TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1926, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE 1. RVEN . .. . -...... _.1 i Freshman Track 12 for third, and 1 for fourth place,j Ha fwfke 1e a tmen, iu each event. However the list of Jo g SrPIDMUR HA gK Il kVTe Squadeainsvents will be altered, the 220 yard !lSeek A. A. U. Title Tash being substituted for the short l 1 For Big Ten Mieet 50 yard sprint. Besides this, avour~~ maftile relay will be added and the ____ OLCHO IOWA CITY, la., March 15.-Cham Aifter ritumphing over the Wiscon- Broad jump will be omitted because ionships of the Mid-Western A. A. (. of the lack of jumping pits in some A record ich had edured at the =district are t he next goal of Univer- sn yearlings by the score of 46 2-3 of the Conference armories. ; University of Iowa for five years was sity of Iowa wrestlers. At least sev- to 43 1-3 Coach Iloyt's freshman track Coach Hoyt also announced that :shattered twice recently by Ray Mann, en regulars will go to the mat in the squad is now preparing for the all- after the results of the meet are re- a sonhomore high jumper from Coun- tOturnaient at Iowa City next Friday Conference te graphic meet to ie leased hl would give out his list of cil Bluffs. and Saturday. - recommendations for the sets of num Man did not even graze the bar Th'! possibility of fighting it out r r'C t Nebraska is adding zest to the Hawkk- " fPERPETUAL CALENDAR-A magne- eye's work. Eugene Grattan, '158- tic arrow finds the day of the week pounder who took nineteen points in ; , H ( m . for any date. Send 25c ($1 for 5) dual meets and went unbeaten; Carl for this device together with the Voltmer, 175-pounder; L. Beers, 145- If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie mathematical formula upon which pounder and Captain Michael are the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad it is based and rule for calculating among the Iowa entrants. will be charged.an Daily reserves the right to results mentally. A. C. Washburne, #__ ___classify all want ads under appropriate hea P itsfield, Massachusetts. Wed-tf. IOWA CITY.-Spring sports at Iow1a cosyand to revise or withhold objectionable -track and baseball--have enrolled This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- MONA BEA1'1TY SHOP total of 20 lettermen. Veterans com- ng publication. Notice of any error must be 4 .JEFFERSON. DIAL 22159 given in time for the second insertion. I 409 E.JFERO.DA 215 pose more than half of each team. CASH RATES FRENCH MARCEL 75 CENTS t Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of 4 SOFT WATER SHAMPOO 50 CENTS PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. five average words to the line) for one or two SPECIAL ATTENTION TO HAIR insertions.CUTN Nine cents per reading line for three or more CUTTING nsertions. EVENING APPOINTMENTS Cash classifieds received at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. { CONTRACT RATES TYPEWRITING & 1MEOGRAPHLW cial standardized rates given on applica. Promptly and neatly lone by compe- Jliiti all this week. This meet will be the first of its, kind ever held. Coaches from all the Conference schools have signified their desires for the holding of the time trials and have consented to send in the results by the end of this week. The regular point system will be used, giving 5 for first, 3 for second, orals basing his choices upon the ability and energy of the candidates. The regular outdoor season will begin as soon as the weather permits. CHAMPAIGN. - R. S. luaugherity, '27, star center and leading scorer, was elected captain of the varsity bas- ketball team at the University of Il- linois at a banquet of the squad here. at six feet three inches and his effort supplanted the mark of 6 feet 2 1-S inches made back in 1921 by E. P. I Hoffman. with collegians from Iowa State and ICreatest W i i; I t I Iy( I This Is the Week: Do you remember-this is the week you were going to dial 3916 and have the OE LAUNDRY call for your things! The MOE.LAUNDRY For every article ror sale, there is a buyer.eReach him thrt Classifieds. Well Dressed? -res, with SEA ISLAND j SEA ISLAND MILLS Imported Broadcloth Shirts always set you at ease. Their soft, firm qual- ity and lustrous. finislh .is always- apparent-always dignfcd . Insist, upon shirts-cof k"Sea Is- land" atyourcollegehaberdasher. SEA ISLAND. MILLS, U. New York, N.Y." i or this" Labef I Ever Offered! LOST LOST-Friday night a Rider Master pen, return to Daily, Box 71. a 23-24-25. LOST-Theta Kappa Psi pin, black, and gold, with pearl border. Re- ward. Phone 3497. . D.MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery College work a specialty for seven- teen years. Store tf. HTS is the first time we have ever had an opportunity to offer the fa- mous nationally advertised BULOVA WATCH in the popular fancy shapes, as illustrated, for only. $37.50I Here are watches that are- as beautiful as- they4 are. serviceable- guaranteed tog ve' alife time of de, pendable service. aV 'LOVAI This. new ULOVA Watch ha.s an mn- cK andwhite goewld illedt case and a 15- Jewel moe-_ mt. ". $37.50 UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE ,PTTRLTTSTTFRq OF MINK: 204 N. MAIN ST. DIAL 3916 I P A lavely BULOVA Creation. White Sokf {(ied enaaved Cae.-, 15 jewetBULOVAMov anent 37.50 We have many oher BULOYA Watches-all styles and shapes from.$25 to $2500 22-23-24-25-26-27-28,. ,., - IF YOU HAVE A NUMBER LOST-Pair of shell-rimmed glasses on March 5. Finder please call FOR PUBLICATION-SEE US Darling at 8664. Reward 22-23-241 601 EAST WILIAIAMS ST. LOST-Elgin wrist watch, gold with 20-21-22-23-24 brown strap, rectangular face, at Union Saturday night. Phone 6623, Special Release on Victor Records- Hawley. Reward. 24-25-26. "Dinah" by Jenn Goldkette and his Orchestra; "Always" by Geo Olson NOTICE and his music. Schaeberle & Son Music House. tf. JOE PARKER'S CAFE Dancing Tuesday nights, 6:30 to 10:30 TYPEWRITERS Every other night 6:30 to 8:00 Rebuilt and second hand of all makes Parties our Specialty I bought, sold, rented, exchanged, Join the Crowd at Parker's cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- 24-25-26. est. stock and best service depart- ment in. Ann Arbor. YOU MEN 0. D. MORRILL, who are working your way through 1 17 Nickels Arcade, Michigan, or who want to earn some The Typewriter & Stationery Store worthwhile side money--- Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona READ THIS tt. We are a wide awake organization and we want the part time services of WANTED some high grade, wide awake young man. xTA1 1TTh _lh '... a Men of Michigan. You Who Graduate in June tLend us your ear! Wei are a long established 'Michigan manu- facturer of enviable reputation. We want men, preferably (but not - necessarily) from Business Administration, Literary or Engineering Depart- ments, who earnestly seek business opportunity. Write uS fully, remembering that our only oppor-- tunity of judging you, is the character of your reply. Your correspondence will be treated con- fidentially, our story in detail will be promptly sent to you, and personal appointments made at our mutual convenience. Address F-25, care Michigan Daily Schlanderer & Seyfried JEWELERS 304 SOUTH MAIN STREET smolaw Read the Want Ads N i l 61 iH11111U111II fIIIIIIIIIfI~ill II lUIillil1111 1III11111-11|11111 it l N i t f)I eM11m m fil f ly I- EASTER CLEANSING DO NOT PUT IT OFF UNTIL THE LAST DAY OR SO! SEND IT IN TO-DAY We Scientifically and Carefully Cleanse Them in Energine. The Greatest of All Known Solvents WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THIS ART of Dry Cleaning Garments. DIAL 4191 209 SOUTH 4TH AVENUE CLEANERS WE DO PRESSERS ALLKINDS - DYERS OF REPAIRING C1. C ,ENi - 1IIIU11111 11111111 111 1111f11 11 ~1 111IIII~I 1lil lll lljl11l111:111111 M:N 11H f#1i t1 1111;tN 11fl H ua. Ours is not a real estate or peddling proposition but an opportunity of real merit, worthy of your prompt investi- gation. Write to-day and tell us of yourself in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeable appointments. Address Box 70, Michigan Daily SAMPEL Victor records played by the Univ. of Mich. Band, now being demonstrated at SCHAEBERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE, 110 S. Main St. tf. We pay highest prices for mn's used Clothing, Call 8040 STUDENTS TAILOR SHOP Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer Tues, Thur., Fri., tf. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowskli Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone, 5535. tu, tb, sat.-tf< COME in and hear the record "AL- WAYS" song or dance. ALWAYS the latest records and sheet music at the ALLMENDINGER MUSIC SHOP, 305 Maynard Street. 241 PRESSING-Unquestionably the best pressing service in town. Try us once. Cheer-Up Wahl, 328 So. Main. tf Fine custom tailored clothes, in- dividual fit, best workmanship,. cor- rect style, suit $35.00 and up. Albertl Gansle, 118 E. Washington. tf! it ® w I WAN1ED-washing ana ironing -ana also curtains laundered. Phone* . 22388. 22-23-24 LAUNDRY-Washing and ironing, all clothes dried out doors. Dial 21764. 23-24-25-26-27=28. WANTED-37 men for positions on Wear Ever Sales force. No canvass- ing, or delivering or exp'erience re- quired. 987 men from 150 schools made average earnings of $61.63 per 48 hour week for summer period of 1925. If you find it necessary to earn your college expenses during the coming summer period, spe B. S. Hagar, Room 431 Michigan Union Tuesday and Wednesday of this 1week. 24-25" WANTED-Drummer lessons from experienced drummer. Call 522 S. 4th Ave. Dial 6430. 24. WANTED-Large front room near the ' Campus, preferably in Washtenaw vicinity. Dial 5817. 24 WANTED-Young men: desirous of making good money selling clothes. Quick selling line at reasonable prices. M. G. Wild, 109 E. Washing- ton. 15-17-20-22-24-27 BOOKS WANTED BOOKS WANTED-Old papers, maga- zines, also all kinds of junk, old autos. Phone us and we will call. Kessler Bros. Coval St. Dial 3035. 2.3-24-25. FOR RENT - - FOR RENT-Three light lousekeep- ing 'rooms, private bath, all modern improvements. 823 West Washing- ton. Dial 7663. 22-23-24 j FOR RENT-Double front, room apartment, one block from campus, distinctively furnished in walnut with modern breakfast set. 614 Monroe. Dial 5311. 22-23-24 FOR RENT-Four room apartment, furnished for light housekeeping. Private bath. 1214 Washtenaw, Phone 8965. 23-24-25. FOR SALE I FOR SALE-A rare chance to own and manage a large, beautiful thirty student home, completely furnished. Income from students and dining Soom $6,500 to $7,000 a year, eight year lease, near campus. Price $2,900. Phone 6292. 23-24-25 FOR SALE-Ford Coupe, finishing and upholstering, tires, and acces- sories in Al condition. Private own- er. Call Renz, dial 3883 or 21601. 24-25-26. Read the Want Ads A nnouncemen! NE CK WEAR exhibition is being held a the Sock King's Arnold's State St. aeweler is now carrying a complete line of fountain pens-all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need, come in1 and see us, we can satisfy you, Arnolds State St. Jeweler 3.02 S.State St. tf. ! A. NASH CO., Golden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and Topcoats $23.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. VICTOR Single Face Red Seal Rec- ords, 3-10 in. records for $1.00; 2-121 inch records for $1.00 at Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf. DELICIOUS Fried Chicken dinners served every Sunday, strictly home prepared food-meals served week days 11:30 to 2 p. m., Sundays 12 to: 2. The best places to eat are home and here. 209 South Ingalls. 22-23-24. LEAVE your order now for the new Victor Record played by the Univ. of Mich. Band at Schaeberle and Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf. I . University, aznue shop. French, I Irish, English and domestic neck- wear is on display. Come in and see more ties than yon thought Ann Arbor. were in All Wool Pre-Shrunk Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade SUITS AND TOPCOATS $2300 (7-7-MO ' 'L. V." ANqdi o gU F I _____ II I iI I - ~ ' 1"M N I ®mE!