I 'TEN *--,~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY \1f'i3\F; ) 11, MAR~l] 1,, 192( K Indiana Coach Favors I / r i Y! ss Ir r r r: r a r r r a I I , DOYLE FOR TEAMI ~i hoo-ier )Ientor IPicks Kruenger .and W1iinstOn of O~wn Sq~uad forI All-Conference Five ; Sports Editor of Venrat Press Ar nlueresting experiment, is under addition to piloting the team-that it MATERIAL PLENTIFUL way in the :Baltimore Orioles' camp. I was his presence and inspiration more Seeking a pitcer or take the place 3f than anything else, that. made the ol1(1 First Team Tommy Tlioiiias, who was sent to the Pirate machine a great one. And, 1;y Krueger, Iniaa.Fowad.big Show, lack( i)unn has decided -.o the same token, his ability as a man-I SpradliinaudeFowrd1.convert Seweil Dixon from an out- ager decreased materially when hie re- Doyle, Michigan, Center. f( liii Pr10oati pitchier. tired to the bench and tried to, direct ,Harrigan, Michigan, Guard. ' things from that position., Winston, Indiana (Capt.), Guar d. Ilixw isa brilliant youthg SeodTem(hll);, a good fieldler anid awhich causes one to look j Seod'.god bane runner. Ile cannot far Into thue future and won- 1 n~eckner, Indiana, Forward. hit eery well. Dunrn believes der if this will also he, true of Rasey, Minnesota, Forward.a lie can make .a hlurler' of tae (Cobb, Speaker, Slsl~r, lorns- lunninghani Ohio State , Center. j had, w tros' righit- by, Harris an ollins when Sponsler, Indiana, Guard. handed. lofts of pitchlers have they find old mn Time Beek- Miconnell, Iowa (Capt.), Guard. been nmade into outfielders, but oning them to give up their it doesn't oft1en happen thle piaces In the lineup to young. By Everett, S. Dean oilher way around. er ixmen. (Indiana University Basketball Coach) ______ imLOOINGTONnda-Confereneost iBaseball men are trying to figuref And if so, should it detract from impssileto pickanl-Cfenc just what part B3111 Killefer may play (their greatness? Hardly. Clarke' teaman~ dojusiceto he layr tis n upsetting the National League dope 'ranks and always wil rank by virtue year. It is impossible to pick a)myth- the coming season. Bill, you know, of the success of his old machine ass Tealtea tht wll peas evry ne; was given the gate by the Cubs last i one of the game's great leaders. Cobb, but the above select ion satisfies m nsao.I the winter he signed as Speaker and the others mentioned every way. coach and fire aid to Manager Horns-i have already established themselvas There are many who are on par? by of the Cardinals, as great managers. with some of. the men on the first two teams, but they Were not chosen due moslytoseiortyofoter laer. Iillefer's strong point ali-. I doubt if there are moure The forward berths are givento hsenhiaily to Iha afadzno h ae Krueger, Indiana, and, Spradling, Pur-I handle pitch~ers. He gave the I all fans swho wander out to du.Krueger has been one of theE Cubs brilliant pitchling only to the (Giants park who appre- most consistent forwards in the con.- I see his efforts rendered null cieate the fact that the absence teene.Olyon aninteaig nd void by ive-knesses else- of Hlughie JIennings, ale. Ten has scoredl more field goals than wvhere; especially in the in- Graw's aidle, fromi the ranks( Krueger and that is his running mate, elothbilagefldgnr Spradling. Krueger's dlefensive play Gsathios sring laesofthe gives him the honor over Beckner. B3111, for one thing, may be able to i (iutbs h atoeo h Spiradling was second high scorer in ; do more with Allan Sothoron than famoold "Big Four" of the teconference and has unlimited bas- I---Oilstllodek ketball ability. There is no faster nyone else. Sothoron will be aided starter or harder driving forward than? also by the introduction (in the open) j In addition to McGraw and Jennings Spradling.j of resin, which will permit the much-j this "Big Four" included Willie Doyle, Michigan, gets the center po- shunted hurler to use a trick ball f Keeler and Joe Kelley. What a com- sition. His scoring record would haveI much like his old paraffine one. Kil- i bination! Without a doubt the brain- been much higher had he been used lefer developed Vic Keen, ex-Cub, l est combination ever on a ball club. in the offense more. The detense traded to the Cardinals last year, and; And how they could hit! made up of Doyle, Harrigan, and Win- ( knows how to get the most out of- ston would be almost impossible toj him. Records of the famous old penetrate. I Baltimore, teanm show that Hlarrigan, Michigan, is one of the l It may be that better pitch. thiese mien hogged the lime- brightest of newcomers. Ile has a uig' will turn the trick for I light in batting for five years. wondlerful amount of defensive and the diligent. Cardinals. If it ; offensive ability, and has the right size d10s; due credit should fall on K eeler, the only "Wee Willie," won for a dependable floor guard. Winston, Bill x illefer's shoulders. the batting championship in 1897 and l ndiana, is very vatluable because of hloruusby is the type who will 1898 with an average of .432 and .379. his ability to get the ball off the f ive that credit where it Is He finished thirdl in 1895 with an board and get it out of dangerous ter- due. average of (get this one) .394. Jen- ritory. , nings ranked second in hitting in 1896 And speaking of Hlornsby. Someone with an average of .397. Joe Kelley Ilairy McCurdy, former Illini bas-I remarked the other day in a fanningj ranked third in 1897 wvith an average 1>etball star, is one of four catchersi bee that Fred Clarke's greatest work of .398 and in 1899 McGraw turned in trying out for the Chicago White. Sox as a manager of the Pirates was dona an average of 390, good enough to catching staff. wvhilelie was playing the -outfield in give him third place. ,Should Learn To 5Szim'--MZ)ay4 "Every Freshman should be taught how to swim,'' declared D~r. George A. May, director of Waterxman gymnas- inni in anintrvie veierav. I'T ----Now for every occasion No matter what the occasion may be, the flower is always given an enviable place. It is something that lives, is fragrant and beau- tiful, and is a means for expressing every kind of sentiment. Everywhere it is appreciated should be a p~art: of thle physical train- in g educeation which every first year man has to lake,"' the doctor cont in- ued. SAt the present time t here areF no swimming facilities provided at Wat- erman gymnasium, but it is hoped that !when the proposedi new gymnasium is built, a. regiilation sw'imm~ing p)0o1 1will be includ~ed in the building pro- gram. TDoctor May stressed the in-f piortance of having such a pool in con-I junct(1ion with the gymnasium, first because it would provide a means ';f giving the freshman gym classes, mass instruction; and secondly, because it would be of great convenience to theI large number of upper classmien who work out diaily at the gymnasiumn. The proposed pool wouldl he con- structed so as to provide illuminated ' racing; lanes for use in swimmning meets. These lanes would b)e coin-1 structed of illuminated tile and wouIld run the entire length of the pool. The 'importance of havinga there lanes wouldl lie in the fact that they would gulide the swimmer and decrease thre possibility of one swimmer getting in another's way. It is estimated by the doctor that each swimmer would save from two to four feet in the course of one race and this saving wouldl cut down each man's time considerably. Doctor May would have bleachers, seating from 1,500 to 2,000 spectators. Sbuilt up from the edge of the pool.E It would be modeled after the Car- negie p)o0l at Yale, generally conceded to be tihe finest indoor pool in the world., 'I and admired. That is why we find it ap- propriate foi- every occasion. When -you are thinking of a corsage for the junior Girls Play, when you are thinking of flowers for your dinner table, or for your room, or for some sick friend, and you want the very best that money can buy then luntik of s " f the in rhor Floral Comp any 112 E. Liberty P'hone 6215E ; s si a, _ 1. 1 hY- -. AIA. LA.YI i 1 n# j- A Leson'hat Youth MayLernFromAge E Find a lesson in the plight of most old men you meet. Perhaps,- -dressed in worn and tattered clothing, they are selling small articles in the j streets; perhaps trudging wearily to work at some bare livelihood in gar- ments of shabby respectability, remnants of better days ; perhaps staying =E =with their children, absolutely dependent upon them for sustenance. How= very few you find who are independent ! What a sad commentary upon human existence that for their years of = toil they have so lit'tle left to care for them and comfort them during their E declining years ! Strange, isn't it, that for half a century of labor they have -- Enothing left -upon which to spend their old age? -I Many ofthem are, of course, the victims of circumstances without their_ =control. Burdens have been more than they could bear, or their scanty = I savings have been wiped out in a single calamity. But for such circum-=j stances, a few cents saved from their earnings during their younger days would have amply provided for these lean ones. Why didn't they do iti? Why could they not foresee their circumstances? The answer is that youth is generally blind. It lives for today alone == with no thought of the morrow. In the full vigor, of youth, old age, sickness and death seem far, far away. If it is thought of at all it is but to resolvec that,± "Next week I'll change. Next week I'll begin to save." And next week always remains in the future until at last it is too late. Youth must learn. Youth must save, if old age is to be provided for. You think, "But this will not happen to me. Some way I will escape." But there is no escape from cold facts and figures. Either you must start v"ri" rn~cnnNOW'XJfor t-he years when your services are no longer 77 4' T'+ T4 + +~44 444' 4~ +44 44 DE lic I Did not feel the need of a MODERN LAUNDRY' but in order to conform with society's requirements YOU HAVE NEED OF I The Phone 9115 Trojan a"Ilctry 514 E. William + ' + +tT +o, + + +S fart +T+ + T+ '+[+ I 1111UU