. Blanshard remarked. ment of the University of Michigan, "The same thing is happening in delivered the first of two lectures herea Japan now that happened in England tonight. Professor Campbell took as1 in 1830-Japan is undergoing an 'in-i his subject the criticism of Shakes- dustrial revolution,' and the people peare's plays. are caught between the upper and tha The fact was brought out that" nether millstone. They are pressed originally scholars analyzed the come-] between the old feudal system and the dies of Shakespeare from an historicalt new capitalism." Working conditions point of view, discussing the poet's of the Japanese people are very bad work in relation to his predecessors and are tolerated only because their and his contemporaries. At the pres- condition on the old farms would be ent time, however, the scientific meth- even worse, according to Mr. Blan- od is employed. Shakespeare's plays shard. are now being studied with particular He sees in the rising discontent of attention to their construction, the the laboring classes of Japan a possi- process by which they were made. bility of a quick social change if the Professor Campbell will give the labor group can gain sufficient power. second of the two lectures tomorrow This is, however, very much feared by night, continuing the discussion of the existing government and is check- Shakespeare, with special emphasis ed at every turn in an attempt to keep on the poet's romantic comedies. it down. Although at the present time , Japan has not a military ally in the i! world, Mr. Blanshard believes that she [TRIG FI might declare war against'some other power in order to prevent a rise atf the laboring class, He also added thait T if such a war ever should occur, un- I derlying all other objectives would be the struggle for the coal, iron and F. R. Burton, commissioner of pub- other natural deposits of China, lic safety of Detroit, addressed archi- Passing from Japan to Soviet Rus- tectural students on "Ethics of an sia, the speaker gave several graphic Architect," at a smoker last night in examples of the actual living condi- the Union. His talk dealt with some tions of the peasants in Siberia who of his experiences and the relation an are living in almost unbelievable pov- architect should feel toward public certy. He described the condition of safety. Lunch and entertainment were Qne Siberian woman who was support- provided following the speech. ing six children, her husband having Mr. Burton was entertained at din- starved during the recent famine. All ner last night by some of the members seven of them lived in one room, ate of the architectural faculty and senior nothing but potatoes and bread and class. slept on hard boards. When asked whether her condition was any differ-- ent now than under the regime of the O I GERM Y KEPT OUT Col. Coolidge Sinks Slowly, AS ASEMY ENDS Report Shows (By Ass.octated Press) WO K N IL FAY UTVt.,March 17.-The ife of Col. John C. Coolidge tonight Shung by a slender thread. In his mod- I CHIEF OBJECT OF GATHERING est farm house home here, the Presi- THUS REMAINS UNAC. dent's father, worn by much illness, COMPLISHED was sinking slowly. Today his physi- cian, Dr. Albert M. Cram, of Bridge- BRAZIL PERSISTENT water, gave but slightrassurance to anxious neighbors and friends. Unable to take any nourishment Chamberlain, Others Regret Fallure except a few drops of coffee, Colonel Of Aims; Italy Alone Is Coolidge grew gradually weaker, re- Unregretful ports from the sickroom said. The --most favorable symptoms in his case, (By Associated Press) his physician said, was the fact that GENEVA, March 17.-The assembly heart action, temperature, and lungs remained normal. There has been no of the League of Nations ended its recent recurrence of the rapid pulse labors today, and the principal object ,which alarmed the physician last for which it had been convened re- Thursday night. After spending near- mained unaccomplished. Germany's ly three hours with his patient, Dr. election to the League has been post- Grain issued about mid-day the fol- poned until the September session and, lowing bulletin: "There is nothing new to be said F necessarily, Germany has been con- of Colonel Colidge's condition this pelled to forego the honor of a per- morning. His heart condition is fair manent seat in the League council. and temperature and respiration near- After ten days of negotiations, per- ly normal. He remains very weak as suasions, pleadings, with the settle- he is unable to take any nourishment. ment of many problems and the re--I "e is very comfortable when not t Bdisturbed and bears what pain and ttained her decision, which was decla- discomfortare necessary with great ed to be irrevocable, to veto Ger- fortitude. many's election unless she herself ws "No new developments are antici- accorded a permanent seat in the pated during the next 24 hours." cQgncil.' "When the assemly met in the morn- ing, ESenor Mello Franco announlced M Brazil's decision, and immediately Sir Austen Chamberlain, the British for- ! eign secretary, proposed postponementi of Germany's election until the fall. He spoke with great emotion about j U O ES E the failure to attain the much-desired object of the conference, and was fol- Belief In Washington That Meeting Of lowed by other speakers. Lau Commission Will Be Italy alone of all the great powers ;rt r Ielayed represented permanently in the coun-j cil refrained from joining in the ex-! pression of regret that Germany iy EXPECT LONG SESSION force of events had to content herself, outside the League for the time being. (By Associated Press) This silence of Mussolini's spokes- WASHINGTON, March 17.-On the men, in striking contrast as it was to basis of information it has received, -warm commendation of the attitude of s the German statesment from Sir Aus- th-e Washington government is in- ten Chamberlain, M. Briand, and Vis-- clined to regard the situation in Eu- count Ishii, was the outstanding sub- rope as promising neither immediate ject of comment in Geneva tonight nor material advancement in the di- when all men were plainly worried rection of disarmament. about the future of the League, be- The prevailing belief of informed cause of fear that this setback would government officials tonight was that be very difficult to overcome. the much discussed meeting of the In the meantime, in fulfillment of League of Nations preliminary dis- M. Briand's insistent demands at the armament commission will be still session that the present constitution further delayed. Such action by the of th-e League should be revised, soI League council is expected to follow that a deadlock such as created by the postponement until September of -Brazil's projected veto would hence- a decision on the admission of Ger- forth be impossible, the council to- many to membership in the league. night in secret session immediately at- As regards American participation tacked the problem of revision of the 11in the disarmament meeting, it is vir- statutes of the League. It decidd tually certain that it will remain as- upon the immediate appointment of a sured so long as public opinion con- special commission to probe the en- tinues favorable. On the other h'and, tire problem, with the understanding it is realized that the prevailing sen- that the commission will report to the timent in favor of participation by League council in time to permit free i the United States may be diversely discussion before the September as- affected if the disarmament discus- sembly.' sions are, projected still further into M. Briand emphasized that while the the future. Another factor bearing ,eague's strength has increased, the f upon the situation at Geneva and also problems and difficulties with which on the attendance of American dele- it is faced have also increased and gates, is the conviction on 'the part now problems, come up too serious to of some administration leaders that solve under the present constitution. the session of the commission when He urged, therefore, immediate re- held, will be attended by wide differ- form and renovation. ences of opinion among the European delegates, and that they will necessi- tate prolonged treatments by the par- jIticipants, requiring probably a year or more of discussion. f rFrom the information at hand, Washington authorities appear doubt- ful as to what, if any, real accomplish- ament may finally come out of the "College represents a training for arms discussion in Europe. Some feel life as well as a training for business, that the governments which have ac- and the development of the personal ; cepted invitations to participate do side should not be overlooked," Dean 1 not actually want disarmament at Edmund E. Day, of the School of Ad- this time, but will take part in the ministration, said yesterday afternoon deliberations because of obligations COMBINE, WITH BLUE KEY ENTERTAINING ATHLETES TONIGHT IN INITIATE CUSTOM Coaches Nather, Mann, Basketball And Swimming Teams Will 6 Be Guests Michigan's first basketball banquet, under the supervision of the Union and Blue Key, will open at 6:15 o'clock tonight in the assembly hall of the Union. As guests of honor for the occasion will be Coach E. J. Mather and 14 members of the basket- ball squad, and also Coach Matt Mann and 12 members of the swimming team. Holding of the banquet was prompted by virtue of Michigan's share of the championship basketball honors, and an invitation was later extended to the entire swimming team in view of its unusual record this year. Harry Koenig, '26, general chair- man, announced last night that final arrangements were completed yester- day for the banquet program. Hhe fur- ther stated that a large number of tickets have been disposed of and that a few will still be 4vailable at the main desk of the Union until the ban- quet starts. Frank P. Weaver, '28L, manager of te championship basketball team, will open the banquet in the capacity of toastmaster by introducing William L. Diener, '26, president of the Union. Diener, on behalf of the organization which is sponsoring the affair, will; formally open the program. Coach Mather will give a short talk; which will be followed by entertainment, be- fore a few remarks are made by Richard Doyle, '26, captain of the team, and Edward Chambers, '27Ed, the captain-elect. After another act of entertainment, Coach Mann will speak and short talks will then be given by Jack Gw, '26E, and the captain-elect of the swimming team who will be an- nounced for the first'time tonight. Following a third entertainment act, T. Hawley Tapping, field secretary of the alumni association, the chief speaker .of the evening, will address the assemblage on "Athletics and Alumni Loyalty." Music will be ren- dered during the meal by the Wilcox orchestra. Frotic Will Use Smilax, Ivy, Ferns In Floral Scheme. Despite many suggestions in the recent contest for the use of addi- ional aids besides floral decorations, the decoration subcommittee of the Frosh Frolic, which will be held to- morrow night in the ballroom of the Union, has decided upon the exclu- ie use of floral facilities. Palms will be placed around the entire dance floor. Smilax. and ivy will be used pro- fusely throughout the scheme and will transform the pillars of the hall into veritable columns. Ferns and potted plants will surround the patron booth as well as the orchestra alcove, and lighting effects will bring out te decoration scheme in detail. A wide mtaize and blue ribbon will separate the chaperon booth from the dance floor. Sammy Stewart's Singing Syncopa- tors, the 13-piece colored orchestra which is now playing at Sunset Inn, Chicago, will occupy the orchestra al- cove, dancing starting at 9:30 o'clock and continuing until 2 o'clock. I Michigan Academyi To Hear AlumnusI Speak On Heredity Dr. Herbert S. Jennings, '93 pro- fessor of zoology and director of the biological laboratory at Johns Hop- kins university, will address one of the main sessions of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters which will meet on March 31, April 1 and 2 here. Dr. Jennings' subject will be "The Relation of Heredity to Environment." After gradu'ate study here and at Harvard and Jena, Dr. Jennings be- came an instructor in zoology here in 1899 and an assistant professor in 1901. Between 1903 and 1910 he taught at Dartmouth college and the University of Pennsylvania; and since 1 1910 he has hen arnemborof n the BASKETBALL TEAM WILL BE HONORED AT UNION BANQUET j NO GROUNDS FOUND FOR UNION LIQUOR CHARGES That the Michigan Union was Ireported to Washington some J time ago as being a "hot-d" of violation of the prohibition ' amendment, investigated by . a J Federal agent, and completely exonerated of the charge, was J reported to the student meeting to investigate the Union yester- day afternoon by Louis P. Joce- lyn, secretary of the Alumni as- sociation. According to Mr. JocelynIthe ( Union was reported by someone S in Ann Arbor to national prohi-I t bition headquarters. An agent was sent to Ann Arbor to look into the charge and was taken over the building. No evidence to substantiate the accusation wassfound and the officer con- gratulated Mr. Jocelyn on the I state of the Union. 'LOCALLOW FLING STOPPED BY STATE' Legislature Passes Bill Prohibiting Hovering Over Assemblies At Less Than 1,WO Feet INTRODUCED BY SIN Prohibiting "the operating of flying machines over open air assemblies of people at a height of less than 1,500 feet from the ground," a bill has been passed by the present special session of the state legislature at Lansing which will prevent "stunt" flyers from endangering the lives of spectators at Ferry field during Michigan foot- ball games. The bill, which was introduced by Rep. Charles A. Sink, of Ann Arbor, and passed by both houses, is the first statute to be written in the law books of the state of Michigan having to do with the regulation of airplane traflic cr the use of airplanes. It renders offenders liable to a fine of from $10 to $100, or 90 days in jail, or both. An amendment was made to the bill in the House, which had the ap- proval of Mr. Sink, and which' pro- vides that the law shall not apply over flying fields, or when exhibition or stunt flying is in progress. The new law applies throughout the state, but is primarily intended to stop the practice of aviators advertising various, products flying low over the heads of persons attending football games at Ferry field. In 1921, a bill was introduced in the state Senate by Sen. George Condon, of Detroit, to regulate the traffic and operation of airplanes and other air- .going vehicles, but it failed to pass. TWO SCIENTIFC PARTIES WILL ENTER NEW GINEA (By Associated Press) WELTEVREDEN, Jay, March 17.- The American scientific expedition un- der Prof. Matthew W. Stirling, of Berkeley, Calif., which intends to penetrate the unkonwn interior of New Dutch Guinea to study pygmy and other primitive tribes, has fixed its departure from Java for April 4. On that date the first party, consisting of the American members and a de- tachment of Dutch infantry, will take a steamer at Batavia for New Guinea., The second party, consisting of 130 natives and two detachments of in- fantry under a Dutch captain, will leave Java April 20. The scientists will be accompanied by Dr. Hoffman, a Dutch army surgeon, and three helpers. Measures have been taken to enable1 ithe expedition to proceed even if an accident happens to its airplane, on which much dependence is placed for exploration work. The Americans and their Dutch col- laborators are expected to be away from Java about eight months. End Of House Sessions Seen (By Asociated Press) WASHINGTON, March 17.-Within ten days the House hopes to be in a legislative position that will enable it to quit and go home whenever it gets ready. Representative Tilson, of Connecti- cut, the Republican leader, said today tlat passage of all annual appropria- tion bills was expected by the end 01 this week and that June 1 appeared I the latest nossihl date Conzress VOLUNTEERS AND COMMITTEE PROBE UNION CONITION FINANCIAL CONDITION AND MEANS OF BETTERMENT EE EXAMINED FOOD CRITICIZED Meal Ticket At Lower Rate Sug. gested; Wearing Off Of Novelty Of Patronage Cited Investigating the condition of the Union, in order to crystalize the charges circulating on the campus, but never reported to the proper offi- cials, more than 30 chosen students met with the committee appointed to look into the Union's financial con- dition and find a method of improve- ment, yesterday afternoon at the Union . The meeting was called by Prof. Henry C. Anderson, chairman of the committee. Among the reported charges opened to discussion were those concerning the handling of both the main dining room and the taproom, the quality and price of the food served, the condition of the various departments, including the cigar and candy stand, barber shop, swimming pool, bowling alleys, pool and billiard room, and soda foun- tain. The conduct of Union dances, and the courtesy and appearance of Union employees were also looked in- to in regard to possible means of im- provement. All of these questions were contained in a questionnaire, which the committee intended sending to all members of the Union, but which was abandoned due to lack of time and money. Students, whose names are with- held because of the nature of the meeting, volunteered information con- cerning the past laxity in the conduct of the building and suggested im- provements. Chief among the depart- ments censured was the main dining room, where charges of poor service and unnecessarily high prices were made, However ,many of the students present refuted the accusations and praised both the meals and the ser- ice. One student declared that, while compiling board rates for visiting athletic teams, he learned that the Union price, im his experience, was much higher per plate than local res- taurants estimates of the same menu. Among the reasons advanced in refu- tation that Union chefs are more ex- pert and consequently more expen- sive, that the equipment must be car- ried through vacations and during the summer at a loss, and that the over- head expense is too great. Several students advocated lower prices, even at a loss, and an intensive publicity campaign to combat the seemingly traditional neglect of the Union by the student body ,hoping to make up the loss in revenue through an in- crease in patronage. The issuance of a meal ticket at a slightly reduced rate, an arrangement similar to those in other restaurants in the city, was suggested. Plans for lowering prices to Union members producing' membership cards, but not (to outsiders, were also discussed. The reduction of Union receipts "throughout the building was laid to the wearing off of the novelty that brought patrons to the Union when it was first built. The drop in the pool and billiard room was attributed to the fact that students do not play these games as much as they did in the past. The meeting was called after the announcement that the committee was meeting and would welcome the testi- mony of those dissatisfied with the present state of affairs, printed in The Daily, had brought but one man before the meetings. All possible criticisms will be investigated before the final recommendation of the committee will be submitted. in his lecture on "Collegiate Prepara-I tion for Business." "Although some- thing can be said for the man who en- ters business with a personality to sell, the professionally trained man will have many more opportunities," ie continued. Students going out from a school of business should be professionally trained, technically equipped, imbued with a spirit of study and a definite insight into the basic problems of4 business if the student has at least average intelligence, according to the, Dean. He further pointed out that indus- try has not as yet submitted the speci- fications for the qualities which it expects in a college man, but that in.- the near future there will be a rich curriculum of the sort of work which students will have to do when they get into business. The managementj can h hennght into the clas rnnm I imposed by the Versailles treaty. , WESARH CLUB HEARS OF EOLUTION, N ETDRICI With the presentation of such va- ried subjects as evolution and rheto- rich, the Research club listened to papers last evening from Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric department, and Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of fishes at the museum. Professor Hubbs first presented his paper on the subject of "The Modifi- cations of the Development Rate as a Factor in Structural Evolution." Dur- ing the course of his paper he pointed out that the environmental effects of the salinity of the water as well as the temnratur had a marked effect ,1 1 L l f 3 DELEGATES ACUSED of INTIMIDA1TION ATTEMPTS WASHINGTON, March 17. - The middle-western farm relief delegation now here urging enactment of a sur- plus-crop bill had to stand a double- barrelled fire today from members of the house agriculture committee. Several members of the committee paid their respects to members of the group, who, they charged, were "at- tempting to intimidate Congress" and Tepresentative Tincher, Republican, Kansas, asked who was financing the farm program. F. W. Murphy, of Wheaton, Minn., chairman of the executive committee Cz.irohp. rondo flnt Mi ri ' Imnw. i i..