" ESTABLISHED 1890 R iA Uxt MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 125 TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1926 TWELVE PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS BROADCAST TENTH: POGRAM BY RAlOl FROM UIRS ITY JLANVJAIRI 1)ISVUStES WORK OF INTERNATIONAL1 ROAD CQNFEREN CE -.- I COL. COOLI)GE',S CON1ITION 11O RSEs, PHYS'ICIANt STA'LES (ClBY Associated Pres.s) PLYMOUTH, Vt., March 16.- Ccl. John C. Coolidge continued to grow weaker tonight, Dr. Al- bert M. Cram, his physician, an- nounced in a bulletin issued at 8 o'clock. The physician said his patient had been unable to take nourishment. Aftera telephonedconference with the nurse on duty at the Coolidge home, Doctor Cram, from his office in Bridgewater, gave out this bulletin: "Colonel Coolidge is very weak tonight, even weaker than when he was examined earlier in the day. He has been unable to take nourishment and has taken his medicine with great difficulty." t E AMERICA'S REFUSAL TTO JOIN COURT IS 'HISTORY REPETITION BRUMM ALSO TALKS "ProfessorB rtlett lExpaiins Sources Of Rubber And Operations Of Rubber Plantations "Michigan Night," the tenth of the regular radio programs of the Uni- versity, was broadcast last night over stations WJR, the Jewett Radio and Phonograph company of Pontiac, and WCX, the Detroit Free Press. Last night's program consisted of four dis- cussions on topics of universal in- terest and several musical numbers by students of the University. Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of the engineering college, who will be one of the representatives of the United States at the International Road con- ference to be held next September, in Milan, Italy, spoke on "Highway Im- provement, a World Problem." Pro- fessor Blanchard spoke of the work of the conference and the highway problems which will probably be dis- cussed at this.year's meeting. "Twenty million motor vehicles will be in use in the United States during 1926," he stated. "The yearly increase in the number of vehicles and chang- es in transportation requirements will create new problems in highway im- provement. To efficiently solve these problems will require comprehensive research, and a constat ninterchange of thought among engineers and others in this field." Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of the bot- any department, spoke on "Rubber." lie explained the sources of rubber and the operation of the plantations. "The Critics of Newspapers" was the subject of the talk given by Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism de- partment. In his talk he defended the newspapers against the flood of criti- cism which they receive from all sides. He described the tremendous amount ,of work done by the papers in the space of a few hours, showing that mistakes are certain to occur in the paper.mt "If criticism be a form of flattery, then the American newspaper should stand unrivalled In pride of calling, for everybody, more or less, seems w have taken occasion to exercise his vocabulary in condemning it," Profes- sor Brumm said. The fourth radio talk of the pro- gram was given by Maj. Deinold Mel- berg, who is command of the Re- serve Officers Training corps of the University. In his talk, he answered the critics of military training in the universities, by showing the advan- tages offered to students enrolled in the courses other than merely the military training. T he musical part of the program was furnished by a qua rtet con- prised of Ralph Ehilers, '27, 'Thomas Montgomery, '26, Otto Koch, '27, and .Charles Higley; '26, who sang several groups of popular Michigan songs. The next radio program of the Uni- versity will be broadcast on March 30. Tfhe programs are arranged under the direction of Waldo Abbot of the rhet- oric department. Qualifies For Study In Paris Announcement was made last night by Prof. Emil Lorch of the Archlitecc- tural college that Carl Belser, '25A, who is now a graduate student at Harvard, has been awarded second place in the qualifying contest for the Paris prize architectural compe- tition. The prize is a three-year schol- arslip in Paris. The final selections are to be made in the near future, Professor Lorch stated. Union Dance For Friday Cancele No membership dance will be held at the Union next Friday due to the Frosh Frolic which will be given in the assembly hall that evening. The regular Union dance will be held Sat- urday night. ' i I I I' 1 ii ! i 1 - .1. - IFINISHI NG TOUCHES Affiri'ative And Negative Teams Which W ll Oppose hhlini And Badgers Prepare For Encounter WILL LEAVE THURSDAY Michigan's debate teamuis which will meet Illinois and Wisconsin Friday night in the annual Midwest debates are now receiving final training, Coach G. E. Densmore announced yesterday.i Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, Ralph Harlan, and Carl Brandt are helping to prepare the teams for the compe- tition Friday night. The affirmative team composed of Albert Stern, '27L, Robert S. Miller, '27, and James T. Herald, '28, will de- bate the Illinois trio in Hill audi- torium, while the negative team com- posed of Emanuel Harris, '27, Ray- mond Olson, '27, and Hugo Hustad '26, will meet the Wisconsin trio at Madison. The question for debate is, "Re- solved: that the tendency to central- ize power and responsibility in the federal government should be op- posed." Professor Trueblood announced yes- terday that Michigan has a wider ad- vantage over Ilinois in wins than over Wisconsin. Wisconsin was the first of the Big Ten schools to officially, engage Michigan in Varsity debate. Michigan won, and the two teams did, not meet again fo' 11 years. The Mid-, west league, however, has effected a{ closer bond between the two schools. The negative team will leave Ann Arbor tomorrow, and according to schedule, will arrive in Madison early Friday morning. Program Arranged For Entertainment, At Union Banquet Entertainment for the basketball banquet at the Union tomorrow night has been arranged, it was announced yesterday by Harry Koenig, '26, gen- eral chairman. The entire program includes speakers, headed ly T. Haw- ley Tapping, field secretary of the alumni association, a campus orches- tra, and three local vaudeville acts. Wilcox orchestra has been engaged for the evening, instead of the Unionl I orchestra, as previously announced. The team of Stanley Lewy, '28L, and Thomas Dougall, '28, will do a fancy ! dancing act. Robert Moore, '26, and Donald Williams, '28, will render a number of banjo selections, and Phil- ip Culkin, '28, baritone, will sing. Invitations to the banquet were mailed yesterday to members of the basketball squad and swimming team, Coach E. J. Mather and Coach Matt ' Mann,. Tickets for the banquet, which were placed on sale at the Union yesterday foi. the first time, were purchased in large numbers throughout the day. JOHN QUINCY ADA-VS, IN 1820 DEXIN ED TO ENTER INT0' EUROPEAN AFFAIRS AGE OLD POLICY Sixth President Stated United States Was Cautiously iniependent Of European Entanglements (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, March 16.-Efforts to in- duce America to join the World court show history repeatin.g itself for' similar efforts were made a century ago. Sen. Henrik Shipstead, of Min- nesota, told the Cook county Repub- lican centTal committee tonight. One hundred years ago when the idea of political democracy was chal- lenging the old order of political autocracy, he said, Europe entered in- to a series of treaties finally termi-, nating in the "holy league of peace" and the congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, which the United States was asked to{ join. In July, 1820, John Quincy Adams, in instructions to the Ameri- can anbassador to St. Petersburg, said regardinsg the league of peace: "The political system of the United States is essentially extra-European. To stand in firm and cautious inde- pendence of all entanglements in thej European system has been a cardi- nal point of their policy from the peace of 1783 to this day. "Yet in proportion as the import- 1 ance of the United States, as one of the members of the general society of civilized nations, increases in the f eyes of the others, the difficulties of maintaining this system and the temptations to depart from it increase. and multiply." This pronouncement was followed by enunciation of the Monroe Doc- trine, said Senator Shipstead, and NEWBI L MAY CRAT BRAU OF PROHIBITION (By As~ociated Press) WASHINGTON, March 16.-The ad-, ministration's b ll to create a bureau of prohibition ix the treasury depart- ment, bearing the approval of the anti-Saloon Leakue and prohibition leaders generally, was approved to- day by the House ways and means committee. The measure is the first proposed' major change in the prohibition law to be reported out of committee since passage of the Volstead act. It will receive the legislative right of way and be taken up ih the House in the near future. While it is designed to strengthen the prohibition !enforcement- machin- ery, its consideration will at least open the flood gates of general prohi- bition debate, amid may serve as the vehicle by which wet members can get before the Huse, in the forms of amendments, the r many and varied proposals for 1 teralization of the general prohibiti n law. Heretofore these proposals lave been smothered in committee. The bill was i troduced by Chair- man Green of the ways and means committee. In a dition to creating al prohibition burea*, it would set up in the treasury dep4rtment a bureau of customs, and the }two units would be administered 'by commissio'ners ap- pointed by the secretary of the treas- ury at salaries of $8,000 a year. The personnel of both bureaus, excepting; the higher officials, would be suject to the civil service regulations. During hearings by the committee, Assistant Secretary Andrews, in, charge of prohibition enforcement, endorsed the bill providing a much- needed realignment of enforcement machinery. DA WILLDISCU SS BUSINSS TRININ MASQUES ANNOUNCEfI THIRD PRODU9CTION TICKET SALE WARRANTS ADDEDI "WIY MARRY 1" PERFORMANCE FRIDAY NIGHT OPENING TONIGHT Author Ihavs Attended Practicaily All Rehearsals; First Local Presentation Because of the unusual demand for I seats before the first production,! Masques announced yesterday that! there would be a Friday night per-1 formance of "Why Marry?", the Pu- litzer Prize play by Jesse Lynch Wil- liams, holder of the fellowship in Creative Arts. Although there are still seats available for the perform- ances tonight and Thursday, the de-, mand was so constant that it was decided to give a Friday night per- formance. This will be the first local presen- tation of one of Mr. Williams' plays, and, as the author has attended prac- tically all of the rehearsals and aided in the interpretations, the production is promised as an authoritative one. The play is being directed by Phyl- I lis Loughton, '23, former stage mana- ger of the Bonstelle company, who also directed "Great Catherine" for Comedy club. The cast, which was chosen from more than 50 tryouts l from all of the campus dramatic or-. ganizations by Miss Loughton and Mr. Williams, includes Lillian Bronson,y '27; Dale Shafer, '26; Margaret Effin- ger, '26; John flassberger; Valentine Davies, '27; Margaret Geddes '26; and Kenneth King, '26, all of whom I have had previous experience in localy dramatics.1 Special scenery for the production was designed by Valentine Davies, and built and painted by Fred MacPherson and Otto Selheller who have construct- MANY STUD)ENTS REPLY TO 11101) TRANFIrSION PLEA Mlore than 25 students re- spondled' to the appeal of the University hospital published in yesterday's issue of The Daily, and volunteered to donate blood to assist in the treatment of a six year old girl desperately ill with influenzal meningitis. A donor had been secured, how- ever, and the transfusion per- formed late Monday night. Late yesterday the hospital reported that the patient was doing asy well as could be expected. The appeal was made for a male student who had recently recovered from grippe who was willing to provide blood for the treatment. Blood that had re- cently been infected by grippe was required. Between 7 and 10 o'clock there were 14 volun-, teers, and as many more offered j their services later in the day. I FROM BRAZIL TOA Question Of Germany's Entrance Into League Of Nations Hangs Upon Expected Decision STILL RETAIN ATTITUDE (By Associated Press) GENEVA, March 16.-The allied and German statesmen are awaiting wordI from Rio Janiero, and on this decisionj of the Brazilian government depends the question of whether Germany willj enter the League of Nations at this i 1 added, this was reaffirming the for Business Adininislration School Read ed sets for the Union operas of the Wil policy of George Washington and ill Consider W4rth Of Technical past five years. the policy to which we have adhered Preparatlobi For Life "Why Marry?" is described as a for 140 years." light comedy, filled with humor of the LECTURE SIXTH IN SERIES highest type, Mr. Williams being noted Jessie Bonstelle Ifor this type of writing, and being one eof the few playwrights to produce Gives Short Talk Just what value may be placed on a high comedy on the American stage. definite collegiate preparation for a According to the author, the play AyCbusiness career will be discussed in tells "how to attain, remain and re- a lecture on "Collegiate Preparation , frain, from marriage." It was award- Miss Jessie Bonstelle, director of fDed the first Pulitzer prize in 1917, as the Bonstelle Playhouse in Detroit, the best play of the season by an spoke informally on the more recent Day of the School of Business Admin- ; American author. trends of the modern theater last ! istration, this afternoon at 4:15 o'- Tickets are available at the box of- night at the Lawyers' club. clock in Natural Science auditorium. face of the Mimes theater, and are Miss Bonstelle touched upon the The contribution which a professional priced at 50 and 75 cents. All seats birth of the drama in the church, and j training can make to the possibility are reserved. traced the recent developments of the of success in the industrial world will theater which show the great influ- be treated by Dean Day. WJ s WilJ1 ence it can exert in furthering reli- This lecture is open to all students I" ''tW l gion. Miss Bonstelle strongly empha- on the campus who are interested in iFear Campbell sized the unwholesome effect of un- preparing themselves for a life work. clean plays such as "What Price It is the sixth lecture in the series of I Glory," "Desire Under the Elms," and "Life Work" lectures which has been Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the, Eng- "They Knew What They Wanted." arranged by the vocational counsel lish department will deliver two lee- She pointed out how much better the committee'of the Student Christian as- tures today and tomorrow at the Uni- plays would have been had their sociation. Men such as Dean Hugh Ca- versity of Wisconsin. The subject of authors utilized their gifts to write ' bot of the Medical school, and Dean the two talks will be Shakespeare's the best type of drama. Day, who are acknowledged leaders romantic comedies. "The theater has a tremendous in their fields, have been secured to Professor Campbell will trace the power to make human beings happier give talks on their chosen professio development of the comedies of Shake- and better," Miss Bonstelle conclud- to students who are contemplating en-' speare from the time when the poet ed. "Many theatrical producers want I tering that particular field.. was largely under the Italian influ- to produce the best type of plays, but The next address on "Advertising As I ence to the period of his mature and feel they are not wanted by the pub- a Life Work," will be given by Gor- most original work. lic. don Kingsbury, advertising manager i of the Kelvinator company of Detroit. BUCHAREST.-The government is. In addition to arranging these lec- understood to have decided to dissolve Texas Receives tures the vocational counsel commit-- Parliament March 27. More Revenues tee maintain an office in Lane hall where students who are dissatisfied DUBLIN. -- Eamon De Valera has AUSTIN, Texas,Marh with their present choice of a life work resigned the presidency of the Sinn ctine , t oarch 16.-oeve- Ican obtain assistance in picking an- Fein. nues etpo IT omtes other or in ironing out their difficul- of the University of Texas from the ties. Appointments can be made with Har * school's oil lands, but the university any member of the faculty through; arVar d .a0- ysiCu regents are faced with peculiar prob- this committcc. A member of the com Of Ultra-Viol lens in applying this income to the mittee will be at Lane hall every aft- needs of the institution. An addi- ernoon during the week to assist any tional $238,065 was paid by two operat- student who wishes to obtain inter- Showing the effects of ultra-violet ing companies yesterday, bringing the views or professional advice. i the growth and development total receipts from oil royalties up to ;_ght__n__h__gigto time. The agreement between the allied delegates and the Germans is that if by 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, when the assembly will convene, a message has not arrived authorizing Afranio Mello Franco, the Brazilian delegate, to vote for Germany, Sir Austen Chamberlain, British foreign secretary, immediately will move ad- journment until the next assembly of, the question of Germany's election. Brazil had not abandoned her atti- tude of opposition to Germany, so far as known today, and so convinced was the Council of the League that no answer would come in the next three days, that it voted with great reluctance to postpone all action on Germany's application for League membership and for a permanent seat in the Council as exacted by the Lo-1 carno accords. The belief is held among the dele- gates that unless a miracle happens,' Germany will remain outside the League at least until next September, which is the month in which the League assembly next convenes. Sell All Tickets For Frosh Frolic Filling the Union ball room to ca-! pacity, more than 275 couples willE attend the Frosh Frolic which will be held there Friday night, the final re- port of the ticket committee indicates. All tickets. have been sold. The ma- jority of those attending are mem- bers of the first year clAss. PARIS.-Raoul Peret, new financeI minister, is optimistic over the condi- tion of the French treasury. ROME.-Compulsory arbitration of .all labor disputes is required in a bill passed by the Italian Senate. st Shows Effects et On Plants, Animals to chickens, but may be applied to any of the members of the animal or the plant kingdoms BINSHARD TO OPEN FuRDYLECTURE SERIES HERE TODAY . CONTRIBUTING EDITOR OF TE "NATION" WIL DISCUSS SOCIAL PROBLEMS MICHIGAN GRADUATE Former Student Member Phi Beta Rappa, Later Attended Columbia, Harvard Paul Blanshard, '14, field secretary of the League for Industrial Democ- racy of New York, and contributing editor of the Nation, will open a four- day series of lectures on social prob- lems of the United States and the world, by addressing two public meet- ings today. At 4:15 o'clock this af- ternoon, in University Hall auditorium, he will deliver his first address of the series by speaking on the subject of "China's Fight for Freedom." HIis second address will be given at 8 o'clock tonight in the Newberry all on the subject "Around the World in Steerage." Mr. Blanshard is com- ing to Ann Arbor under the joint aus- pices of the Round Table club and the Student Christian association. Mr. Blanshard, while a student at the University of Michigan, was elect- ed to membership in Phi Beta Kappa,, honorary scholastic fraternity, and Delta Sigma Rho, honorary forensic society. After graduating in 1944from the literary college, he did two years post graduate work at Harvard and Columbia universities. He later served as a pastor of a Boston Congregational church, and then entered the labor movement, with which he has been as- sociated ever since. He became or- gamizer for the Analgamated Textile workers, and organizer and edica- tional director in Rochester, N. Y., for the Amalgamted Clothing workers. During his three years of eductonal work with the unions of the American Federation of Labor and the clothing workers of Rochester, he has devel- oped a number of experimets in workers' education. Mr. Blanshard is the author of many magazine articles and pam- phlets, and recently wrote a book en- titled "An Outline of the British La- bor Movement." He has visited Eu- rope three times, on which trips he made studies of the British labor movement and the Italian Fascisti. He is also a member of the Congrega- tional Social Service commission. He is a brother of Brand Blanshard, who was a professor of philosophy in the University last year. During the last two years, Mr. Blan shard has lectured to more than 75,000 college students in many of the lead- ing American universities, and to many churches, service club, , labor organizations, forums, and women's groups. He has just returned from a trip around the world, on which he studied social movements in Japan, I Soviet Russia, Denmark, and Great Britain. Mr. Blansharl went on this world trip, which lasted a year, as a steerage passenger, and it is his ex- periences on this trip of which he will speak tonight. Among the differ- ent lectures which Mr. Blanshrard de- livers throughout th United States are "The Coming of Industrial De- mocracy," "Stopping the Next War," "Labor and the Church," and "Pub lie Ownership Here and Abroad." Mr. Blanshard will also speak in iAnn Arbor tomorrow, Friday and Sat- urday. He will address Prof. Everett 1 S. Brown's class in national politics, at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning,on the subject of "The Oriental Attitude Toward Our Immigration Policy." "Soviet Russia" will be lis subject at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. At 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night at the Union, he will address Prof. Lowell J. Carr's class in Social Problems. He will speak on "Industrial Democ- racy" at 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium,- and at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning at the Union he will conclude his serieq of lectures by speaking on e ''Students in Industry.' In addition to these lectures, Mr. t Blanshard will speak before several a of the fraternities at their luncheons and dinnners, on various socal prob- lems in which the men may be inter- ested. Plans are also being made to r have him speak before the Negro- e Caucasian club. ,t "Mr. Blanshard is coming to Ann Arbor primarily to interest and ac- quaint students of the various social 3I nrolems of the TUnited States and $2,800,063. Invitations Disguised As Summons, Startle Unsuspecting Recipients Classes in various buildings on the campus were abruptly interrupted and lectures temporarily suspended yes- terday and Monday by the invasion of uniformed police officers. As the lat- ter stalked towards the front of each' room announcing a court'summons for the professor or instructor in charge, laughs, titters, and remarks emanated from the class after the first moment of surprise had passed. Some professors were seen to pale, some reddened, and still others wore classes were said to have thought that a "frame-up" for a news story was being arranged when the officerl entered the class, and some went so, far as to begin taking notes. Prominent students in nearly every fraternity on the campus were sub- poenaed Monday and yesterday atI meal times, and a few more will be "summoned" today. Even the sanctity of fraternity meetings was temporaily disrupted in some instances, the po- lice being determined to deliver their FREIGHT WRECK DEBRISj CLEAREDFOR TWC Traffic was resumed on the Mich- igan Central railroad between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Monday night when train No. 4, bound from Chicago to Detroit and due in Ann Arbor at 7:07 o'clock, passed the scene of Mon-E day's freight wreck although work- men were busy all day yesterday clear-, ing. away the debris and repairing the tracks. Wrecked cars were either pulled along the ditch on the south side of the track, or pushed to the river bank of plants, animals, and human beings, Prof. W. J. Bovie of the bio-physics H speaker explained that ultra-violet department of Harvard university, de-I light was composed of a wave length livered an illustrated lecture under too short for the human eye to see, the auspices of the L Merrill-Palmer and that this particular length could school last night, in the Natural Sci- ,not penetrate plate glass. As a re- Cook Ltl p"'reside vet Clarence sult the chickens that were kept in Cook Little presided over the meeting the green house had not received mand introduced the speaker. these ultra-violet rays, and were Professor Bovie described at lengthI therefore under developed. He then the results of his experiments with described many experiments that the ultra-violet rays on chickens. The I demonstrated the effect of the light on tests covered three groups of fowl growth and differentiation. The first had been raised in a green "Plants," he said, "grow faster in f I i house and not allowed to run in the the dark. At the same time light is air dutside. The second group had needed if they are to differentiate o been given the freedom of the sunlight mature. Potato sprouts grown in the and fresh air, and the third had been dark lack both color and leaves, but treated with a mercury arc light in are far taller than those that are ex- quartz. At the end of a set period of I posed to the light." IOur eathermi~iu7