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March 17, 1926 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-17

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I I ~ ---..----- - -~

Cies ,of Three Ninbers to be Pth-b1
li'ied in Stheel Foriii ; Phil
JDiaiuorn(to flay
Great demand is predicted for the
scores of the Junior Girls' play of thisl
year which will be put: on sale Mon-
day. In addition to being cheaper
this year than last, the book will con-
tain such a variety of catchy num-,
bers as to tempt even the most frugal.1
The price is $1.50. The list of con-
tents will include three Russian num-j
hers, "The/led Head," and "Michigan!
Man." The scores will be obtainablel
at Wahr's, Slater's, and Graham's, as[
well as at the University Music house
and the Whitney theatre.
Beside the score itself, tlhere is to
be a publication of single copies of
the three numbers "Becky Behave,"
"Just Because," and "Lilac Timel
Lady." All of the songs are popularl
dance tunes and easily learned. As in
former years, Phil Diamond's orches-
tra will play at the presentation of
",Becky Behave." Those who have
heard the various pieces are assured
of the'popularity of all of them, but
particular confidence is placed in thel
love song "Just Because."
The names of Katherine Bulrer and
Gladys Schrader appear as writers of
the greatest share of the music, while
Margaret Lord, the author, and Mar-
garet Sherman have written a large
part of the lyrics. .
Women Voters To
Hold Luncheon At
Green Tree Inn
Mrs. Emerson Davis, state chairman
of the first department of the League
of Women Voters is to be in Ann Ar-
ors Thursday to represent the state
organization at a luncheon at the
Green Tree inn, by the local group of
the league.
The purpose of the affair is to allow
its members to meet each other so-,
cially, and to give them the opportun-
ity to meet Prof. Margaret Elliot of
the economics department who is to
act as sponsor for the group in the
place of Miss Elva Forncrook, social
director of Martha Cooly building, who
has been forced by the amount of
work connected with her state com-
mittee to give up that of the local.
Women interested in the League as
well as the members are invited to at-
tend the luncheon, according to Dor-
othy Cline, '26, president. Arrange-
ments must be made with Genevieve
Beigley, '28, at 50 cents a plate, be-
fore Thursday morning, by those,
wishi ng to attend.
URBANA, I11.--B. A. Shively, '27, has
been chosen to head the Illinois 1927.
wrestling team. Letters were award-
ed to 11 men for their services on the !
squad during the past season.

Chairman Of Play M EL Jane Addams Says
I EB TEWomen Are Slow
' *. It is the belief of Jane Addans, in-
,, . s Members of the University Y. W. C. ternationally-famous social worker
A. are to have voice in the election of
to . and founder of Hull douse, Chicago.
candidates for the national convention that women have been rather slow in
1of Y. W. C. A. organizations which making use of the ballot, but that
is to be held April 21 to 27 in Mil- such a state is merely an indication
waukee, Wis. Before this time of the conscientious way in which thPy
the members of the cabinet have chos- are exercising their privilege, and they
.en the delegates are, therefore, not to be criticih&d. In

. .. a ..,,:,., .


i~~i.l)1 ONE 4 171

, lsits Irene Vie t
Irene Field is general chairman of!
-the 22nd annual Junior Girls' play
which will be presented at the Whit-
I ney theatre, March 23, 24, 25, 26, and
27. The play is entitled "Becky Be-
have" and is a typically collegiate
production, as the settings are par-
ticularly of college life.
Glee Club Will
Broadcast From
Detroit Station
Twenty members of the University
Girls' Glee club will broadcast a pro-
gram from the Book-Cadillac hotel,I
station WCX at 9 o'clock Wednesdayl
night, April 20. The program has
been divided into five part, consist-
ing of groups in quartet, duet, and
chorus. The first division will be
made up of; popular and college airs
sung by the chorus.
The second group will consist of a
group of duets by Hazel Corbett, '27,
and Hope Bauer, S. of M., after which
the chorus will follow with a group
of well-known college airs.
A quartet composed of Ingham Sut-
ley, '26, first soprano; Marion Coy,
'27, .second soprano; Hope Bauer, S.j
of M., first alto; and Doris Ambrose,
'28, second alto, will give two numbers
after which the chorus will conclude
the program. Miss Nora Crane Hunt
will direct the program.
The members of the Glee club will)
leave Ann Arbor at 4:15 o'clock Wed-
nesday afternoon to attend a dinner.
at the Book-Cadillac hotel which is
being given in their honor.
Japanese girls are said to be adept
at the game of billiards and are often
seen playing in the billiard rooms of
GENEVA-Some of the greatest1
hardships of wealthy tourists in the
Alps possibly will be no more. Fel-
low has invented a motor sled which
will' go 13 miles an hour up hill. it
can pull loaded toboggans -up.

The University organization, hav- the course of a recent interview Miss
ing 300 members, will be allowed to Addams stated that "there has never
send three voting delegates to the been a group of people since history
convention this year. The traveling began more seriosly engaged in prep-
expenses of these delegates will be aration to use the vote properly:"'She
paid by the organization. Any other thinks that their enfranchisement is
members of the association who can indeed a serious thing to the minds of
go and pay their own expenses will the majority."
have arrangements made for in Mil- j When asked her views on the prohi-
waukee. The delegates which the as- hition situation, Miss Addams denied
sociation will send to the convention having ever had any connection with
will be made up of one of the members the Anti-Saloon league, but said that
of the advisory bard of the University she was strongly in favor of the pres-
Y. W. C. A., Miss Ruth Deemer, secre- ent amendment and its continuance.
tary of the University Y. W. C. A., and In her opinion it is not yet time to
one other member of the organization. sary that the eighteenth amendment
The delegates will leave here April has been a failure; it should have th'
20. same opportunity to prove its worth ;.s
The main theme of the convention the fourteenth and fifteenth, which1
this year is to be a question of the ad- fared badly for over two generations.j
visability of changing the purpose of Miss Addams said that people declared
the Y. W. C. A. As it appears on the, at the time that these latter measures
pledge cards now there is a four-fold would never be a success, but that
purpose which most of the divisions there were few in the country today
of the association feel is not being who would contenar~ce , their with-
lived u, to by the majority of mem- drawal. That it is the same with the
hers. The purpose, as it appears on prohibition act, she is firmly con-!
the student membership card here, has vinced.
been the subject of discussion for some Speaking from her many years of
time and it will be decided at this welfare work among the Greeks and
convention whether or not they will Italians of Chicago, Miss Addams said
change it to read as this one does. that prohibition in that district was
For the last two years they- have never a serious problem, for those peo-
been testing whether members have ip e knew how to use their wine. She
been living up the purpose. In college thinks that it is whisky alone that is
communities where most of the mem- the curse of America, and that any
bers, especially in the student groups, laxity on the part of officials now
are undenominational, the general would mean its return.
four-fold purpose is not necessary. r
The convention is to be dviided into Schools In Paris
25 discussion groups after the business
has been transacted. Students, mem- Less Expensive
hers of industrial groups and city Y.
W. C. A. all over the United States will Than In America
be present at the conference. One of
the especially interesting features of At present the University of Paris
the convention this year is to be the has enrolled more than 3,500 Ameri-
Sseparate student assembly. can students, the women outnumber-
sing the men. According to two for-

<, ,

Vaaondcl 1 ;5

The " , Scaros
are as broad as they are long--
This is the way many younger women like to wear I .i - ed in a careless,
vagabond fashion vith a knot on one shoulr AJ his is the way it is
often worn a ove the new sweaters.

The new scarf is smart, when it is worn n e e nonchalant manner that
a cowboy wears his neckerchief. Folded dgon and knotted at the back
-all the brilliance of its pattern comes in one h . triangle in the front.
When one of the corners of a new square scarf is tied close at the throat,
and the rest allowed to hang debonair adl free, the square scarf captures
something of the pcituresque costume of the Apache.
Finger-length scarfs with either plain hem or fringed ends are smart for
party and dinner wear. Plain colors, 'shaded or figured.
Priced at $2.75, $3.50, $4.50 to $7.50


Prof. Frayer To
Speak To D. A. R.
In view of tie approaching sesqui-
centennial commemoration of the
signing of the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, the local chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion will hold a meeting at 3 o'clock
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Horatio
J. Abbott, 820 Oxford Rbad. Prof.I
William A. Frayer of the history de-
partment will be the principal speak-
er, and has chosen for his subject "The
Foundations of Democracy". A short
program of music, arranged by Mrs.
George Langford, will be given by
members of the Junior Matinee Mu-

mer Michigan students the approxi-
mate cost per student is at the rate of
$600 a year.(
The matriculation and living , ex-
penses are much lower than those in
American universities, the tuition now
being $2.80 a year. In the Latin quar-
ter where the university is situated a
room. may be had for $2 a week.


(1001 )YEA R'S



1. - E

22nd Annual Production




t 2321/ --4
Is made Xrtler
by tese Yroe4a
If you don't care for the flare, wear
pleats. If you're slim as a cigarette and
graceful as a story-book princess, wear
the molded frock with the full skirt. If,
on the other hand, you -have no illu-
sions about yourself, choose any of the
lovely tailored models that are so slen-
derizing and smart. Then, too, there
are glorious, highsounding names from
which to choose-Polignac Rose, Bois
de Rose, Chartreuse, Kanaka tan, Holly-
wood green, and hosts of others. =I
Prices Begin at $15.75 Up
York where they purchased the smartest
Easter apparel, including frocks, coats,
hats and accessories. Won't you come I
in and see these newest springtime crea- i


r " ~
,. ''
F .



Box office sale opens Friday, Mar. 19, at 1 p. m. in Hill Aud.
Boies, $3.00 Main Floor, $2.50

First Four Rows Balcony, $2.00



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