PAGE BfT THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY ---Mom DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume Vi SUNI)A, MARH! 14, 19M Number 123 Ufniversity Lectures:. Dr. Ralph Barton Perry, Professor o Philosophy, Harvard University, will deliver a University lecture Monday, March 15, at 8 P. M. in the Natu- ral Science Auditorium on the subject "A Modernist Interpretation of Amer- ican Ideals." Professor Perry is also to speak before the Seminar of the Michigan School of Religion at 4:15 P. M. Monday, March 15, in Room C, Law Building, on the subject, "What is the good of religion?" F. E. Robbins. University Letire Postponed:1 Because of the severe illness of Prof. Charles Sisson his lecture on "Shakespeare in Native India," scheduled for Monday at 4:15 P. 7M., has been indefinitely postponed. F. E. Robbins. Merrill-Palmer School Lecture: Dr. W. J. Bovle, Professor of Bio-Physics of Harvard University, will deliver a lecture on Tuesday, March 16, at 8 P. M., Natural Science Audi- torium. The subject of the Lecture is, "The Effect of Ultra-Violet Light on Growth and Development." President Little will preside. The public is cordially invited. )faybelle Hf. Whitney. University Service: The next University Service is scheduled for Hill Auditorium Sunday, March 14, at 7:30 P.MA. The speaker will be Reverend Reinhold Niebuhr of the Bethel vangeli- cal Church of Detroit, Michigan. The topic chosen is "The sons of Zion and the sons of Greece." The mixed quartette will sing. Auspices of the Student Christian Association. Jhn iElliott. To All Fraternities: In accordance with the resolution passed by fraternity alumni repre- sentatives and house presidents at a meeting held at the Michigan Union January 16, 1926, arrangements for general fire and sanitary inspection of fraternity houses have been made, to begin Monday, March 15th, by repre- sentatives of the State Fire Marshal's Office and the Office of the Dean of Students. Ann Arbor Art Association: There will be an interesting exhibition of etchings by Ernest Roth, and water colors and prints by Grace Rt. Dean and J. E7rnest Dean, in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall, from March 14th to March 28th inclusive, Sundays, 2:00 to 5:00 P. If., and week days, 1:30 to 5:00 P. M. Free to members, to studlents of the University, and the children of the Schools. warren P. Lombard, Prsden. University Senate: The third regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1925- 1926 will be held in Room C, Law Building on Monday, March 15, at 8:00 P. M. Order of Business: 1. Election of a member of the Board in Control of Athletics to suc- ceed Professor W. A. Prayer. 2. Election of three members of the Board of Directors of the Michigan Union.Q 3. Memorials to Professor E. D. Campbell, Professor A. C. Klocksem, and Professor Filibert Roth. John W .lradslaw, Secretary of the Senate. Debte; Change of Place: The debate between Professor Preston W. Slosson and Dorothy Detzer, national secretary of the Women's International League for Peace and Free- dom, on the question "Is War Consistent with Christianity?" will be held at 4:30 P. M., Monday, March 15, in Newberry Hall instead of Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. W. IW. ento. Off Campus Observation and Practice Teachig: Many students planning to utilize spring vacation for observation and practice teaching did not meet me on Friday. A second meeting is there- fore called for Monday, Marlt 15, at 4:00 P. M., Room 110, Tappan Hall. Five minutes will suffice for the meeting, but it is very important that allI who did not meet me on Friday be present on Monday. C. 0. Davis. j Economics Club: Professor IT. L. Caverly wITl speak on "The Taxation of Differential Re- turns" at the next meeting of the Club on 'Tuesday evening, March 16, at 7:30, in room 104, Michilgan Union. Fniversily of Miichigan Banal: S Rehearsal today 2:30 P. M. { Gohrdon Paeicer. Student Sntiutns'et'Employment: Students wanting a salaried summer p~osition see Mr. Kenney, Room- 302, IMchigan T'nion, Monday, Mfarch 15th, at 4 :00 and 7 : 00 P. 1X. J. A. Bursley. Crl rnasThere will be a meeting of the Cere le Francais on Tuesday, March 16, at 7:30 P. M. in the Cercle Room . An interesting program has been arrang ed. lalfred C. Brownv, IDirect or. jFaculty Wo~men's Club: Faculty Women's Club, Drama Section will. hold their regular meeting at the Club House Monday, March 15, at 7:45 P. M i Qyarali E. Bull, See. MIen's Educational Clubi: E. E. Lewis, Superintendent ef Flint schools, will speak at the meeting EMonday, March 15, at 7:00 o'clock in Room 306 of the Union. Cocoa and cookies. All men interested in educaton are invited. Ralph Tan fHoesen, IPrerideAI. k.. I i LOCA.1x.L EVE NT S For notices not othi e enntioned in The Dahily. Iterns will be published on two successive days only. Copy must be submitted to the Local Events 'European Groups To Gie Student Tcur ists Abr oad i i I Editor by a P. MV. -____________________________ n i' I' :,- of tlit wr' I ional t u - .Vvic , coi n a Sunday it,,being a I-II I ':.l in w b i >1 Y. P. S. will meet at' 3 o'clock at d (ent orgf l :ions; O in I I ranc, C(.2e I the Presbyterian church. Topic: ''The many, Unrd Aus re w ill cuer m at P'lace of Worship in Religion.'' ; co()luct the tour iz t while in thheir1a Revred ratD.). (lean of flx-ie:Jpective coutri(-s. Thi auiran ~et! l Reeen rat i ent will permnit, the relr to get Iey hall, Epliscopal Theological school, maygipeiffoeg tdn GamberOhio, will speak( on ''Christ + lif- and( to see n-ah that is out of the and the Spirit of Youth," at the r eg- , ular morning service at St. Andrew's uulrcl1 rvl churchIle will also speak befre D ean Dyer of the University of the Episcopal students' club at 6 o'-! Kansas, will lead the American group clock in Harris hall. ' -Mhich will sail late in June and re- turn early in September. The expens- Where Shall We Stand On War?'" es frtewhl*rp hudnot ex- will be the topic for discussion at ceted $600, according to the prepara-I ~6:30 o'clock at the Congregational jtions which have been mnade by the fireside chat. committee. Baptist guild will mecet at G:30 o'-1I The countries which will be visited 244 clock in the Guild house. on the tour are England, Holland,j i .._ ."" ^ ."lI4 ' '': $''VY A, E3;'F. "Yb " . 'C~l' Y,. "' fI - lesearjchi ('ub: [ The regular meeting of the Research Club will ,he held Wednesday, Mfarch 17, 1926, at 8 P. Mv. in Room 2528 New Medical Building. Papers whill be presented by Professor Carl L. Hlubhs, "Modifications of the Develop- rnental Rate as a Factor in :Structural Evolution," and Professor F. N. Scott, "Favorite Words." The Council will meet at 7: 15. 3'. R. Haiydeni, Secrehu'y.j Senjor Edition Afen : Canes must be ordered this week, March 15 through 21, at Wagner & Co. lMeasurem-ent for lengths must be taken at this time in order to get the caries in time for Cane Day. Physics Colloquium: The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. MA. Tuesday, March If), in Room 1041, Ncw Physics Building. Dr. W. W. 51eator. will' speak 'on '"Huy- gens' Principle andl the Propagation of Waves."-No. 2. Anyone interested is incitedl to attend. W. F. ('olby. Library Acquires 1 New Periodca ls! Amiong recent acquisitions in the periodhical room of the Library is [ "American Speech," of which five nulmbers have already been publishedl.; The contents deal with Americanisms, the Americanization of words from foreign languages, slang and the mis- ase Cof5scienltifie tcrrs. Tfhe Library has also acquired "The republishing modern and classic short stories, "The Drama C'alendar,"' a weekly guide to current theatrical and musical entertainments, and( "The Cal- endar of Modern Letters," an English publication containing poetry, essaysI andl drama. Another English review received by the Library is a.r'he Review of Bu-- lish Studies." Other periodicals now' in the magazine room are "Littoiris," a critical review of the humanities, "Language," the official journal of the Linguistic Society of America, andl "East and West," a survey of the #missionary problems in the Orient. 4A new venture in the field of col- lege periodical literature is the "In- tercollegiate World," a digest of arti- cles from various college publications. MOSCOW.-.Young criminals in the E Irkutsk district of Siberia are kidnap- ping young girls and selling them to 1 Chinese. Nt 'II Ii HOBB TO OUTLINE TRIP 91 TUESDAY LUNCHEON' Prof. William 11. Hobbs of the geol- ogy department, who will lead an ex- p~edition of geologists, scientists, fliers. map makers, and explorers into the Arctic early next suimmer, «-ill out- line his plans for the proposed trip) at the Chamber of Commerce Junch eon Tuesday. His talk will be illustrated with slides5. The party expects to spend more than a year in the northern p~art of GCV.enland, making scientific tests aInd experiments through a great section of' unexplored territory. Professor' Hobbs will explain the nature of the work to be undertaken and what he hopes to accomplish by the expedition. Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the University, will be chairman of the meeting. f TOKIO.-The Japanese government railway department has ordlered more than 5,000 tons of hundred pound tyke1 rails from America. ' ! = Overcoats and Shoes SHighet Cash Price Paid Phoine 4741 1111 South University. Phone 474 The Engineers' and Architects' Materials " Claude Browvn Statiqncry Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Books. STR Remember Saint Patrick's Day ESTOnRE n 61 March 17 .11EatAnPoe66x WsI A LOT FOR YOUR MONEY CS AWAIT YOU-NEW ADDITIONS DAILY WA'HR9 fI VE R SITY BOOKSTORE" b O i" 0 b A b" t Ab"" Y D A l'A 8 D 4 0 . i Dn. a D"gbb "b A ODbD "Y"-" " "« " " " . D "~ 0 U4 " '0 0 Stt0tJcko -hcg 0" D D~ HECohsi h ol hpaeawy h eetadnt urallthe s'} m art5t.orthe' rpreen tyvr chocet odl D 0. y L t " nd fbisof. the.contry's leaing manufacurrTht tleled ership plu.the advanage of definity lowerf.:prces resulting from the tremendus volm of ourhestablished Clting bines ae acsha C o l ge M n ca i in t o er o k S} " .V schf dW"lElitatTeHtl lee Mlo Lt onnd a ye ~, T u esda3a n d W en c a, Mrc h 5th, th a n "1 t .i .f h e v r a in oe gtb y e a t i n g ' S u n d a y d i n nehe e isa do riea o THEATREI, DETROIT2 SECOM NDAND LAS]" WEEK Corn. Sun., Mar. 14 The Most Talkied About Play of the Year ' f'Z4A St'-WYN ,5'S 7'i SPaSany Piny Se '.raton. MA Y YOUNG JOHN FHALLDAY READ CRITICS OPINIONS Free Press : "One of the great expositions of otur present comedy of man- ners. It is concisely written and splendidly acted." Times: "A capacity audience found one of the best plays of recent seasons, exlpertly written, deftly staged and acted with uniform excellence." V ing' it at home appeals to may Costs are low! A rcade cafeteria I Upi- stairs, Nickels Arcade PRICES: i~glus, 5(%c to $2.Z.%) W~ed. 'Mt.., 50c t~o $1.50) sat. fat., SOe to $2.00 MalLl Orders Filled. I ____ b o b e***, o"a -e t E0 d® u" +N a"n ..W4O00 rA 1 * - rnr at na wo s r ,,., tc , _ _ " ''/ C, 4roz7 Alex IZ, ~ JUCJ f 3 - i1ft ', Ja4 " [ Q' t " r E x tir q_ ;, ''' bi A . .. '° z C7 ' - za; - i r c-- - 4 " i-T +:rs- maa ^ 11 Alex I m 4 1 ..No I I lml -- -I MR!i! m 1 I I i ' wiRa sa. ir!