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MIVN I\1 T O H O LD Junior Tennis Champion Will
U EYChallenge Helen Wills Soon'
i,versity of Wisconsin's annual
itidoor relays will be held for the
twentieth successive time on Satur-t
day, March 20, at the Badger ath-
letic annex.?
The relays enjoy the distinction of
being. the oldest in the West and Mid-
die West, either indoor or outdoor,
and after organizing in 1906 as an in-
tramural event they underwent a;
sapid growth. Last year, 420 athletes
took part, four high schools and three
academies being represented besides .....
Wisconsin students.
According to the number of entries+
received thus far the meet will see
more competition this year than ever
lbefore. A feature two mile match re- 1
lay between Northwestern and Wis- ,
consin has been added to the list of
The events on the program have
been divided into three groups: spe-
cial track sevents open only to stu-. :
dents of the university, including 40+
yard dash, 40 yard high hurdles, shot
put, pole vault, high jump; academy
special events, 40 yard dash, high
jump, and shot put
An inter-company and the special
university match will complete the
Phi Kappa Sigma
Takes Title In
Fraternity Relay
After defeating Phi Kappa in the
ismi-finals of the interfraternity re-
EghhI Year Tourney hes BeenU 11l lays, Phi Kappa Sigma downed theI
Her,, First, inler State Kappa Sigma team for the champion-
Superisioni shi) in a race held Thursday night at
--- Waterman gymnasium. '
CLASSES A AND D HERE I A team coniposed of Falehoner, Mil-
1ler, hickman, and Flynn, ran thO four
laps in :1 8-10 seconds which was
Interscholastic basket' ,,"(,omi Utmeti- 1i-10 seconds faster than the time of
tion for classes A and D. . i a un- the Kappa Sigma team.-
der way on Thursday, March 25, at!
Waterman gymnasium and will contin- In the second round of the inttwdsr
ue until March 27. t ernity volley ball tourney playel
Thursday night, Phi Sigma Delta de-
This tournament marks the eightih feated Phi Beta Delta, Tal Elpilon
successive year in which the tourna- Phi won from Phi Kappa Tan, an d
ment has been held here, but it is the Alpha Rho Chi downed Delta Cli.
first year in which the meet. will be __
run under state supervision. Phi Kappa Sigma lost to Theta Xi
Last year the B and C tournament in a class A basketball game while
was held here with tihe A and D class- Phi Chi lost to Sigma Alpha Mu in
es playing at Michigan State, and this the same league. Beta Theta Pi won
year the teams have been reversed. from Kappa .Nu. Summaries of the
In the state of Michigan there will other class B basketball games fol-
be 27 districts holding similar tourn- low: Phi Lambda Kappa 11, Phi (am-
eys, but there will he no competition ma Delta 9; Sigma Pi 21, Alpha Kap-
to decide the state chaipionship. 'aIanbda 12- Phi Sigma Kappa14,
Although the entries have not closed I;it Lambda ; mPhi Epsilon 15, Al-
it is expected that each group will pha'TateOmega 2; Delta Phi for
be made uh of about eight teams.h feited to Beta 2Theta Pi.
Since the elimination basis is usedl
throughout, a team must go through
its gmsudtae no'lr1 Nor thern Lights, eliminated the Ar-
the tames undfeatiein. order to will emlia Independents in the independent
Sturg hi school won t he class league when they won easilyr 36-17.
is ya y nE' lozos Five was beaten by the Night
B title last year by defeating thlie ~l hawks 21 to 10. The Arcs will meet
Linden team 36-25 in the final game. th Night Hawks Monday night to e-
In the other class St. Mary's school,'teigt Hawks on n t d
Jackson, defeated Three Oaks 2>-22tide the championship.
for the championship. , Senior engineers defeated the jun-
Fisher Holds Enviable Record
As Baseball Coach At Michigan
Ray Fisher, Varsity baseball coach I [seen his team in the rinner-up posi-
for the past five seasons, not only has tion. Last year, the records show,
An enviable record at Michigan but is was his poorest .year, the Varsity
well known as a former major league landing in fourth pluce only half a
pitcher. game to the rear of the third place
Fisher opened his big league career 'teat
with the New York Yankees in the Coach Fisher had spoke of his last
fall of 1909. He remained with themyn
until 1917 when he went into servic. year s nine asr t n exellent team.
# There were two amn11 illt;articulaxr
After being out of baseball for a where the breaks seeme(d to he against
year, he was traded to the Cincinnati them. On these occasions, tre oppos-
Relds in the spring of 1919. During ing teams managed to get only four
that campaign Fisher had a very sue- and one hit respectively, the latter
cessful season materially aiding the being in the nature of a scratch.
Reds in winning the National league
pennant by his record of 11 wins an I
only 5 losses. Fisher also finished in
the first five in the n i.mlber of earnedi M EASUIEMIATS FOR Cf()WN
runs scored off of him. He stayedT N
with Cincinnati until the spring train- I Ay
ing trip of 1921 wvhen he caine to Mich-I All senior men. may now be
igan. enmeasured for gowns at Moe's
Snce assuming his duties as Wolver- Sport shop, North University
ine coach, he has brought Michigan avenue. All orders must be
two Western Conference champio- placed by March 20.
ships, and on two other occasions has
(Continued from Page One)
200 yard breast stroke: Purdy, Min-
nesota, first; Kratz, Wisconsin, sec-
ond; Shorr, Michigan, third. TimeI
2:eat 2.-Carter, Iowa, first; Wit-
tingham, Michigan, second. Time
50 yard semi-finals: First heat-j
Darnall, Michigan, first; Manovitz,,
Northwestern, second. Time :24.8 I
Second heat-Herschberger, Wiscon-
sin, first; Sam Hill, Minnesota, see-
ond. Time :24.4
440 yard swim. First heat-Samson,.
MVichigan, first; Druiding, Northwest-
ern, second; Davenport, Purdue, third.
Time 5:44., Second heat-Lambert,
Iowa, first; Dunakin, Michigan, sec-
ond. Time 5:44.1.
150 yard bock stroke. First heat-1
J. Hill, Minnesota, first; J. Halsted,
Michigan, second; Batter, Michigan,'
third. Time 1:52.1. Second heat-R.r
Halsted, Michigan, first; Bonnell,I
Northwestern, second. Time 2:01.3.
100 yard swim. First heat-Moodyj
Minnesota, first; McClintock, Iowa,
second. Time :57.5 Second heat-
Darnall, Michigan, and Sam Hill, Min-
nesota, tied for first; Dithmer, Purdue,1
third. Time :56.2.,
Fancy diving. Qualifiers: Harrison,
Michigan;- Starret, Michigan; Ratcliff,,
Wisconsin; Carter, Minnesota; O'-
Brien, Illinois; Simpkens, Wisconsin.
220 yard swim. First heat-Samson,1
Michigan, first; Moody, Minnesota, sec-
ond. Time 2:32.3. Second heat-Cor-
bett, Northwestern, first; Dithmer,
Purdue, second; Dunakin, Michigan,
third. Time 2:31.7.
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When Helen Wills returns from Europe, with or without all of the
championships she hoped to attain, she will find a neighbor ready to chal-
lenge her supremacy among the United States tennis stars. Helen Jacots,
California national junior champion, is training now to meet her friend.
Purdue Receives
Medals For Meet
LAFAYETTE Ind., March -11.-
Three championship placques and c
host of medals for individual winners
have been received by M. L. Clevett,
assistant director of athletics at Pury
due, to be awarded at the annual
wrestling, fencing, and gymnastic
meeting of the Big Ten at Purdue,
Several huge score boards are ready
to put into place to inform spectator s
of the progress of the team, and a
battery of adding machines are ready
to be manipulated by a corps of ex-
perts to keep track of the gymnastic'
teams' scores.
300 yard medley relay. Firstieat-
Minnesota first; Northwestern second.
Time 3:24.7 Second heat-Wisconsin,
first; Michigan second. Time 3:27.3.
The Michigan Union swimming pool,
which was completed last May at a
cost of $50,000, is one of the finest in
the country. Many authorities haveI
voiced favorable comment concerning
the effective ,filtering system as well
as the construction of the pool itself.
The pool is slightly larger than
those at Evanston and Chicago, where
the Conference meets have formerly
been held. It is 75 feet long, 25 feet
wide, and varies from two to eight
and one-half feet in depth.
LUDINGTON, Mich. - No comment
has been made here on the ruling of
Lansing officials that all members of
last year's Ludington high school team
shall be barred from all future ama-
teur athletics on the grounds of pro-
MADISON, Wis. - The University
of Wisconsin Athletic department to-
day announced the appointment of
Eddie Ascenbrenner, former Varsity
catcher, as an assistant in the physi-
cal education department.
Ralph Greenleaf, billiardl king,
will appear in a straight pool
exhibition on Saturday, March
20, at the Union billiard room.
He will appear in two exhib-
itions, one in the afternoon and
one in the evening. Greenleaf
held the pocket billiard chamn-
pionship from 1919 to 1925 and
during that time established
several high run records.
ior hits 18-10, in an interclass game
which was one of the deciding con-
tests for the interclass championshi).
MELBOURNE, Aus.- The Austra-
lan lawn tennis authorities have de-
cided not to compete for the Davis
cup this year. The decision is due to
the depleted finances of the LawnI
Tennis association and the fact that
neither J. O. Anderson nor Gerald
L. Patterson is available for an ep-
tended overseas trip.
LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Two hundred
and eight athletes have been entered
in the annual Western Conference
'Wrestling, Gymnastic and Fencing
meets which will be held at Purdue
c LONDON.-The army estimates show
a net decrease of 2,000,000 pounds from
those of last year.
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