THE MICIIIG1'xN. AII- FACE 1, FVV"lJ _ .. ...s w r _ . ..._ -' TI*I MI~IGAN DAJX PAF; lV,. U~I~ I~Rr~pan ~it~NOTICE la tiif i Frd - bu rt to 10 j PRESSING-Unquestionably the best pressing service in town. Try us If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie Once. Cheer-Up Wahl, 328 So. Main. the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, acid your want ad tf will be charged. _____________________ The Michigan Daily reserves the right to Y classify all want ads under appropriate hcad- Pairagon Ladies Tailoring Co. j inugs and to revise or withhold objectionable COPY. Made to measure Spring Coats This, column closes at 3 P. 11. date preced-; ing publication. Notice of any error must be Samples on display at City Pastry given in time for the second insertion. Shop, 516 East Liberty St CASH RATES kindly Call and Look Them Over Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of Sales Mgr. Will Receive Orders can five average Words to the line) for one 'or two Mar'ch 15 and 16th. 22-231 insertions.? Nine cents Per reading line for three or more- insertions.Fiecso talrdcoh ,inI Cash classifieds received at the Daily office Fiecso talrd lthin in The Press Building on Maynard Street.; dividual fit, best workmanship, cor- CONTRACT RATES; rect style, suit $35.00 and up. Albert Special standardized rates given on appli,~a- G ,ansle, 118 V. Washington. tf __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ' NOTICE, T .j E Arnold's State St. Jeweler Is now carrying a complete tine of fountain pens-all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need, comjDi and see us, we can satisfy you S Arnolds State St. J e-ieler 302 S. State St. it. T .j . t }Rebuilt and second hand of all makesI j bought, sold, rented, exchaji geu, cleaned, repaired and rebijilt. Lalrg- e st stock and best service depart ment in Annr Arbor. 0D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store' 1Dealer: L,. C. Smith & Corona FOR R K .T FOR ]RENT f FORl RENT-2 1 gilt housekeeping FOR RENT-Two large front rooms roc, e veryt king furnished, half; foi light housekeeping, all 'eonven-1 jblock from bus, dial -7 98--729 ' ences. 120 E. Huron St. 22-23. rBrooks. 21-22-2;.- -______ -_ __._ FOR RENT-Apartment furnished or 1 FOR KElNT-W'vaihington llts, 1435-- paritly furnished,3 room and kitch-1 two suites and bath, furnished, enette. Steam heat and private!j 'about seven minutes walk from the; bath. 10313 Packard. Dial 5754. 1 camplus, gentlcmeh pre ferred. 22' t ~ FOR jSALEj O0011 ::NT-~.One 2 room~ suite, one:1 single room, both well furnished. FOR SALE-New B flat tenor saxo- WiS 1l. Jefferson. Dial 8131. # phone, silver plated, gold bell. 21-22-23.' Elmer M yer, 1206 Wright St., offj E ~from Broadway. Dial 6491.# FO)R RENT-New, strictly modlern five 20-21-22. room house, with garage, $55 per = . - - month. Call 3884. 2 1-22-23; FOR SALE-3 tube radio set at a!1 reasonable p.rice, 119 N. Thayer.l FOR RENT--A single room for bulsi- l Dial 21815. 21-22-23j ness girl, or student, two dloors --- _____-- from North University. 236 So. FOR SELF-1924 Ford roadster, in I! Thl~ayer. 20-21-22. !At condition. Call 3610. 221 PAY YOUit sIYisCRipTiON NOI . PAY YOUR SUBS'CR-PTION NOW.J ' a ''.rd"' " "./;5".i/'~ /' /'~",/"./'. . I"./':/". i%9+"".. r'I"'~.. ':r' Juu/ .I"°' . t '".i".I *" Of Vale LOST LOST-A "pair of grey tortoise, shell- rimmed glasses, between Angell Hall and 621 Church St. Dial 7037. Katherine Eaton. 21-221 LOST-Theta Kappa Psi pin, black and -gold, with pearl border. Re- ward. phone 3497. 22-23-24-25-26-27-281 LOST-Pair of shell-rimmed glasses on March 5. Finder please call Darling at 8664. Reward 22-23-24; TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, Lace and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 6535. tu, th, sat.-tf. VICTOR Single Face Red Seal Rec- ords, 3-10 in. records for $1.00; 2-12 ' inch records for $1.00 at Scehaeberle & Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf. We, pay Ihighiest pricey far men's used Clothing, Call 80i40 STUDE1~NTS TAILOR SHOP Car. IN. Univ. and Th~layrL I FOUND Tues, Thur., Fri., tf. FOUND-In Majestic Theatre, a small j purse containing money. Dial Mc-DEIOU FreChcn dies Kenzie, 9461. -12.} served every Sunday, strictly home x prepared food-meals served week NOTICE icdays 11:30 to 2 p. in., Sundays 12 to 2. The best places to eat are home YOU TEN and here. 209 South Ingalls. who -are workig your way through 22-23-24. MONA BEAUTY SITOP 409 E. JEFFERSON. DIAL 22159 j FRENCH MARCEL 75 CENTS-I SOFT WATER SH-AMPOO 50 CENTS1 SP'ECIAL ATTENTION TO HAIR CUTTING EVENING APPOINTMENTS TYPEWVRITING & MIMEOWUPIINO Prom~ptly and neatly done by compe- te nt operators 'at moderate rates.. College work a specialty for aeven- Stoen year~s. # 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, fThe Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. WPANTED WANTED)-Washng .in( ironinug and also curtains laundered. Phone 22388. 22-23-24 WANTFD--Young Women apply atI Foster's Tea Room, 213 S. State St. 22 WANTED-Student washings called for and delivered any day you want it. Flat washing for Frater- nities. Mrs. Baker. Dial 6929. 1 20-21-22 Michigan, or who want to earn some worthwhile side money---- READ) IRIS' We are a wide awake organization and we want the part time services of some high grade, wide awake young man. Ours is not a real estate or peddling proposition but an 'opportunity of real, merit, worthy of your prompt investi- gat ion. Write to-day and tell us of yourself in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeable appointments. Address Box 70, Michigan Dailyj SAMPEL Victor records played by the Univ. of Mich. Band, now beingl demonstrated at SCHAEBERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE, 110 S. Main St. tf. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW'F. LE ARN THE LATEST DANCES of 1923 The Charleston. 1926, .Thie, Merry Widow. Waltz. Adult Classes Every Mtonday and Friday. Fifteen *One-' Hiour Lessons, $6.00. 22 Wuerth Areade TERRACE GARDENK STUDIO For appointment Dial '8328 - ,r ' /I { 01/ PERPETUAL CALENDAR-A magne- I tic arrow finds the day of the week for any dlate. Send 25c ($1 for 5) for this device together with the, (mathematical formula upon whichl it is based and rule for calculating results mentally. A. C. Washburne, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Wed-tf. A. NA SH CO., Golden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and Topcoats $23.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed j Dial 6746 or 9736 ti. LEAVE your order now for the new 1Victor Record. played by the Univ. of iV{iich. Band at Schaeberle and Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf. UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE FURLIISHtERS OF MUSIC IF YOU HAVE A NUMBER FOR PUBLICATION-SEE US 60l1 EAST WILLIJAlIIS ST. 20-21-22-23-24 Special Release on Victor Records- "Dinah" by Senn Goldkette and his Orchestra; "Always" by Geo Olson and his music. Schaeberle & Son, Music House. tf. WANTED)-Young men desirous of making good money selling clothes. Quick selling line at reasonable prices. M. G. Wild, 109 E. Washing- ton. 15-17-20-22-24-27 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Three light housekeep- ing rooms, private bath, all modern improvements. 823 West Washing- ton. Dial 7663. 22-23-24 FOR RENT-Double front room apartment, one block from campus, distinctively furnished in walnut with modern breakfast set. 614 Monroe. Dial 5311. 22-23-24 FOR RENT-Suite, two offices, State Street section. Dial 4931. th-sat-tf. FOR RENT-M~odern apartment 2 blocks from campus. Dial 8507. 21-22-23 FOR RENT-Washtenaw apartments. Three room furnished and unfurn- ished apartments. Dial 21898. 2 1-22-23. ip early Every One * i likesf - !tHere Is the f Old Fashioned Bar D ouble S iren gth Pe oaerm intre e f nuthug a t d G m ' f HAN DY PACK4 Peppermint WhI1L 7' Cler Thru 4 N,, fi } E. i' I ., a SPRI To iA r a 'Ji. / I (, Two }. $3 NO.I and a Si pcoat iSi iouli be haled now. Coals Lby DLR 5-$35 Pants Suits L 5- $45 L fit and L ,se, tile Rest. L ~ttI forthi tile Wl You'll never discover the "best yet" if you stick tot That's why we want you to know these pars characteristics that mnake their clothes hang with an ease and grace never fimahn m de co es Of au you can get clothes like this, but it takes a good custom tailor to make them at a price that would buy two Adler Suits. Furnishings for the Nan Who D~emands 213 East Liberty Street 1N iil I iliiiiiiiiil I A , I iil Iwl iiiillbiiiil! !MA - - - - - r; sirrr. .yrr. rrrrrrrrrrrerr~~:r. .r..s..rrrrrr, .rr°.rirrirrrrr°rr.,v 4 Zuna*Obtwcb services SDETROIT THEATRES fi TH"I5WEEK I r -i i FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State and Washington Streets. REV. ARTHUR W. STALKEB, Pastor DONALD TIfl[ER1AN, MARGARET H. ST~AIR Associate Directors of Student Activities 10:30-Lenten series No. .III. Subject: "Jesus' M1ethiod." ]12:00-:45-Bible Classes at Wesley Hall led by. Dr. Stalker, Mar- garet Stair, and :Donald Timmerman. 6:00-7:00-Wesleyan Guild; meeting at Wesley Hall. Beryl Wright, leader. Subject: "Being Fa Zithsful. 7:00-7: 30-Open House. Light refreshments. 7:30-University service at Hill Auditorium. Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, speaker. Subject: "The Sons of Zion, and the Sons of Greece." DISCIPLES Church of Christ? Corner Hill and Tappan KENNETH B. BOWEN, Minister 821 Packard. Phone 5146. 10 :30-Morning worship. "Chains anid Wings," by the pastor. Stuidenmts 12 :00-Special class - "Father"I Iden. 5:30-Social Hour and Lunch. 6: 30-Forum. Catholic Students' Chapel Willilam and Thompson Sunday Masses 8:00 and 10:00 o'clock Wednesday evening, 7:30 Serinon : "The Church Universal" Rev. Michael P. Blourke, Chaplain First Congregational Church "The Chiurcht of a Thousand Congregational Students" HERBERT ATCHINSON JUMP, Minister E. KNOX MITCHELL, Jr., University Pastor JANET B#EROTH, Director Religious Education 10:45 A. M.-Service of worship. Sermon by Mr. Jump: "Peter." 5:30 P. M.-Student Supper and Fireside Chat: "6Where Shall Wfe Stand on *ar?" Capt. Loulsell of the R. 0. T. C. will present the military policy of the U. S. A. and Prof. Onderdonk the attitude- of the pacifist. 8: 00-Motion picture service. Viola Dana in "ATong Caine Ruth." -6 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron Street Between State and Division B. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, Minister of University Students 10:30-Morning worship. Sermon by Mr. Sayles : "Sonme Things Pros- perity Cannot Do." 12:00-The Church Bible School. Dr. Russell Bunting, superintendent. Special classes for students meet at Guild House, as follows: (a) "Religions values in Old Testamnmt 'Narratives".. .................... Mr. Chapman (b) "The Fulfillnment of Prophecy"..Dr. Leroy Waterman 5:30-The Friendship Hour for Young People. All welcome. 6 :30-Devotional hour. Topic: "Sonmc Aspects of Science an~d Religion." Donald Chapman and Beulah Leathers, leaders. Discussion. ST. PAULS' 1LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets C. A. BRAUER, Minister. 9:00 A. M.-Sermon in German. 10:00 A: M.-Adult Bible Class. 11 :00 A. M\-.-Sermon in E~nglish. The pastor's subject: "The Crtis : Visioni of Glory." 5.:30-7 :30 P. M.Student Club at the parsonage. Rev. A. Wug- of Utica, Mich.., will speak on "Lutheranm Loyalty." 7:30 P. Ml.-Lenten service. Rev. A. Wuggazer will (deliver the sermon. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. and Fifth Ave. E. C. STELLHORN, Pastor. 9:00 A. M.-Bible Study Hour. 10 :30 A. M.-Morning service with sermon by the pastor on: "Our Daily Bread." ..... 5 :30 P. M.-Student fellowship and supper. 6:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Dis- cussion Hour. 7 :30 P. M.-Lenten 'service. 'Sub- ject: "The Prince of Peace Scouirgedl." ' i UNITARIAN CHURCH State Street at Huron SYDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister PHILIPE. LARO WE, Musical Director 10:45 Morning Sermon "TIHE ROMAN CONTRIB TION TO RELIGION" 5:45 Student Suipper 6:30 D}r. Robins will discuss: "MNODE RN RELIGI0i1 G A RR o K Eves. - 504 to $2.50 ARRIC Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00 The Season's Play Sensation Dancing Mothers With Mary Young and John Halliday Nihts 75 to $r.5c Bonstelle Playhouse Mats.shn. and Sat., 50c-750 Woodward at Fllot Tel. Glendale 9792 SECOND AND LAST WEEK The DONSTELLE CO. In Geo, N. Cohan's Comedy-Dramna "THE SONG AND DANCE MN ' Schbrt Iooiin* Lff"~ laettahtO Sat.Mat. 5Oc.-$2.50 Pop.Thurs.Mat. 5oc to $2.00, plus tax, Cad. 8705 I ARCH SELWYN Presents CHARLOTvS REVUE' I OF 1928 With Jack Buchanan. Beatrice Lillie, Gertrude Lawrence and a Brill iant English Company_ AT THlE THEATERS I Today-ScreenI Ard--"The Wanderer," with wit. LwisStone and Anne Q. IWuerth -- "White Man," with Alice Joyce. Today-Stage Garrick (Detroit) -- "Dancing I Mothers," with Mary and John ( Halliday.I Dons telle Playhouse= (Detroit) - I "The Songsand Dance Man." Shubert Lafayette (Detroit) -I ( "Chariot's Revue." I ( New Detroit (Detroit) - "Kid ( Boots," with Eddie Cantor and ( Mary Eaton. -1 ,. I r "-.- t 1 I Corner Division and Catherine Streets FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion (followed by breakfast). 9 :30 A. M.--Student Inquiry Class in the Old1 Chapel. I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Diision St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice, subject : "Substance." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School 'fol- lowing the morning service. BETHLEHEM I3VANGI3LI= CAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Four-th Ave. Between William and Packard G. A. Neumann. Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ituron and Division Streets MERLE H. ANDERSON, Minister LEWIS C. REI )IANN MRS. NELLIE B. CAl) WELL Secretaries for Student Work Offices, Lane Hlal I 'I II I 10 :45-Morning worship. Dr. Anderson will preach. "Thank God! i