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March 14, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-14

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YACEFl ?t ,



- -1 - - -, - - .- y -I-- -- - - - -, - -, - - - -

~ zat~wi~~at ~Military, commercial, and scientific
Published every morning except Monday objectives are being sought by ex-
during the University year by the Board in plorers in the unknown northern
Control of Student Publications.
regions of the. worldl. Ten expeditions,
Members of Western Conference Editorial representing five nations, are plan-
ning to journey through the Arctic!i
The Associated Press is exclusively en- this summer. Eight have as theirl
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise goal the finding of land in the great
credited in this paper and the local news pub-, "blind spot" which can be used for1
lishecd therein.?
____________________________an airplane base. Somewhere in the E
Entered at the postoff'ice at Ann Arbor, Arctic, they hope somec(day to estab-l
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate1s1 a colony,-the first settlement1
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- ls

sm ater General.
4Subscription by carrier. $3.30; by mnail,
Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones; Editorial, 4925; business, 1312r4.

, ,,
i . ,

:relephone 4024

Chairman, Editorial Board... .Norman R. Thal
tCity Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield
ew s Editor............ Manning IHouseworth
Women~n's 1Editor............Helen S. .Ramsay
,;ort's Editor....... ..... .Joseph Kruger
~eiegraph Editor..,......William Walthour
M41usic and Drania........ Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Roiert '1., DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick IH. Shillito
Gertrude Bailey Ilarriett Levy
C'harles Behymer Ellis Merry
William Bryer D~orothy Morehouise
P'hillip Brooks Margaret Parker
);arnum Buckingham Stanford N. Phelps
,: ntnon Buck ;Miion Ros4:nbautn
L'arl Burger Wilton Simpson
Ed(gas Carter Janet Sinclair
ehChamberlain ('ourtland Smith
Iyer Cohen Stanley Steinko
Carleton (iaxmpe Loris Tendler
Doglas D~oubleday Hfenry Tliurnau
L'igene 11. (Gutekunst David C. Vokes
Alndrew Goodman fd aron Wells
jam es T.' Herald C assam A. Wilson
Russell liitt Thomas C. Winter
Miles Kimball Marguerite Zilske
ifarion Kubik
Telephone 21214
Advertising............. ... Joseph J. FinnI
Advertising............. Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising~...... ..Wmn. L. Mullin
1Advertising.........honias 1). Olmnsted, Jr.
C.reulation...............Rudolph 1Bostelinan
Accounts...... .............. Paul W. Arnold

of a land by airplane.
History tells of expeditions journey-
ing by foot into unknown regions, and
of colonizing done by many forms of
transportation, but a new page will
be written when airp~lanes carry
pioneers into the North to build gas
stations 01n the airplane trail.
It is believed that the future route,
of airplane travel between America
and Europe will be over the top of
the world, and therefore the import-
ance of these expeditions cannot be
over-stressed. Five countries have
representatives in the race for this
military and comnmercial post: the
(United States, France Norway, Italy,
and Russia.
In .addition, the United States has
three expeditions seeking scientific
data: one investigating Norse ruins in
Labrador and Greenland; another
trawling Greenland waters for marine
life, and collecting data ashore; and.
that of Prof. William H. Hobbs, to ex-1
plore Greenland, and to experiment
1with the chemnical, "ice-thermite," in
destroying icebergs at their source
and at sea.
The "Age of Discovery" will never
come to an end; when one part of the
world has become thoroughly known,
another crop of "explorers always!
finds other regions to investigate.
lcetown-on-the-Arctic may be the
transfer point of the future.
The national pie . campaign, en-
couraging the use of this desert for
three meals a day, is seen as an aid
to Michigan fruit growers. How about
the doctors throughout the entire
j Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
eants will, however, be regarded as
{ confidential upon request.


What would you do if a man sud-
denly came up to you in the street
pointed a finger right between your
eyes and shouted at the very top of
his lungs: "YOU!" This is what hap-
pened to tiny little Titina Thiddle,
the piquant, petite premiere danseuse
of the "Dora Be Decent" company the
other night. The man was a big surly
looking foreigner, with meance in his
voice. The street was dark and Ti-
tina was all alone. It was one o'clock
in the morning. V{
" s* a
What did the poor girl do? What
could she do? Well, she kept right on
walking. You see she had a cold and
had cotton in her ears, and her hat
brim completely hid the gesture, she
htad one of those trick hats which
hide all vision. So she didn't know
that the man was there at all. He
was so chagrined at his loss of men-
ace that he shambled away in the
opposite direction, a broken man.
How do we know this all happened,
you ask? Well, we don't, except that
Miss Thiddle told us about it after-;
ward. You understandt she didn't see,
or hear anything, but when she reach
ed home that night she suddenly de-
alized what had happened. She had
turned and looked over her shoulder
and saw the man shambling away, as
fast as he could shamble.
" f*"
One of the rules of this office is that#
any mention or use of the word "Tam-
b~ourine," for instance,, constitutes one
piece of publicity for that production.
For instance, if we should write
"Tambourine was a punk show, we
saw it last night" and Insert it either
before, during or after the presenta-
tion of the play, we would be hand-
ing out free publicity.
It is because of this that we write
this. Below follows a contribution
which we found on our desk. It i
funny (in moderation) so we run it.
Regardless of the rule, we (d0 not so
because of publicity. What do we care
whether or not you go to Detroit to
see "Why Not"
Dear Editor:
Something must be done. The
campus, dramatic organizations are
gradually undermining one of the
world's most sacred institutions. Last
fall Mimnes presented "Engaged," the
same "Engaged" that was recently
revived. That was all right.
But then'Masques has to cone out
with that Williams Pulitzer Prize
Play. (Incidentally, Masques are miss-
ing the opportunity of a lifetime in
not advertising "Why Marry" as a
"startling reply to 'Engaged.' ") To
make matters worse, Jessie Bonstelle
'is coming out with the other Wil-
liams-home-life play, "Why Not,"
Iwhich I gather, from a reading of the
Idrama in Burns Mantle's. splendid
year-book (not an advertisement), is
about two married couples, each
jmember of which decides that he or
she is in love with the her or him of
the other couple, whereupon they all
I(divorce and get married again.
And "You Never Can Tell" is also
about (omestic troubles, woman's

___________D RA M A E
sity Girls' Glee Club, with 'Nell Stock-
wiell, pianist, as soloist, in 11i11 andi-
torium at 4:15i o'clock.
Yesterday morning motion picturesj
were taken of the Junior Girls' play in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall, and it wasf
my privilege, as the advertisements
say, to see the rehearsal accompanied
and protected by the most interesting
woman in the world.
T wish I could write a million-dol-
lar story of the show. "Becky B3e-I
have!" they call it-a bad title-but
the production is splendid. Such love-
ly ladies :it seems hard to believe
there are as many on the campus.
They are beautiful--all of them, it
seemed-and clever and half-explod-
ing with a certain personality.
There is, for example, a little girl
the second from one end in the chorus;
that wears the green velvetpoy
pn-gowns, who does tile most magnificent
things with her eyes, a sort of happy

, .
r' . _____ ...._....

r+.x S

Bridge Set,,s


_i 5th Anniversary in Ann

Playfing Cards

Score Cards

After ' (¢ ', E Iil1at, lount,., in Pen
Service ljShp,,,at te llls ;and
erilng how iumi tankiul :o wstdF' i1
were to havie aiinnlhrsov'e
31r. Rider mine to Ann art.kor and
started JWale:'s Pe'n h.Tu re-
timies, 1111M ltoea it c on ~e
of the largetI nd lest f!'ont s on
State SLreet.
1i1) to thne 11111 i ?rs P enl S1op
camelI to Ann Arli'. it was itaees-
sary to hu a 1 neiv or ,valt to
hay'eCthe old onelr ;° =t")tohle fac-
tory for rejpl irV, or iwhalI-wIs
w1ose, have1 it expel'uIltnlcx'111th.
ThlisIvas both expensive 11114 iii-
iloy-in 'There is diode wonder
that tlhe respuiise to Ilanis zervwie
There is eftI lIPII lrepll ' bits C
in .1n11 A rbor'to ivn 1one'godO~
pellivaihcr b.vnaltulInA i lI iie. A
g'ood pe rliakercan iid ;'a iv a1so aa ay
(If $41))00 pr inevcini1 yv'?factories
oft file country. You will the'refore
see the dintciilies vpnt"ent 1in svt'l
&all naier al'diflg... rTo * vu it.Agood
le~n, the o .'d17g f i i iil B
prat ilto i' 4 LI!UPS'. '. O1(',al's

ag,,o -we #3ou[1''i!t our' factory here
and tisu euaii&s 11s to atraatl(and1(
I!iohd ciptn en akl 1111at
tlhe s-aate tbne Illake a reasonable
0z~ Iipolicies, have been 11to give
reaI spOecialiized sor v ice--serv ice not
pll ;bible without real knowledge of
tb;' l'tpi~rities of tile nmmrous
pens on tae 4 itarket, and sattinhe
5111110 mItilO ilyze I 114' (harnitl -
Osic4 of the (Ilsioner to aalt tine
penl 10ils personaality. A pten is
jwroV5Oilil a lid aanaly-Sis of the enls-
toater nd his leculiarities in tile
11s' of thne len is as essentialp as
I- hat the pien shiould be rihit. We
spe ('taliz'inl this-itsi fitting, neW
lciins or relairiaag old ones. We
insist Hit when a customler ent~ers
our Slhop, lie shall he piroluaItly
wiaited onil11nd treited wit h cour-
tesy iad thaat iothaiii but, tile best
mell(imaid iso, hpri(e (considered, finbt
the ladrket afors slitill he offered
aiil what is miost valuabtihle of cill
4'oll Siter-a I iols, that every ar'tic'le
s~fhd shafll phe 0of5suchlquality -aidi
stabilpity tat it, cal11Jbe b.ace(d hV
ou liI lnilrlikers' service guarantee.
Tisis thne only g'tar-antee Alnt
('ounts. If11-ii'siticle is -vvr~lig, 1n
guarantee cair1i1make it righta.
Our selection (if inerclullse is
bached by :I5 years of pen invenlt-
p4~~en1 Selling, plan 11111 IIifavtur-
iit;, aandi pen seI'vicinag. We shld
;oe qunIiil fe to select the mo,(1t per.
ff't i nd h'ast troublesome iner-
c'ilnloise OR for ur 1to111(''S--shalld
we, areG(maliied.
'[ oa(') 11collecie buying' for
four Unaiversity ,Slhops, - e are able

Chess anid Checker meets

At Both Ends of the Diagonal 'Walk

to se'dlre "roc k bottom" prices and
fair tr4 atallolt from the largest and
h. eta in ifactuarers. We handle
anly the better makes and put our
effort back of the "select" of the
J oter maakes. The pens1 which re.
tjdre tihe least repairing and give
floe greatest service are the ones
Ire strongly paash1.
Mr. Rider" has invenited many
foitlmtainl 11 ns but retains for him.
self the Rider Mlasterpen only. be-
('a111e0of its wond(erfu~l writing
(J iaalit y, large ink capacity and anu-
equaled dorablility.
All wor'k turned oust by Rider's
Pen Shop conites untder his direct
, upei'visioni, and he demuands that
wail worl:Iturnled out shall be done
by assistaints who are as well qual-
ified for their respective tasks as
a. phiysician after he has had his
51)ecializedl trainiing and finished
htis Iiterni work.
'Ihcre are state laws to protect
yoII r body fromt inexperienced,
practitoners, hunt11o law excepting
floc laiw of Comminon sense to pro.
tet yonr' penl.
You have been most liberal In
yotiril patronage of our Shiop. This
t'at sipeaks for itself, boat with
4' lpictes sellinig pens5 illAnn
A rhll', t e bogy iaanmay get you
if yoga don't watch out. Ours is
tae specialized Pent Shop and the
1Immvrinty of Michigan is eanpha-
s imimu'tiem- ldvaliatag~ae of such spe-
eialization by dividing its training
into so mianiy 41 ,pat velnts.
We fliank youi for your liberal
a4'lizmge of the piastamnd promise
tea ((054a' it i;for thle future.

State Street

C;eorg e H. Annable, Jr.
V. Carl Bauer
Joh n 11. Bobrink
5 . . Cox
Ilarion A. Daniel
1\1lary Finterman
}JameslR. IDePuy
Stan (Gilbert
T. Kenneth Haven
I laroid Ilohnes
Oscar A. Jose
Frank Mvosher

F.. A. Norquist
L~oleta G. Parker
1aI Paidlerrot
Robert Prentiss.
Win. C. Pusch
Joseph 17. Ryan
Stewart Sinclair
Aance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
N'Win J. Weinman
Rvla rgaret Smith
Sidney Wilson

SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1926
Might Editor-SMNITHI-1. 'CADY, ,JR.}
P ew committees appointed for in-
vestigational purposes ever make anyj
report that lends material benefit to
an organization, but with the an-
nouncenient yest erdlay that President
Clarence Cook Little had named cer-
tain students amid faculty mlembers to
cooperate in considering the present
examination, grading, and honor sys-
temns, it was indicated that for once
the traditional rule of "committee for
committee's sake" has been violated.
With aln opportunity to make dlefi-
nite recommendations which will bet-
ter thme existinmg systems, the committee
has a real duty to perform. It is cer-
tain that changes should he made,I
that more advanced and np)-to-date.
methods will eventually be adopted,
but it remains to be seen 'whether our
educational system is human enoughI
and our students of sufficient generals
mentality and culture to undergo suc-'
(oe 1,4ully a change from the antiquat-1'
ed inellods.of grading and conductinga
It is questionable whether written!
examinations, as they are given now,
really disclose the student's worth.
President Little, speaking of the writ- ;
ton'i examination in his inaugural ad-
dress, called it "another refined ill-
utrunment of tortumre." "A written ex-1
almni ion," he went on to say, "is!
usually the amount of informationl
ANhich can, undler unnatural conditions t
c'autsedI by nervousmness, be unloadled
n legibile form by the student within t
a limnite'd periodi of time." In thisI
saatement, President Little showedI
his di,'trust of the present system'sf
value. S
Tfhe President also gave his opinion I
cA' time grading system inl the same!
addlress, when he said, "The result is;t
then numbered and handed in to be
corrected by a group of men, central- c
7y located, whose chief' recomnenda-c
tlion is familiarity with the -process
(f grading on a mathematical scalei
the written agony of tihe students1
whom they do not know."1
The evils of the present system aret
voiced in thme President's statemnents,j3
and there is little doubt as to1
thme need for some newescheme. TheN
Iproblem of student honesty in exami-i

To the Editor:
The latest (lish of moral enlight- l,
ienment doled out to the embryo ec-'
cliastics of the Michigan School of
Religion comnes in the form of a lec-
ture by one Dr. Galen Fisher, notedl
Orientalist. And what a succulent
Kish it was. Here are the high lights
of the lecture as reported by The
IDaily of March 12:
"Uncle Sam is marked down in'
Japan's books as a boor," said Dr.j
Galen Fisher of New York City, noted1
Orientalist.. "The recent Immigration I
Act was passedl without consulting
Japan, thus breaking the gentlemen's
agreement initiated ill 1907-08 lby
President Roosevelt'. Only war could
justify such a treatment of another
Thus does another self-appointed
harmonizer surreptitiously approach
the unsuspecting campus and give
Svent to his platitudinous ,yodel. Thea
pros and cons of our immigration~
problem have been tile comnmonl
Sknowledge of intelligent p~eople for aI
number of years. Only the unenlight-
ened could fail to percieve that this
problem, settled by Congress with ad-t
imirable dispatch ill 1924, presented;
aspects that were quite incomiprehen-1
fsible to tile near-sighted Roosevelt.
The flare of Japan's ambassador, conm-

Little Lady ill the('horUns i
gesture, now and again , with her
mouth. She has black hair-the}
skirts stop above the knee---and a
style about her that makes time gentle-
men squirm.
GFurther (down the same line is a
peroxide blonde who smiles. ThisI
year they are largely cutting out tihe
idea of girls as men, with forms that
somehow cannot fit tuxedos, anti ex-j
ploiting them plainly for their own
appeal-girls as ladies of the ensem-
ble. . . . Wthat should a boy do when
a' peroxide blonde smiles so lushly?
I may be mistaken, but I keep on
feeling that somehow they have the
right idea over there, and that some-I
how the revue of four hundred fashion
parades is quite wrong. The chair-'
man can tell you the girls hlave muade
the costumes =themselves-a few of
theirs look every stitch of their paper-
cambric-but the total effect is satis-I
fying, it smacks of college.
The tunes, from tile few I have
heard, are of the merry-merry school
fromn "No, No, Nanette!" andI "Char-

Visit Our Opticaml DThrtimt
Pathls on snIowVforme ice and 4kill
all gra, ,s roots beneath. Please
don't mnake or use such paths.





.1y 1
" .t
' ,t
yy. .. .
' 1

- -,

Z'S-)U P DAY AF TE ICON - at the
t a+sTdgp.
fir; k ; .. 7 f k i P.
Ire .
f U, M

q . "^,- p


Real Danc e Music
"Norm" Gilmore's Garden Orchestra
Playing, for dinner dancing at Chinese Gardens.

For Dance Engagements

Dial 6381

place-or lack of it-ill the home, and lot's." I suspect that the whole at-
thle wildness, impudence, and general mosphere, when the production is
orneriness of the younger generation pieced together, will amount to thlat
of 1898. same' infectious enthusiasm; nothing

Can't something be done about this
sinister Force that is gradually de-
stroying that most sacred of all in-
situtions, as I said above, marriage?
Why ,not write to Reverend John

in~g as it did imn the form of an intimi-' Roach Straton who is always willing
dating admonition to our Congress, to improve other people's m~orals, or
was all that was necessary to assureE the Society for the Suppression of
thme passing of the Immigration Bill Vice or tile Methlodist Board of ,Pro-
without Japamn's consent. Congress{ hibition, Temperance and Public
has never yet found it necessary to Morals, or even, as a last resort, to
get Japan's consent to American leg- the Society for the Prevention of!
fislation. I Cruelty to Animals? But something
The United States, as does Aims- must be done about it.
tralia, realizes that it is nmomre desir- My own part, I am bound to admit,
able to admit Caucasians who will is going to be one of vocal passive-
blendl into the Anlerican mlake-up1 ness (or passive vocalization, you
than it is to admit Asiatics who never may take your choice.) It will be
will. It is merely _a problem in na-! limited to providing ,miyself with front.
tional eugenmics. The Immigration row seats at each of these shows to
B~ill was passed by mlen who are cog- see if nmatters are as b~ad as I think
nizant of the racial piroblemn as it af- 1 they are.
fects the United States. For once, it! YIF \IF.
was unheedful of the sentimental js "
prattling of lecturers and propagand- THEN THlE ANTARCTIC
ists of time International Brotherhood ! Mr. Stefansson, according to report,
type ,whlo still believe that all immi- lectured Friday night on ab(Vishing time
grants can be assimilated "regardless Arctic, and a Daily headline gives
of race, color, or previous condition him credit for already having (lone
of servitude."I so. Over his picture we read, "Abol-
To this great body of noisy illiteratii ishes Arctic." Personally we doubt
no diouhbt belongslDr. Fisher, recentj whether he meant that to be taken
lecturer at the Michigan School of Re- literally. but even if he had, it seems'
ligion. Great believers they are, in a rather bold thling to do. If the
the admission of black, brown, and;i Arctic were abolished, some one~ else
yellow races into time Unitedl States,! would soon go and abolish the An-
but I wonder if these brothmerly souls tarctic, for the current trend is to go
would1 be as tolerant as to admiit themn south anyway. Then when both tihe
into their families. And yet, the coin- Arctic and Antarctic were completely

especially elaborate or extravagant.
but young and happy and milk--fed. If
only tile linies are decent .
There is left a specialty dance-
IPlerrot amld Pierrette, but beautifully
done-and a Russian peasant nunmber,
ja comnedy song called "WNork," and tile
leading man. There is left the pro-
duction as a whole, when it finally
opens a week from Tuesday. :No
prophecies before ladies-what aim
4epigram !
-R. B. IH.
* s *
The Matinee Musicale will present
an all-Russian p'rogranm with Maud
Okkelberg and Eunice Northrup as
soloists Wednesday afternoon, March
17, in the Michigan Union ball-room
at three-thirty o'clock.
The program is as follows:
The Morn is Risen.... .Rachmuaninoff
The Isle .............. Rachmaninoff
God Took From Me ?line A.l....
In the Silence of Night.Rachniainoff
Eunice Nomrthrup
Sonata-Ballade, Op. 27.... 1M4dtner
Introduzione e Finale
M~aud Okkelbergj
s* s !
Oscar Wilde's "Lady Windenmere'sI1
Fan" has been made into an extra-
ordlinary picture bly Ernest Lubitsch,1
along with von Stroheim the greatest.
director in the industry. This film
was votedrl nmono'the hce tetn n1iturn I

Compare the work you get fromt many
shops withl the Clean1, Odorless, Sani.
itary I'is hed work ycu get at the
Factory Hat Store.
Look at your hat after we have,
cleaned it-I
It does not have a grimy look!
(Due to the proper cleanming
wve accomplish.)
It does not shimne'
(Due to the dull, fine finish r
we always attain.)
It does not have an odor!
(Our (deodorizin~g removes
this r'epulsive and
unsanitary sumell)
The sweat hand is unblemishied
a mid intact!
(Our workmon take especial
pains not to b~urn or crack
the hat baud in pressing.)
Pay a little more and have your hat'

ra n S.

From eight to ten *every Wednesday
night there is dancing at GRAN-
GER'S. Judging from its popularity,
thais mid-week dance fills a real de-
mand among the student body. If
you have ever attended one, you will
'know that these dances are just like
the longer dances on Friday or Satur-

day ights. The music is,
furnished by Granger's Big
chestra endler the direction

as usual,
Ten Or-
of Jack


over right-have it clean, odor-!
sanitar'y and finishetd like a new'
We (10 only high class work!

I Dancing

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