PACE TWO- THP MTC'NT('.AN t)ATT Y TUESDAY. MARCH 16. 19216 T1i il' MTYV l CAM.1- 1 f{LAT a- ,I t4 'A9 *TTIhSbV tAPlTTie 1id 1. C JUla 1x& l t LYlt11LL ll 1V, -i O-y ETCHING AND LITHOGRAPHIC WORKS OF AR TIS TS ON EXHIBIT IN MEMORIAL HALL I I 1 i . . ', I' Display Shows Work O)f truest f Roth, Mrs. Grace Rhodes D~eani, And J. Ernest Dean OPEN UNTIL MARCH 31 to no0tice ini study of the pict ures W growth of an artiest from a wo11(erfil draftsman. Maniiy of his ]pictures are d iated 1 T909' and, although they are very good,: they are overbuirdened _with multiplicity of lines and~ useless dle- tail while those wvhich lie has done. w«or-ked into each other, giviing a some- what softened effect. Rt is unfortu-- nate that these picture had to be hung on one wall foi- they impress the 01)- server with a sense of monotony; they are nearly of a size, hung closely to- gether, withr blue, green and yellow p~redlominating in, eath. An exhibition of a few water colors ICitya' opri~eyy ery 8811-" t and grat anyetchngsandlito- leaC Details and lines are left out-un, ! All of her work especially the a n d~~~~n asge a tta yiec h i g s a n doit o - graphs which one might say came li mrsio nli stht whichl work is wvell grounde d i n a firmn earlyi from the hands of masters, is now be- m iarks the real The drawing is strong anal ing shown in the west gallery ofx Mrs, Dean's eachings are none thze sure. One of her charcoals fr'ont the Alumni Mmralhl.They rpre- less;'interesting b lcmp iso u h xeir facuc hw h hv sent theM work Me of ErneJ. rRoth, has. Chosen ;to bring out hei, .effects ;eringiopopulaice iistruggling5against ta grace Rhodes Dean and her husbandorebynneteplentul use of ink or snow blizzard to ,gain the high arched J. Ernest Dean. All three of these coliedinsta by careful.(ira ughts-; docrw ay-i t is filled with action and persons are well known in art circlesnanship which, givep her pictures a a, strong imaginative appeal noticeablei having received many prizes andI hon softei 'alpearance._ Both she and her throughout all of her work. Orable mentions for their work in this ; huspand have spent the greater part , i, with her, work are a few, etch- country. of, their lives abroad, studying iii many- in gs and lithographs doine by her hus- Mr. Roth, of German parentage. liv- 'of the European art centers, and, bring.:band,.,l, Ernest Dean,,who: works. prin- Jug in New York4, received practically back a great, many sceneis from, their; cipally in oils and is better known as all, of his art education in, this cour~tr 1ips, through the continent. Most U i a portrait and landscape painter. try in the National Academy of Der- their lithographs, were made in Gor-.This artistic couple are now resid- sigh in New York and later under, iwan' where the couple spent much j Wg in Toledo where both: are teach- James D. Smillie who is one of the ;of their. time studying under German! ing extensively, .Mrs. Dean having best known and most successful teach- naster s. taught in the Cleveland School of Artj ers of etching we have. lfrs.IDean's water colors ar~e indeed and; the Toledo Museum School of Da- Although trained here, he has spent j wellI handled in a loose andl free manl- sign.. a great deal of time abroad and brings{ ner mnuch after, the manner of an old- Th111 exhibit will be open each after- to Ann Arbor many quaint, and ro-