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March 16, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-16

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Ceblegrain Sent To Rio Janiero Ask-.
ing Modifications Of Instructions
Binding Representative
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, March 15.-Brazil held
the key to the League of Nations
crisis tonight. With amazing swift-
ness, the focus of interest of the big
political drama being enacted at Ge-
nva has been shifted from Warsaw
to Rio Janerio and apparently the
only obstcle impeding solution of
the council controversy is Brazil's in-
siatence that she will vote against Ger-
Ynny for election to the League and
what is vastly more important, against
Germany for a permanent seat in the
An urgent cablegram has been sent
to the Brazilian capital embodying an
earnest appeal from the League coun-
cil that the Rio Janerio government
modify the instructions heretofore
binding on Senor Mello Franco, and
authorize him. to vote for Germany.
This appeal was transmitted through
Mello Franco.
A special meeting of representatives
of Latin American states was con-
voked to discuss the situation created
by the Brazilian attitude which was
that Brazil would veto the election of
Germany to the council unless she
herself got a permanent place. The
delegates of 11 Latin-American coun-
tries attended the meeting which
adopted a resolution that Germany's
election to the League was particu-
larly an European question and that
American states had no right to pre-
vent it. The sense of the meeting was
that although the Latin Americans
not wish to pass on Brazil's can-
didhcy for a permanent seat, they
were unanimpus in holding that the
exercise of the right of veto against
Oermany did not have the approval of
the other Latin Anericap counties
Both Sweden and Czecho-Slovakia
Have agreed to sacrifice their non-
Permanent seats in the council in or-
der to permit the immediate election
of Poland to one of th'e vacancies
thus created. Such was the big de-
velopment in the Polish aspect of the
crisis and it opens the way for the
settlement of the problem which for
the past four days has endangerd
the whole League.
Both Germany and France, in a
spirit of compromise, have accepted
tis plan. Poland's friends feel con-
vinced that they can elect her and
that when Germany takes her seat in
the council she shall find Poland
there. This solution of sacrifice was
not achieved without a struggle. The
German statesmen steadfastly opposed
the first proposal that Sweden alone
should resign, for M. Unden, the
Swedish foreign minister, decided that
he should go in order to prevent the
great tragedy of rupture.1
M I. Ericksen, of the forest prod-
ucts laboratoY at Madison, Wisconsin,
talked to the faculty and students of
the forestry department yesterday, on
the reseaxnch work that is now being
carried on at Madison. The forest
products laboratory is owned and
maintained by the Federal forestry

service for the purpose of research'
work and is the only one of its kind
in the country.
It is for the purpose of establish-
ing better cooperation between the
laboratory and the various forestry
schools that Mr. Ericksen is lectur-
ing before all the forestry schools in
the United States. fie stated that co-
operation between the schools and the
Federal station would make possible
a (loser relationship between all de-
partments ofresearch. He inspected
tlae University testing laboratory of
the forestry department.
MOSCOW.-The Soviet government
and a group of the largest timber com-
panies are negotiating for exploita-
tion by the latter of nearly 5,000;000
acres of rich timber lands in the
;maritime province, eastern Siberia.

Senate Investigation Gives Steck
Plurality Over Senator Brookhart
(By Associated Press) in election contests and that, regard-
WASHINGTON, March 15.- The less of the intent of the voters, Steck
Senate sub-committee investigating still would have a plurality of 76
the Brookhart-Steck Iowa Senatorial ballots.
contests today reported formally to After Senator Caraway, Democrat, I
the full committee that Daniel S. Arkansas, who drafted the report, had
Steck, Democrat, had received a plu- presented it, Senator Ernst announced
rality of votes over Senator Brook- that the entire committee would meet
hart, Republican, and should be at 2 o'clock tomorrow to accept or re-#
seated. ject the sub-committee's recommenda-
The sub-committee was unanimous tions and prepare a report; for the
in its conclusion that Steck had re-' Senate.
ceived a plurality but Senator George, "After the sub-committee's hearingI
Democrat, Georgia, differed with the had been closed," said Senator Car-{
other members on some details. away, "Senator Brookhart appearedI
The report held that Steck had a three times before the committee and
plurality of 1,420 votes under the raised the point that ballots in 67 pre-
committee rule that the "intent of the cincts should be thrown out because
voters" should be the deciding factor they reached here in unsealed sacks,
which were inclosed in sealed mail
pouches. Investigation by the com-
mittee disclosed that only two of theI
TAPPING SELECTED mail pouches were unsealed and theI
committee held that they were broken
"Later, Senator Brookhart request-I
ed the committee to reject the official
count in five precincts because the
number of ballots did not agree with
Almni retay Wil Ge Prineipal official reports. He neglected to re-
Address; Yost, Mather And port that this also prevailed in 1,056
Mann Also To SpeakIother precincts.
"Following the rule of the commit-
SWIMMERS INVITED tee, and I think of the Senate, that
the intent of the voter should govern,
Announcement was made last night Steck had a plurality of 1,420 votes'
by Harry B. Koenig, '26, general
chairman of the basketball banquet
which will be given Thursday evening
at the Union, that T. Hawley Tapping,
field secretary of the alumni associa-
tion, has been chosen as the principal
speaker. He also stated that Union
and Blue, Key, under whose auspices
the dinner will be given, have de- UnRxpected Rally After SitihIg S pell
cided to include, as guests, Coach Is S1Urprise To Physicians And
Matt Mann and 12 members of the Neighir
swimming team, in view of the re- Iors
markable showing made by that team ,

Frction Of Collision Is Fire Soure;
Detroit-Chicago Service Held Up
Puring Entire IDay
Two freight trains were wrecked,i
and more than "0 of the cars were
burned or demolished, as a result of
a collision early yesterday morning
on the Michigan Central tracks near
Geddes, five miles east of Ann Arbor.,
The crews of both trains escaped
without fatal injuries.
A handcar, jammed in a switch, was
the cause of the accident. The Re-
frigerator Special, west-bound from
Detroit to Chicago, struck the hand-
car, th wreckage of which caught
under the locomotive. This force,
coupled with the setting of the train's
brakes by the engineer in trying to
avoid the collision, caused the train
to buckle and derailed the locotmotive
and many of the cars. The occupants
of the handcar, seeing the approach-
ing train, first attempted to run it on-
to a siding but abandoned it to seek,
saafety when the switch janimed.
Th rle derailed cars, thrown too close
to tl:e east-bound track, side-swiped
another freight bound for Detroit, and
cause-i the wrecking of that train also.
The only explanation offered for the
ioutbreak of fire, which spread to sev-
eral tank ears and burned many of the

Tenth "Michigan Night" Program To
Be Broadcast Tonight From WJR- WCXI

Timely topics of universal interest
will be discussed by faculty experts
upon the tenth regular "Michigan
Night" program of the University to
be broadcast tonight over station WJR
and WCX. In addition to four
talks by members of the faculty the
program will include several musical
Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard, of the
engineering college, will speak on the
highway problems that will probably
be discussed at the International Road
conference, to be held in September
at Milan, Italy. Professor Blanchard
will be one of the representatives of
the United States at the conference.
He will also discuss the plan which
is being adopted in Michigan of rout-
ing trunk lines around cities and vil-
Professor Blanchard is a member,
of the Committee on Metropolitan
Traffic Facilities, appointed by Sec-
retary of Commerce Hoover. He will
meet with that committee on March
93, in Washington, to discuss street
and highway safety.#
The second radio talk will be given
by Prof. John L. Brumm, of the jour-
nalism department. Professor Brumm,
who has been studying continental
newspapers in Europe during the past
year, will speak on newspaper ideals
and their value to their communities.

Major Reinoid Melburg, who is in
command of the Reserve Officers
Training Corps of the University, will
answer the critics of military train-
ing in the universities, by showing
the advantages offered to students en-
rolled in the courses other than mere-
ly the military training.'
Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, of the bot-
any department, will speak on "Rub-
ber". Professor Bartlett was sent to
the island of Sumatra by the United
States Rubber company to investigate
the genetics and diseases of the 'rub-
bre trees upon the plantations.
The musical program will be given
by a quartet of students who will sing
familiar ,Michigan songs and by a
duet of student banjo players.
Profs. Anderson, Huber And Dean
THtes Placed On Boardi Of
Directors Of Union
Elections to two boards of the Urmi-
versity and the reading of two me-
morials to late faculty members com-
prised the business conducted by the
University Senate at its third regular
meeting of the year 1925-26 held last'
night in the Law building. Prof. Wil-
liam A. Frayer, of the history depart-
ment, was re-elected to the Board in
Control of Athletics.
Three members of the Board of Di-1
rectors to the Michigan Union werei

Value Of Religion Lies In Control
And Adaptation To Life,
He Declares
That ideals be considered rationally,
from a viewpoint somewhere between
that of the fundamentalist and that of
the modernist, was asked by Prof.
Ralph Barton Perry, of the philos-
orhy department of Harvard univer-
sity, in his lecture last night in Nat-
ural Science auditorium.
In analyzing the proper modernistic
considerAtion of ideals, Professor Per-
ry stated: "The vulgarities of Lin-
coln or the frailties of Washington do
not sully the perfection which these
heroes symbolize, but humanize ther
and bring them within the range of
mortal attainment. The worshipper
needs intimacy with his heroes as well
as with his gods, and history gives
to the cult of nationalism that tissue
of circumstance which in religion is
provided by legend."
Speaking in the afternoon on "What
is the Good of Religion?" under the
auspices of the Michigan School of
Religion, Professor Perry indicated


Mr. Tapping, who will head the
banquet program, is an experienced
speaker having addressed alumni
groups throughout the country during
the past several years in connection1
with his organization work.
Besides Mr. Tapping, others whof
will speak include Coach Edward J.
Mather, of the basketball team, Coach
Mann, Richard Doyle, '26, captain of1
the basketball team, and Edward<
Chambers, '27Ed, captain-elect. Coach
Fielding H. Yost, director of intercol-
legiate atheltics, will address the as-
semblage if he is in the city that1
The banquet, the first ever to be
given a Michigan basketball team, is
being tendered in view of the champi-
onship honors that the five has at-]
tained, which is considered the moreR
outstanding because of the unusual
comeback that was staged in mid-
season, terminating with five consecu-
tive victories.
Letters will be awarded the swim-
ming team at the banquet and the
announcement of next year's captain
will be made.
Frank P. Weaver, '28L, basketball
manager, will act as toastmaster. Five
acts of entertainment have been ar-
ranged, and the Union orchestra will
play during the dinner.
Tickets for the banquet, priced atl
I $1.50 will be available tomorrow
morning at the main desk of the
Union. Arrangements are being made
for 500.
Tickets For Play,
"Why Marry," Will
Go On Sale Today
n * Tickets for the Masques play, "Why

box cars and their contents, is the
PLYMOUTH, Vt., March 15.-C01. friction of the collision. The tank
John C. Coolidge was better today. cars,-containing gasoline and oil, blaz-
The President's aged father, who had ed from 8:26 o'clock until 5:30 o'clock.
been failing gradually since last Fire crews with apparatus from Ypsi-
Thursday when he suffered a sinking lanti spent the entire day controlling
spell, surprised his physicians and the flames, which endangered near-by
neighbors today by an unexpected homes during the morning. The fail-
rally. He was able to greet his pastor, ure of the gasoline car to explode is
the Rev. John White, of Sherburne, attributed to leakage in the tank.
and was brighter .and more cheerful D. B. Greer, fireman of the west-
thaii for days. bound train, who was standing on the
Coincidental with the better news platform between the engine and ten-
from th sick room it became known der at the time of the accident, was
that Ma . J. F. Coupal, personal phy- throe;.n from the train, receiving bad
sician to the President, might be sum- r. cs and bruises. He was able to es-
moned here for consultation. It was cape further injury by crawling to
said that Dr. Albert M. Cram, of safety before the debris had settled.
Bridgewater, the family physician The extent of his injuries could not be
planned to telephone Major Coupal to- determined. He was taken to the
morrow, to come to Plymouth. Beyer Memorial hospital in Ypsilantil
An early morning report from the for treatment.
Coolidge farm house said that the In addition to the actual damage
colonel had rested comfortably dur- at the scene of the accident, the loss
ing the night and was brighter than includes the complete interruption of
usual. Shortly after noon Dr. Cram train service during the day between
issued his daily bulletin, ti, first Detroit and Chicago, and the break-
cheerful announcement for several age of all Western Union telegraph1
days. wires connecting Ann Arbor and De--j
troit. Until 3 o'clock yesterday after-{
E noon, messages to Detroit were re-
SEEK STUDENT FOR BLOOD I routed through Chicago.
TRANSFUSION TO SAVE GIRL i I Wrecking crews were on hand all
I through the afternoon clearing the
II Any male student who has re- tracks of the wrecked cars, and at-1
covered from grippe within the I tempting to set on the track the many
last few days, and is willing to I derailed cars. Several of the badly
donate blood for a transfusion : damaged refrigerator cars were tele-
that will save the life of a six Ijscoped, necessitating drawing them
year old girl, who is suffering i apart before they could be moved tol
with meningitis in the University ; i one side. Where the flames had been
hospital, is asked to call 4181 and jIstrongest, steel cars were heated and
ask for Dr. De Vel. It is neces- twisted beyond repair.
I sary that the donor have recently J. T. Downs, sperintendent of roll-
recovered from grippe. The hos- ing stock of the line, could venture no
pital will pay a suitable sum for i estimate as to the amount of the dam-
this donation. iage; as no records were immediately

Wisconsin Solon Leads Opposition
Against Recent New York
Waterivay Proposal
(By Ausociated Tress)
WASHINGTON, March 15.-Repre-
sentatives of the Northern Mississippi
Valley region mobilized in force today I
before the army rivers and harbors
board to support their contention for
construction of a ship canal from the
Great Lakes to tidewater by the St-
Lawrence river.
Senator Lenroot, Republican, Wis-j
consin, acting as field marshal for the I
St. Lawrence proponents, appeared in
opposition to any modification of the.
report of the special engineering
board which reported adversely on
the proposal to route the waterway
by Oswego and the Hudson river.
The Senator trained his guns par-
ticularly upon the national defense
aspects of the New York canal, inter-
jected into the hearing last week.
lt was insisted by Mr. Lenroot that
army engineers had reported repeated-
ly that any canal in the immediate
vicinity of the international boundary
must be at the mercy of airplane
bombs and long range artillery fire
and that its self defense aspects there-
fore were of no value. He also charg-
ed that the New York representative
had obtained letters from Secretaries
Wilbur and Davis for the purpose of
influencing the rivers and harbors
board when the secretaries had in-
tended their communications only for
the information of the rivers and har-
bors committee, but Mr. Dempsey, who
was present, insisted the letters spoke
for themselves. Both Senator Len-
root and former'Governor Harding of
Iowa, the other chief speaker today,
asserted that the agricultural states
bordering upon the Great Lakes could
obtain the transportation relief theyl
needed only through development of1
the St. Lawrence project.


also elected by the Senate members. that during late years religion has had
The new members are Prof. Henry C. i hard sledding in American institutions
Anderson, of the Engineering college, of higher education. He viewed as a
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law promising indication of an awakening
school, and Prof. G. Carl Huber, of interest the establishment of schools
the Medical school. of religion in State universities. The
Memorials to the late Prof. Edward philosopher introduced his formnal lec-
D. Campbell, of the chemistry depart ture by reviewing the essential posi-
D. Canbell, to the cetry Fdeart tion which religion has always held
ment, and to the late Prof. Filibert !in ,the life of man, remparkinA- that
Roth, of the forestry department, were mankind has always had religion, and
read before the Senate. The third tat only skeptics ask, "what is the
miemorial, to the late Prof. A. C.tha nysetcak," atsth
KeorksiaotheEnlshe Pr.mA.nt.good of religion?" He pointed out the
Klocksien, of the English department skepticism bred by the rational meth-
of the engineering college, was not ods of modern science whose adherents
read due to the illness of Prof. J usually decide that religion is either
Raleigh Nelson. pencosfgrtiu.
The fourth and last regular meeting perniciou s of gratuitous.
of the Senate for the school year will Referring particularly to the source
of thed Sna forl and nature of the religious impulse,
be held on May 17. Professor Perry said "Religion6 ap-
pears to arise from and progresses on,
Begin Sale Of and its universality depends upon the
common occurence of the essential
Tickets For difference between the natural and the
supernatural, and the worldly and un-
worldly." Byba e the nats hihtural he indicated
L eD'ubeote"'''""*
those events which are positive and
regular in occurence, and by the lat-
Tickets for the Darrow-Hudson de- ter classification, the natural human
bate next Monday night in Hill audi- moral inertia against the more ele
torium were placed on sale yesterday vated moral aspiration. He added that
in all the State street bookstores. the complete religion arises with the
They will also be available Monday at union of unworldly and supernatural,
Hill auditorium box office, it was an- although a natural or worldly element
nounced. always enters.
The contest between Prof. Manley The value of religion lies, he con-
Hudson, of Harvard university, and tinued, in control and adaptation to
Clarence S. Darrow, Chicago attorney, life; in the religious preference of
has been arranged by the League of the greater to the lesser good; and in
Nations Non-Partisan association as the religious joy springing from an in-
Spart of its program of stimulating in- lternal good.
terest in present-day international In his speech last night, Professor
questions. Perry spoke of one extreme school
Professor Hudson will advocate E of thought led by Ludwig Lewisohn
American membership in the League which believes that "democracy is a
of Nations, while Mr. Darrow will an- prtext for vulgar success, and Puri-
swer him. Each speaker will have a tanism for self-righteous arrogance,"
constructive and rebuttal speech. "Besides Mr. Lewisohn," he declared,
Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medical , "Sherwood Anderson, H. L..Mencken
school, will preside. and many others are suffering, albeit
A general admission charge of 50 " less acutely, from the same affliction.
cents will be made. The entire profits; Add to this school of literature those
of the debate will go to the University ! loss airticulate b~ut more numerous and
alumnae, of Ann Arbor, for the bene- more earnest persons who are dis-
fit of the League building. satisfied for economic reasons, and
who believe that Americanism is a
( cloak for capitalistic exploitation,
ULT09IMY hITIHflITlI 4and one must admit a formidable chal-
U lenge to our national piety."
EamsI11r .... llUI.Dflht".___________

Marry," by Jesse Lynch Williams,'
holder of the fellowship in creative
arts, to be presented tomorroweand r f lSlosson Fl '
Thursday nights in the Mimes theater, #J*
will be on sale at the box office of aIn Discuss Ao
the theater today, tomorrow, and j l.4C S 1J
Thursday, as well as at the Slater,
Graham, and Wahr bookstores. today r On "Is War Consistent With I
and tomorrow.' Chrs On " r isent
An all-campus. cast, a play which Ch-ristianity" -" sagree On
1 won the Pulitzer prize as the most ReligIons Terni
distinctive drama of the year, and the -
supervision of Mr. Williams in re- W. W. DENTON PRESIDESl
hearsals are given by the organizersi
as the especial recommendations of
production. It is directed by Phyllisl Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the}
Loughton '28, while the sets have history department, and Dorotly Detz-
been designed by Valentine Davies, ler, national secretary of the Women's
'27. The orchestra, under, the direc- international League for Peace and
tion of Joseph C. Ellis, '26E, is to pre- itrainlLau o ec n
sent special music composed for the Freedom, debated the question "Is
play by Milton A. Peterson, '27L. War Consistent With Christianity?."
The cast is composed of Margaret before the second public meeting of
Geddes, '26, Margaret Effinger, '26, I the local branch of the War Resisters
Lillian Bronson, '26, who played in league held yesterday afternoon in
"The Cradle Song," and "Outward Newberry Hall auditorium.,
,Bound," Carl Purcell, '27, John hass- I Professor Slosson, who upheld the
berger '25M, formerly president of affirmative, maintained that war was!
R the Comedy club, Valentine Davies, '27, righteous when it was exerted toward
Dale Shafer, '26, Kenneth M. King',. a righteous end, while Miss Detzler
1'28, William Bishop, '28, and James K. I defended the stand of the War Resist-
I Martin '27. Bishon and Martin were jer's league that force, even in self de-

ys War Resisters' Pledges
n With Freedom League Secretary


guilty as well as upon the innocent. the hands of peace loving men thatf
The infliction of such suffering, she we are going to finally banish war."
believes, is inconsistent with all Chris- He objected to Miss Detzler's defi-
tion principles. "We must define war j nition of Christianity, holding that it
in Christian terms," she said. "Are rather was the sum total of the con-
we standing for life or standing for s victions of all the persons who call
death; are we standing for faith or } themselves Christians. He pointed out
for fear; are we standing for love or that many great war leaders had been
for hate; are we standing for peace staunch Christians and worthy men,
or for war? To fight we must hate. I amid drew the conclusion that force
If we have love, as Christ taught us itself was neither good nor evil, but
love, we cannot hate." could be used for either end.
Professor Slossoni began his argu- "Washington, Lincoln, and William
ents by stating that lie was not (C- of Orange did the only right thing
- -tn h hewhen they resisted the various social
ending the institution of war. He evils that confronted them with war

Describing "The Effect of the Ultra-
Violet Ray on Growth and Develop-
nent," Prof. W. J. Bovie of the bio-
physics department of Harvard uni-
versity, will deliver a lecture at 8 o'-
clock tonight in Natural Science au-
ditorium. This address is being spon-
sored by the Merrill-Palmer school.
President Clarence Cook Little will
' Inr iiPt


said, however, that in his opinion, war
can not be done away with by means
of any such pledges as the War Re-i
sisters league is circulating, because1
the refusal of a conscientious few to
take pait in or to support wars will
not prevent others from waging them.
"Modern war," he explained, "is a


resulted from the wars they
J. In a future similar situation,


war may again be necessary to defend
to right. Therefore, the pledge never
to support it in any way is basically
In her rebuttal, Miss Detzler in-
sisted that we must abandon the ban-

Professor Bovie is considered an au-
thority on the properties of the ultra-
violet ray. By means of that agent,
he has discovered a cure for rickets
that has since beep widely adopted by
the medical profession.

Prof. E. R. Sunderland, of the Law
school, has been called to Washing-
ton by the American Bar association
to appear in its behalf before a Con-
gressional committee now giving a
hearing on the Caraway bill. This
bill prohibits federal judges, in jury
cases, from commenting upon the
weight of. the evidence.
The American Bar association has
been actively opposing this bill for
several years believing that its en-



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