TUIESJAY, MARCH 16, 1926 THE MICHIGAN fDAILY NIEBUHR PRAIE HEBREW INUENCE Rector Of Deroit (Churhi Contra sts Effect Of Grek And Jeishi Thiought Oi Religion DISCUSSES +'MORALITY ; onrasting the influences of Ge(ek and Hebrew' philosophy on Christian- ity in his address Sunday night at the University service on "The Sons of Zion and the Sons'of Greece" Dr. Reinhold Nicbhr, of the Bethel Evan- gelical church of Detroit. stated1 that "against all the contributions of the Greeks to the Christian religion, those of the Hebrews seem small, but they gave one which greatly offsets the others-conscience." He addedi that Greece made the ma- jority of the cultural contributions, but that the moral vigor of our civil- ization was due to conquering of Ju- (lea over Hellenistic civilization. "TheII Jewish prophet found God not in fire, earthquakes or volcanoes, but in the inner urges of the human soul and conscience." Greek theology and phil- osophy were directed towvard self-ex- pression which was characterized by the expression "nothing too much." They believed that virtues became sins when over-indulged, and this doc- trine is followed by many people to- day, hie believes. "Most of the peo- ple on the street today are Greeks re- garding their morality of respectabil- ity-a morality of compromise-which accords those respectable who escape vulgarity," Dr. Niebuhr continued. He declared that the Hebrews have nt a morality of compromise, but one of conflict not between nations but within the mind of man, which makes a bid for victory. Human be- ings must exercise vigor in their mor- ality for they have "all the possi- bilities of heaven but the instincts of hell." This is the reason, he point- ed out, why philosophers in the past have failed in declaring mankind eith- er absolutely good or absolutely bad sii~.e they have capabilities for either Northwestern Is Recipient Of Gifti (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, March 15. - A gift of' $4;000000 to Northwestern university from ivhs. Montgomery Ward was an- nouncedi Saturday. T he money is for use of the medical ahdental Schools to which Mrs. W yd >ucde a similar donation about two years ago. The Montgomery Ward Memorial building onl the Mc-I Kinlock Memorial Campus in theI, downtown district is under construc- tiori as a result of Mrs. Ward's first DETROIT THEATRES THIS WEEK 1 AR R K ^ ves. - S0c to $2.50 A V~R Wed. Mat. S0c to $1.50 Sat. Ma. 50c to $2.00 SECOND AND LAST WEEK. t41 The Season's Play Sensation ~ancing others, 1 With Mary tYoungand John Hlliday ~onstelle Playhouse Nihs a to $.50 SWoodward at A~ tot Tel Glendale 9792 SThe BONSTELLE CO In the First Release for Stock Purposes of VC ,Wit Jesse Lynch Williams, Author of pI'"hubert LrryV1 aayette Lfyte tSeg Iv~t,$ to $3 So ~op.Thurs.WM'ii Soc to g2.oo, pu ta. Cad 875 r ARCH SELWY XN Presents 'With Jack Buchanian, Beatrice Lillie, Gertrude XLawrence and R 1Prjiliaint Fnelish f omrtany l -- =! Coty Starts Fund To Steady Franc .-, r. :. + ..:.. "® E E. W Howe Did Your Garters Look 'This Morning? AGRIPPA -WEB makes garters act in an entirely new way-and only in Bostons can this web be had. Even when worn very loose it will not slip. It cannot curl and yet it is remarkably soft and light. Here in fact is a practical, comfortable, ventilated -web garter. In many pleasing colors, 50c the pair. GEORGE FROST COMPANY M AKERS BOSTON I Francois Coty, known to the United States women as a perfumer, has offer'- edi 100,000,000 francs as a contribu- tion toward an amortization fund tof be raised among France's wealthy1 men to stabilize the franc. Faculty Men Will Study Problems In T hree Industries Three industrial problems, the pro- duction of synthetic rubber, the pro- duction of synthetic motor fuel, and ventilation as it_ applies to public school buildings, will be studied by committees appointed from the fac- ulties of the different schools, accord- ing to an announcement made by the President's office Saturday. Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of the bo- tanical (department is chairman of the committee which will study synthetic rubber, Prof. Eugene H. Leslie of the department of chemical engineering is the chairman of the committee to studly synthetic motor fuel, and the committee to study ventilation will have Prof. Henry C. Anderson of the jmechanical engineering department as head.! A Picture Is Always New Until You've Seen It MILTON SILLS In "sI Want M y Manm Today and Wednesday Thursday--SET 1Y COMPSON in "'rKE FAST SET" b ,. t..'t. .. i' 4 I _+t++4 1I State at Jackson-Chicago ' W 3 -PIN Y t t o n i..::.2* H C. ,, - T HE Clothes in the College Shop are always the newest--and nat- urally the smartest, for they represent the very choicest models and fabrics.,of the country's leading manufacturers. That style lead.. ership plus the advantage of definitely lower prices resulting from the tremendous volume of our established Clothing business are facts that College Men cannot overlook. B. V. Burch field Will Exhibit at The Hotel" Allenel Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15th, 16th and 17th I ' A1 X ( EARNthe economy of haying a Stetson. Styli: on a foundation of qual- ity is the secret of Stetson supremacy. STETSON HATLS Styled, for young men I I 11 00 0 0-0 O 0 00 00'0o*0 6 00 I N; I lI P 11 ON r v i T lY Now Showing ! MWe Sell Prize Candy Read The Daily "Classified" Columns ., ... a J i ll ~ Lord Darlington Says!,' Betwen tem nd 'ome thre i nofriudshp pssibe, nly ass~in JiiEejlite, &lWorsh iLve.tee1 1 1(1ihpp~sbe ll 'i~Ol The Famous Star 1S New UN ITEDI lENG(A (WEN 1 THROUGI WVE I)NESI)A.Y ONLY r. Europe, Orient, etc, ALL LINES AND STE LERS One m-ay 4or round trip in 1st, 2nd, Cablin or touist's 3dI class. BOOK NOW. Smnall deposit holds siftce on (Canuard, Whlite Star, V#. S., Frtehi, Canladian Pacific, Vniitedl nierican, Holland 1Amuer- i(';in, N. (G. Lloyd, Royal :fail, Swedish, Scanidiniavian, lNoiwe.- gia ii, AtlJantic 'Transport, Aduiti- ral, Oriental, P1)115,1',.'Ia...R.. :Laniiport f elt, (irate, Faber, Ita ~l iaic>Dlid, etc.'. An y Line, Aiuywhere : ~To 'iagara Falls, Airent foar Thomas Cook& S uia, A nwrican Express, Clark awtl any vTwo r Cruise adlver. ti i'dan~us lere, Ist, 2d or 'Tour11- ist's:3d class. All 'Traveer s Ch1ecks, 'Tour- Iis saccid afEntBaThggage Inur~n- o iwC, vrc' P l u ,pcrt c&vVIsae in- M eisdat P raties same as 55ini s ai E veu1 'ILilt. 1 2:00, 3 :35, 7 :00, 8 :40 AND GRE AT ICA£ST OF F AVORITES - R~ona1d C0 TEyArranjerncnt with Samnuel Goldwyn) 1~ 'TTET Irene Rich VCAWIL t. M y Mc AvoyD lne , "Weert Lytell ired 25C Edward Martindel Mrs-. Er lynne Says : c In this world ther e are only tw~o tragedies: - L- ) One is not getting w~hat you wxant, and the other is ' - GETTING IT . The last is the REAL Tragedx y.i ),-~J (Ket.r /r PI PCTIJR j K) {\&& _ 'I' .I . /j5~>A : Al ~ 7-3 I 13l 0 I I 11 '..' .,_e.. '" . i *.' ", : ' . , ..: x e r... ", .. ..". 1. .,:.