THF, MTC HtC.AN T)A1f. TIh.I.._,\4vxr.Mxll~nN vr~aTIxVa-XU." NJ UN U .; t Siees Danger J In Ambitions of Filipinos; May Make Aew .Bid Princeton Economics Professor Is Expert I-) I In Reorganization !f tional Treasuries Will Explore Asia 'Irish Compact i Henry Morgenthau, former United States ambassador to Turkey, declar- ed ini a recent speech in Manila that a cyclone of sentiment for immediate independence is being created in the Philippines. IHe said that if it bursts, it will spendl all its fury and do(1 all its )!a yoc there because it will be unable to cross the ocean and reach the U~ni- ted States., In his appeal to the Filipinos he said, "For Cod's sake, cease flaying v,-ith the highest and most dangerous cxlosives ever discovered,, human Passion. L~tve statesmen to settle in a statesmanlike manner an interstate problem and use your ability and energy to produce a giant 'wave of prosperity. Your country is far more ready for that than for p~olitical agi- tation." He also told them that they did not necessarily have to change their lead- ers. However, hie advised them to change their methods and trendI of national thought to one of intelligent and peaceful deliberation instead of unproductive agitation. Mongenthau concluded by telling his audience that if the Philippines want genuine freedom, they should re- tain their junior partnership. In the United States, and not try to navigate the. troublesome seas of international affairs without a pilot. "Statesman- ship should supplant politics," he ad- vised. EDUCTIONAL "LOCKSTEP" DEPLORED BY DR. AWILL' Yale Ilead S.-tys Cours~e Is Too LongI And Social Life Too Proniiient P~RINCETON, N. J., March 16.- While disclaiming any relation to, thej consistent grouch who considers col- lege students and their activities an ever-present and legitimate. field of criticism, President James Rowland Angell of Yale, son of a former pres- i'dent of the University of Michigan, In addressing the Princeton student Body a short time ago, stated that on, consideration the present "lockstep" method of education, and the too great stress of social activities lbe eliminated, the average college course could be decreased by half. President Angell stated that the so- called system of "lockstep" education placed all students in the same class, while in reality there was a vast dif- ference in their respective mentalities. Fu~rthermore, lieontinu.e(, the high tension at which the average student lives- dae-no-alo-hn to coiwen- Irate on studly to the best of his abil- ity, and as a result the various col- lege courses are being lengthened from year to year. Not until the rub-+ ber stamp type of student who merely fellows the dictates of stronger-mind- ed associates is eliminated from col-; lege, can the length of the courses be+ shortened. lorganization or nat ional tI easur'- lisbi g a sim ila r i net I it io i il lie 'isisonspecially charg~edlwith (Cvis5- ies has become, the practical applica- I Philipp~ines. Ilec returnPied ,,diafI'tedl i g a st able1 currency and reha bilitat - tion of the specialty of D~r. Edlwin W. a plan for such a an,mad itiereaftercv ing fio b e Relsbanh, two of the most Kemmeer, irofssorof eonomcs went over to tbhe tlay St raits-set le- imporlt ant dili es of the 'omnmissioni, iliejitto 5study coniions 1015 h' e. 1x hP-h wer'e Performed without: noise andl finance at Princeton university. }f Returning to the United Stit es iin or tumult, but which stand todlay as Tlis latest case is Poland, whose bud- I 9(06, Dr~. Kemmterer became as ;itaaiit 5solid foundat ions of the entire scheme get, coinage, and tax systems have "lprofessor of pouiti(l econtomy t 'oi'- of main g C ermany able to pay her been submitted to his study. Tlhere Hell and three y.ea vs hat 'ar }beani e pro- war penalties. fessor of c no ics and iota fee, T .hat same year lDr. Kemmerer, with has not been a year since 1903 (luring transferring to Princetoni in 1912 forl Dr. ( Vissering, lpresidlent of the at least a p~art of which D~r. Kemmer- the same chaiir. B~ank or1 the Netherlands, wvent to er has not been engagedl in this work. ( Iis first servic os anl adliser antd SoutlIi Africa to decide whether the I le was a fellow in economics at 'counuselor to a 16110111,11 nat 1(01 Wd's in new dominion should return at once C;ornell when, at 27, lie w~ si. to the phyhsicianms of that city and IStuck dlescrib~edthe crest ofIt lie Almiiilh Caefrm'x ;1 the surrounding coiunltry, is to Ie used i munainascona~nin; crte-lie Ias, CalifornIa anitd Oregzon toi for medical metretings and as the head, fsnoIw basin about twenty-five !)y sixty N est vim."iniht, New Jeris :y anal Id linarters of the county mredical assn- feti dmnio.Iemade his trip i aine are inomdifhl-;Icitilon. Among other equtipmuent will! _ in company wit h I hi iry I'. Karst tis, penimigs at t cir i' a I atniIer by ctranamdcllbay f Rlobei-,t G. Tat Cain, daIiissioiiai'y, and aj The I)ai ly li is received in I# Opening t he ;aeries of yearly lee- -third veteran of the Klondike, andI all biut l10 st~~es of theis t l), lures, Dr. War-thin will speak on "A Ithree Indian boys. On the sumimit. !Culbs, lPomto (i co, land( Spain are I theory as t.o the Relation of H-eredity reached June 7, the inustrumnmt rcia-(l the three, forkit count vies to) to (Cancer," at the dIedication of the Sing disclosed the peak t) be 20,3001 which ea('h issue i nie~a building, March 1y. A second Stanley feet above sea level. 3 thle'pi'esenl th inr. IBlack -led~ui'e will be given by Prof. I The Stutck expueditilon imade its startf New 'Yoi'k state(,asd Illinois W1tarmt 11111onlMachm 20, the subject be- _March17 nearly tlremnhbig; fie for first plac ein thme nimnber Iifitg "'Syphilis of Cte heatrt.' 5required frtime ascent. Proceeding of coie r covkd ihOri ol txichiigan alummni of lAos Angeles xil by dog'teani front Nenana, camtp wasI lowiing('lose in seconrd plac'e. 1;hear Prof. Warthin at a lumncheon on est alished a month later 4,000 feetj_______Mai'ch 1,3. lie 'will also ,;peak before up at Muldrow glacieri'.This ws___Itlhe Southwest ern Iediatrix society of twenty miles fromh the top. The re- o A igees mi''Eythedena, o _ 63f~orof the Itrip was-i-iorc, diftl1 ;II, 'ha/rvard I9Viii G3ie wa rch 22. ridge between the lower and upper Engineering Award in illadreun ouMcia i at glacial floors. I- henxA(rz. icianaumia Tespec'tac(umlar eruptions of sub-' Gradunates of libter al art col leges in terraneani forces in thle Nor'itI in r-- June, I t2 are oti'(,red ao $1,000 ('01m- HARRVIS1BURG, IPa..--Gov. Piichot cent years, lI ringing into b)0i1-g the petit ive s-cliolar'ship in thelie armvard h eas anmiouniced his candidacy for thel Valley, of Tre Thoiisamid smokes and engiinteing sc'lool, No st udent reg- Republican nomination for the United other natural phenonmena, lends inter- istemed in ant mgine, rimig, scientific I States seiiate in the Pennsylvania est to the undertaking. or technical school is eligible. Iml~mary this sprimng. p3 food I rng~Feeling I(fly Asso ited Press ) LOND)ON,3\Mai. 16.-The'vnew Irish B loundary agreement has imsherme0(1in a 1 i ew era, charamcteirized bhu i1e fiend- liness amid('ooperation shown by the _ twxo Irish goverm ninents in relations J with each other amd idvth the Impnerial - ( Cabinet at Lonidon. This was the constuis of a cani- x v-ass of thle heads of the Dunblin aidc IBelfast goveri'nemits andl other leadi~- j I em's of both states, some of whom even shpoke hopefully (of the prospects of - - I5 eventual unioni of all Ireland. The f t agmeement has beemi in operation near- fI ly three months. P'resideont William T. Cosgrave of t .he Free State Cabinet saidl: "I am well satisfiedl with the results of the Lomidon agreement and~ with the r friendly relations between thme gov- ernmients which it has facilitated. The Roy Chapunmn Audirews, chdef Asi-I result has beeim beneficial all around." a-tic explor'er of I lie Amnericani Museum Ini'Belfast, Sir' James Craig, premier of Natural History, oIf New York City, of the Ulster govermnment, while care- who fomud time first (dinosaur eggsj fully avoiding reference to the possi- ever discover'ed two years ago, ami' bility of union, stressed the coopera- who will make his thir'( scientific ex- tive aspect of their new relations. He peditiomn into Asia this year., characterized them as "two neighbors 1 who are friendly, who wish to oblige Scie tis. W il each other an thus et'fect ecomnomies." Sc e tst W l "North and South Ireland must live i together as neighbors," said thme Ul- Sttuav Fossils Istmleader. "B~oth administrations n uist turn thmeir minds from those In Gobi Jjesert matters which have (divided thenm in the astand conc'entrate on affairs that meally affect the' welfare of the As chief of the Asiatic exploration I people, so that the whole of Ireland, division of the American Museum )uf amid not onie lpart alonie, may be' pros- Natural History, Roy Chapman Ani- pemrous." drews, who two years ago dliscolvered The agrecemint has caused a benchi- the irs diosar egs eer oun w ('mval change in the rmelatiomns among time~~~~~~~ ,i'tdmoaregsee' utwtheflt'peo1)1ealong the border and of the coniduct an expedlitionl into Mongolia Naitionalist uminority in Ulster with this summer. Th'le purplose of this time rest of the Orangemen. There is. trip will be to find fossils blearing 0on no longer any question of forcing the thme theory, that all evolutionary tr'ails ( North imnto a union with the Free of' land nmamnmals lead to Asia.. ThisI state, aind the South frankly recogniz- idea was proposed 25 years ago by e s thaittin ion can only come in time Hemnry Fairfield Osbuorn, puresidlent of1 by agreement between the two gov- the museum. erninents on the basis of equality. Automobiles and canmels will 1)e used The Nationalists in the north, nmo iomg- to cross 1-le Gobi (desert, according to or ,able tou rely on support from iDub- plamus now prepar-ed. iiu, have abandonmed their boycott of Mr. Amdrews, who graduated frointhtie Ulster legislature, and National Beloit college in 183-4, hias been niak- ists ar'e arranuging to take their place-s ihug scientific explorations since 1903,y as an official parliamentary opposi- when lie journieyedI to Alaska. Ini the j tion. following year lie went as a special Both governments have benefited Fm- maturalist on the U., S. S. Albatross nancially from the agreement, which to the Dutch East Indies, Borneo, and relieved time Fmree State of its obhiga- Celebes. Nor-thernm Korea was his field 'ioin to pay a share of time British War in 1912,' and n 1913 lie again wemnt t:) I debt. r I I3 i t t t t jf I t t (t 4 if if I1 It :i H is first Asiatic trip for thle Aieri- can nuiseum of natural history was made imi 1916, when lhe traveled iin Thibet, China, amid Borneo. The sec- ond, in the following year, was to North China amid outer Mongolia. On his third Asla t~c ,;uirney he tray- 011l(1dmmore thani 6,000 miles, largely :(a mottor c'ars, studlyinig geological strata, as well as paleomntology. It: was on this expedlition that he found tme dini- osaui- eggs, andi also the skull and pam'ts of the skeletonm (f the largest knmown manimal, tme baluchithierium. Solons Organize .for Better Laws DIENVE+R, Mar. 1u (A. P.)-Organi- ization of the Ammerican Legislators' association for "fewer, better, and more umniform state laws" has pro- gressed so satisfactorily that its first annmual imeeting will 1)e held in Den- ver, July 19 smit 20, immnediately after the Amnerican B~ar Associationi conven- ti()n here, it is announced by Henry W. Toll, piresident. U - __________________________________________ -i p I I I p I e VICTOR RECORD l5C FThaU Ye~lra I I I I I I 1 I I 0 RECORD PLAYED BY u I vEFtSIT OF HGA LEVERY MICHIGAN MAN NDWI,, 1/LL WANT THIS RECORD. XA1FINE SOUVENIR O HEFJS THM THE RECORD WITH THE ELMCI-NSII 4 We are prepared to pack for Parcel Post. Get yours NO W! I -I