PAGE FOUR TH MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1926 SOME MODE GVESTS I Izlii 0 1 Ii in I I e hree) iii.; lois) ("lvixayll( roil; lb. lb nice Peflerly, Aniin Arbor, Arxina lb. t'oi.- ix rvi' Ann Arbor; Aarjorle (lark, Mlonroe. Slavonia's King Aia . Co xc Buffalo, N. Y; an Arbor; Ai 1i Elle(o (ard- iX ondI (XlBety isbrn t,1. N raJ. (lth iCar. 0111; K thnie Iin, ) m N. .; laga eS -. Ann Arbor; Virginia Tice, Ann Arbor; Ash, Muncie, Ind.; Mildred E. Scams- 1larbara Tork, Flushing; Relen Stew-! horne, Steubenville, 0.; Isabell U. art, Aurora, Ill.; Florence Woertel, Field, Detroit; Gertrude M. Metlbar- thiboonburg, 0.; Valeria Dickenson, gie, Bad Axe; Francis A. Vincent, La- Pontiac; Margaret Blallard, Pitts- peer; Ila M. Eyre, Dletroit; Ruoth C,. burgh, Pa.; Mary Louise Uooney, Curl, Springfield, O.; Rolls N. Cara- h ighland Park; Laura Taylor, Stock-I naugh, Grand Rtapids; :Martha 11. bridge; Hlelensa Van Rensneselaer, New Johnson, Dletroit; Lillian Lake, lDe- York, N. Y. troit; Dorothy B. Van Stone, Dletroit; ______Jesse Williams, Detroit; Mrs. Muriel Booth No. 16-Delta Sigma Pi S. Van Stone, Detroit. (,I 1rp .1 Boothi No. 8 hi' oxi Ni Patros I irs. XWilL WaulzAnini Arbor; Mr. n(1MrsIs MXeyerIDetroit.lCxier iss Alli to e to i t; l Ilaiot. I xi tDetroit;, Dorothi Lelaii)li, o .1 tani I xoilluianapojlis, nil.; IJia AlexaneBy Iy loi I i lliieago Il. ilr l l'. Ci ck Iohst r N.Ynlierbzll caLgo), l. le asN w Y NY. V.lI 'rio in oise NickeliSpr f lIl; ahb a Xiiirews,1D(tro ark -i i flexrniilBoyd, 1Pa (Nrl Jare ork, 'liig Patrons- Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. tampbiell, Ann Arbor; Mrs. L. J. Mer-i t 1'ilapAixli kl, Cincinnati, 0.; Mrs. H. E. Hoff-I !Me -ui li-. i. IB. Mc- inian, Muncie, Ind. Guests- Misses, c., lr. ;mi l -ir:. 11). I"Ruthi lE. Nelson, Saginaw; Esther R. Booth No. 17-Phi Sigma Kappa Patrons-Mrs. W. Pt. Aubirey, Ann Arbor; Prof. and Mrs. H. Merriek, Ann (Continueid on Page Fire) DoI xv- faix dcI l, ,1 cxii' iootxlix Au9--ifleritiage Patrxns Mr. and i Mso.XilliamiNA MXLexnxxin, Detxiitt. uets---isseso Miargiuerite Aiii.wo rith,BflexlCriexk.; Margxixi 1,xix iI sxii ixDetro'iit;, ,Xiix . x - ei, 1 G ain,lxiIl.; XV iina I foxis 'I ixiaxi I, if.; Ilaxrriet Thmxxis, Kal- iaeo; XI i xi ol~, iielxiit; Dorxis 1 oiinlxx r x, Y xiiiiixeliiO.; flutii XXWilkieu, Higlxnd fxiik; liice i li i IDetroit;lilen R iamsaxy, xii rbxoi; Ch'larlioI fuller, 1 aluxiiix;iaxi rin"1e Canhn ii Evlxi, .anisumn,Il.; WXiifre d Samiple', Dtit; ii Dlmol s lxx 'iliii Tea- verse City; lbiiixix, ieI ulilamexii, Ain eixir. IX ,' olii Ix. xl .: Ufrii- Xe l Fanits; \rali N iId. G ai'(1 xliii hie. XI, No 1=1-) .xI I1)i l lx . Paitronsl Ixr. dMs li ix. IImIN Y; ii, Alce J -!. e i; lx 'x in ;Ti lret J- HOP FLOWERS THE girls with the most beautiful f corsages, the houses most at- i= tractively decorated, will obtai y' their flowers from the Ann Arbor Floral Company. We have a boun tiful supply of flowers and acces- sories in readiness for your J-Hop requirements, Remember we are experts in floral decoration and ar- rangements. Ann Arbor Floral Co. Store 122 E. Liberty Dial 6215 4iuurvir ttli Makr N3fiuffr (Wi Boot No. x L i ' lii XC i lha, lii Ii (, i nii 'rbor PaXiiii , ,? J I kI,11ot ii Til kAn ll(-x t nnArbo. x I ssxxusesi ix f.0 Smple D i i 1ih 1 Coaoperi i x' x'la; ldys xxx XII iiil r ,iiiii i Xxi e, Inix H i ngN Y;1ix _ix l a , 0; 1rt iPliasant;ii se xxxii l c Io ;e ;i Jo r t. atl N.Y ;I i I eph; Jayne Sample, . XX iInc.i :-_J~eW~r .Y;M reLlL Owlif. lx leixix I uuiiixn' N i eIiind.xii r a; I- a ,ba lcr .Io(( IAoilie - V P l ii; lxx ui e l' le , hngxliiAlXii Arb'oIr;ii l i X L. i'. itie, Ix rli; t xi iiSim i, bFoirt X'xyiie, ;ixrg. IElikhart, lxit1., I?'ii Iil, Ind; if, XlIlrxeilfDorxan, Flint. ; Charlottei ;xviup. Xinn Xiirio'; Cx li i. Bli'ert , mimin, Ill. XVxnlfee, DetritI) 'nill I xx I I I Hot ILunches 11:00 -2:00 - GREY:00 - 7:36 Salads, Sandwirhes and _ i .4 .. _Fouritain Sepivirr . I" IAfterni-0, Xii? IX - 117 I snerlitSpetial Stid 5 ' l.I I'Ii. fli M tid 43 IoX Iii ahindi I, liNO i1 ; Pii;::'I lxi PIrol I Ii liI Ixx Nuba d er XlSi ) i, ri Xly~ei - isses xii jo i' rC xxlig' w , if.; liio i I : lxe r N lxxin,0. The Importance of Having the Right Costume! l rte; . -" '. 4* toil l h .}u The Mr Xal tics hen vTNAL a real s'fX';i~L XX il CLEARANC 1> A A, . K \\ The right costume? How very important it is. And how very important that her costume expresa the newest and moat authentic tendency of Fashion ! How necessary that the ward- robe of those clever young women who are the social lead- ers follow the correct lines that have been recognized as vogue for 1926! To choose your costume properly demands minute at- tention-but more than that it requires shopping where gowns, wraps, and all the things that complete the costume are style -and where there are indivi- dual costumes for every type. Such selection is possible in Ann Arbor at z .; ,. r F - - w. lii ' ( ii u ' e ix x xli I ihcI i si.igN reutricaitions. iere:iiina You olii elections 213 ?gist Liberty St.-Worth the Ws'alk L,- - r _- r